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How to use pendulums?


New Member
Okay, new guy here...1st post.
What are your thoughts and experiences using a pendulum?
I don't seem to be very intuitive...so I use a crutch.
thanks, allen...
I would like to get opinions too. I also use a pendulum (just started) but how can I know if I'm getting "real" answers, or just answers I *want* to get?

Sorry, forgot to say, Welcome to the forum! :)
I have used a pendulum daily for 20 or so years,
I am long ago convinced that it is the subconscious that answers
it is not very logical, can't tell the future or past very well (but sometimes better than me),
but is fantastic at knowing what is the best thing to have for dinner, or what clothes to wear for the day
I find it a very useful tool in life,
very good for people that are lost in life in some way
But isn't it also the subconscious that people get their info from during PLR hypnosis? Is that also "not very logical"?

I'm honestly questioning, (definitely not wanting to sound rude).
I am writing this account from my memory…as I’ve lost the original record…when my old PC died.

Sometime in 2014, I was using the pendulum and was finishing up my questions with a spirit guide named (Oncsccos) I call her Lady O…and I casually asked if there was anything else…and she responded…STRONG YES.
So I asked…is someone else wanting to talk with me…NO.
Then I asked…if she, my spirit guide had a message for me…YES.
I asked if she wanted give me a message using the alphabet wheel…NO.

So I stopped…quieted my mind…and waited…and then very quietly I was aware of the phrase, “Salem witch trials.”
So I asked my guide, using the pendulum - is there something about the Salem witch trials that I should know about…YES.
So I asked, was I there, was I involved in the Salem witch trials…YES.
Because I knew relative little to nothing about these trials…I asked, that if I researched the subject…and came up with a list of names…would the guide tell me which one I was of them…YES

So I punched in ‘Salem witch trials’ on Google.
I was a bit amazed at the amount of information I uncovered.
Throughout my study, research and investigating and reading the account of the trials…and then not knowing whether I was one of the ‘victims’ or ‘accusers’…I decided to form (2) lists.
(1) The first list included - arresting officers, jailer, attorneys, judges, clergy, clerk, court reporter and etc.
(2) The second list included - male and female victims…thus, anyone who was accused and imprisoned for using witchcraft and magic.

So after a few days, supplied with these (2) list of names…I started to ask my guide some questions.
I decided to start with the ‘accuser’ list first.
The first name I asked about was Judge Nicholas Remy…STRONG YES
I was surprised…at how strong the pendulum moved.
I then went on with the other names on the list with…NO.
About half-way down, the answer came YES to another name.

Because I lost the record of this conversation….and I don’t remember this second name. I have no idea who it was…except that he was the court reporter. But to have a second YES to another name…threw me for a loop…because how could I be (2)two people…living at the same time, during the same event.
I was somewhat discouraged after finding that second name, but finished the list…with all the rest of the names with…NO.

Nevertheless, I wanted to test my first answers…so I went back and asked once more about Judge Nicholas Remy, again…a STRONG YES
And I asked again about the court reporter, with a…YES.
Now I was confused…how can I be (2)two different people…living at the same time?
I was frustrated and ticked off…it seemed that somebody was playing a big joke on me. I threw the pendulum down in disgust.

The next day my curiosity got the best of me…so I Googled Judge Nicholas Remy.
As I was reading and scanning this persons life…I noticed that he lived in France. I thought “WHAT”…how could he be at the ‘Salem witch trials’…when he lived in France? Then with more investigating and reading…I realized the Judge lived in the 1580’s…not the 1680’s during the ‘Salem witch trials.

Then I thought…THEN WHY did they have his name listed - with the individuals at the Salem witch trials. With more reading and searching…I found how he, Judge Remy, wrote a book about...‘getting rid of the witches’…thus, that is the book that sparked the attention of the accusers in Salem when they read it…which put into progress that whole witch trials mess.

After many months…it finally dawned on me…that my soul reincarnated into another person, 100 years later, in the 1680’s to become the court reporter in Salem…to keep an accurate record of the ‘accusers’…and ‘all the victims’ and what they had to go through during their imprisonment…their trial…and their death sentence. If I remember correctly, I believe 18 people were hung and 2 died in prison at Salem.
This is how karma works…my incarnation as a court reporter in the 1680's…was a beginning to bring some GOOD balance back to my soul. Even to this day…I (allen) feel a burden for all those folks that were burned at the stake.

During the 1580’s, I (human part) was Judge Nichols Remy, who lived in France. I was responsible for burning at the stake over 900 people for their ledge involvement as witches. I was following what I thought was God’s commandments to the letter, in the O.T. biblical scriptures that witches were to be burned.
I, (human part) was their Judge, Jury and Executioner. I, Mr Remy then went on to write books that were then read by people in America, thus, one hundred years later, I was partially responsible for the Salem witch trials in Salem, Mass. in the 1680’s.

A few months ago I found out that my soul name is (Jei).
A month ago, when I questioned my higher inner soul (Jei) about Judge Remy, concerning what had been done back in the 1580’s…(Jei) was quite adamant, that he/she/it was in strong disagreement with the Judges actions…but the human mind of Remy, wouldn’t listen to it’s soul mind…and thus that human lifetime ended up becoming like a reprobate.

Today, I (allen) am not proud of what I did 400 years ago. I have since tried to apologize to those souls I killed…and prepare to the best of my ability…a heart felt love and sent them blessings.
No one is responsible for anyone else’s Soul growth…but their own. Therefore, I know understand that my present lifetime is one of the most important lives I will ever experience since assuming the physical vessel.

First, I must accept - who I am at the present time, as I strive to become the very best person I can possibly be, through self-examination of my attitudes, beliefs, habits, motives, deeds, thoughts and deal with my weaknesses.
My purpose today…is to allow the Soul (Jei) mind to become the guide and director of my present physical personality (allen).
Hi AJ:

This is very interesting stuff, as it seems to provide a means of clarifying some of the very vague intimations of things that I have. So, I am definitely tempted to try it sometime. However, as always, the big question for me is "who/what" is on the other end of the line? It makes me a bit nervous.

S&S...thanks for your response...yes the big Q is always, how does one know the “Who-What?”
But then…
How does one know for sure, ANYTHING that one receives from ANYONE, by and/or through ANY means is a reliable source?

I certainly have had my share of blunders over the years using the pendulum. I would be talking with my guide one minute…then some other ignorant soul would barge right in and cause some chaos and disorder. But then again, I really do not know of any means that is always 100 % reliable either.

When I use the pendulum, I periodically check to try and tell the authenticity of the one I am communicating with.
For instance, my spirit guide is a tall female Pleiadian, with long white hair, whose favorite color is white.
So to check - I occasionally will ask a false question and a true question, such as:

Are you a male?
Are you a short female?
Are you a tall female?
Is your favorite color bright yellow?
Is your favorite color white?
Do you have long hair?
Do you have short hair?
Do you have long black hair?
Do you have long white hair?

I usually can weed out the intruders right away.

When I do find an intruder…I let them know, that the cat is out of the bag…and they have been found out.
I am always nice to them…because for the most part they simply are ignorant souls…just wanting to talk with someone on Earth
So I ask them if they are happy. I have never once had an intruder say they are really happy.

I’ll spend some time to try to move them on into the light and love of God in the spirit world, and nearly all will move on…but there has only be a couple that blatantly refuse. So then they must go back to the misery that they are used to.
I bend way over backwards to help these intruders.
I had one Reptilian female, which had died about 2500 years ago, but was wondering around in the darkness for a long time before my guides brought her to me…that I then dealt with for many days before she finally went into the light and love of God.
She really exhausted and drained me. Thus, as long as an intruder doesn’t tell me NO, I’ll continue to work with them.
In peace, Allen…
Hi AJ,

Thanks so much for sharing (post #5) what you've discovered by using a pendulum. That was very interesting.

