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  • I don’t see “conversation “ on your profile page. So I am writing here not sure if this is the conversation link.
    I see you have your past life documented. I am looking for resources for that. I have not had past life regression yet. And only recently discovered about this. May be it was not my time and I needed to wait for 2 decades.
    Is it possible I can talk to you and explain my situation?
    I started a conversation with you. You should see a notification for it.
    Hi Totoro, how do I pm you? Should I post here?
    Hi! If it's private, go to my profile and click conversation. It's the same thing as a private message.

    Otherwise you can post here too :)
    Hi Totoro, did you get my reply to your PM on Wednesday yet? Just wondering because I have not heard back from you. Have a great day!
    I did! Thank you for trying. I appreciate the follow up. I've been so busy!!
    Haha, I wish. It's from a translated book released a few years ago. You can find the citations on the page.

    ''One day I asked the Empress to remember me to Grace.''

    To me this sentence doesn't make sense. Remember me to Grace? Remember me to Joseph? Remember me to Ryan?

    Are there any other interesting journal entries that you'd like to share? :DD

    How can you be sure they are real?
    Would you like to step down from moderation? I understand if you do - we all do. ;o) Just let me know. Hope life is good!

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