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Am I Paying Off Karma?

I am bringing this to the top so new members can read through it. The premise that you did a bad thing in the past - and that is why bad things happen to you now, is not always true. Please take this to heart. You are not alone -

Please do not assume based on karma that you deserve to be in an abusive relationship. With anyone. The following might help regarding your parents.

My Mom did a lot of regression work with people back in the early 1990's.
It was her way of sharing her gift of inner vision with others and helping them through traumatic past life memories. One of the things she did, was when she would come across an individual who was having clear memories of a past life, that included another person who was repeatedly abusive, hurtful, or manipulating -- was she helped the person to reverse the magnetic poles between themselves and the hurtful individual that repeated the offensive behavior.

For example, one woman who she worked with --whose father and brother had raped her repeatedly in this life since age two -- appeared (in several sessions with my mother) over and over again in several life times where she was again raped, and abused by these same two men.

Different time periods, different scenarios. This woman was very obese, very depressed, owned nothing personally and was in her 40's. She had come to think that --with all of her searching into New Age thought regarding Karma - that her karma must be to endure this from them -- that she must have done something terrible to them.

My mother helped her to see that she had not brought this upon herself, she was not responsible for their choices -- only hers. During her last session ..Mom had her visualize her father first....and to feel the energy pull between them, to actually see him standing in front of her; then she had her visualize reversing that energy, as if the other person was upside down and opposite of her-thereby reversing the magnet pull or releasing the bond between them. Then she did the same with the brother.

After doing this she reinforced the fact that she had choices, that she was not responsible for her father or brother, nor had she done anything wrong in any of her past lives to deserve to be raped and abused repeatedly. She helped her see that it was their choice to engage in the abuse....not hers.(Mom could of course see her past lives with her.)

The woman came out of trance state, fully energized, happy, released from the negativity, the anger, and the shame. Last my Mom heard -- she lost 100 pounds, bought a condominium, was going to school and was very happy.

As the Tibetan Buddhists suggest, -- the soul will be drawn, as a magnet, into whatever womb resonates with all its past experiences -- if a soul is not aware.

I still have a hard time with the guiding and planning sessions so many authors write about. Suggesting that we plan to be abused and we need to learn to choose differently, but not telling us how! Mom showed me how.

I did this visualization in a meditation myself, reversing the magnetic poles between my ex and myself.....it has an amazing effect, an immediate release.

May your future hold many blessings, and your load be light.
Hi JustinTime,

You're asking some of the ultimate questions--What's it all about, and why go through this? The closest I can come to an answer, in short form, is that we are apprentice gods. You may notice that I use a small "g" here, but that would be my way of stating it. So, yes, the whole process is headed towards having more power, bliss, and etc. than we can currently imagine. So much so, that the pleasures and accomplishments of this life are not to be compared to what we seek to achieve and become. However, there is a price to pay, and it is one we should want for ourselves as well as for others, as extreme power is dangerous to ourselves and others. The type of power that is ultimately available, especially, cannot safely be put in the hands of a being who is not very close to perfect in terms of goodness, compassion, etc. (E.g., It is not the type of power that you would, from what I can tell, want to place in the hands of your parents in your current life).

This may be an oversimplification, as I am just focusing on the "power" aspect. All of it (power and bliss included) seems to be part of the same package--i.e., the power is directly connected to a state of development that includes extreme moral/ethical development as well as extreme development in consciousness and joy. It is a total elevation on all fronts. So, I'm not sure you can get any of these without developing/achieving all of them.

If you are at the difficult stage of adapting to "tougher" lives, you may well ask why you should be doing this. However, it appears that we all think the end result is worth the price, or we would not be here. So does the dedicated athlete, scholar, artist, etc. in terms of their more limited goals (which may in some cases be just a subset of the ultimate goal). All of these work very, very hard to achieve what they seek to achieve, and are willing in most cases to bear the pain. I am just repeating what I have read and personally believe to be correct. But, I (like many others on this board) have done a very great deal of study on these matters, and what I have found appears to mirror the experiences of the great majority of those who actually have first hand experience via NDE's, regressions, direct memory, or etc., including others on the board.

Could you go back to the easier lives you possibly had before and see being lived by some others? Hmmm. Could you still fit into the desks of kindergarten or elementary school? Could you be content playing in mud puddles/sand boxes, trying to be attentive to the most basic life lessons and activities, etc.? Probably not. This does not mean that everyone doesn't need a break from time-to-time and that every life from here on out will be a real toughie. I've read cases which indicate that some lives may even be chosen to be "easy" lives to the extent that is possible at this plane of existence--even by advanced souls. That doesn't mean that you will get to live the rich playboy life of material abundance you seem to have set forth above, but that you would have a life without excessive trials and pain--one suitable to the cultivation and experiencing of happiness at your stage of development.

Another question--can you just get off? From what I can tell, you do not have to finish your "course of study" (or apprenticeship as I put it above) at this plane of existence. Many sources seem to indicate that you can drop out and stop coming back here to what is, obviously, a world of pain and suffering for the great majority of humankind and always has been. Getting off the wheel in this way may require that you have achieved some basic level, just like one is not allowed to drop out of school before a certain age. Alternatively, it seems that some are such rotten cases that they are, so to speak, expelled from "school". However, info is fuzzy on these points. Either way, for those who do think about dropping out, the kicker is that this seems to be a much slower way to progress, and may even mean the end of progress towards the ultimate goal.

Once again, I'm not an all-informed infallible source. You will not find one here, though I have found that there are many wise and spiritual people among those that post here, and have gotten a lot out of my interactions with other board members. Anyhow, I hope the foregoing is of some help.


PS--I heartily recommend Michael Newton's books, taken in order. Once again, not an ultimate source, but very mind expanding!

PPS--There are a variety of others that should also be required reading, including those by Dr. Weiss and Carol Bowman.
Can you tell me more about this expelling. Like what you need to do that to happen and what are its consiquences?