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Son remembers death in the Navy (Shark)


New Member

I only recently found this site. I am hoping someone can give me some input on how to help my son. I am currently reading Carol's book about Children's past lives, my mother bought it for me and my husband, and herself to read. Thank God.

Since my son could talk, he has told about a "when I worked on the ship". He was always very excited about palm trees and ships-? (we live in PA). At the age of two he often spoke of "working on the pipes on the boat" - while in the bathtub. Over time, he spoke of being in the Navy, "the 'old' Navy, not when Dad was in" (his dad was in the Navy- did NOT work on pipes, and was stationed in the Mediterranean - not the Pacific). He has given us detailed accounts of a ship...the colors it was painted the colors of tile, etc.

Over time, he has told me, my husband, my father, my mother, OVER and over again about how he was in the Navy, he was in Hawaii, a spider bit his wrist but he was ok, He went to China, and then he was in a small boat outside the ship and a shark came out of nowhere and bit him up and he was so surprised by that and he wasn't sure, but he thinks the mom of his kids was already "died" and he hopes his kids got a new mom and dad. He says "then I went to heaven, and it is very, very beautiful and then I got shrinked little and came into your belly and here I am!".

I've never disagreed with him and I've never probed, or asked questions. I do believe in reincarnation so I just took it all in stride and thought it was interesting and that someday when he didn't remember anymore, and was grown, it would interesting to see what he said when we told him his memories. My husband, on the other hand, had been very sure that past life beliefs were nonsense - until now. Now he is certain that our son is remembering and having emotional/spiritual issues because of his past life.

At 16 months, my son had double hernia surgery. He is now, at almost 5 years old, in play therapy because he is suffering from severe anxiety. In the first 2 sessions of play therapy he was acting out his surgery. He had a hospitalization last year that just sent him over the edge emotionally, and we could not figure out what was going on. He flat out told us to "never, ever talk about the hospital." So we knew something was wrong. He was playing out his hernia surgery with me recently and got out a toy saw from his toy tool box and was 'sawing' at my abdomen. When I commented that they don't do that for hernia surgery he commented, "oh yeah? Well that's how it feels when a shark bites your belly! THAT I know."

His anxiety is causing such behavior issues that we need to have him assessed for the usual stuff when kids aren't quite "normal" before he starts school in the fall...autism spectrum, ADD, OCD, SPD etc. Each new specialist he sees says he just doesn't quite fit into any of those categories, and they aren't sure what is going on. My son never talks about his "before I came here" story to the shrinks, oddly enough.

I finally told the play therapist that he talks daily about his previous life which ended in a shark attack when she asked me what I think the shark puppet that he plays with frequently at therapy could represent. I don't think she expected that to be my response! She asked me if we were buddhist (we aren't) or were we raising him 'traditional Christian". I told her that is irrelevant, and I'm not going to teach him that his reality is incorrect, when as far as I know, it very well could be correct. And I think she has now written us off as new age weirdos. I can just imagine her report to the school. :confused:

Until the last hospitalization...my son was completely normal at every well baby/child check up and advanced in his verbal skills and development. The school district early intervention team even gave him 'on track" or "above average" for every single developmental assessment - just 3 months ago.

He started having almost daily, even multiple times per day (nap time and more than once overnight) sleep terrors not long after his hernia surgery. He still has them on occasion and frequently has bad dreams that he will not discuss and calls for me or his dad in the middle of the night probably 4 times per week, at least. Every professional who sees him says his anxiety is high, but can't quite figure out why. I took him to a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor (acutally 2 of them in the same practice), and he opened right up to them about his past life (he seems to intuitively know who he can talk to and who he can't - not all the time, but most of the time.) After hearing him talk, they said his soul is not settled here and they did an acupuncture treatment to help with emotional trauma. He agreed to the treatment because he wanted to stop "fretting about things", and had seen me get acupuncture before and knew it wouldn't be painful. It has helped some, but I don't want him to have to continue with needles - he's not totally comfortable with it.

