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Search results

  1. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Washington Post Article on Children's Past Lives

    Who reads the Washington Post any longer? ;) Their website did allow me to read the article today for free. Yesterday it wouldn't let me read unless I subscribed for a week for $4. (Gee, isn't Jeff Bezos pouring enough of his billions into the paper?) It was a very good article. The little...
  2. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Soul assignments

    After believing in reincarnation, I, too, found I no longer could feel sad at funerals. (Not one for crying in public, I never cried anyway.) I don't think, however, that those who don't believe in reincarnation have a tendency to cry " a lot" or tend to take a longer time "to recover" than...
  3. SundayAtDuskReturns

    The Bardo vs In Between States as in Michael Newtons and Brian Weiss's Books.

    S&S, After getting over my initial fears that believing in reincarnation was "sacrilegious", I've never gone back to fearing that. I also never left Christianity, but combined it with my new "attachments". Today, if asked about my beliefs, I reply I am a Judeo-Christian who believes in...
  4. SundayAtDuskReturns

    The Bardo vs In Between States as in Michael Newtons and Brian Weiss's Books.

    Ossian, wonderful post! I wish my dreams were only half as interesting as yours! I could see myself like your husband, too--no, I'm not going back right now . . . I will just stay in the library and read . . . . :)
  5. SundayAtDuskReturns

    The Bardo vs In Between States as in Michael Newtons and Brian Weiss's Books.

    ossian, like S&S, my beliefs have not stayed rigid over the years, but have swayed. Back in the early 2000s, when I was active in this group, I firmly believed in reincarnation, after slowly embracing it in the 1980s. I say slowly because, like you, I was raised a Christian. I personally saw...
  6. SundayAtDuskReturns

    The Bardo vs In Between States as in Michael Newtons and Brian Weiss's Books.

    I think the afterlife is what it is and no one knows for sure what it is like. We guess and we believe. Personally, I find it hard to believe the "in-between" state is a fearful place. Why would it be like that? (Sorry, I remember nothing about what I read long ago about Bardo.) Yet I also...
  7. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Soul assignments

    I remember reading in one of Edgar Cayce's book where he said there were souls having problems in their current lifetime because they came back too soon. He explained they were killed in WWII and simply grabbed the first available body to get back on Earth! That would mean for at least some...
  8. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Songs You Are Listening To -- Part II

    Sometimes In Winter by Blood, Sweat & Tears and In The Winter by Janis Ian.
  9. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Songs You Are Listening To -- Part II

    Two of my absolute favorite ballards are Fast Car by Tracy Chapman and Taxi by Harry Chapin. I think it's interesting both are about cars and the two artists have similar last names.
  10. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Rupert Sheldrake's Books

    Hi S & S, I just came across your message. I never got an email on it. :confused: Since he says the paranormal topics he discusses aren't paranormal, I think you may be right that he is dening the supernatural. His books are still some of the most interesting I have read where a scientist is...
  11. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Mother reincarnated as granddaughter?

    Thanks for the article S&S. It's been a while since I've read anything about Kabbalah. I probably have unread books on it, too, on my Kindle. (I have lots of unread books on my Kindle.) It interests me that it is more common for Jews to be taught that they should not spend much or any time...
  12. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Rupert Sheldrake's Books

    Doing a search here in the forum, I see there have been many threads about Rupert Sheldrake, but none for eight years. I just started reading The Sense of Being Stared At and read Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home years ago. I think his work is fascinating, although I've never...
  13. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Mother reincarnated as granddaughter?

    S&S, thanks for your understanding. :) Yes, I would like to know if Skyline finds the idea of incarnating into a family other than her own to be distasteful or distressing? If so, why? I've read of individuals who like to believe they are born back into the same religion or ethnic group, but I...
  14. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Mother reincarnated as granddaughter?

    Sorry, all the "S" names have confused me. 🙃 It was directed at Skyline, but now have deleted it since she wasn't the one who posted it. It must have been seeing it on the cell phone that caused me to see it incorrectly. I'm not sure why, though, I strangely saw the reply as directed to me. I...
  15. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Mother reincarnated as granddaughter?

    I don't agree with your belief at all. Bloodlines and DNA are physical things. Souls are not physical. They are not chained to certain bloodlines that exist on earth.
  16. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Jenny Cockell's Book & Movie . . . .

    I think that is the term for it. (Correct me please anyone, if I am wrong.) It's a future life. Instead of being regressed, you are progressed. I don't believe in that, but if life is circular and not linear, I guess it's possible.
  17. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Jenny Cockell's Book & Movie . . . .

    Yesterday I watched the movie Yesterday's Children (2000), which was based on Jenny Cockell's book about a past life in Ireland. The book is entitled Yesterday's Children: The Search For My Family From The Past (1993). It's funny, I distinctly remember discussing her book in this forum in the...
  18. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Wanting A Better Life

    But it does matter. You matter. Everyone matters. Regardless of what labels others use to define you, your life matters as much as the life of anyone else. It's just as important. Don't let labels or diagnoses doom or defeat you.
  19. SundayAtDuskReturns

    Wanting A Better Life

    People with autism aren't stupid. They can be disconnected from day-to-day life in various ways, but that often has nothing to do with low intelligence levels. (I've often wondered if they are refusing to fully participate in life due to past life issues.) One study released about 10 years ago...
  20. SundayAtDuskReturns

    "Surviving Death" (netflix program) - Reincarnation

    Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.