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Childhood drawings


New Member
Has anyone of you had some kind of verification from childhood drawings?

I have been interested in medieval European history since I was at the early grades of elementary school. Medieval (and also Antiquity and Renaissance) European history interests me very much and I have studied it in open University. Also movies with historical themes (i.e. Gladiator, 300 and fantasy like Lord of the Rings movies) are among my biggest favourites. Especially fight scenes in those movies awaken strong positive feelings in me. Actually most of my favourite movies and also TV-shows are in some way or other related to the past. In general I would consider myself very anti-modern person. I have read from this forum about longing for a certain place. I have definitely strong longing to the past but not in any definite location. There are also some other things which suggest that I may have lived in medieval/renaissance Europe.

Yesterday I visited my parents and during Christmas cleaning found a book which contained my drawings when I was 4 and 5 years old. My drawings contained pictures of medieval weapons; swords, maces, flails, man getting hit with a mace etc. When I was 7(no drawings in that book when I was 6), I drew robots etc. So I apparently had passed that "medieval weapons phase".

Certainly not proof of anything, but at least some little extra evidence. Maybe I'm on the right track with this thing.
Good question Kohr-Ah, I do believe that a childs drawings can come from memories of a past-life, especially when the child is drawing aimlessly, or with no particular intent, or 'doodling' as some people call it.

I remember from a very early age I used to cover my schoolbooks with drawings of a volcano. I used to be obsessed with the cone like shape for reasons unknown to me at the time. I don't ever recall associating it in any way with the bad dreams I'd been having of an erupting volcano. The drawings were always the same and very precise, one side of the cone had to be slightly steeper than the other side, and I always drew a little dark cloud above it.

When I was about 8 years old, my parents were very friendly with a psychologist, she may even have been a child psychologist I'm not sure. One day, my Mum asked both me and my sister to draw a picture of anything we liked (she may have anticipated what I was going to draw) I drew my usual volcano picture, but I spent far more time on the detail and color. My Mum took our pictures and gave them to her friend to look at. At the time, it was all completely fun and innocent to me, but looking back, I wonder about the reason why we were asked to draw those pictures. Maybe my Mum was concerned about my childhood 'doodlings' all over my schoolbooks.......it really was quite an obsession of mine, and maybe a concern of my Mum's that I spent more time paying attention to these drawings than I did to my lessons - : angel

All we ever heard back about our drawings was that my picture showed a lot of potential for my age, but I guess I'll never know what she really made of it, or what she really told my Mum, if anything.
INteresting your drawing passions Kohr-Ah and Chris.

Thinking of your obsession with drawing volcanoes, Chris makes me wonder at how it would depend so much on a mentor being around who was able to channel that obsession maybe into some future profession.. I guess it would depend on how much trauma is associated with the topic.. So a child could only need a bit of dialogue and encouragement to channel this into a passion.. say in your case an interest in geography..

I suppose this may be how it is for people with amazing talents like Mozart, whose father was passionately behind his sons early interest and talent around music.

I see in my upbringing so much time was wasted over getting this lesson and that, getting good marks, competing for the scholarships . If only I had had someone who just listened to my stories and let things develop more gently.. and trusted in my inate talents. I kind of think the divine plan allows for everyone to pursue something half interesting that they love, and so the world would continue on economically and everyone would be a little more happy.

Chris, you should ask your mom what the lady said about your drawings. LOL I'm curious too.

I've always wondered why I used to draw smoke from a chimney that went DOWN instead of up. My mom used to forever try to make me change it when I'd draw something. But no matter what I was drawing (mostly houses), the chimney smoke curled downward. I've never even heard of such a thing, but I wonder if somewhere out there, smoke really goes downward LOL
Yes. I also think that what children draw is a reflection of what's going on in their inner world, which is as likely as not to be something related to a previous life - whether they are consciously aware of it or not. I have written elsewhere about how I used to draw pictures of my friend X long before I met him in real life.

I am pretty sure he was a pilot in WWII and he told me he used to draw pictures of WWII aircraft bombers, collect models of them, and so on when he was a little boy.

