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Flashes on Future lives...?


Senior Registered
Has anyone ever had recurring dreams or knowledge about future lives?

I don't have them anymore, since I "accepted" what the dreams told me, that I'm to be born in some future time and be paralyzed from the waist down in an accident when I'm fairly young. Then I have to go on to be a wheelchair-bound lawyer. I'm evidently going to provide legal aid to the poor.

I didn't know what to make of the dreams at first. Now I just take it all for granted.

I had those dreams when I was younger. Afterwards, I started studying the things that happened to me in this life. I noticed that I've been "prepped" for the kind of life those dreams described for the entire duration of this one.

For instance, I've had any number of obstacles to overcome in every imaginable form. I became so adept at problem solving and moving around obstacles that I barely stop to look at problems, and I rarely have them for long because I just fix them - I live life like a sitcom where everything is resolved in 30 minutes (or if it isn't, I come to some resolution or resignation that I need to live with it). And without going into detail, the problems I've had are extreme - the kind that other people come to a screeching halt with.

I see that as preparation for a life as a parapalegic. I honestly, to the bottom of my soul, view that as just "one more thing to get around." It doesn't frighten me at all, and I don't feel anything resembling self-pity. There are worse things than that. Truly there are.

I have also, from the time I was little, been trained in debating. I can "read" people. I know who's bluffing and who's full of it. Nobody scares me. I can put up a mean argument. I usually win. I've had no good reason to learn that for this lifetime - but I'm evidently going to need it for next time.

So when you have challenges or problems, or things that recurringly happen to you but nobody else, do you ever study them and ask yourself why you might be having these things happen to you? Why learning to deal with them might be useful later? I do. I don't think anything happens without good reason.
Absolutley, specifically not future lifetimes per se, eg, several hundred years into the future, but I've jumped forward 30 or 40 years into the future in my present lifetime through flashes/glimpses of scenes(structures, situations, and interacting with people) Why do I mention present lifetime? There's no real way of explaining it...I just instinctively know. For example, I had a dream when I was around 5 or 6, I found myself in a bed with a woman which felt like it was 30 or 40 years into the future (the shape and size appeared like an adult) I remember the *exact* positions and details of our bodies and my vantage point/view towards her. But what I remember the most was her voice. That voice. Even though the dream was when I was very young, I will never forget that distinct voice. Whenever I recall it, my response is that my body feels completely at ease or *soothed*...an overwhelming inner peace, as if I was emotionally attached to this person. In retrospect, I've always assumed that the dream/memory was that of my future wife.
I think I've had a vision into my next life. Lying in bed one night a couple of weeks ago, I had a vision in my mind of a black girl, skipping rope, I believe. She was wearing a baggy yellow shirt, and puple shorts. She appeared to be around ten years old, and liveing in a neighboorhood in the U.S, I think in California. She was saying that it was the year 2102. Then it ended, but I believe that that girl is my future life.
I presume that my spiritual guide/past live teacher has given me a message that we're going to live together in China and do healings to people. When I think that thing I always have a hazy vision about us doing the healing together, and another vision where I paint a picture alone. I like to think that will happen about 3000 AD, when we're in Aquarius and world might be a better place.

Once I had a dream about an old african healer, who was blind in physical level (but not on the other levels). He was from Tanzania I guess. In dream he said to me that I'm a good person, like he was giving me more self confident. Somehow I feel that he might be me in distant future.
This topic has come up in this forum before, where I wrote about my future life progression experience. I saw 2 lives to come, plus my death in this life. It was very interesting. I don't know if it all will happen, and that's ok. I'm just working on living in the moment.
Love and Light
Flash of future incarnation(s)?

Has anyone viewed or experienced something and felt sure it was yourself in a future setting?

I was in a lower-level lucid dreaming state. It was twilight, and I had accompanied friends to meet a friend of theirs, a warm & friendly woman who I instantly liked. At some point, she fell into a water filtration/something to do with hydroelectric power duct, and was carried off by the strong current. I remember getting upset, others getting upset, me saying something about turning off the water, and someone else said something which brought a visual of her trapped in a water tunnel with the water not moving, but still no air. I could feel it, the panic the water the head feeling as if it would burst, and was hysterical. I thought "I've done this"(I've always had the feeling that at one time I drowned). I woke up crying.

