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Edgar Cayce Dream interpretation dictionary


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I came across this reference today and thought it might be helpful for people interested in understanding their dreams. It seems to be a great reference point. :clapping:

Edgar Cayce Readings Dream Dictionary

Use this dictionary as a resource. It contains only those symbols which were clearly interpreted in one or more of the Cayce dream readings. For many of the symbols there are other possible interpretations listed as well. Based on your own personal associations, you may want to add other likely meanings for certain symbols.

This dictionary may be used as a starting point for assembling a more complete reference. one way to do this is to devote one section of your dream journal notebook to a personal dictionary. Whenever you dream of a symbol that does not appear in this dictionary of symbols from the Cayce readings, add an entry to your own, personally compiled, reference list.
I have a bunch of symbols not in the dictionary, and wonder what they mean:

Riding in the back seat of a 1954 Chevy convertible along with 4 others in the car. I'm on the far right in the back seat with two unknown Western people to my left. We're heading into a city that looks a bit Asian, but they are many stories high with cloth and wooden awnings, very close to the street and crowded with people. A dark and trimed looking Hindu man in a well-taylored western two piece suit, tie and white shirt appears outside the car, but next to the left of the car. The car is moving, but he is just standing there, smiling and looking at me. He hands me what looks like a rolled up magazine, and I can't wait to open it. The end.

The car and the road are mentioned in the dictionary, but nothing else. It's one of the most interesting and unforgettable dreams. Weird, huh?

Very interesting website. I don't dream often so I want to look back on it again once I have a detailed dream and see what it might mean.
Cayce always said, only you kow the meaning of your own dreams. The symbols are yours.

Nightrain....as you probably already know, the car is yourself, the road is ...the road of life...your city and the man with the magazine suggest to me your interest in Eastern religions and beliefs.

Your combining the western clothing and car and heading into the East....Maybe....grin....
Hi Flo!

Your insight really seems to hit the mark. Sometimes, one can be too close to a meaningful dream to see the message. Thanks!

Many years ago while reading every Cayce book I could get my hands on....I joined a weekly Meditation Group.

Immediately I started to have very colorful and memerable dreams. The first dream I was pregnant and walking in knee high water. The scene changes and I have my baby in my arms. A kindly older gentleman asks me to come into another room and see his inventions. He says your baby will be fine. He shows me a violin and a record player with a newly invented needle....dream ends

Second dream...I'm walking down a cement alley with 2 girlfriends. We come to a backyard where the flowers are growing and I exclaim how beautiful they are....nicer than mine. A kindly older gentleman envites us into his yard and house. There are musical instruments on his walls and there is a piano. I sit down and play the piano while my 2 girlfriends ....who had both studid piano for 8 years each....sit and watch. I only had ever played by ear in real life.

Third dream. I enter a very large and beautiful home. I am alone and amazed at the beauty of it all. Beautiful stone work and shining wood walls. Wonderful firepace with a huge mantle.....I am approached by a kindly elderly man who offers to take me all around the home so i could see it all.

Dream ends

I suddenly realize that the older gentleman is the same man in each deam and I draw his picture ....then I forget all about it....That was in the late 70's

In the 80's I start to discover Jane Roberts and I am avidly reading her books. I come across a picture of the man she called Seth......It matches y elderly gentleman.

Ten yers later I'm telling my girlfriend all about it and I search and search until I find my drawing.

We compare the two and Joanie agrees that my genrtleman looks exactly like Seth....THAT'S strange....and we will never know because he never came back.... continued.....
Hi Flo!

This sounds very interesting! I would be very interested in seeing your drawing as well as the Seth portrait that you're speaking of.

Such consistency must be very reassuring -- even without the Seth reference.

What I believed the dreams were telling me was that I had just opened up a new discvery (life) BABY

I believe the flowers and music indicated growth

Lastly I believe all the new homes and new rooms were each larger and more beautiful indicating that I was finding more of myself . Learning and developing and becoming more spiritual....

My last home had water that came right into the living room with otters swimming in it. I remember pickng one little guy up and then releasing him back into the lttle pond.....For me....WATER is spirit

I often had dreams of going to the bathroom. I mean OFTEN.... I was very puzzeled as to why I seemed to have this kind of dream. One night after having yelled at my 5 children....I went to bed....said my prayers and asked God to make me a better person and not yell at my children....

You guessed it....I dreamed that night I was on the darn john again....and finally it hit me. I was eliminating.....getting rid of an undesireable trait ....SOO simple...Ha Ha that's me alright.....everything is simple and not very complicated...I should have realized.

Later I had another one where all the peope on the street were coming into my apartment and using my bathroom. I could not even get in myself. My daughter and I left and went down a stairway. To my right I saw my apartment was on stilts and the waste product was going into a large hopper and a man was below packaging it into fertilizer bags.

That was an easy one. Taking bad traits and changing them into good traits....Those are a few of my symbols

Edgar Cayce saw death as a pair of sissors. Others see a black wreath....I never dream of death...at least so far.....

