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Resemblences; notable people past/present?

Marc Ross

Senior Registered

Have there been any reports regarding notable people present-day; who resemble notable people from history?

With all the means of communications available present-day, it's somewhat surprising that reports of past and present life similarities of notable people are so rare.

Do you mean physical resemblance or overall "resemblance of life"?

If it's physical resemblance, there are a lot (there's some threads about it here as well), but people should not pay attention to the resemblance because it doesn't mean anything without the memories. I hate to see facebook ads "Who were you in a past life? they already discovered it" and a picture of John Travolta next to one of somebody from the XIX century that looks like him. It gives reincarnation a bad name and makes people not take it seriously.

If you mean if there is resemblance of overall life with somebody famous from the past and they remembered it being themselves, nothing comes to my mind.
Facial resemblences & possible PL memories.


Similar facial features that tie-in to possible PL memories applies here!


Enclosed is a link discussing a specific case of possible reincarnation of a celebrity from history; involving both similar facial features, and possible past-life memories. This case received mention in the Forum; that is a scientific approach (that avoided these ridiculous new-age/mass-appeal contexts) was applied to further determine the credibility of this case.

Reincarnation: Fact or Fiction?


Today’s facial recognition technologies may be one of many helpful tools to investigate possible past-life claims.
If physical resemblance is important to determine who we were in a past life, then identical twins were the same person? that doesn't seem to be the case since in Jim Tucker's book there are cases of identical twins that remember different past lives.
Everybody belongs to an "appearance type" - this is why, everywhere you go, you'll see people that remind you of people you know. I would classify these as markers of genetics, not markers of the soul.

Try it next time you go out in a crowd. See how many people you see that look like they could be related to someone you know.
I have no physical resemblance in this life to any of my past life personas that I have been able to remember. I'm not sure why ones soul would want to reincarnate with similar physical features over and over, I have always been curious about that.
Now as for resemblances, will add this one thing. As of late a past life of mine as a flapper girl back in the 1920's has been flooding my consciousness bigtime. It has been about all I could do at times is think and meditate on this life. And it has even come to who I think I was with photos of this person being available. Before this I had never come upon a photo of a past life photo as I knew of. And what to me is soooo interesting is certain physical features that this person had and to what I myself have had with espicelly in my youth.

So do think that this as for physical appearence will come across from life to life. It might not be so apparent when we cross races or gender at times. But when we incarnate into the same race and such, do think this indeed could happen. As for myself when I noticed certain physical features with as for myself, my jaw dropped.

Wishing Everyone the Best!
Stellaria said:
Everybody belongs to an "appearance type" - this is why, everywhere you go, you'll see people that remind you of people you know. I would classify these as markers of genetics, not markers of the soul.
Try it next time you go out in a crowd. See how many people you see that look like they could be related to someone you know.
This is one of my favorite pastimes. Having spent twenty-five years doing genealogy research, I've even had the opportunity to see a resemblance in a stranger to someone I know, and then through their research, they discover they're distant cousins. I have a photograph of an old, white haired man a cousin sent me, not knowing where he fit in our family, and I was sure I knew the man. It finally dawned on me that his eyes were like my youngest son's eyes. So I knew he did belong in our family tree.
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Stellaria said:
Everybody belongs to an "appearance type" - this is why, everywhere you go, you'll see people that remind you of people you know. I would classify these as markers of genetics, not markers of the soul.
Try it next time you go out in a crowd. See how many people you see that look like they could be related to someone you know.
This is one of my favorite pastimes. Having spent twenty-five years doing genealogy research, I've even had the opportunity to see a resemblance in a stranger to someone I know, and then through their research, they discover they're distant cousins. I have a photograph of an old, white haired man a cousin sent me, not knowing where he fit in our family, and I was sure I knew the man. It finally dawned on me that his eyes were like my youngest son's eyes. So I knew he did belong in our family tree.
There are some amazing resemblances out there. Truly amazing. Does this mean these people are incarnations of their earlier look alikes? Perhaps.

18 celebrities and their historical dopple gangers





There are also people who are not related who look really alike in the present life. What's going on there? Is this to do with genetics or something else? I don't know if any serious work has ever been done on this.
I pretty much collect these kinds of cases, it's a bit of a hobby of mine! But I worry that it's rude to share one's speculations about that kind of thing, esp. if you're comparing someone to an earlier figure who has a less than pristine reputation. So here's a case where both people in question are dead and they were both really outstanding, tremendously brave people.

About 10 years ago I read a great book called "Up from Slavery" by Booker T. Washington. The guy was such an amazing person with a *very* distinctive writing style. He was masterful at describing things using little details, a bit on the preachy side, extremely dedicated to bridging race relations and one of the bravest men on the planet.

About six months later I read another book with another three-word title. Again, I marveled at the distinctive style. I thought, "this guy has such a unique way of putting things, but I know I've read something by him before!" The book was called "Black Like Me" by John Howard Griffin. In fact Mr. Griffin was not black, he was a white journalist, who disguised himself as a black man in the South during the sixties. Do you think they look alike? I do, at least I think they have the same expression. I know their writing styles are *very* similar. They were both incredibly brave people and I highly recommend their books.