Hi S&S,

IMO, I don't think it's any more "risky" to use a pendulum, than it is to meditate or undergo hypnosis, as far as the "Who/What".
I've asked the pendulum several times where the info I'm getting is coming from, and the answers (for me) is ALWAYS a "yes" that's it from my subconscious. No Spirit Guide, no outside entity, just my own subconscious.

There was only one strange occurrence. (I've been using the pendulum for a few months now). Once day, I was getting very strong "No" answers to things that I knew where actually "yes", and vice versa. Also, the answers (I only ask yes/no questions) were much stronger in reaction than normal. Then it started answering "yes" (or "no") to questions that were completely opposing, and couldn't both be answered by a "yes", or both by a "no". At that point I knew for sure that something was 'off/wrong'. I threw the pendulum down and just walked away saying, "I'm not going to play your game or be part of this nonsense". Then I just completely ignored the pendulum and didn't touch it for the rest of the day, and did other things. Never had anything like that happen again. (I use the pendulum daily). So "who/what" ever it was was playing games and when I let it be known I wasn't interested "it" just left.

I didn't start using the pendulum until after I resolved the PL (from my childhood memories) of the Woman in the Warsaw Ghetto. I didn't use a pendulum for ANY of that info, or any info on what my current life lesson is. It wasn't until after that one. I was really bothered by why I had an extreme dislike/hatred for a particular geographic area of the U.S. where I have never lived in during this current life. I cannot be hypnotized, and I wasn't getting any info through meditation, so I decided to try a pendulum. I didn't even own one. I just used a glass pendant I had made years ago which had a nice weight to it. I only asked "yes" or "no" questions. Did something happen in a previous life in that geographic area?.....YES. Was there a PL between the Warsaw Ghetto and my current life?....Yes. By asking further yes/no questions I narrowed down the area. Then I narrowed down the age range at time of death. Then narrowed down type of death (illness? accident?, etc.). It was a murder. I googled "murder, girl (name of State)", and there was only one that fit the info. There was a newspaper photo of her before her death, and it completely shocked me. When I was a child I "saw" a younger "version" of myself wearing a dress I never had or owned or wore. I always thought it was odd and had no idea where that came from. The girl (6-years-old) in the newspaper photo was wearing the exact same dress I had "seen" myself wearing (all those years ago in childhood) and was the same age the "younger version" of myself I had seen. That cleared up the questions I had had my whole life. Since there were no further childhood memories, or unresolved questions, I didn't try to get any further PL info from the pendulum.

I am currently using the pendulum to try to understand a recent series of dreams I've had which are obviously pertaining to this current life. (My dreams are usually meaningless. The last time I had a dream that was a clear message for me was exactly two years ago). Until now. I've had 4 dreams in the past two weeks, which tie into the dream I had two years ago. Seems a message is trying to get through, about something that may happen soon, but I'm unsure if my understanding/interpretation of what the dreams mean is correct, so I'm using the pendulum for help.

The pendulum is confirming my understanding/interpretation of the dreams. But it's something I very much WANT to happen, so that's why I'm unsure if I'm now getting "real" answers from the pendulum, or only what I *want* to get. *sigh*
Hi AJ,

Thanks so much for sharing (post #5) what you've discovered by using a pendulum. That was very interesting.

Hi S&S,

IMO, I don't think it's any more "risky" to use a pendulum, than it is to meditate or undergo hypnosis, as far as the "Who/What".
I've asked the pendulum several times where the info I'm getting is coming from, and the answers (for me) is ALWAYS a "yes" that's it from my subconscious. No Spirit Guide, no outside entity, just my own subconscious.

There was only one strange occurrence. (I've been using the pendulum for a few months now). Once day, I was getting very strong "No" answers to things that I knew where actually "yes", and vice versa. Also, the answers (I only ask yes/no questions) were much stronger in reaction than normal. Then it started answering "yes" (or "no") to questions that were completely opposing, and couldn't both be answered by a "yes", or both by a "no". At that point I knew for sure that something was 'off/wrong'. I threw the pendulum down and just walked away saying, "I'm not going to play your game or be part of this nonsense". Then I just completely ignored the pendulum and didn't touch it for the rest of the day, and did other things. I've never had anything like that happen again. (I use the pendulum daily). So "who/what" ever it was was playing games and when I let it be known I wasn't interested "it" just left.

