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Different Spiritual beliefs in other lifetimes


Senior Registered
I have been wanting to post this for so time now but have never gotten around to doing it. As I understand it the whole process of reincarnation itself is about the evolution of the soul or consciousness itself. Each lifetime we live we gain new experiences that are added to our overall soul consciousness. We have all had many, many lifetimes upon this physical plane and during the course of our soul journey here we have experienced many things along the way. Different, races, cultures, time periods, social classes, genders ect... In this process of spiritually unfolding have any of you remember having a different spiritual belief system than you do today in the present life? During some of my past life readings some of this information has come to the surface. In this lifetime I was brought up Baptist but later left the church at a young age and found my own spiritual path later in life that best suits my state of spiritual consciousness now. In past lifetimes I have been told I was Catholic, Christian, Buddhists, Hindu, and Wiccan. Further back in the past I have been told I had various beliefs in the ancient Roman, and Greek Gods of the time along with Tribal beliefs of the Polynesian island. I'm sure there have been others going back further but they did not come up in reading.

It seems as we evolve and change in soul consciousness our belief system changes depending upon when and where we are incarnated and what culture we are born into. Interesting to hear your feedback and experience on this if any.

In this lifetime I was brought up Baptist but later left the church at a young age and found my own spiritual path later in life that best suits my state of spiritual consciousness now. In past lifetimes I have been told I was Catholic, Christian, Buddhists, Hindu, and Wiccan.
Catholicism IS a Christian denomination though. Whenever people say "Catholic and Christian", the "Christian" part actually means "Protestant". Also Baptists are Protestants.
Catholicism IS a Christian denomination though. Whenever people say "Catholic and Christian", the "Christian" part actually means "Protestant". Also Baptists are Protestants.
Agreed. Orthodox is also Christian. Plus, there are a variety of other not so easy to classify flavors of Catholic, Protestant, etc.--All considering themselves to be "Christian".

I have been wanting to post this for so time now but have never gotten around to doing it. As I understand it the whole process of reincarnation itself is about the evolution of the soul or consciousness itself. Each lifetime we live we gain new experiences that are added to our overall soul consciousness. We have all had many, many lifetimes upon this physical plane and during the course of our soul journey here we have experienced many things along the way. Different, races, cultures, time periods, social classes, genders ect... In this process of spiritually unfolding have any of you remember having a different spiritual belief system than you do today in the present life? During some of my past life readings some of this information has come to the surface. In this lifetime I was brought up Baptist but later left the church at a young age and found my own spiritual path later in life that best suits my state of spiritual consciousness now. In past lifetimes I have been told I was Catholic, Christian, Buddhists, Hindu, and Wiccan. Further back in the past I have been told I had various beliefs in the ancient Roman, and Greek Gods of the time along with Tribal beliefs of the Polynesian island. I'm sure there have been others going back further but they did not come up in reading.

It seems as we evolve and change in soul consciousness our belief system changes depending upon when and where we are incarnated and what culture we are born into. Interesting to hear your feedback and experience on this if any.

Hi Polaris,

I'm curious about the Wiccan lifetime, since Wicca is a fairly recent invention. (It was developed in the early 20th century and was only introduced to the public in 1954, though it admittedly draws on prior antecedents in Western Esotericism):


Do you recall when this Wiccan lifetime occurred and how it fits in with your current lifetime and the birth/development of Wicca?

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Beliefs are subject to change, even in a single life. It does not surprise me to read of different religious beliefs from different past lives. All relevant, I suppose. Even in your current life, you did not feel correctly aligned with the religion you were born into. I was born Episcopalian but never really felt at home with biblical scripture and western Christianity. However I respect all sincere forms of religion, so I believe my Christian friends and family who say their path is the truth. It goes back to what you started your post with, evolution/experience for the Soul. And this revelation is a bit cyclical.

I chose the word cyclical because even if beliefs change, it is important to follow your heart. That is the essence of religious practice- a steppingstone where belief turns to conviction. In the pursuit- higher ideals are conceptualized, universal truths are discovered and understood. No matter what garb you choose to be "religious"/aligned with, Truth can be realized. Even if that religion, is no religion.

I have discovered a past life connection to Sufism. And while I resonate most with the Ten Sufi principles, I recognize that true religion is a personal journey shared with God. That journey starts by developing a relationship with your Heart or Self. I know I said I'm not for biblical scripture, but that doesn't mean I can't find inspiration from it...

"In the house of my Father are many mansions"

To me, it means there are as many religions as there are unique personalities. The Father being consciousness itself. Meaning, Truth is all there is.