A lot of people have speculated about the similarities between Voltaire and George Bernard Shaw:


No, I don't think that guy resembles Booker T. Washington in the slightest. Completely different face shape and facial features.

BUT you mentioned expression. I *do* believe that facial expressions carry over. Too many such reports from parents of kids who remember being past relatives to believe otherwise.
I tend to avoid making a habit of comparisons like that with celebrities, even casually. Like Jody mentions, to me it sort of seems disrespectful, almost 'shallow' with regards to the whole process of reincarnation.

As in the example Jody posted, if I were to note any resemblance between Mr. Griffin and Mr. Washington, it'd be that wit, intelligence, the passion for their subject, and just that 'vibe'. If I were to make some sort of "Well he could be Booker T himself!" conclusion, which I avoid doing, it wouldn't be based on the looks. Outside of any facial similarities, so much other stuff comes through from a past life it that any resemblance might be cool to note, but definitely isn't as important to me. (But I will admit I'm interested in that book now!)

Outside of any reincarnation tie or trying to make evidence out of resemblance on its own, the comparisons are interesting alone, and are kinda cool to see. The above images are uncanny but all the current pictures are actors. They change looks, expression, and just their 'vibe' all the time. I would be extremely hesitant to try and seriously make a case for those examples based just on a similarity in looks. Similar facial features do sometimes come along from past incarnations... however, I wouldn't base a whole claim off of that. If memories came along with it, well, that's different. Like others have said, there are plenty of other ways two people can look alike, so I keep facial feature similarity as sort of 'supporting data', not really a good verification when it's on its own for me.

But it's fun to see anyways. The Voltaire and Shaw one is cool, outside of the pose nothing seems exactly matching but there is something super similar!
Human genetic types have been spreading and recombining throughout the world for as long as humans have existed. This is why families tend to show resemblance, and is also why unrelated people in far-distant cities will remind you strongly of people you know back home. Everyone has doppelgängers, and in some areas certain physical features and combinations of features tend to be more prevalent just because of strongly entrenched genetics from the families that settled that area.

Physical resemblance to anyone else, past or present, is genetic. The only exceptions to that seems to be the presence of birthmarks, and expression/mannerisms (though mannerisms can carry through genetically, too.)
That would be coincidental. There are a lot of people that resemble a lot of other people from the past, whom they are not related to. It's not something that happens in many cases, and isn't considered a solid sign, like birthmarks coincidental with wounds or death-blows is.

The genetics of the physical body are already in place before the soul usually makes the jump in, anyway. It's as coincidental as your parents choosing the same name you had in your past life - another thing that happened with the Leninger case.
It takes just a teeny bit of damage or malfunction in the brain for us to lose our ability to distinguish between faces. In other words, our ability to recognize faces is highly sophisticated, or, in other words, we look more alike than we might like to think.

Photos purporting to show ‘twins’ rely heavily on similarity of expression, age, hair, facial hair, clothing, weight, etc. I thought the celebs look-alike thing was meant as a joke to mock the men’s steely brooding gazes and the women’s, um, ‘do me’ pouts, and not as ‘evidence of reincarnation'? (Unless you’re willing to believe Jack Black is Figaro reincarnated.) There’s little similarity in the facial features of MM and Britney Spears, for example, but that’s a moot point for an argument in any case, as both had extensive plastic surgery (as has Nicolas Cage and Keanu Reeves). Keanu Reeves’ features are nothing like those of his look-alike, so I don’t get that one at all.

As to mannerisms - my father-in-law, who died many years ago, had a particular expression that’s a little hard to explain, but he’d close his mouth, become quiet and still, and just survey the room. It was very distinctively ‘him’. A few years ago I noticed one of his great-grandchildren with exactly the same expression. Another woman who'd married into the family and who’d known him also commented on it, so it wasn’t just me. Wow!…was he back!?...probably not...more great-children have now shown up, and several of them do exactly the same expression. Genetics. Weird stuff.
The genetics of the physical body are already in place before the soul usually makes the jump in, anyway.
I don't believe this to be the case 100%. I believe that bodies are made / chosen by / for us and our souls energy field has a large affect on the developing body.

In cases in which we are maintaining the patterns of being born to the same parents, this is most likely enhanced further.

I don't know anything about the people in these pictures, but there is a portrait of me of a past life who lived 200 years ago. Its nearly an exact match and even copies my habit of raising my right eye brow. We even have the same birthday.

Just to say its a coincidence unfairly undercuts a lot of what we claim to know about reincarnation currently.But I do agree that any past life analysis should not just stop there and many other factors also need to be considered.
There's also the thing about having birth marks where someone was murdered, for example shot 3 times in the back = 3 small birth marks on the back in the next lifetime.

Johann Baptist Schenk, a friend of Mozart and brilliant composer & playwright in his own rite. He wrote beautiful music and set it to comedies. (Sound familiar?) The more I research it the more positive I am.
Ok I'll make a collage...ok looks like I can't upload from my phone...

[You need to open the image and get the URL. You can't upload straight out of google. Also, try to use smallish images. I have fixed them up for you. T.]
Browsing through a little photo collection of mine and someone caught my eye:

