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9/11 Baby - baby_rn

baby rn

New Member
I've never written on anything like this before...actually makes me a little nervous but anyway...Ive been looking on the internet for someone talking about their child having past life memories from 9/11. My son has been talking about it for almost a year now...he's almost 4...He started out insisting that he doesn't just want to be a firefighter that he is one...he would get up in the morning and put on his fire outfit(his big reward for being potty trained) and tell me he's going to work. He would take his play axe and pretend to chop down the walls etc because there was fire behind them. that's how it started and the info just progressed...we were reading a curious george book about him in the big city and he said very matter of factly...bad men knocked those buildings over, pointing at the twin tower picture.(he has also never been exposed to 9/11 scenes...i am also a stay at home mom. Then he said planes broke in them and he couldn't help...he also told me there were people jumping because they wouldn't wait for him to get them...He told me he was stuck and and was trying to break thru the wall to get the people out because they were calling for them ...He has also gone on extensively about the type of trucks he was in...the color bucket on the truck and how it feels to come down from up high in the bucket...very detailed about firefighting and has stated he's not a firefighter he's fire rescue...we have no firefighters in the family but the details I could go on with forever...he also talks about his friend Mike that is also a firefighter...It has opened my eyes to a whole new reality...my husband still doesn't want to believe it but the details are far too much for a three year old to make up...it makes me feel better some one else is experiencing this too
Hi baby rn,

Welcome to the forum, and thanks for sharing your son's experience's. I don't know how new you are to the idea of reincarnation, but it's nothing to worry about and it's perfectly normal for a child to talk about their past life, it's not something that will necessarily haunt him forever, most children remember between the ages of around 3 and 7 before they become more involved in their present life and then they begin to forget.

It's my opinion that all children remember their past lives, but most parents dismiss it as imagination. You are doing the right thing by letting your son talk openly about his memories, just go along with what he is saying as if you already know about it, try to join in with his conversation, maybe get him to draw some pictures of what he remembers, and like Vicky said, make sure you write everything down and keep it safe.

I would highly recommend investing in Carol's book Children's Past Lives, as there is a lot of information there to help parents like yourself to deal with a situation like this, you can read the first chapter here.

I hope you enjoy the forum and keep us updated with your son.

Chris... ;)
Baby rn,

We are all ears. Please fee free to share as much detail as you want about your son's memories. We would all like to know the details he's shared with you.

Sometimes when a person dies traumatically, corresponding feelings about the death can surface in a future life. I was wondering if your son is upset, fearful, angry, or speaks matter-of-factly about being a fireman and not being able to get the people out. Does there seem to be a facet of his memories that he is stuck on? Does he mention any family?

Anything you can add about his emotional state, or possible corresponding behaviors would be interesting to all of us.

Thanks so much for sharing with us.
I am not really sure who I'm responding too...I think it's Carol...you'll have to excuse me i don't have much time to get on the computer these days so i don't exactly know how this works...thanks for responding to me...i'm pretty confident that what my son has been telling me is from a past life...there's no way he would know all this at his age! Also the tone of his voice is completely different and he also will laugh a lot if I ask him anything...like why are you asking me this you know i know the answers...I'm very aware not to ask him anything specific because he only tells me what he wants at that time...which is always before bed or after he wakes in the morning...tonight he told me he likes to drive thru red lights with the sirens on when he doesn't actually have to and then he laughs! His info comes in spurts though usually a whole lot at a time then a lull and then more...

He told me that I would really enjoy the Christmas parties at his fire station...everyone always have lots of fun...he said they got a new fire truck because their old one is wrecked...he has said this several times about a new fire truck with a tv in it and maps and a boat on top...also he has tried to give me directions to his fire sation...funny coming from a three year old actually...he says you take a left then a right and his station is on the left with another across the street on the right. He told me he trains the new guys coming thru and his friend mike is with the older guys...there is so much in the last year I could go on forever...but there really has been less and less in the past few months..detail wise anyway that maybe he his forgetting already...oh he has said his friend Mike has two or three kids but one is the biggest four year old boy he's ever seen...I have written it down somewhat but this is just what I'm thinking of right now...he's a very quiet and kind child to everyone and I just hope this doesn't have some kind of lasting trauma to him...although he seems to not be bothered by talking about it on his own terms...almost seems better after he has talked about it...sorry so long winded
Hi Baby RN and welcome,

It would seem to me that your son may very well be recounting past life memories.

Don't be distressed about it. It is something not at all uncommon, it is just not very well understood in our culture. He may or may not be 'traumatised' by it a little bit, but the way you deal with it will have a great bearing on it. He will be fine in the long term. Everybody has past life memories, most people just don't understand what they are.

Without pressuring him or making too much fuss, it would be kind of interesting to see if you could work out who he was.

Often early in the morning or before bed, when children are in a bit of a sleepy state is when these things seem to surface (works the same for grown ups too).

  1. Have you looked at this thread: Advise for parents and this one: Four signs of a child's past life memory

Let us know if you have any more information to share. We are all very interested.
Fantastic thread! :thumbsup:

Note on "downtown": In American usage it usually refers to the city center. In New York City, (where I grew up) the word refers to Lower Manhattan (the southernmost part of the island) which is the most densely built-up area. (In fact, the phrase "downtown" might have originated in New York City).

The World Trade Center and Wall Street are definitely "downtown". Although downtown New York is mostly a financial and commercial district, there are some (incredibly expensive!) apartments there.

Some of the (richest) victims might have lived there to be close to their work...
Welcome to the forum, Baby_rn! :)

Others have already given you fantastic advise - I guess the most important is to get and read Carol Bowman's book as it's going to rock your world, I promise!

I just wanted to say that your son's story is an amazing one, and that we are all willing to hear everything you are comfortable with sharing. :thumbsup:

Also, just let us know if you have any questions about how the forum works.


PS. Thank you for the "downtown explanations", JustinSmith. It was almost like I thought - but I assumed downtown is more like the Village area, and the expensive business district to be uptown. You learn something new every day. :thumbsup:
Baby rn,

Please share more details with us. We're all ears. And, please, write down everything your son has said in chronological order, if possible, so you don't forget a detail.

A couple of things strike me immediately in your story:

First, the fact that your son speaks of his being a firefighter-- in present tense-- rings true. Young children who have spontaneous memories often speak of past events in present tense--because they don't necessarily realize they have made a transition into another life. (I write about this in my book.)

And, the story itself makes me wonder if he is still troubled by not having been able to do his job and rescue the people trapped in the building. When children have memories of traumatic, sudden deaths, they sometimes dwell on their last thoughts and feelings, for example, "I couldn't save them." That heightened feeling can carry forward into the next life and trouble a child. I was wondering if your son seems at all upset about all this. Either way, it would be good for you to assure him that he did the best he could in that situation. (More about this in the book too!) I'm always interested in the emotional impact of these memories on a child.

It seems that his play activities might be a re-enactment of his final minutes. That's not unusual, either. It seems that through playing over the scene again and again, children are trying to resolve or understand what happened to them before.

Usually children's memories emerge as they are falling asleep, when they first wake up, when they are riding in a car, or at bathtime--any situation when they're very relaxed and in a light trance state, not fully awake.

We would love to hear more, if you are willing. We are here to help. And, we are all fascinated by your story.

Thanks for sharing,

Hi Baby rn,

I had to laugh when I read what you wrote about what your little one said, " he's not a firefighter he's fire rescue...". My guess is that he was in a "Rescue" unit. That is exactly the way they talk. I wrote in my book about some of the members of Rescue 1 (they lost 11 men on 9/11) and have seen them instilling this attitude into their children. It is very hard to get into one of these unit and they are the elite of the FDNY. They think the FDNY is the best and they know they are the "Best of the Best". You might want to ask if Mike had a nickname because most of the men have them. It may be something strange but that is OK, there are some strange ones (Pooh-bear, Mad-dog, Mongo....). Ask and see what he says.


Jeff Keene

(Asst. Chief F.D. ret.)

Baby rn,

PS: You may want to ask your son if he had a nickname or what the other guys called him. Also, he is right on the money about the truck, they have maps, some have small boats and the TV very well could be a computer terminal.

Hello everyone,

Fascinating. Just wanted to add how wonderful it is that such a sad and tragic event as the 9/11 can be demonstrative that "death" is merely a transition and that "life" continues even after an event such as that one. Marvellous... :thumbsup: :)

Downtown. Expensive apartments. Can anyone find out where the Nicholas G. Massa, 65, New York, N.Y., senior vice president of the Aon Corp used to live? There may be some great "validation" right there...

Look forward to reading more, and would like to thank the "Moms" for sharing. Do not worry, I am quite sure both children are actually ridding themselves of the previous trauma of having lived through such an event. They will both be fine... ;)