I didn't start using the pendulum until after I resolved the PL (from my childhood memories) of the Woman in the Warsaw Ghetto. I didn't use a pendulum for ANY of that info, or any info on what my current life lesson is. It wasn't until after that one.

I was really bothered by why I had an extreme dislike/hatred for a particular geographic area of the U.S. where I have never lived in during this current life. I cannot be hypnotized, and I wasn't getting any info through meditation, so I decided to try a pendulum. I didn't even own one. I just used a glass pendant I had made years ago which had a nice weight to it. I only asked "yes" or "no" questions. Did something happen in a previous life in that geographic area?.....YES. Was there a PL between the Warsaw Ghetto one and my current life?....Yes. By asking further yes/no questions I narrowed down the area. Then I narrowed down the age range at time of death, and gender. Then narrowed down type of death (illness? accident?, etc.). It was a murder. I googled "murder, girl, (name of) State", and there was only one that fit the info. There was a newspaper photo of her before her death, and it completely shocked me. When I was a child I "saw" a younger "version" of myself wearing a dress I never had or owned or wore. I always thought it was odd and had no idea where that came from. The girl (6-years-old) in the newspaper photo was wearing the exact same dress I had "seen" myself wearing (all those years ago in childhood) and was the same age as the "younger version" of myself I had seen. That cleared up the questions I had had my whole life. Since there were no further childhood memories, or unresolved questions, I didn't try to get any further PL info from the pendulum.

I am currently using the pendulum to try to understand a recent series of dreams I've had which are obviously pertaining to this current life. (My dreams are usually meaningless. The last time I had a dream that was a clear message for me was exactly two years ago). Until now. I've had 4 dreams in the past two weeks, which tie into the dream I had two years ago. Seems a message is trying to get through, about something that may happen soon, but I'm unsure if my understanding/interpretation of what the dreams mean is correct, so I'm using the pendulum for help.

The pendulum is confirming my understanding/interpretation of the dreams. But it's something I very much WANT to happen, so that's why I'm unsure if I'm now getting "real" answers from the pendulum, or only what I *want* to get. *sigh*

ETA: Couldn't 'edit' my comment, so edited here (for clarification).
I may be awakened, but I do not consider myself to be an enlightened being …so I am simply expressing an opinion…mine.

I believe that the pendulum is just a tool…like the casting of ‘lots’…thus, I never ASK the pendulum anything or expect any answers from itself.

I always look for an intelligent source, a person, a being, my soul, or an entity for answers.

I think that the first line of power behind the pendulum has an intelligence…which is my sub-conscience.

Thus, this first line of power is actually what makes the pendulum move at all.

In saying that…I also believe that other intelligence persons, beings, souls and entities are able to communicate…through my sub-conscience…and then through the pendulum to answer me.

Exactly how much our natural human mind…can and does affect the movement and answers…may be unique to and vary for each individual. Thus, for some it may be a lot…and to others, not at all.

Because I have been quite surprised at some of the answers I get…which is contrary to my natural mind, it has me to believe that answers do come from an intelligence outside of myself…even outside my soul self.

I believe each person or soul in the spirit world MAY have their own answer signs through the pendulum…that my sub-conscience uses.


These are the pendulum signs for my - higher inners soul self (Jei).

YES = sideways

NO = front to back

LAUGH = / forward slant

STR EMP = shaking

INAPPR Q = ccw O

MAYBE = \ backward slant

DON’T ASK = still

AGREE = forward slant elongated ccw

The following are pendulum signs for my - guide Lady O.

YES = forward slant

NO = ccw O

LAUGH = front to back

STR EMP = jumping

INAPPR Q = sideways

MAYBE = cw O

DON’T ASK = still

AGREE = backwards slant

My guardian angel and other persons or beings MAY also have their own unique signs…but not always use it.

