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Recent content by ArturSm

  1. ArturSm

    Libros en español

    Recientemente encontré un nuevo autor: M. F. Masvil Quien ha comenzado a publicar su saga de novelas llamada Recuérdame Donde el autor desarrolla el tema de las almas, la reencarnación y el destino. Cuando leí el primer libro, me sorprendí, esperaba una historia romántica, pero era mucho más...
  2. ArturSm

    Cheap Or Free Books On Reincarnation . . . .

    I recently found a new author: M. F. Masvil Who has begun to publish his saga of novels called Remember me where the author develops the theme of souls, reincarnation and destiny. When I read the first book I was shocked, I expected a romantic story but it was much more than that. It has very...
  3. ArturSm

    We shouldn't really help homeless people should we?

    You should also consider if part of their karma could be, to be helped by others... You never know what happens after that.
  4. ArturSm

    Christianity and Reincarnation

    As far as I know early christian believed in reincarnation. But that was removed from the actual religion.
  5. ArturSm

    How to find out about your past lives

    I would like to ask, What do you think about hypnosis? It could help?