How can we help him come to terms with all this? My husband - the skeptic- is adamant that our son's issues stem from the past life stuff, and that we can't resolve anything going on now, until THAT is first addressed. I always believed my son when he talked about his past life, but until I started reading Carol's book, it never dawned on me that his past life could be affecting him, emotionally, in this life. Cell memory I understood, but not the psychological aspect. So - now I see that we have to do something to help him. Can somebody please tell me WHAT do we DO?

Thank you for taking the time to read this and any input you may have.

Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your son's story. I'm sorry to hear about his anxiety problems, but I think you are already doing the right thing by being there for him and letting him talk about his pastlife memories.

Whenever he appears to be anxious about his past life, try to reassure him that it was all in the past, in another lifetime, and that he is now safe with a family who loves him, and who are going to let no harm come to him.

Most children forget their pastlife memories by the age of 7, and with your understanding and love, your son should come out of this unscathed.

Perhaps you will find this thread useful to read, it contains a good article called Advice For Parents of Children Who Claim to Remember Previous Lives.

Stick around and read through some of the other threads in the Children's section, by other parents in similar situation to yourself. I'm sure others here can give you better advice.

Good luck to you and your son, and please let us know how you get on.

Chris - :)
Hi Lisa,

I know this is a scary time. I was in your shoes just 2 years ago. My son was mauled by a large cat animal in his previous life. He will be 8 next month and he has almost completely stopped talking about it.

Last school year, he was diagnosed with ADD.

These are the things we tried that at least helped:

We paid $400 to take him to see an educational psychologist and have him tested. These tests are very extensive and are more complete than the tests you can get from the school psychologist. It was worth every penny. You also find out their IQ, strengths etc.

We had him draw what he was having nightmares about. Deborah suggested this and maybe she will weigh in and explain it to you like she did to me. This really helped us.

I talked to him while he was asleep and told him that we were his parents now, he is safe, we love him etc.

My son had extreme sleep issues also with falling asleep and waking up. I researched Melatonin (can be found at most health food stores in liquid form) and learned that it is totally safe. You give it to the child about an hour before their bed time and they go to sleep and stay asleep.

We give him Omega 3's (fish oil) for kids as well as Juice PLus (a vitamin) and I think both of these just fortify his body and brain to function as well as it can despite the other internal distractions of past life recall. We also took out as many food dyes as we could from his diet for the same reason.

We involved the school counselor. Fortunately, she believes in past lives. She sees him individually on occasion and she also has him in a boys group where they learn impulse control, teamwork etc. She told us, before I told her about the past life stuff, that our son seemed to be distracted by internal thoughts. Not sad, depressing thoughts, just thoughts that distracted him. This is when we told her about the past life stuff he said and she told us she had seen this before. Plus, our son told us at this time, that he could hear what other people were thinking. That's bound to be distracting.

I kept notes on the things he said. There are things that you forget that may hold some kind of key. Re-read the notes especially when he brings up new memories.

I read a lot of books on this subject and I also saw a psychic that filled in some missing pieces.

On Carol's advice, we did not have him regressed. That is why I went to the psychic without him.

I came right out and told my son that his memories were from a past life and he lives with us now, is safe etc. This helped a lot.

Right now, it doesn't seem like it but they do begin to forget. My son going to school helped a lot because it grounds them and they get more entrenched in this life, make friends etc which is necesary for them to move on and grow. My son doesn't have just flat out memories any more but he does very occasionally have dreams that are past life related. He usually recognizes them for what they are and doesn't have the past life related anxiety any more when he does dream.

Sorry for the book length. You can send me a private message if you want. I probably should have sent you one.

Hi Lisa,

No doubt in my mind you have a real past life situation on your hands. It sounds like the hernia surgery triggered memories of the shark attack and all the fears/anxieties that go along with that. Your son is very fortunate to have a mom who is supportive and caring and open to all the possibilities. :thumbsup:

As for ways to help him through the rough spots... I am a big believer in acupuncture (I lived in Japan for 3 years and had great experiences with it there), but I can understand how that might be tough for a 5 year old to deal with. I have recently discovered a new variety of therapy based on the acupuncture meridians, that works especially well for emotional issues. It is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and it basically involves holding the problem in your mind while tapping on certain acupuncture points. No needles. I've just started learning about it but have had very good results using it for my 7 year old daughter's anxiety problems. I have heard quite a few anecdotal reports of people using this technique to successfully address past life trauma, which is why I am mentioning it here. I think this could be especially useful for a child because there is no need to "work through" or relive the traumatic memories as in traditional therapy. It works directly on the energy meridians. You can get the basic information about it at www.emofree.com including free information on how to do it yourself. They also have very inexpensive DVDs you can buy to see how it is done (they aren't in it for the money, they expressly allow anyone who purchases the DVDs to make up to 100 copies to give away). Also, there are now a lot of licensed therapists who have incorporated EFT into their practices; if you could find one in your area that deals with kids, this might be a better alternative than the mainstream therapist he has now. (Chances are, someone who does EFT would not scoff at past life memories).

Best of luck!

Hi Lisa welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing your son's story with us I am sorry to hear he is having a difficult time.

Kind Regards

HI Lisa,

Welcome to the forum. May I suggest that you contact Carol directly? Based on what you have posted - it seems your son is having memories that are affecting him emotionally and physically. Carol would be able to best advise you on what to do, and how to handle the situation. She can be reached by e-mail or phone. Carol prefers email: carol@carolbowman.com but if you do not hear from her then call 610-566-3870.

Please let us know if you need assistance contacting her or looking for information and resources. That is why we are here after all. ;)
Hello Lisa and welcome - thank you for sharing your son's story.

I also suggest you contact Carol directly. Vicky gave you some very good advice, too. It would be nice to hear how things tunr out in the future. I'm sure it'll get better! :thumbsup:

Good luck with everything!

Thank you


Thank you for your quick and kindly response. It is hard enough to watch your child suffer, and it is helpful to know that someone, somewhere, removed from the situation can "see" what we do.

Thank you, again.

Lisa and family.
I wish I could say we have not tried all that...


I'll email you with any more questions, thanks for the input.

It is nice to hear that someone has been through it. In my area, the quote I got for a psychoeducational eval runs around $2,000 - I can't find anyone who will do it without cash up front - no one seems to take insurance, payment plans, credit cards. If it were $400, I would do it ASAP.

My son will no longer draw, color, write. He says it is "too hard". He LOVED to draw and paint until recently. I've been doing affirmations, etc. to him in his sleep since he was a baby. I've tried every product imaginable to get omega 3 supplements into him: oils in foods, gummies, chewables, etc. He always knows and refuses it. I have started fresh grinding organic flax seed on anything he will eat...yogurt, cereal, salad, fruit, etc. He does take other whole food supplements, and he eats a very clean healthy diet, has since he started eating. I have some food allergies myself (to chemicals in processed foods) so I cook almost totally from scratch and organic.

I'm in a rather conservative area. Around here the only way you are "born again" is if you have been "saved". I can only imagine what a school counselor would say/do if I brought up past life stuff!

He is in preschool. At this point, I'm concerned, as is the school district, with his ability to manage his anxiety to handle kindergarten.

The suggestion for melatonin is something I hadn't thought of. Thank you very much for that. I'll have to look into that. I am currently searching for a good ND to help guide us in that arena.

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me so many ideas! And thank you for giving me some hope that he may not always be traumatized by this.


Thanks for your post. I've been doing some acupressure work on my son, with my own study and the guidance of a Traditional Chinese Medicine/MD who has done acupuncture on him. I also have found acupuncture can create what seems like miraculous results, but with his history of medical trauma (he went NUTS when he had to have an IV in) the acupuncture takes some bribing and he's not really comfortable. So I think it is safer to back off of it for now. "Do no harm".

I am a massage therapist and do incorporate some energy work into my practice. I do work on my son and have had others do CST, NAET, color therapy, etc, when he resisted my efforts.

Somehow, with all the things I've tried, I have never heard of EFT. I'm excited to look into this. I quickly looked over the website you posted and want to decide if I want to learn this myself or if he would respond better if I took him to someone else. There is a practitioner in my area, I'll have to call after the weekend.

Thanks for the link to the site!



Thank you for your warm thoughts and sympathy. We have felt quite alone and isolated in all this.



Thank you for your time. I was simply thrilled to even discover that Carol had a website, let alone a board/forum.

I will email her. I wouldn't have done it without prodding, so thanks.

Whenever I tell him he is safe here now he looks at me like I'm crazy and have no clue what it's all about.

He is very insistent daily about going to his "job" and all the work he has to do. I tell him time and again, awake and asleep, that he is a 4 year old boy, he doesn't have to be at his "job" right now.

He has always been an "old man" type of kid. It used to be cute, but it is going too far for him to function well as a little boy anymore.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my plea for help and for your response.


Thank you for your input and good wishes. I will update at some point when we have some sort of change in him. I do know that my son is fortunate to have parents and maternal grandparents who do not discredit him, and yet, WOW - this is hard to help him work through!

Hi Lisa,

I'm glad to hear that there's an EFT practitioner in your area. It really is easy to learn the basics -- within 5 minutes I was able to help my daughter completely eliminate her fear of removing the training wheels on her bike -- but when it comes to really major stuff like you're facing with your son, professional help might be the way to go. Here in Seattle I actually managed to find a licensed therapist for my daughter who incorporates EFT and other energy work in her practice -- and she's covered by my insurance!:thumbsup:

I would also heartily endorse everyone else's suggestion to contact Carol Bowman, as she is the internationally recognized expert in this field. I should have mentioned her in my first post.


I have an update for those of you who took the time to offer support and help.

Thank you a million times to all for your support and suggestions. I did have a chance to get great advice from Carol. With her input, I found the courage to prod and nudge around a bit when my son brought up "when I was in the Navy". I had been afraid of either putting things in his head, or of causing him distress that he or I would not know how to handle. Carol gave me the confidence to tread into foreign territory.

So one evening as he brought it up, I asked questions and really sort of encouraged him to bring it all out. He actually asked for a few sheets of paper and markers to draw! He hasn't wanted to draw in months. He said flat out: "Let me tell you how I died." And then spent close to 2 hours drawing pictures and telling us about it. I wrote down what he said and have it on the back of the pictures. He was so intent and focused about it, and at the end he said "Oh, and one time I was Mary, but not in the Military, THAT would have been too cute for the Military!" And then he said "You do know that this is real and true, and happened, it is NOT a make-up pretend story, right?" We reassured him that we knew he was telling us something that really happened, and that it is over now.

We started doing affirmations at night when he first falls asleep and when we go to bed, specifically to release negativity from any past lives.

Also he has twice now told me his name is "Darter" or "Darden" when he had to write his name...it isn't. And then he says, "oh, that was before, or maybe that was my friend in the Navy." He's unsure, and it doesn't matter, but it is interesting, nonetheless.

As well, he wanted to play "shark scientist" since then. He says that sharks are very interesting and now he wants to learn about them. I take his lead, there. He says "I'm not afraid of them anymore, mom."

Most importantly of all, at his first therapy session since the drawing event, he again was playing with a doll that looks like the grim reaper-something he was doing frequently, and the therapist says kids use to represent "death", only this time, he tossed it aside after a few minutes and said that he is done with it "because it is in the ground now like dead people are when they go to heaven". !!! The therapist told me that whatever death he was unsettled about, he now seems to have come to terms with! This is really significant because she didn't know about his breakthough drawing...I didn't think she would understand. How is that for confirmation?!

So he still has some other issues, that we are addressing, most likely Sensory Processing Disorder. I have downloaded the EFT stuff and plan to try it soon, it's tough to get a preschooler to cooperate. The EFT reminds me a bit of NAET, which my son has had as allergy treatments so I know that works and he is good with that treatment.

I now feel equipped to handle any other past life issues he should bring up.

Besides the name bit, he no longer talks about "when I was in the Navy".

So you all should know you were instrumental in helping a wonderful little boy and giving his worried mom, dad, and family some much needed hope!

Blessings to you all!

That's great, Lisa!

It's amazing how blunt he was. He sounds like a very mature kid for his age. Did you possibly record any veridical information, or are you fine with him simply being happier, and not as interested in validating his memories?
Lisa, I'm so happy to hear about your son's progress! Yay! :thumbsup:

This is a wonderful story and an example that will probably give hope to many desparate parents reading posts here.

