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  1. s.kincaides

    I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced taste in their past life regression.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced taste in their past life regression.
  2. s.kincaides

    Born In The Wrong Generation

    That's funny you say that. My sister says the same thing. Thats why she doesn't like past lives because that means she has to come back. My guess is that imprint of what you are saying will stick on you throughout no matter where you "go" unless you learn that lesson in one of your lives and...
  3. s.kincaides

    Born In The Wrong Generation

    Maybe you had strong ties to your past life. For me I was a flower child in the 70's and died as a teenager. In this life when I saw Woodstock on a documentary when I was about 18 I knew I had been there and experienced that.
  4. s.kincaides

    Too Much Memory is a Problem

    I think we remember when our scenes are involved and the level of emotion. I could remember the taste of a soup from a past life. That's why Past life regression can have memories so strong. At least for me I think that's true.