I heard the same philosophy eloquently expressed by a Hindu man,

"Forms are many, Soul is One."

And so, forms may change- race, religion, gender, creed... But it would appear they all have their origin- to me, the true Evolution for a personality incarnate is to look through these forms and discover its origin... Afterall, what has reincarnation ultimately taught us?

A lovely woman said it best...

“Ever afterward, though the dance of creation change around me in the hall of eternity, I shall be the same.”​

I think the different beliefs thing is awesome! I grew up without any religion whatsoever and felt a huge void and a lot of longing as a result. Once I remembered my last life, in which I was devoutly Hasidic, I got into regressions and found that many times over I've been deeply religious, often monastic or otherwise wedded to the divine and kinda removed from worldly affairs. Apparently my soul doesn't care what the path is, just as long as there IS one. A bit of zealotry comes natural for me 😉 Exploring previous lives was more or less my introduction to religion in this life -- after 40 years of feeling like I was missing something big -- and since then I've made a study of many of them. I can see why I chose to go without a specific faith this time -- I now get to pillage from them all at will ☺️ I still feel sad sometimes that I'll never truly "belong" to something the way I have in other lives, but I feel that's part of the journey I'm on. I need to learn a little independence or something. I feel whatever you are doing at any given time is what you need to be doing, even if it doesn't make sense to the human ego. I try to just kinda go along with the ride. On some level I probably know what I'm doing, right?
Hi Polaris,

I'm curious about the Wiccan lifetime, since Wicca is a fairly recent invention. (It was developed in the early 20th century and was only introduced to the public in 1954, though it admittedly draws on prior antecedents in Western Esotericism):


Do you recall when this Wiccan lifetime occurred and how it fits in with your current lifetime and the birth/development of Wicca?


That is a very good question. I don't remember. what lifetime that was. I have a copy of the reading on tape somewhere as I have moved a lot since then. The only lifetime I can think of that might fit would be the Jewish lifetime during the 1940's. However, I was in Germany at the time. Plus, I did not live long as I was one of the many killed in the Germany concentration camp during that time. I do remember her telling me I like to dabble in the occult at that time.

I will see if I can find the tape.

Later P.

That is a very good question. I don't remember. what lifetime that was. I have a copy of the reading on tape somewhere as I have moved a lot since then. The only lifetime I can think of that might fit would be the Jewish lifetime during the 1940's. However, I was in Germany at the time. Plus, I did not live long as I was one of the many killed in the Germany concentration camp during that time. I do remember her telling me I like to dabble in the occult at that time.

I will see if I can find the tape.

Later P.
Hi Polaris,

You may want to look into the "Cunning Folk" tradition. Despite modern attempts to rehabilitate the term "witch" (with a shift back to what was an apparently older form = wicca), the term "witch" (and its other European variants) was not used in a positive manner for most of European history (A.D.). Terms of this type were generally considered extremely derogatory and would be dangerous for a person to use for themselves or to have applied to them by others. Those who had special talents were careful to distance themselves from terms such as "witch" and be in Church when they should be. (If Jewish, I suppose they would have been just as regular at the Synagogue). They were also, often well thought of members of their communities:

"Cunning folk, also known as folk healers or wise folk, were practitioners of folk medicine, helpful folk magic and divination in Europe from the Middle Ages until the 20th century. Their practices were known as the cunning craft. Their services also included thwarting witchcraft. Although some cunning folk were denounced as witches themselves, they made up a minority of those accused,[1] and the common people generally made a distinction between the two. The name 'cunning folk' originally referred to folk-healers and magic-workers in Britain, but the name is now applied as an umbrella term for similar people in other parts of Europe."

"Although the British cunning folk were in almost all cases Christian themselves, certain Christian theologians and Church authorities believed that, being practitioners of magic, the cunning folk were in league with the Devil and as such were akin to the more overtly Satanic and malevolent witches. Partly because of this, laws were enacted across England, Scotland and Wales that often condemned cunning folk and their magical practices, but there was no widespread persecution of them akin to the witch hunt, largely because most common people firmly distinguished between the two: witches were seen as being harmful and cunning folk as useful.[4]"

So, it is possible that the reading you got blurred the distinction between what were (until the modern era confused the two) very distinctive terms and traditions.


PS--I personally suspect that an above-average numbers of people on this board were Cunning Folk at some point in the past. But that is just a hunch on my part.;)
PPS--On the Jewish side, I can't help but think of Max the Wonder Worker from the "Princess Bride"--Billy Crystal was great in that role! 😄--
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Agreed. Orthodox is also Christian. Plus, there are a variety of other not so easy to classify flavors of Catholic, Protestant, etc.--All considering themselves to be "Christian".