Not until I calmed down enough to try and reconstruct did I have the sense that this was in the future. There was some concern about my car (*sigh* some things never seem to change) by the people I was with. The car was very old, and black. However, it's a sedan model which is current for this time. The house was in a rural area, and was decorated like a farmhouse, but in a yuppie sort of way (really good wood floors, reproduction appliances in the kitchen). I remember we were getting a house tour when the accident happened. The area where the tragedy occurred was a utility area, I guess comperable to where the furnace, hot water boiler, electric would be kept in a home now.

I've had vivid, even as upsetting, storytelling dreams before, and never had the same conviction about any of them. The most unusual thing which ever happened previously in dreams was as a child, when I woulld see one of my parents come in to wake us up, and I saw myself sleeping. Once I saw my mother move things on a dresser, woke up, and they were moved. But this is the first time I've had this future feeling. Boy, do I want to hold this memory through, so I can prevent this from happening!

I wonder how many times when we get a "warning" feeling (as in "for some reason, I don't think I should walk up there" or even a feeling about a person), it stems from a flash in a past life?
Thats very interesting.

I usually get glimpses of the future more then I do of my past lives. I have much more to say on this suject.

Yes, try to remember it well. Maybe write it down so you don't forget.

I've had many different dreams of my future. One was when I was 83 years old (i'm 14 right now.) I was reading to a group of children at a book store. (a large book store. o_o) And a little boy asked me how old I was, and I told him. He thought for a moment, and said, "Wow! You were born in the 1900's!!" I remember telling him about VHS tapes, and then I woke up.

Another dream I had, had to do my future child. I've had more than one dream with him. I'm not sure what my age was, but I get the feeling I was around 27.

Anyway, in the second dream, my son and I were in a grocery store and he was standing on the end of my basket. Like many kids do. (he was about 4 or 5 in the dream) and we were trying to pick out cereal. He wanted this one cereal (not sure what it was), but I told him no. I ended up putting cheerios in the basket. (I LOVE CHEERIOS!!)

There's my 2 cents. : )
Flash of Future Incarnation

First up. Thanks to those of you who replied to my previous posts :)

Yes, I believe it's quite possible to have visions / dreams of our next incarnations.

If we then choose to have that incarnation we've had the vision / dream of is of course up to us to decide or we might choose a different incarnation all together.

You might find this of interest.

I had a very vivid dream last year. A voice told me this was my next incarnation.

The country was Chile in a future time.

I was a woman. My brother had just come visiting (he's my same brother from this incarnation). I had a large tract of land bordering a village full of Churches and temples to the west and some upper class larger houses bordered to the south. Looking towards the East it was vast open gentle sloping grasslands with mountains in the far background. I walked over a wooden bridge straddling a small fast flowing stream side by side with a white miniature horse my favorite pet in the dream. From that scene I was next inside a large building on my property which looked like somekind of warehouse. It had many objects stored there from large terracota pots to books, jigsaw puzzles, etc. Anyway my brother walks into the warehouse like building whereby he meets me and I say to him It's alright by God the way I am (I got it off my chest that I was a lesbian). He's doing somekind of Missionary work. Anyway I pickup a jigsaw puzzle depicting a color portrait of a future singing group (can't remember the name) and gave it to him. Then the scene changes I'm walking into some shops I own also and am greeted by a woman (who happens to be a dear old family from this incarnation who died a couple of years back), she's pleased to see me a makes a few comments on a few items in the shop. The scene changes again I'm outside standing in the grass looking at a barn also on the property when a group of men dressed like they're a somekind of militia want to cross the property. I saluted one of the men while speaking in Spanish and gave them permission to cross the property. Then I awoke.

I've had a strong feeling for sometime now of what you'd call an 'invisible force' pulling me to parts of South America. I wouldn't be surprised if my next life isn't on that continent.

Kind Regards,
MarianPatricia, New Zealand
I have had a dream and impressions......of a possible future incarnation.......I believe that it is a possibility for me next time........Actually I remember another dream from the other night, where I think it's the same life, and we were being "retro" and doing 80's stuff. LOL :eek: I hadn't thought of that dream until I was thinking of my possible future life......and having this feeling it was a direct link to that life.

I have a feeling I am a female somewhere in Europe maybe Canada........perhaps French in origin? I haven't clue yet.
At least symbolic if not precognitive dream...

