• Thank you to Carol and Steve Bowman, the forum owners, for our new upgrade!
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  • Hey. Are you still there?

    Because if you are, is it okay if you delete my Discord server? I left a while ago and transferred the ownership to you.
    There are situations where if you'd gotten somewhere one second sooner... you might have been in an accident or avoided an accident.
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    Reactions: McKitter
    I recently saved a lady and her dog from being hit by a bus. Seriously. If I had walked the other way, I wouldn't have been there at the corner to stop her from taking one more step to her death.
    My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married.
    Пусть ярость благородная. Вскипает, как волна! Идёт война народная, Священная война!
    ‘Go ahead, you can call me the devil. You aspire to my level. You aspire to malevolence’ -Hamilton in the musical
    I created this server btw
    The theme is Halloween right now so the server logo is not the Empire flag and it’ll be like that until Halloween is over. Read the rules first before you get impatient and leave because I added security measures to minimise raids
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