I hope you'll still pop in every once in a while to let us know how you all are doing. :)

Wonderful!!! It's just amazing: the simple yet profoundly healing power of speaking one's truth and having it accepted by others. :thumbsup:

Lisa, I am learning some interesting stuff about EFT for kids. But it's somewhat off-topic for this board, so if you are interested please feel free to send me a PM.


Thank you for the update Lisa I am glad to hear you son is doing better.

Kind Regards


I'm so glad that your son had a breakthrough with the drawing. I suspect that once you felt confident enough to approach him, he may have sensed that and was forthcoming with his memory, and was able to let go of some of his feelings.

Can you share with us what affirmations you used at bedtime? I'm sure that would help other parents, too. I have heard from others that repeated affirmations at bedtime works.

Can you describe some of the drawings and what he said? I'm interested in what he needed to do to make this shift.

Thanks so much for sharing with us.

Hi Ejsmom,

Have you considered the possibility that your son experienced "anesthesia awareness" when he had his surgery? That in and of itself would be very traumatic, but combined with a past life memory it would be so much worse.

Thanks for sharing your story and best wishes for you and your son.

Here is a link to the Wikipedia article:

Anesthesia Awareness

Yes. It nearly kills me as a mom to even think about this, but yes, my son has been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder related to medical issues. His therapist specifically said he has "anesthesia" issues. He remembers WAY too much about his surgery. He has 'played' it out in therapy. He talks about the bright lights overhead, being strapped down, the draping, the adhesive on the mask, not being able to move, etc.

I can barely stand it.

He is dealing with that in therapy and doing well. Subsequent hospital visits (a virus, an allergic reaction) made that surface and that's when things got really bad. And when he increased the talking about his past life.

He rarely talks about the Navy anymore. He has talked about being dead. I believe that his death was a real shock to him, and it was over and done with before he realized what happened. He was playing with ships and boats in the tub one evening last week and had the sailor "wash up" on the side of the tub. He got that look and tone of voice, and said, "When I got died by the shark I washed up on a beach and some people put me in the ground and had a meeting for me. Which was really nice, but I don't think they knew that I wasn't in there anymore - they could have used me as a coat rack, and really, it wouldn't have mattered!" And then he laughed and said people were funny when people died.

Out of the mouths of babes!

He also has been saying "eyeballs" nonsensically for months. He told his grandmother yesterday that when you get dead sometimes birds eat your eyeballs out. She thought that was interesting in light of everything.

This week, I'll try to scan his drawings and see if I can attach them somehow, and include his explanations. Keep in mind they are from a 4 year old!

In the meantime here is the nightly affirmation we use:

"As you sleep you release all fear, pain, illness and negativity from this and all past lifetimes. You access the joy, love, health, and strength from this and all other lives. You are happy and whole. You are safe, calm, strong, and at peace. You are surrounded by love. God's holy love fills your heart and protects your soul. We love you more than anything in the world, forever and ever."

Obviously, modify whatever you need to for your beliefs.

This site has been life changing for us. Carol's book should be given to all new moms instead of the usual marketing loot the hospital gives from the diaper, formula, and drug companies!

I'd be happy to do anything for any other parents going through this.

Hi Lisa,

Yes, I can relate to what you have said. It was my daughter's child Helena Rose that brought me to this site. It was comforting to be able to talk to people that have been through similar experiences. You can read about my experience in the thread "Helena Rose".

When Helena was little I could see that she was hypervigilant about things that reminded her of the trauma of her parent's death. As just one example of many, we were watching the movie Peter Pan and in one scene the ship ropes were evident and Helena remarked, "I wonder what those ropes are for..."(she had said that 'a bad man' tied her parents up before he killed them).

I don't remember if I mentioned it in any of my posts about Helena, but from the things she said we got the feeling that she was alone with the bodies of her dead parents with only her cat for company until either she died or was found. When she was approaching her 2nd birthday she begged for a kitty for a birthday present. She used to go down on the floor and say, "I'm a kitty", and even want to drink milk out of a bowl. We feel that her pet cat brought her the only comfort she had in the terrible days after her parents (and sister Anya) were murdered.