I think you are the one that could help me with all the technical things he has told me about...he has said that he's also a scuba diver...he talks about his gear and air tank...but says he rescues animals??But its funny though...he received flippers and mask as a present from someone,put them on and automatiically walked backwards in them and fell into the pool backwards...then said "see this is how you do it".that's an aside but thought it was funny...This has been info he has telling me over a year so I'm going to try to pick out the technical firefighting things and see what you think...He has said he has a bucket truck and he rides in the bucket...he showed me with his hand how the bucket goes up and he said when you come down you don't just come down you bounce a little at the bottom and showed me with his hand...he told he has lots of firefighter friends and one drives his bucket.he showed me with his hands again that there are two levers one is forward for up and another for down or something like that...also something about engaging levers to spray hoses from the bucket...he thiks his bucket has a three on it?3 has come up a lot...on his truck..but he kind of waivers back and forth about the #3...he has said it's on his hat he thinks...could he have been on a ladder truck and rescue?He is also sure his hat is black with yellow stripe.he said he has a picture of a wolf with a moon in his truck and always calls it "his" truck...he rides in the front he said...but he is not chief...this may not make sense but it is what he tells me..he has said several times about an old truck getting wrecked or dying and getting a new truck...he has told me firemen follow the leader up a line in a fire and if falls off the line he uses a bright light and sometimes a camera to find them and makes them say cheese(theres the three year old talking)...something about to spray water you push the lever down for off and up for on...when talking about 9/11 (I think )

he said people were falliing from a building because they wouldn't wait...he was on the floor with his breathing mask on and tried t get out a window but it was too small so he used his ax to break a hole so he could get the people out. To answer someones elses question about if he seems scared about this...no its very matter of fact..just statements...although his has lined up four fire hats in my bedroom so he said we could get to them quicker if we need them..his room of course set up like a fire station everything according to where he says it goes...the funny thing is he said to me one day he needs a real air tank and a real ax for his fire staion room because the ones he has are play ones and don't work! Pretty funny!anyway let me know what you think?
Thanks for sharing baby rn, i'm amazed at the level of detail your son remembers.

Obviously your first priority is the well being of your son, and it's good to hear that he doesn't seem to be traumatised by what happened. I suspect all of this is probably a bit overwhelming for you and your partner too. I'm glad you found the forum, and a place where you can share your son's experiences with people who understand, and want to help. Did you have any thoughts on reincarnation before your son came along?

Now i'm wondering if you would be interested (either now or later on when you have come to terms with all this) in trying to find out who your son actually was, because looking at the information you have, i don't think it would take too much research to find out, there is certainly enough documentation about 9/11...Is that something you would be interested in doing?

Thanks again for sharing, this is a fascinating case, i can't wait to see how it develops... :)
Regarding his behavior with the mask and fins: I'm a scuba diver, and he's right, that is often "how you do it" to enter deep water from a boat with all your scuba gear on. Most 3 year olds would not know that... and even if they saw it on TV, most would not be willing to try it so fearlessly! In other words, it sounds like he's really had experience doing this before. :thumbsup:

Hi Baby rn,

I don't have all the answers but will help as much as a I can. I think the best way to do this is for me to copy your text and answer the questions in bold lettering. This will save a lot of time. OK, here we go.

I think you are the one that could help me with all the technical things he has told me about...he has said that he's also a scuba diver...he talks about his gear If he used the word "gear" he is correct as any thing you wear on the job is "gear".(see how one small word can mean a lot).and air tank...Yes, many of the Rescue company members are SCUBA divers.but says he rescues animals??But its funny though...NYC is an island and many rescue calls are in the water. And yes, they do animal rescues (be it on land or in water). Have you ever seen a Firefighter do CPR on a cat or dog? I have. he received flippers and mask as a present from someone,put them on and automatiically walked backwards in them and fell into the pool backwards...then said "see this is how you do it".that's an aside but thought it was funny...Yes, in many cases they roll into the water on their backs. If you want to see the reason for this, put on a face-piece and dive in the pool. One of two things will happen, either the face-piece will be pulled off your face or you might have it pushed into your face (which can be very painful).

This has been info he has telling me over a year so I'm going to try to pick out the technical firefighting things and see what you think...He has said he has a bucket truck and he rides in the bucket...he showed me with his hand how the bucket goes up and he said when you come down you don't just come down you bounce a little at the bottom and showed me with his hand...Yes, if the levers are not operated very smoothly there is a bounce he told he has lots of firefighter friends and one drives his bucket.he showed me with his hands again that there are two levers one is forward for up and another for down or something like that...also something about engaging levers to spray hoses from the bucket...Yes, there are levers to work the bucket and levers to open the gates to flow water to the hoselines /ladderpipes.he thinks his bucket has a three on it?3 has come up a lot...on his truck..but he kind of waivers back and forth about the #3...he has said it's on his hat he thinks...could he have been on a ladder truck and rescue? He is not waivering,if he was on Rescue #3 there would be a 3 on the rescue vehicle and a "Rescue 3" on his helmet. Likewise if he had been on a "Ladder Company", a 3 on the truck itself and a "Ladder 3" on the helmet (the names Ladder and Truck are used in different ways in the Fire Service) He is also sure his hat is black with yellow stripe.Over the years FDNY fought to keep thier turnout gear black.For most, their helmets are black with reflective tape on them so that they can be seen better at night. he said he has a picture of a wolf with a moon in his truck and always calls it "his" truck...he rides in the front he said...but he is not chief...this may not make sense but it is what he tells me..Makes perfect sense.Remember the WW2 pilots painting pictures on thier planes? Many firefighters do the very same thing to thier vehicles. When he says "his" he means "his". I know the feeling well. My guess is that he was, at least, a Lieutenant or Capt. of a company and would assume the passenger seat in the cab.

