Hi MK,
I didn't really have anyone until I found the right one. Interestingly, both of my older sons and my older daughter have been the same way. Nothing, and then someone who they met and eventually married, one son and daughter in their early 20s and one son in his late 20s. So, take heart, better to reserve your heart until the right one comes along. However, having said that, I find that (like art) relationship is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration in the sense that it takes a lot of work to make it work. Likewise, not only will you never (IMO) find someone who matches up with you 100% in terms of likes, interests, opinions, etc.--you'll do best to not expect that kind of things. The best "soul" mate is not actually a person you match up with in that way (though it helps), but someone who you can work with cooperatively to build a life and family (if you're blessed with one). So, better to think of a "work" mate instead of a "soul" mate. In considering this, you may want to put that very high on your list and ask yourself, "Is this someone I can work with for the next 50+ years?" "Are we headed the same direction, building for the same things, and do we mesh and work together well on things?"
I can still remember doing things with my wife to be, and how well we seemed to mesh (and how much fun we could have) when we were engaged in a common or shared task/endeavor. It took awhile, and we always have some disagreements, but generally she acknowledges when I am right about how to get it done, and vice versa. Well, that is all a bit meandering, but I'm going to re-emphasize my primary point. You are looking for someone to be a partner in life, and to "build" a life together. This is long and arduous task, but it can definitely be worth the time and effort you put into it--just choose your life-mate as someone who will also be your work-mate as well as your friend and love-mate, and you should do well. My wife and I are still "working" at this joint project, and closing in on our 40th, so it seems to have "worked" out for us pretty well.