Well yeah also true. Many people forget that the Orthodox church exists even though it is the second-largest Christian denomination in the world.

And then there are those other sects with nonstandard beliefs (such as LDS and JWs) which consider themselves Christian, but many mainstream Christian denominations don't consider them Christian.
It seems as we evolve and change in soul consciousness our belief system changes depending upon when and where we are incarnated and what culture we are born into. Interesting to hear your feedback and experience on this if any.


Yes, imho, as the consciousness refines with experience and wisdom , the evolving soul stops identifying with the needs and wants of the lower self, and allows the higher Self and truth to manifest.

The soul in its present state of development would be attracted to the religions or belief systems that enables the expression of its level of consciousness.

In Hinduism, there are yogic paths like Bhakti yoga ( yoga of emotion), Karma yoga (yoga of action), Raja yoga ( yoga of meditation) and Jnana yoga ( yoga of intellect) which are naturally sought by people of an emotional, active, contemplative and intellectual temperament respectively. These systems were developed to cater to such diverse temperaments.

In Islam itself, there is the Ahmediyas who focus on scholarship and pacifism, the sufis who focus on devotional music and dance and the Alawites which has belief in reincarnation. I suppose these sects came into being so as to cater to the beliefs and choices of varying temperaments.
Yes, imho, as the consciousness refines with experience and wisdom , the evolving soul stops identifying with the needs and wants of the lower self, and allows the higher Self and truth to manifest.

The soul in its present state of development would be attracted to the religions or belief systems that enables the expression of its level of consciousness.

In Hinduism, there are yogic paths like Bhakti yoga ( yoga of emotion), Karma yoga (yoga of action), Raja yoga ( yoga of meditation) and Jnana yoga ( yoga of intellect) which are naturally sought by people of an emotional, active, contemplative and intellectual temperament respectively. These systems were developed to cater to such diverse temperaments.

In Islam itself, there is the Ahmediyas who focus on scholarship and pacifism, the sufis who focus on devotional music and dance and the Alawites which has belief in reincarnation. I suppose these sects came into being so as to cater to the beliefs and choices of varying temperaments.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, I agree with the lower self-allowing the higher self (soul consciousness) to manifest while in the physical plane. For many this is called enlightenment. This process however takes many, many lifetimes to occur. Only when the soul has reached a certain point does it become self-aware in soul consciousness which is above the lower ego does this occur.

In the end it does not matter what spiritual path or belief system you follow as the source of all that is in the cosmos (God) if you will speaks to each soul thru the universal language of the human heart. Everyone is at different stage of spiritual evolution and awareness. And because of this we experience and understand God thru our own unique individual consciousness. And this is how it should be. After soul has experience all that it can while in the physical world including different cultures and belief systems over the course of many PL does it cycle off the physical plane altogether and merges back into the light as a fully mature and experience soul.

Love and peace always.

Polaris, I love reading your posts. So insightful. I am often under the same thought, do we simply cycle off the physical plane altogether and return to the divine light as a mature experienced soul? Or do we fulfil some other purpose? Someone I spoke to not too long ago, was under the impression that once we experience all that human lives have to teach us, we progress to the animal world and reincarnate as animals. What's your thoughts on this?

Eva x
Polaris, I love reading your posts. So insightful. I am often under the same thought, do we simply cycle off the physical plane altogether and return to the divine light as a mature experienced soul? Or do we fulfil some other purpose? Someone I spoke to not too long ago, was under the impression that once we experience all that human lives have to teach us, we progress to the animal world and reincarnate as animals. What's your thoughts on this?

Eva x

Thanks for your lovely reply. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. It is my understanding that the process of reincarnation is an evolution of consciousness (the soul if you will) itself. As far as being in the wild animal kingdom we have already been their millions of years ago so there is no need to going back. Since then, we have developed an individualized state of consciousness that is self-aware. Wild animals are still in a group state of consciousness depending upon their species. So, when that soul dies its soul essence goes back to the group state of consciousness it belongs to adding to the experience it had while on earth. As it evolves not only does the physical body changes form, but the astral and mental inner bodies are also evolving in becoming more refined. When the soul is ready to make that jump into the human kingdom it starts off in a more primitive human culture and then the refinement of the physical, astral and mental bodies continues on while in the human kingdom. The soul becomes more complex and spiritually evolves from there. When we do cycle off the physical plane, we either take up a more permanent position in the higher dimensions or come back as a teacher or avatar in helping the human race evolve on a global scale.

At least this is what I know and understand. Hope that makes senses.

Peace and love always.... P