he has said several times about an old truck getting wrecked or dying and getting a new truck...he has told me firemen follow the leader up a line in a fire and if falls off the line he uses a bright light and sometimes a camera to find them and makes them say cheese(theres the three year old talking)...Yes, many times they are in a line and they do have high-powered flashlights. If a man should become seperated they could find him with a thermal-imageing camera (say cheese, I love it. That is just the way I would expect a firefighter to act.) something about to spray water you push the lever down for off and up for on...when talking about 9/11 (I think ) he said people were falliing from a building because they wouldn't wait...No Baby, they were not falling, they were jumping. It was not that they wouldn't wait, they couldn't wait. You tell him that for me. (sorry, had to take a tissue break). he was on the floor with his breathing mask on and tried t get out a window but it was too small so he used his ax to break a hole so he could get the people out.

To answer someones elses question about if he seems scared about this...no its very matter of fact..just statements...although his has lined up four fire hats in my bedroom so he said we could get to them quicker if we need them..his room of course set up like a fire station everything according to where he says it goes...the funny thing is he said to me one day he needs a real air tank and a real ax for his fire staion room because the ones he has are play ones and don't work! Pretty funny!anyway let me know what you think?

His concern for the people show me that he is a firefighter deep in his heart and soul. I don't see any way that he could not have been a firefighter seeing his knowledge of all the little nuances of the job.One of the worst things you can do to a firefighter is to make him feel helpless. Many were made to feel that way on 9/11.

Best, Jeff
This is all terribly fascinating.

It is important to remember, however, that was then and this is now. These kids have a whole new life now, with new challenges, new relatives and new lessons to learn. With some understanding of where they have come from, they can build upon the lessons learned in their most recent lives, but this life is the one they need to live through now. Don't lose sight of that in all the excitement.

This is where my problem lies...I've been listening and not asking much about this for the past year because he is mine and here now...exactly! I do very much believe in reincarnation and always have...just never had much proof or needed much proof...this is an in my face example...unfortunately from my son which I prefer not to be the example...such is life I guess. His information was dwindling until I actually started to write on this forum and he started to talk again...and no i've said nothing more or less about the situation...I think he knows more about the big picture then alot of us...he has said to me "did you know when you die you pick a belly and go back into it?" I'm just an open person and listen to what he has to say and and love him to pieces...
Hi Jeff,

Almost had to reach for tissues myself when I read your last post. Thanks for taking the time to share... :thumbsup:

Hi Baby rn,

unfortunately from my son which I prefer not to be the example...
Sorry, when I last posted in this thread I was just hoping and intending to bring up a different way of looking at this: at the beauty of the fact that even when someone (or some people) suffer such an unbelievable tragedy, "life" persists and goes on...

Tanguerra is right, your son is now in a new life, with all the new opportunities that go with it. He will soon forget what he now remembers, which is always a blessing of every new life - to forget past sorrows and literally have the opportunity to live a new life. :) :thumbsup:

I wish your son and your family all the happiness that you all deserve.


I'm not surprised that your son began to speak more about his lifetime as a firefighter after you started posting on the Forum. It is not a coincidence. I've seen this happen many times. On some level, by your opening up more to this, he has been able to do the same.

This story really pulls at my heart. As Jeff said, your son has the heart and soul of a firefighter. I'm just wondering what he might still be carrying with him from that tragic event, since he couldn't save those people. That's why I asked you how he reported these events to see if there are any residual emotional issues you need to address--to reassure him that he did everything a good fire rescue person could have done. If he seems to need that reassurance, don't hestitate to give it to him. In that way, he can be MORE present in this life, without the negative feelings from that event, if he has any.

As I said before, the fact that he speaks about himself as a firefighter in the present tense, and his uncanny knowledge and behaviors related to that life, indicate that he still strongly identifies with his past-life self. If so, (and I know this sounds a little strange if you haven't read my books), he may not have fully made the transition into this life. A part of him might still be stuck trying to get those people out. That's where a little gentle guidance on your part can help with reassurances that he did all that he could, etc. Use your motherly instincts in this, and you'll know exactly what to say to him. You are correct in letting him talk about these things as they come up spontaneously. Just let him talk, and be prepared to help him sort it out, if he needs to.

Sometimes these memories surface in children because their souls need healing from past life trauma. Having said that, he may just have carried the strong desire to serve with him into this life. You'll have to see where this goes.

Thank you so much for sharing with us.