I was also fascinated by a TV show about a Samurai when I was a kid and another sort of French Robin Hood type character which I forget the name of. These programs filled me with inexplicable feelings of yearning and nostalgia. I loved books or anything to do with castles, horses, battles and so on which was not a very feminine sort of interest! Cartoons or comedies or westerns or whatever I could take them or leave them no big deal, but those shows had me glued!
Hi Alaska,

It's the barametric pressure that is reponsible.

When the pressure is high the smoke goes up....but when the pressure drops down low....smoke stays down. Probably before storms the smoke would be a warning to old timers that a storm was brewing.

Maybe in a past life you paid attention to that fact....
I love this topic :D

I've shared it elsewhere, but I've forgotten where so I'll just share it again. When I was 8 or 9 I made a series of drawings, like a comic book, that was set during Viking times. It was complete with a huge family all with "made up" Norse names (which I've later validated). As far as I remember it was a love story, saga-ish. What fascinates me is that although I was already a history-nerd at that early age there were details in those drawings, such as the names, that I've only validated recently. I know my parents keep a collection of my drawing, I'll see if I can find it there :)
This is interesting, and quite coincidental. The other week I was visiting my parents and my mom was organizing some of the old stuff in her closet. She had a box with tons of my old drawings from when I was really young and we were kinda laughing at how they always had soldiers in them. I'm planning another visit at the end of this week, so maybe I'll scan them and post them here. A lot of them have soldiers on and under red flowers. If it was to scale, these flowers would be 20ft tall :)
No, I don't, but I'm wondering now if they were poppies. I'll dig them out and scan them this weekend.
Yeah, I used to draw almost nothing but stuff that looked as though it was from the early to mid-Middle Ages. I also used to draw a lot of Vikings and people who might have been either Celts or Gauls - but one kind of cool thing that I recall about those pictures of Vikings I used to do, was that I never drew them with horns on their helmets, like you usually see in popular culture. And later on, years ago, I found out that there has never been any Viking helmet found with horns on it, or anything that looks like it might have once supported horns. I used to draw women, which I guess were Vikings, with hair done in two distinct styles: tight braids, for one, which were looped up and securely pinned with a fairly large metallic or bone pin in the hair where the plait starts; and also a different hair style which was...How do I explain this? I'm sort of at a loss for words right now. But the women's hair was basically parted straight in the middle, all the way down, and pulled to the side on both sides of the head as if you were going to make braids, twisted tightly, and knotted into a sort of loose bun on each side of the head, with plenty of remaining hair (since the knotted buns were small, but hair was generally long for women back then) hanging in long, thick curls, whether natural or self-styled, down at least to the shoulders. Does that make any sense? There was this movie made, sometime in the 1960's I think, which dealt with Vikings. I believe it was called something like The Island at the Top of the World. But I could be wrong. I'll look it up later. Anyway though, the main Viking women in that film had a hairstyle that was almost exactly like I'm trying to describe. But I was drawing the same hairstyle long before I ever saw that movie. $P$
Karoliina said:
Peter, do you know of any armies that used red flowers as their symbol?
Didn't King Henry VIII's army use a red rose as their symbol, among a lot of other symbols that were employed throughout the years during his reign?
What an interesting thread! As for armies using red flowers as a symbol, check out the Wars of the Roses: http://www.warsoftheroses.com/

For me, there is no question I incorporated stuff from past lives in my childhood drawings. I used to doodle constantly in grade school (often on my desk! :eek: ). From as early as 1st grade I was drawing stuff I now know to be mystical symbology ... like Masonic symbols ... I know I would not have had access to information like that at that age. I've recently seen an old drawing of mine of a lady with a hairstyle and dress reminiscent of the 18th century, though I was around 10 when I drew it, and I suppose that could have been a conscious choice ...

My 9 year old autistic son draws a lot of old-fashioned looking people. I know he likes Thomas the Tank Engine and a lot of his characters look like Sir Topam (sp?) Hat, but there's another guy he draws a lot with an old-fashioned mustache (he looks like the guy the can of Pringles, though he doesn't eat those potato chips). I don't know where he gets that guy at all. He also draws a lot of guys wearing suspenders ... but now that I think about it, he might have gotten that from Thomas as well ...