From reading your posts it sounds like you son made an excellent choice when he chose you for a mother Lisa!
Thank you so much for the update, Lisa. Lots of interesting stuff there, but I'm very sorry to hear about the anesthesia awareness possibility. What an awful experience for a little child. :( But remember that he's getting a lot of help from his loving parents and the experts you're dealing with, and the physical pain part is over and long-gone. ((((Lisa))))

It makes me happy to hear this site and Carol's book have helped your family so much. From cases like this we get the energy to maintain this site year after year. :thumbsup:

Past life drawings

Sorry this has been so long in coming. We have had our hands full. I have an update.

Ethan was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

Some may think that this would make us question the "legitimacy" of his past life stories. However, it only reinforces the legitimacy for us. First, Asperger's kids are not known for "imaginative" play. Ethan rarely invents scenarios when playing with toy trucks, cars, or boats. Instead he just copies rows of cars as seen on our local highway. So to "invent" this past life story is even more unlikely.

As well, I'm finding I'm not alone in noticing how intuitive and spiritually in touch autism spectrum kids seem to be.

I have, finally, attached his drawings of the ships and shark:


He always talks about the boat/ship as "Looty Express", which my husband believes to be "Leyte" a military point in the Philipines.I know nothing about this and haven't researched it to come up with any confirming evidence. On the grey picture, the grey scribbles on top are the storm clouds. the grey blob of scribbles in the middle he says is the navy ship. There is a black line that starts on the left about 1/4 up from the bottom and goes across to the right and then about 3/4's across the page there is a large spike, very Washington Monument appearing. He says that is the really big wave that caused them to go into the life rafts. I find it interesting that the line stops after that wave. All the brown dots on the right lower side he says are his friends in the water and jumping off the ship. The thing in the lowest left corner he says is the shark. the thing that seems to stick off the front of the shark and is in the middle of the bottom of the page he says is the shark's mouth and teeth. The dark green marks amid the brown dots in the lower right he says are fish.


On the red and blue picture, the grey scribble on top is again, the storm clouds. He says this picture is a "protection boat" to help protect the navy ship. He thought it was "odd and funny" (his way of noting irony) that the guys on this ship "sometimes shooted sharks with the ship's guns if they saw them in the water". The brown circles on "sticks" that fill the middle of this picture he says are the guns. Notice the turquiose blue water at the bottom also has a big blue spike of a wave about 3/4's across this picture, too. The brown thing off the left of the rectangle (the boat) is a smokestack, the scribbles coming out of it is smoke. The dark blue dots on the lower left and throughout the middle are "the guys". The grey object that is amidst the blue along the bottom is the shark. Notice the "fin" on the right and the "teeth" on the left. As a 4 year old, his sense of scale is of course, lacking, yet in my experience, in memories the details sometime do seem immense. I thought the scale of the shark to this boat, compared to the Navy ship was interesting. He says the red in the middle is not blood, as I suspected when he was drawing it. It is on the boat and he says that the "wave was so fierce the metal was painted red". This made no sense to me at all, until my husband remembered that navy ships use a primer under their paint and it is a red shade.

I hope this helps someone else.

Thank you for the update, Lisa. It's a good thing you have a diagnosis for Ethan's problems now. :thumbsup:

It was very interesting to see his drawings and read the explanations, thanks for sharing those! :)

Wishing all the best for your family,

Some additional information

I have been reading this site for several months out of curiosity and a general interest in the study of past lives. Thank you for posting these fascinating pictures, Lisa. Many of the stories recounted on this forum have been interesting and moving, but a number of coincidences have moved me to reply to your son's story with some additional information and possible confirmations.

I think your husband's guess that your son was remembering a past life which involved the naval battle of Leyte Gulf is correct. My grandfather was on board the USS Suwannee, an escort aircraft carrier at the Battle of Leyte Gulf. My grandfather almost never speaks about his experiences in the navy, and only told me the story of the battle once, when I interviewed him for a high school oral history project many years ago. The Suwannee was hit by two kamikaze airplanes at the battle on consecutive days and my grandfather was thrown overboard from the forecastle upon the second impact. He recounts several terrifying hours treading water in the shark infested waters waiting for rescuers to recover him and companions who survived. Some men were attacked by the sharks. He has violent nightmares relating back to that incident to this day. Other men abandoned ship after the second massive kamikaze impact (without orders)by jumping overboard. As it turned out, the fires on-board were controlled and the ship actually survived. I do not necessarily suggest that your son was on the Suwannee, but offer this as confirmation that there were sharks in the water and that men did jump off the ship (as in the first drawing) and that there were many "guys in the water." There are actually quite a few navy photos online depicting this. Also, I imagine that impacts like this did create massive waves, and the intense fires involved (at least 11 aircraft--9 US and 2 Japanese--exploded on board) could probably burn off paint to the primer level.

