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Paranoia Time, or . . .


Senior Registered
Suddenly G-men show up in the middle of nowhere and shut down an innocuous scientific facility--a solar observatory--because of a "security issue" . . . uhhhh. Really. What is going on here? Your guess is as good as mine. This is all too much like the beginning of a "B" movie. Some stories:




Most likely we will soon get a more "developed" story from the government in due course. Just like whatever happened at Roswell, we will find out from our betters that it was just "weather balloons" or the like. What's your take on this?

Hi Briski,

The other "scary" alternative is that ET is finally planning to pay a visit. This whole scenario kinda takes me back to the old Spielburg movie starring Richard Dreyfus, except there is no allegation of a train spilling nerve gas being used to evacuate the general public. (Plus, no cool music, etc.)

However, the article below provides a lot more detail on a fascinating facility and what may actually be going on:



PS--Though James Bond stuff may not be as exciting as earth destroying solar flares or an alien armada, I'd definitely prefer the former by a long shot.
I believe there are no ETs / aliens (in the classical sense of physical extraterrestrial beings) visiting now, or observing now, the Earth. Surely, statistically, in an infinite Universe, the probability of the existence of other sentient beings is "1" (100%). :)
I do believe we are surounded by so called visitors. I’ve seen a lot (I mean countless) ufo’s in some time period. Others could see them as well, it was not illusion.
That was ten years ago. I think it was a little bit more than six months and than it stopped and haven’t seen anything ever since.
Hi Baro-san,

OK. However, I have to say that his crazy is definitely not my crazy.

To each his own I suppose. o_O

My two cents, it's more than likely they observed some sort of military aircraft. The region is notorious for UFO sightings. I personally don't think it's a coincidence that they're all located next to airbases either.

The UK rags are notorious for disinformation and sensationalization!

We'll end up finding out that someone there was on a terrorist watch list or was committing some kind of embezzlement, probably lol

A lot of the solar flare stuff also depends on if the earth is in the path of the storm as well..
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A "Convergence of Catastrophes", some call it. Engineered. Why? Look up the Georgia Guidestones. It is also called Agenda 21 by the UN. Quite literally turning earth into a giant death zone while the 'elite' (((I am being very diplomatic, since I know exactly who they are, while others seem confused and get angry when anyone says it out loud))) hunkers down in Deep Underground Military Bases. So called "DUMBs". For example in Switzerland and the U.S.

Oil is another piece of the puzzle. Immigration (destroying societal cohesion and adding a heavy burden to the backs of once-homogenous and highly functional countries in order to set up for civil war over resources in the midst of chaos to add stone to burden)... Every single thing that is happening right now is aimed at killing as many commoners as possible. Especially killing the Western World. They have also dismantled all forms of preparedness. There are very few working bomb/nuclear shelters. No food, medicine or fuel reserves. Nothing. Birth control is in the drinking water as well as fluoride, phthalates and tons of other harmful chemicals aimed to make us all sterile. It is in the food we all more or less have to eat, too. It makes us too sick and tired to make us very effective at resisting.

Yet most docile grass-chewers seem to think we live in The Good Times. It is all an illusion and the poor idiots will wake up one day, when it is far too late to prepare for what is coming. And they will likely die for it.
Hi Ritter,

So many things going on seem intended to radically diminish the number of humans alive in the not too distant future. At least those in Western societies. I'll skip the social changes that are disrupting and/or discouraging the bearing and rearing of children. That type of discussion is too controversial for anything but PMs. However, the chemicals in the ecosystem working to sterilize us are especially spooky. No one seems to take too much notice, as we've been conditioned to believe the world is over-crowded and needs to have far fewer people. Of course, the ones who are most likely to think that live stuffed like sardines in a can in the big cities. Getting back to the open spaces again seems to cure a lot of delusions associated with the hive mentality that breeds in over-crowded urban environments.

No one seems to take too much notice, as we've been conditioned to believe the world is over-crowded and needs to have far fewer people.
There are several things that are becoming recognized in quite a few areas that are going to be hard to rectify, one is the contamination of our oceans and the even more pressing water problem shown here.
Hi Ritter,

So many things going on seem intended to radically diminish the number of humans alive in the not too distant future. At least those in Western societies. I'll skip the social changes that are disrupting and/or discouraging the bearing and rearing of children. That type of discussion is too controversial for anything but PMs. However, the chemicals in the ecosystem working to sterilize us are especially spooky. No one seems to take too much notice, as we've been conditioned to believe the world is over-crowded and needs to have far fewer people. Of course, the ones who are most likely to think that live stuffed like sardines in a can in the big cities. Getting back to the open spaces again seems to cure a lot of delusions associated with the hive mentality that breeds in over-crowded urban environments.

I think the Earth is an entity that self regulates, like a human body.
Another area which is difficult to rectify is destruction of habitat for both wildlife and vegetation. Also included here is the natural habitat of various native peoples throughout the world. Once natural habitat has been removed, it won't easily return, not least because the land is repurposed for agriculture, human habitation and industry, making it unavailable for any natural regeneration which might otherwise have been possible.
There are several things that are becoming recognized in quite a few areas that are going to be hard to rectify, one is the contamination of our oceans and the even more pressing water problem shown here.

Yeah. And I believe too that the planet does self-regulate. Like the reindeer on St. Matthew's island. Too many individuals in too small a space. Resources are limited and there is a ceiling. But I do not share the vision of the 'Elite' about who ought to survive this ordeal. I think the bankers and other vermin should die with the terrible dystopian world they created. I am sad for the vast multitude who did not particularly deserve it, though. But I hope the future, regardless of what happens, is more ecological and that mostly good, regular and freedom-loving people survive to repopulate the planet.