:tongue: I'm not sure that this dream qualifies as a "real" future incarnation dream (it's most likely *just* a symbolic dream-representation of questions I'm wrestling with the present life), but I give it a try anyway:

About a year or so ago, I dreamt that I was about a millennium into the future. I was a member of a technologically and socially super-advanced civilization with very little need for physical work, an ultra-advanced level of education for the general population, no social stratification of the population in haves and have-nots, no standing state apparatus. A society that had colonized the entire Solar System and that had interstellar travel as well - but no notion of anything paranormal, or any notion of any kind of afterlife...

I was vaguely aware in this dream that this super-civilization had been built on the remants of our present civilization that had collapsed into a growing chaos of wars and revolutions, and growing environmental degradation, resource depletion and economic havoc... Humanity has barely made it through the new Dark Ages Interregnum...

In my dream I was killed in a violent accident that made a pulp of my skull and brain - but due to a new and revolutionary brand of medical technology my destroyed brain could somehow be restored and revived!

Even if I physically looked like something like Frankensteins Monster afterwards, it didn't matter for me - because I came back with certain knowledge from the Hereafter, having been clinically dead for a substantial amount of time... Somehow I could project directly to other people that experience of the afterlife, and thereby give science tangible, physical proof of the existence of an afterlife!

I also remembered earlier incarnations - for example my present life, and some time into our future with all the events that previously just had been historical knowledge...

A miscallenious thing with that dream was that even though I physically looked like something that could scare the living crap out of infants, I was still somehow irresistably attractive to women!!!??? (Talk about bizarre!!!)

There the dream ended, and I woke up thinking "Whoa! That was some strong kind of dream!" :D

Yours Sincerely, Star Rover
Wow, they all seem so much nicer, more peaceful than mine (except for the head bloody pulp thing :eek:, and even then the focus was on the positives of the aftermath). Modaki's seemed really nice, lol @ the Cheerios of the future (sometime in the next few billion years, when our sun dies, will there be leftover cheerios littering the earth's surface?). I've always thought we were linear incarnations, and perhaps we were due to a current inability to conceptualize nonlinear time. It would make sense for perceptions of future incarnations to be as available as past ones, but it's not something you often hear about.

Wow! This thread is fascinating! :butbut:

I haven't had any visions of future incarnations, but my husband has more of an affinity for future incarnations than I. He feels certain he's come here from a future time; it is a time where people are really united as one human race, and not divided into the control dramas of today, the power struggles against various nationalities, creeds, colours, sexes, none of that. He says Atlantis and Lemuria were similar to that time in the future.

He says that people can harness the almost automatic tendency to hate and to fear others different from ourselves.

He knows things, my husband, technologically speaking. He understands how to work on any machine, whether he's ever studied it or not. He has a keen understanding by astonishing powers of observation I've never seen in another human being. He just understands how things work. Along with his peaceful and loving spirit, he's really someone impressive. He doesn't walk in a spirit of fear, and he's always about future progress.

I find this thread very interesting, because I rarely get the opportunity to learn about future incarnation visions, with the exception of my husband.
How far in advance are our future lives planned out for us? Say a life in South America is planned as the life after this one. However, after completing this life I have no desire to go to South America, and I want an American life again even if it delays what I am supposed to learn. Can I opt out of what is planned for my next life?
Well, Obie, I'd say we plan our next life after this one, when we're "in-between", but on the other hand I believe time is only a relative concept... But as we here on this physical plane understand time in a chronological sense, you can in my opinion think that you plan your next life only after this one.

I think I've had a vision into my next life. Lying in bed one night a couple of weeks ago, I had a vision in my mind of a black girl, skipping rope, I believe. She was wearing a baggy yellow shirt, and puple shorts. She appeared to be around ten years old, and liveing in a neighboorhood in the U.S, I think in California. She was saying that it was the year 2102. Then it ended, but I believe that that girl is my future life.

Oh, that‘s good to know, at least humanity will still be there in 2102, at least in California. I wonder what the world will be like at that time? Better or worse?
Hi, everybody:

Just one stupid question:

Whereas flashes on PLs come into our conscios from the soul's stored memory (supposing the subconscious weakens partially it blocking),
where do the flashes on the future come from?

There is no such thing as memory of the future, as no time machines exist, even for the most advanced souls.

At the best, it could be some glimpses of intuition, a guesswork, not pieces of randomly unblocked memories.

Life would be undescribably boring and not worth living, if all if it were already pre-determined and stored in the so called future memory.
Any trace of "the free will" gone into nothing.

The future doesn't exist yet in the present moment, it's in the process of being created, so no memory of it can exist.

You choose: either the free will, or the pre-determined future.

Hi, everybody:

Just one stupid question:

Whereas flashes on PLs come into our conscios from the soul's stored memory (supposing the subconscious weakens partially it blocking),
where do the flashes on the future come from?

There is no such thing as memory of the future, as no time machines exist, even for the most advanced souls.

At the best, it could be some glimpses of intuition, a guesswork, not pieces of randomly unblocked memories.

Life would be undescribably boring and not worth living, if all if it were already pre-determined and stored in the so called future memory.
Any trace of "the free will" gone into nothing.

The future doesn't exist yet in the present moment, it's in the process of being created, so no memory of it can exist.

You choose: either the free will, or the pre-determined future.


Does it have to be a pre-determined future? You’re right, the future has yet to be created but which future is that? Every decision we make creates one future but there could be dozens of parallel futures alongside it. So the glimpses that people get could be of one possible future which would still leave us with free will.
As to how that would work, maybe it’s something we cannot understand on this physical plane?
Hi, folks:

If somebody "creates" (in his/her head) his/her own particular future alongside to other dozens (maybe millions) of parallel futures "created" (in their respective heads) by other persons, taking into account that only one -at the most - of those futures will be realized, and I, exercising my free will, destroy (or even slightly modify) all those futures - of what use they all are to me?

PL flashbacks are about something that already occured in the past, they are about something that really existed or happened.

What are all those millions of parallel glimpses of future about?

I'm sorry, but I can only accept things that already really happened or that will surely happen. Have no time for all other stuff.

Maybe somebody sees fun in it, I don't mind.


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This community isn't very open to something like this and isn't well versed given that many are still very linear thinkers where everything has to fit in little boxes where systems apply regardless of how real life is.
This community isn't very open to something like this and isn't well versed given that many are still very linear thinkers where everything has to fit in little boxes where systems apply regardless of how real life is.

Which is ironic since originally humans believed in a cycle of life where virtually EVERYTHING reincarnates, from the sun and the moon to the seasons and of course mushrooms, plants and animals including humans. We can still see this in the earliest Chinese calendar known as the sexagenary cycle, Stems-and-Branches or gānzhī (干支) where the cycle repeated itself after 60 days.
gānzhī 02.PNG
Which makes me wonder whether in these old days and whether the indigenous civilizations who still live in their traditional ways and still believe in a cyclical time rather than a linear one, had knowledge that was lost or oppressed by later rulers and/or scientists.
It's sadly not uncommon that scientists, particularly in the 19th century when modern science flourished, had a very materialistic and patriarchal agenda on their findings. From anatomy only using men as a standard or default (which continues to this day which explains why women are often misdiagnosed when having the same illness as men because women show different symptoms) or by projecting their own social reality onto prehistory (believing that only men drew cave arts because only men hunted - not only a reality in the 19th century when cave art was first discovered but the man who discovered it happened to be a passionate hunter) or by projecting their own rascist beliefs onto prehistory (thus describing the Neanderthal as a stupid brute while in reality they were not stupid at all developing cave arts themselves as well as burial, jewelry and face paintings).
So scientists holding on to their comfy old established theory allows doesn't crumble their worldview and forces them to accept new realities with new implication. Remember that even reincarnation is still not accepted by most scientists because they'd first have to accept that consciousness isn't generated by the brain.
Thus I believe that time is not linear and that there isn't one future either.
To quote a certain Doctor: "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but, actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff." ;)
Why do you always blame everything on men Lia?

Here's a couple of relevant threads to non linear consciousness:



I've already tested and proved the theory.

Thank you for the threads!
And I don’t blame everything on men but the systems that they created: patriarchy and hierarchy. Men are trapped in those the same as women are. We need to overcome those together so blaming individuals or even groups of men would be counterproductive.
You do realise such hierarchical structures are the natural progression of a civilisation.

Don't forget it all started with hunter gatherers. It wasn't patriarchal, it was sheer practical necessity.

Men couldn't provide a mother's nurturing nor provide milk to feed their children. They also couldn't carry children to term.

It simply makes sense that the so called patriarchal men would hunt while the so called matriarchal women cared for the home/cave/whatever. They also probably gathered berries. Light work because women are generally naturally physically weaker than men.

The birth of civilisation was a natural progression of the differences between genders IMO. It wasn't because men aggressively seized power so women couldn't have it.

Such notions are naive IMO.
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You do realise such hierarchical structures are the natural progression of a civilisation.

Don't forget it all started with hunter gatherers. It wasn't patriarchal, it was sheer practical necessity.

Men couldn't provide a mother's nurturing nor provide milk to feed their children. They also couldn't carry children to term.

It simply makes sense that the so called patriarchal men would hunt while the so called matriarchal women cared for the home/cave/whatever. They also probably gathered berries. Light work because women are generally naturally physically weaker than men.

The birth of civilisation was a natural progression of the differences between genders IMO. It wasn't because men aggressively seized power so women couldn't have it.

Such notions are naive IMO.

Now you're projecting modern social structures into prehistoric eras. First: women did hunt, there is scientific evidence for that! Also, a successful hunt was a rare event. It's not like hunter came back every day with fresh meat like we come home from the supermarket. So yeah, gathering was common for women but men gathered too. And plant food wasn't just berries but leaves, stalks, sprouts. roots and bulbs, fruits and wild vegetables, seeds and nuts. They also ate insects, frogs, lizards, tortoises, bird eggs and honey. And tents have been found that were used similar to modern Mongol yurts which were made and owned by women. Also, there is evidence that women at that time were stronger than today, likely because they moved around more and ran and hunted as well. In fact, humans of that era likely could matched modern athletes with ease since what we call sports and do recreationally or professionally today was part of everyday life for people back then.

As for men aggresively seizing power, that came because of a combination of climate change and people beginning to live a nomadic life with herd animals which required ever more space in the dying land that became ever more dry in the Eurasian steppe. So nomadic groups began to compete for herd space wich gradually became more violent. Sure, there was no grand plan to seize power but men began so rule over women who, up to this point, could decide for themselves whom they wanted to be with. But with male shepards discovering biological fatherhood, they began to own women forcing them into monogamy so that they could birth sons. this also happened gradually and wasn't an aggressive plan from the beginning. However, it slowly led to aggression which produced the first wars. From there (and from other dry pockets of land on other continents) patriarchy, hierarchy and ruling spread across the world.

The European colonization and imperialism from the 1500s onwards pushed this new system further into regions where it hadn't been established.
So in that sense you're kind of right that it was a gradual process happening to several civilization but not to all which is why I wouldn't regard it as natural because the egalitarian societies fought back against the invaders wanting to keep their culture of course.

Also, just because it happened doesnt mean that it was good! Wars, oppression, violence, sexism, racism etc resulted in this and must be fought. That should be a given. Furthermore, our capitalist society that ultimately resulted from those events now threaten our entire planet. So we'd do well to come up with a radically alternative way to live and I and many others believe that a society without hierarchies would be a good solution.

By the way, here is an interesting article by Peter Gray on egalitarian societies today and how they keep their egalitarian ways: How hunter-gatherers maintained their egalitarian ways (theanarchistlibrary.org)
Why do you always blame everything on men Lia?

Here's a couple of relevant threads to non linear consciousness:



I've already tested and proved the theory.

Also, if you refer to me blaming everything on men to my reference on 19th century science, it is a plain and simple fact that the 19th century was patriarchal and that men oppressed women at the time which led to the rise of the feminist movement. Also, as someone training to become a Medical Documentation Specialist and thus having anatomy as one of my subject, I do know that it is still very patriarchal in that it takes the male body as default and women as a side-object. If you look into a book about anatomy or even at the cover, you'll see that it's always male bodies that are pictured there. Also, my teachers (male and female alike!) told me and my classmates that it's still common to conduct studies on medical products with only male volunteers despite these products often not working on women because women show different symptoms to the same illness. But patriarchal thought is so thoroughly engrained in science that it was simply not something that occurred to scientists (the majority of which are still male at this point even though, luckily, more and more women enter the scientific field)
You do realise such hierarchical structures are the natural progression of a civilisation.

Don't forget it all started with hunter gatherers. It wasn't patriarchal, it was sheer practical necessity.

Men couldn't provide a mother's nurturing nor provide milk to feed their children. They also couldn't carry children to term.

It simply makes sense that the so called patriarchal men would hunt while the so called matriarchal women cared for the home/cave/whatever. They also probably gathered berries. Light work because women are generally naturally physically weaker than men.

The birth of civilisation was a natural progression of the differences between genders IMO. It wasn't because men aggressively seized power so women couldn't have it.

Such notions are naive IMO.