Your son spoke of Hawaii--most of the battleships and other vessels were originally out from Pearl Harbor, and some were even damaged in the attacks there that started the war. Your son also mentioned "Darter." The Darter was a submarine engaged at Leyte Gulf.

On a completely unrelated, but also synchronistic, note, I do have some experience with Aspergers children. I was a nanny for a boy with the syndrome about 8 years ago. Many Asperbers children do like to draw, but it's true that the pictures are usually relatively unimaginative and VERY repetitive. This particular child I spent time with would literally spend hours drawing pictures of sharks, usually about one picture/minute, and then he would note the time on the picture. He was about 5 years old at that time. Just a strange coincidence.

I wish you the very best of luck with your son, and I am so glad he has made such excellent improvements. I'm sure it's due in large part to your open-mindedness and understanding. Thank you also for sharing his story with all of us--it is certainly food for thought.
Welcome Crescent, and thank you so much for sharing this interesting information and your Grandpa's story. :thumbsup: I'm sure Lisa will also appreciate it very much.

Please feel free to participate in other discussions, too. :)

I can only say WOW.


Thank you so very much for sharing the info about your grandfather's navy experiences. The "gut" feeling I got reading your info was astounding. It was almost like listening to my son.

I am simply floored.

I cannot wait to share this info with my husband.

I suppose at some point I could have or should have researched his story to "back up" my son's experiences, however, I've been too busy dealing with research for getting help for his Asperger's, which took us a year and dozens and dozens of appts to find out what was going on. And frankly, I did believe him so I didn't feel I had to "prove" anything, but how amazing it feels to hear some confirmation!

Interesting note: my son has a stuffed animal dinosaur he carries everywhere and treats like his own kid and says "this is one of my children". The other day he was rocking his "baby" to sleep before bed and he said "I sure do miss being a dad!".

Thanks again crescent for you input, and I'm wishing peace for your grandfather. What an extraordinary man to survive such a horrid thing.

Thank you Lisa and Cresent for being willing to share your experiences.

Cresent - the type of information you offered is priceless to those looking for validations. Your time and effort is appreciated.
Sorry for the late post, but I just came across it, and was reminded by "ejsmom" of one of my earlier jobs while working in a hospital, somehow I knew how traumatic being hospitalized can be, much less being put to sleep and having surgery and then the recovery!

I was a young OR Tech who often circulated (non sterile as opposed to sterile technique) and as such could often leave the room, and the Head Nurse discovered that I was very good with babies and children (I was very young looking then), so she picked me to help calm them down and help put them to sleep, and it worked out so well, that all of the Anestheoligists (sp?) would always ask for me, for my help with their young patients!
Hi Lisa and thanks for sharing. I have friend who is going through something very similar, she has a 4 year old who is having problems and difficulty being diagnosed, Aspergers, anxiety disorders etc. I wish she were as open as you are to ideas like pl trauma, and she's not the type who I could mention it to, she's very analytical and has a hard time even considering alternative theories about what is going on with her son.

In light of what I have seen through her experience I think you are doing a great job helping your son, and it looks like he is making progress, I will add you and your son to my thoughts and prayers:) one area that my friend has completely made a turnaround with her son is regarding diet, for some reason it helps. They have a very strict dietary program but it helps...if you are interested pm me and I will tell you what they are doing.

Good luck!!!
Son remembers death in the Navy (Shark)


I am a holistic health practitioner. Some of my clients have mental/emotional issues that appear when they are young or suddenly as adults. I use past life regression to help them not only deal, but also resolve and heal the karmic crossover they brought with them from a previous life (sometimes lives). Perhaps you might consider having your little one regressed as I feel this will help him deal with the traumatic issues he is going through now. I hope this will help him out.