No worries! It is truely unbelievable and amazing to me what my son knows and remembers...maybe he came to me because I am so open to this idea who knows...But it definitely is kind of a weird position to be in as a parent...i want to know as much as he can tell me but I also don't want him to talk about it so much that he thinks it's now...does that make sense?


Thank you so much for all your input on the firefighting info...I guess he's right "he knows" as he says...maybe tonight I will go thru what i've written down and ask you more...Do you know anything about where the firesations are located in NYC? He gave me directions from his station to Mike's...coming from a three year old it could be just a bunch of lefts and rights but who knows?He picked up his little red whistle this morning and said "this is how I wake the firefighters up if they need to go to a fire..or sleep to long!Then he was laughing...THere are a lot of little funny comments like these that make me laugh but are probably true...Also this mornig and the last few days he has said he going to or got a "space appoinment or pointment"(I can tell what his saying cause in his speach c's are t's etc. like typical three year old) anyway after he said that he gets hiss hose or fire extinguisher to spray at it...Does this make any sense...the words anyway...he is getting very upset that i don't know what it is he's saying...Sorry I could ramble for days...thanks again for your help i appreciate it everyone!


Thanks for helping me out...I did order your book so I will have a little more clarity on this issue...I think from what I can see now he is very protective of his family...He puts on his fire boots and hat everynight before bedtime and comes into my daughters room with his fire flashlight to check my daughter's room for whatever and will say all clear and their both happy and she goes to bed...its interesting though she won't go to bed until he does it but he will only do it if I'm putting them to bed...he said it doesn't work when dad's in there? Don't know what that means...He picks out his books to read at night and the last few nights hes been getting his firefighter books(which he hasn't in a while) but there is a cartoon picture of a training tower and a skyscraper with a cartoon fire truck with a long ladder...anyway he said he likes the smaller building s not the high one because he's scared it will fall on his head...this is the first time he's ever said anything like that...I told him he is here now and safe with me and he said"I know" and told me to stop talking and read the book...that is the first time I've ever heard him say anything about feelings associated with firefighting. It is usually factual like what i'd ask Jeff about...He is basically telling me he knows about past lifes by telling me when you die you pick a belly to come too...he has also said next time he's a baby he won't be scared to go on our boat(when his was smaller he didn't like to go fast on our boat)...there are lots of examples like that...does that commonly happen with these children in your research?Thanks !
Baby rn,

What your son is experiencing is not uncommon. However, most children don't recall as much specific detail as your son does. And, since your son remembers such a public and emotionally charged event, it is particularly interesting to all of us.

Although most children don't remember as many details from a previous life, some children will have more residual feelings that have carried forward. To me, that's significant, since I think that often the memories come up because the soul needs to heal from past life events. That's why I've been probing about your son's feelings as he talks about these memories.

I think it's probably significant that he is so vigilant about making sure his sister is all right before she goes to bed. (That brought tears to my eyes, too.) As I said before, some kids need to re-enact the past life event in their "play", as if to resolve or complete what they couldn't in the past when they died. It's just something to consider when looking at the whole picture of your son's relationship to his past life personality.

Don't be surprised if he starts to allow his feelings to surface. (Sounds like it might have started last night.) He might sense that you are prepared to deal with it now. We'll see...

We're all here to support you and your son.

Hi Baby rn,

maybe he came to me because I am so open to this idea who knows...
Yes, I personally believe that ALL things have a reason and a purpose. :thumbsup: He very probably came to you for the same reasons that you have come to this forum... :)

Best of luck to you, and do keep us updated, as we are all fascinated by both your and Kristajohns' experiences with your kids. :cool
Hi Baby rn,

Wow, your making my brain work overtime. I haven't had to use it since I left the Dept (LOL). Here we go with some more thoughts.


Thank you so much for all your input on the firefighting info...I guess he's right "he knows" as he says...maybe tonight I will go thru what i've written down and ask you more...Do you know anything about where the firesations are located in NYC? He gave me directions from his station to Mike's..This would be very hard to do. One would first have to know which station to start from and there are so many of them..coming from a three year old it could be just a bunch of lefts and rights but who knows?He picked up his little red whistle this morning and said "this is how I wake the firefighters up if they need to go to a fire..or sleep to long!Then he was laughing...THere are a lot of little funny comments like these that make me laugh but are probably true... He has me laughing too. He had to have been a Lt. or Capt.They have all kinds of tricks to get the late risers out of bed. Bang on lockers, hitting the bedframes with a baseball bat and even bang pots and pans. This last one was a favorite of a Lt. I once had (I took over his position when he retired). While making a loud clanging with the pots he would yell, "Time for all the little chickens to get up". So, if your son tells you things that make you laugh you can pretty much take it as the truth. Also this mornig and the last few days he has said he going to or got a "space appoinment or pointment"(I can tell what his saying cause in his speach c's are t's etc. like typical three year old) anyway after he said that he gets hiss hose or fire extinguisher to spray at it...Does this make any sense...the words anyway...he is getting very upset that i don't know what it is he's saying...Sorry, don't have a clue on this one.Sorry I could ramble for days...thanks again for your help i appreciate it everyone!