In my old house I would be watching TV and imagine I saw small otter like creatures running along the walls. I moved into 2 different aparments and they came with me. I bought a home and they were there too. I would say that went on for about 20 years after I started to meditate.

I don't see them in the home I'm in now but I don't meditate like I used to.

A psychic was telling everyone what their animal guide or whatever was....When she came to me....she said Otter....Maybe that's why they came into my house....remember....the house or car is usually yourself....for most people....

These things happened many years apart....don't forget I'man old Bag....grin.......
Gosh Nightrain.... would love to show you....you would be impressed at how much they look alike.

An older very round faced man wih a fringe of air around the lower part of his head. a generous mouth....It's around here in one of my dream notebooks. The problem is I'm on Web TV and I can't do pictures...

Unti I saw Seth's picture drawn...I thought this man might be my guide or something....

When Joanie and I were doing some Automatic writing I asked about Seth and was told he was gone. I kept asking for my mother to speak to me and instead I got Mary....Don't ask me what Mary because I don't know. She told me my guide was Emmanuel and to talk to him. I would ask for him and he would say "Mary is here to talk to you" She would say to "Walk in the light" It was difficult because the writing was very little (I write large) and it scribbled...It was very difficult to read. I did talk to my mother a few times but mostly it was Mary who would once in a while go off on long speeches about God and prayer etc. using expressions that I don't use. It almost became a little scary.so after about 4 months we stopped...

Cayce said not to mess around or you may get more than you bargained for....I believe that as one of our Meditation group who was a beautiful intelligent educated woman committed suicide over her experiences with the paranormal. She just got ompletely carried away and our teacher tried his best to help her but could not......

So I don't push it.....I just take these experiences as they come....
Is this the drawing?-Nightrain


Oh Nightrain ....Thank you....YES that is the face I drew...except mine was facing a little more foreward. The bushy eyebrows ... everything.....It was a little....not scary....not frightening....but startling I guess. Up to then ...as I said I thought I might have drawn my guide....although I have never been able to see my guide in meditation.

When it looked SOO much like Seth....WOW....

All through my life I have had strange and unusual experiences...I just try to undertand what it may mean and then let it go. When I saw my dead company President walk right up to me...it only happened once....but it was just more proof of the spirit continuing to live after the body has died.

He had been dead for 3 weeks.....It was startling to say the least....but a nice expoerience for sure.

Thanks again for the picture....I appreciate it.
I wish I did, I'm still looking too, it seems each author has a different interpretation of the same dream, none of which really "feels" like the dream I had.

Of course, as I've said before, most of my dreams are silly "junk" dreams, ones that are so absurd that I can almost discard them outright, but there might be a gem in there somewheres.

With my fragmented and restless sleep patterns, it's a wonder I can dream at all, but I was thinking (Oh No, Not Again!) with the use of computers so popular nowadays, I wonder if there is a computer program (perhaps with Internet access to a database) that is available at a decent cost that could take the place of a bookshelf of dream books?

Just curious too, I'll keep you posted.
An old thread but great topic. Jeremy Taylor passed away and his site is very different now. From what I can tell- excellent improvements.

Anyone into dreams? Their meaning and interpretation?
Sometimes I have dreams which just feel important, after waking up the dream lingers and resonates during the day. Though some dreams fade within a few seconds of waking, others stay in my memory, at least in part, for years.

A few things I've noticed. The very act of paying attention to dreams seems to make them more meaningful. What might just seem a confusing jumble which passes by, can seem much clearer whenever I start to listen. I don't always do so, but there are times when I write down dreams as soon as I can, to capture the detail and the essence, the nuances, before it fades. Often it is about feelings, the way I feel about something in the dream reflects something important in waking life.

I have found humour hidden in my dreams, they may carry messages, wisdom, but often in a warm and friendly way. I don't think my dreams have ever contained any sort of reprimand or rebuke, it always comes from a source of understanding. When I say humour, one type is the use of dream symbols. Dreams seem to struggle to use words, human language. Instead ideas are expressed in the form of thoughts and ideas. But occasionally there is a strange combination of objects and actions. When I start to write down a description of it, I suddenly see it is a play on words, a pun, a witticism. But not wit for entertainment's say, rather it tends to be an observation on my life, some perhaps futile avenue or activity I'd been spending time on.

On the use of symbols, they are indeed personal. For example if I read the phrase "1954 Chevy convertible", I think "old car from a distant and foreign land". But the person who has that dream thinks something entirely different, perhaps something of an aspiration or something familiar from childhood. So we do need to consider "what does this mean to me".

One theme which runs through at least some of my dreams is a balancing of the physical and the spiritual. In this life we are both, and sometimes I've been caught up in the mundane experiences of daily life and once in a while there has been a kind of nudge or a jolt in my dreams, a reminder to 'look up', once in a while, to focus at least some attention on the spiritual aspects. Often this is represented in my dreams by birds flying high above, catching the sunlight, while below at my feet is shade. Though as I say, balance too - walking around with one's head in the clouds is not really why we're here, in my view.