Such as:

If I am communicating with my guide, Lady O…and an intruder jumps in…the intruder will use the same pendulum signs as Lady O. So that’s why it sometimes makes it difficult to distinguish who or whom I am communicating with…until I test with questions.

Likewise, if I am talking with my guide Lady O, and I ask her to bring a certain person in for me to talk with - such as an old friend that has passed on…the friend will use Lady O’s signs.

Thus, I am communicating with my friend…through Lady O…through my sub-conscience…through the pendulum.
I do not use a pendulum, but I can second a lot of what has been said in this thread. Yes, "they" do all have a unique signature or style, so with familiarity you can tell who it is you are speaking to. And, yes, you just know when something is different. There is no mistaking the change of hand. If you are not afraid of using the Internet, then I can not see why you would be leery of a string with a weight on it. Far more "baddies" lurking in cyberspace, in my opinion. Lastly, it has been my experience also that "they" often choose to speak through someone else - a guide. A lot of "them" do not like coming down to this level. It is hard to move matter here on Earth, and a bunch of "them" are, quite frankly, not good at it.
Hi Blueheart,

Curiosity question: What do you do that takes the place of the pendulum method discussed here? Just curious about methods that I might someday use myself, but cautious. Yes, there are nuts in cyberspace, but I don't go anywhere I would run into them. I know what to delete when it appears in my inbox, and my various interests don't bring me into contact with dangerous people in a dangerous way (at least as far as I can tell from this board and elsewhere). I want to make sure that I'm just as protected (or knowledgeable about how to avoid danger) when tapping into the types of sources we are discussing here.

Please, can ANYONE answer the question I asked a week ago?

"I am currently using the pendulum to try to understand a recent series of dreams I've had which are obviously pertaining to this current life. (My dreams are usually meaningless. The last time I had a dream that was a clear message for me was exactly two years ago). Until now. I've had 4 dreams in the past two weeks, which tie into the dream I had two years ago. Seems a message is trying to get through, about something that may happen soon, but I'm unsure if my understanding/interpretation of what the dreams mean is correct, so I'm using the pendulum for help.

The pendulum is confirming my understanding/interpretation of the dreams. But it's something I very much WANT to happen, so that's why I'm unsure if I'm now getting "real" answers from the pendulum, or only what I *want* to get."
Isha, in my experience wanting something very much can influence the answers. I try to set up a filter between myself and whatever I'm asking about, like using oracle cards with the pendulum. I'll go through asking if each (unseen) card has anything to do with the situation, then spread the cards and read them. Usually they have something to do with either the situation or my attitude in the moment. Then I ask my questions and see whether the card meanings clarify what I get from the pendulum.

An alternate way to filter out your desire would be to write your questions on 3x5 cards, shuffle them, then lay them out so you can't see the questions. Ask about each card, without knowing what's on it. Write the answer on the back, then turn them over.

I've noticed that I often tap into the current probability, too, which means if I wonder if my best friend will meet me in chat, it will inform me of her current intention ... not the end result after she realises that her computer went offline or something.

The problem with the pendulum is that you have to ask the right questions of the right source. I don't always ask the right question,...

Oh, and predicting the future is like guessing which grain of sand will be the one that ends up in your palm as you sift through a handful. Psychics get it wrong all the time because they predict the future based on current state of being and choices, which can change with the slightest influence or attitude shift.
Thank you so much for your response Mere Dreamer! Your experience confirms what I thought, that wanting something to be true can influence the answers.

Thanks so much for the suggestion to try the cards. I don't have any oracle cards, but I will definitely try the index cards!

I know the future is not set in stone, and anything can change the 'plan'. I always ask the pendulum (my subconscious) about the "probability" being higher or lower % chance, since there can't be a 100% absolute.

Thanks again for your response and suggestions!
The dream I had 2 years ago (and one a couple years before that which I forgot to mention) was that this 'event' would happen in Israel. At the time, I did NOT want this 'event' to happen (and it didn't then when I was in Israel). Now, I'm going back to Israel (from Vancouver) in Dec - Jan, and I had the four dreams this month after I had already made plans to go back. The dreams this month didn't specify location, just the event.