Thanks for helping me out...I did order your book so I will have a little more clarity on this issue...I think from what I can see now he is very protective of his family...He puts on his fire boots and hat everynight before bedtime and comes into my daughters room with his fire flashlight to check my daughter's room for whatever and will say all clear and their both happy and she goes to bed...its interesting though she won't go to bed until he does it but he will only do it if I'm putting them to bed...Carol used the word "vigilant", perfect word. There are many Vigilant Hose Company stations across the U.S. Firefighters are caretakers/protectors. Remember my old Lt. calling us "little chickens", that's because he was the mother hen (LOL).he said it doesn't work when dad's in there? Don't know what that means...I know the answer to this one, it's simple. In your son's life who is the big boss (or Chief) of the house? Dad is. Now the rule in the Fire Service is; the most senior officer on the scene is in charge.

So when dad is not around he is in charge, get it?
He picks out his books to read at night and the last few nights hes been getting his firefighter books(which he hasn't in a while) but there is a cartoon picture of a training tower and a skyscraper with a cartoon fire truck with a long ladder...anyway he said he likes the smaller building s not the high one because he's scared it will fall on his head...this is the first time he's ever said anything like that...I told him he is here now and safe with me and he said"I know" and told me to stop talking and read the book...that is the first time I've ever heard him say anything about feelings associated with firefighting. It is usually factual like what i'd ask Jeff about...You were privy to something rather rare. Firefighters seldom open themselves on a deep level to others. They learn very early on the job to stiffle their feelings. They see many nasty things. Some will cover in some way with "black humor" and the like.

On the call you don't have time to
feel, you just do , get the job done. The moment didn't last long did it and then he told you to, "stop talking and read the book". It was right then that he closed himself down again. He must love you very much to have shared with you in that way no matter the short duration. He is basically telling me he knows about past lifes by telling me when you die you pick a belly to come too...he has also said next time he's a baby he won't be scared to go on our boat(when his was smaller he didn't like to go fast on our boat)...Firefighters are not fearless, but they learn to face fear head on.there are lots of examples like that...does that commonly happen with these children in your research?Thanks ! Hope all this gives you some helpful insights into the heart and mind of a firefighter, I bet he was one of the best they had.
Jeff and everyone else

Thanks for all the great input...I'm feeling not so alone in this finally!!I could write a book about the amount of detail he has told me in the last year...and its all kind of blurring together...Is it possible he could remember more than one past life???I've got two different storylines going on?Just wondering?I know the firefighter one is real...Anyway jeff thanks for all the firefighting help...it makes me feel like what I'm listening to makes sense to someone...It's interesting what you said about firefighters just do and don't feel right away(actually gave me chills)...well, I'm a nurse and I know exactly what that means...I do it all the time too...not that I don't care but you can't feel until it is way over! i get it...never really thought about it in another job though! Very interesting!

More technical info for you to sort thru...he said in the bucket you don't spray the hoses you engage levers...he said when he rescues animals he scubas off the boat...we swim a lot where we live but its funny his swimming without flippers is completely different than swimming with flippers! With flippers,he always goes in the pool backwards, cruises fast, rescues his animals and is actually able to dive from swimming position to the bottom of the pool. Take into account he learned to swim 4 months ago...He has lots of animal rescue toys and rescue boats and one of the sets came with ...he calls it a motor(looks like a torpedo with handles to me and is about4 inches long)he says its like his real one but this is how you use it...he goes under water and swims really fast with this thing in front of him...(don't know if that's scuba or rescue related. He has said his friend Mike is on a different truck and he rides with the old guys...He said that he(my son) rides with the young guys and shows them what to do..

Here is where I said he waivers(to clarify) he always says his truck says a 3 or 33 or both...thats why I was wondering if he could have been on a ladder and a rescue truck? every once in a while he will say 343 so I don't know what is what...He always uses 3 or 4 . Another thing he has said that I thought was funny was one day he was standing in his bed(toddler bed) after he woke up in the morning and said "welcome to my fire truck! Can i give you a tour?We just got this new truck for christmas...our firehouse is so much fun . I think you'll like it!" I have asked him about names but he always stops talking ,looks at me, laughs and says what?never an answer...So I asked about nicknames and told him mine at work so he would understand what a nickname was...he thought this was hysterical and was laughing so hard he got the hiccups and then said, "i don't do names!" He was at the park with my daughter and I and I was pushing them on a toy that was hot on my hands and i said "that's hot' He runs over with his water cup and says"this isn't my job but I like you so i'll do it...He put the cup on my hand and told me to let him know when it felt better...he said it said BBFD or BBD on it?