This is the case as most who was around back in those days didn't have it so easy but as always the younger souls have to politicize every dot and diddle while having had it easy themselves. I can just imagine how they'll last without their phones and their social media let alone the creature comforts.
Hi Lia.

How do you know that I'm projecting modern social structures onto prehistoric times?

There's scientific evidence that women were buried with hunting tools so were children.

Are you saying young children hunted Wooly Mammoths as well?

Besides, obviously because my above post was brief I generalised about berries and such.

The simply biological fact is that women get pregnant, they always have. Even if women did hunt there's no way they could have done it as consistently as the men.

Besides, whose to say that the use of hunting tools wasn't also for entertainment purposes much like we would play archery? Besides it makes sense in a pinch to have such skills in women and children. Dicey times they were.

I never said hunting was like going to the supermarket, I never even implied that.

As I said I used berries as a blanket term.

So women were seam stressing back then too? Also I don't remember saying women didn't own anything.

I also never brought up fitness. Obviously everyone would be hardy in prehistoric times.

Sorry but I've being getting new PL visions these past five months and a few of them were from an extremely far back in time prehistoric period. We lived as a loose association of people and during a gathering we were attacked by another group. This notion that it wasn't violent in prehistory is incorrect IMO. Its wasn't a hippy commune it just wasn't all out war.

No hierarchy's means anarchy. I don't think you would be able to cope with that myself.

We can't talk about modern things apparently but there's nothing patriarchal about having the freedom to choose a career. If there are more male scientists that just means more men are into it...that's all.
Has anyone ever had recurring dreams or knowledge about future lives?

I don't have them anymore, since I "accepted" what the dreams told me, that I'm to be born in some future time and be paralyzed from the waist down in an accident when I'm fairly young. Then I have to go on to be a wheelchair-bound lawyer. I'm evidently going to provide legal aid to the poor.

I didn't know what to make of the dreams at first. Now I just take it all for granted.

I had those dreams when I was younger. Afterwards, I started studying the things that happened to me in this life. I noticed that I've been "prepped" for the kind of life those dreams described for the entire duration of this one.

For instance, I've had any number of obstacles to overcome in every imaginable form. I became so adept at problem solving and moving around obstacles that I barely stop to look at problems, and I rarely have them for long because I just fix them - I live life like a sitcom where everything is resolved in 30 minutes (or if it isn't, I come to some resolution or resignation that I need to live with it). And without going into detail, the problems I've had are extreme - the kind that other people come to a screeching halt with.

I see that as preparation for a life as a parapalegic. I honestly, to the bottom of my soul, view that as just "one more thing to get around." It doesn't frighten me at all, and I don't feel anything resembling self-pity. There are worse things than that. Truly there are.

I have also, from the time I was little, been trained in debating. I can "read" people. I know who's bluffing and who's full of it. Nobody scares me. I can put up a mean argument. I usually win. I've had no good reason to learn that for this lifetime - but I'm evidently going to need it for next time.

So when you have challenges or problems, or things that recurringly happen to you but nobody else, do you ever study them and ask yourself why you might be having these things happen to you? Why learning to deal with them might be useful later? I do. I don't think anything happens without good reason.

Nellgavin,, Time is experienced as a singularity in the higher dimension as all possible reality of all possible outcomes exist as one. Here we experience time as linear from one moment to the next only going forward. So the dream you had about yourself in a possible future lifetime. It's possible but not set in stone because soul has free will. So that future lifetime is one of many. It will depend upon if you really need to experience that reality in order to evolve as soul'

Funny that you mention this because I have had a (possible future lifetime reviewed. I dreamed I was at Stonehenge. I was at the center of the circle and thru each doorway I looked at what was a possible reality of me in another lifetimes yet to unfold.

One of them really caught my interest and as I step closer to the doorway entrance I felt the new personality and ego being expressed in that future lifetime. In this lifetime I am a gay male but in that future lifetime within a few hundred years from our time I was a straight male. However when I would look at other gay people walking around in public holding hands I instinctively felt I was gay in a past life. What I was remembering was this lifetime I am living now. I also remember liking disco music which by then was consider 20th century classical music. I was also a astronaut in that lifetime as we had already colonized Mars and a few outposts on the moons of Europa and Enceladus.

Time is a funny thing here in the lower worlds of duality, time and space. Yet as soul we already exist in all of them.

Thanks for the post and for sharing my friend.

Peace and love...