He still doesn't know his letters so thats what it sounded like...if you ask him what those letters look like he woldn't know that's why I thought it was interesting that he said it..Sorry again for such a lengthy post...My husband is scared to death of this whole thing so i just don't say anything anymore and there are a lot of people that I think are skeptical so this is the first place i feel ok to vent or talk however you want to look at it.

I was thinking...do you think my son remembers so much more detail becuase the pat life is so recent???Most of the others seem to be past lives from further back...Just curious!
Yes. The majority of spontaneous memories of children are of their most recent lives (not always, though), and the traumatic memories push through with the most force. That soul left the former lifetime in a heightened state due to the trauma, and it's almost as if a part of their soul is frozen at the moment of death. They come back in, sometimes quickly (within a few years), and they need to sort out their last life--especially the moment of death. I talk about this at length in Children's Past Lives.

That's why it's important to listen carefully, observe, and see if the child needs help in sorting out what happened in the past, so they can let it go and be more fully in the present. As I think I said in the book, it's as if they have one foot stuck in the past, and they need to release it.
Hi baby rn,

I noticed with my son that sometimes when he would learn a new word or his letters that more memories would come forward. I think it just finally gives the child the vocabulary they need to speak of it. This happened when he learned what snow was and also once after learning about Martin Luther King.

There are also folks who say that talents or things that come easy to one in this life, can come from past life experience. I would say that a three year olds ability to swim that well can suggest that may be true. 3 year olds don't usually swim well enough to dive into the water or fall in the water backwards and perform rescue swimming techniques.

My husband was also scared and didn't want to believe what our son was saying. He also didn't want me to tell anyone else. You've got to share it though or it gets too distracting. This forum saved my sanity. In all seriousness, if it wasn't for this forum, I may have had my son psychologically evaluated. I think this would have caused untold damage to him.

I wondered for awhile when our son would be fully ours. Like you said, he seemed to always have one foot in this other life, missed his past life family, thought we kidnapped him etc. It does happen. They grow and mature and begin to get grounded and invested in this life. (starting kindergarten helped with this) Now he thinks his memories were just odd dreams that he had. I think its natural that they forget after like Carol said, they work through whatever it is they didn't at the moment of death.

baby rn said:
My husband is scared to death of this whole thing so i just don't say anything anymore and there are a lot of people that I think are skeptical so this is the first place i feel ok to vent or talk however you want to look at it.
Hi baby rn,

All the attention here is on your son, but today i've been thinking about your husband. It's perfectly understandable that all of this scares him, i guess it's the fear of the unknown. Does he have any beliefs at all on what happens to us after we die?

I was wondering if he would be willing to become a member here in the forum and then by talking about it and maybe reading through some of the discussions here, he could see for himself that reincarnation is a perfectly natural process that happens to us all, including you, me, your son and even your husband, we've all been here before, it's just that the majority of people are unable to identify their past life memories.

Maybe talking to some of the members here would allow him to see that people who remember their past lives are just normal everyday people, and hopefully that might ease his fear.
Hiya Baby_rn,

I've been reading along and others have given you great replies and advice. I just wanted to answer this:

baby rn said:
Is it possible he could remember more than one past life???I've got two different storylines going on?Just wondering?
Yes, it's perfectly normal to remember more than one past life at a time, and sometimes children will talk about them at the same time, which can be a little confusing. Do you think the scuba diving thing is from another past life, or has he said something you haven't shared here?

Best regards,

Once again for Baby rn. (Maybe I was a poet in a pastlife, LOL)

More technical info for you to sort thru...he said in the bucket you don't spray the hoses you engage levers...In years past when they used ladder-trucks the hose was brought up the ladder. Now, with the advent of bucket-trucks there is a pre-piped waterway to the bucket and the ladder-pipe (or master-stream) is turns on by turning a wheel or moving a lever. So, you don't stand there in the bucket with a hoseline in your hand (though you can at times) but rather operate the nozzles built into the bucket system.

he said when he rescues animals he scubas off the boat...we swim a lot where we live but its funny his swimming without flippers is completely different than swimming with flippers! With flippers,he always goes in the pool backwards, cruises fast, rescues his animals and is actually able to dive from swimming position to the bottom of the pool. Take into account he learned to swim 4 months ago...He has lots of animal rescue toys and rescue boats and one of the sets came with ...he calls it a motor(looks like a torpedo with handles to me and is about4 inches long)he says its like his real one but this is how you use it...he goes under water and swims really fast with this thing in front of him...(don't know if that's scuba or rescue related.This devise is just what he says it is, a motor, divers have been using them for many years. It pulls divers through the water at a pretty good speed, which is it's main purpose, two get them from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time. In Fire/Rescue time can be a very big enemy.

He has said his friend Mike is on a different truck and he rides with the old guys...He said that he(my son) rides with the young guys and shows them what to do.. Very insightful, there is something known as "Country-clubbing". Older firefighter are sometimes moved the less active stations in large city (or busy departments) because when you get older you become more brittle and tire easier. I know this for a fact (LOL). When I joined the department in Westport, CT. in 1976 we did around 300 calls a year. When I left in 2003 we were doing nearly 4000. This is done to a lesser extent with officers because there are less positions for them at stations. As I said, your son was most likely a Capt. or Lt. which puts him in a supervising capacity.

Here is where I said he waivers(to clarify) he always says his truck says a 3 or 33 or both...thats why I was wondering if he could have been on a ladder and a rescue truck? every once in a while he will say 343 so I don't know what is what...He always uses 3 or 4 . He could be right on all counts. During a firefighters career they will be on many different vehicles, trucks, ladders or rescues all with different numbers. Some vehicles are stationed alone while other stations may have two or more vehicles (such as Engine 43, Truck 3 or Rescue 3 and Truck 33). The station nearest the WTC ( so close it was destroyed) was known as Ten-Ten House. Why, because it held Truck #10 and Engine #10.

Another thing he has said that I thought was funny was one day he was standing in his bed(toddler bed) after he woke up in the morning and said "welcome to my fire truck! Can i give you a tour?We just got this new truck for christmas...our firehouse is so much fun . I think you'll like it!" LOL, PR and Public Education, a big part of Station life. Giving tours, letting the kids try on boots and helmets or ringing the bells. Sounds like he was good at that too.

I have asked him about names but he always stops talking ,looks at me, laughs and says what?never an answer...So I asked about nicknames and told him mine at work so he would understand what a nickname was...he thought this was hysterical and was laughing so hard he got the hiccups and then said, "i don't do names!" Once again, if he was an officer he would not "do nicknames". Nicknames are for the "grunts". It would not be very professional for a firefighter to be calling a Fire-officer "pigpen" or "horse butt" in public would it. Would you care to share what your nickname is that cracked him up so bad? Must be a good one, LOL.

He was at the park with my daughter and I and I was pushing them on a toy that was hot on my hands and i said "that's hot' He runs over with his water cup and says"this isn't my job but I like you so i'll do it...He put the cup on my hand and told me to let him know when it felt better...he said it said BBFD or BBD on it? (This may be something that EMS uses for burns. Check with a local Ambulance crew, they might know).

He still doesn't know his letters so thats what it sounded like...if you ask him what those letters look like he woldn't know that's why I thought it was interesting that he said it..Sorry again for such a lengthy post...My husband is scared to death of this whole thing so i just don't say anything anymore and there are a lot of people that I think are skeptical so this is the first place i feel ok to vent or talk however you want to look at it. OK Baby, now something for you and your husband. Education can cancel out a lot of fear. Go to my profile and send me an email or message with your name and mailing address so I can send you a copy of my book. You and your husband can read it and then save it for your son when he is older.

Best, Jeff

PS: Something I just thought of for you to try. Stand behind your son and say, "Hey Cap" and see if he turns around. Don't yell but just use a normal speaking voice. You can do the same at another time saying, "Hey Lou" and check his reaction. Lou and Cap are just short for Lieutenant and Captain and if he was an officer he would have been called by these names many, many times through his career.
Thanks for everyones help...last night my son said why did the bad men knock thoses buildings down(refering to picture of twin towers in curious george book)I said i don't know...he said "but why?" "Didn't they have families?" Where are they from? "Did the people get hurt?" Did firefighters get hurt?" That city's a mess...These questions were shot at me all at once...I don't think he wanted answers he was just saying it...the only question he asked me again was where are they from...so I said I think Iraq...he just said "oh"..then wanted me to finish the story...what do you make of this?
baby rn,

I think that more of his memories are coming up--possibly the emotions associated with the past are surfacing now, too. See if he seems upset, frustrated, sad, or angry when he talks about the buildings now. If he does, it might be helpful if you could help him sort out his feelings: allow him to express them, first of all, then reassure him that he did all he could in the past, and that the firefighters were very brave, etc. I may have said this before, but he might even feel guilty about not having been able to rescue those people.

Having said that, he may not express any feelings about the event, but just need to know the facts, and work through it that way. (By the way, almost all of the 9-11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. I don't believe there was a single Iraqui amongst them. Important for us to remember in this age of disinformation.) Just let him talk, like you did, if you feel that's what he needs. Use your judgment in the moment with all of this. And don't be afraid to let him know that you believe he was there and what he is saying is true. He also needs to know that.

I have a feeling that he might be working through this now that he knows he has someone who will listen.

PLEASE keep us posted.