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personality type

I'm the Analytical Thinker~ Sums me up pretty perfectly :laugh:

Analytical Thinkers like to work alone; their ability to concentrate is more marked than that of all other personality types. They are open for and interested in new information, they are always a little like an “absent-minded professor” whose home and workplace are chaotic and who only concerns himself with banalities such as bodily needs when it becomes absolutely unavoidable.
The Groundbreaking Thinker. It's not accurate. I normally fall under both the left sub-type and the right sub-type. I'm like two people trapped in one body. In all yes it's precise, but not accurate. I believe though that all souls are identical. What makes us different is the container, much like water. Put water in a glass, it takes the form of a glass. Put water in a basin, and it takes the form of a basin. Memories from the past life is due to the imprint of the previous body, learnings w/c are taken back to the divine consciousness. Some of these learnings linger and carried on to the next life.

past life.jpg

Hello everyone, nice test,it reminds me of myers briggs personality test. I am the "indipendent thinker" and an intj for the mb...very accurate for me!
While taking the test I had the feeling it was the Meyers Briggs in a different form.
I got Independent thinker from this. From MB, I am INTJ.
But it does show something. There are 16 basic outcomes which most appear to feel applies to them.
It shows that we are not that different from each other. How many millions of people are there on planet earth and 16 types seems to fit all?
Fascinating. Maybe when making a comment in this forum one should specify personality type. Based on Meyers Briggs, there are about 1.2 percent of my type in the world. Clearly, I am a misfit. Proud of it.
I'm even more rare.. INFJ.

I think that tests like that may be able to describe someone's core and driving set of values or traits, but people are so much more complex than that.

It's interesting to me in a way if you think that we all descended from one of several groups of energy that developed into complex people thereafter.
Here another INFJ... I prefer the MB because it has much more nuances... (of course it's much longer)
For example my report says:
You have distinct preference of Introversion over Extraversion (67%)
You have distinct preference of Intuition over Sensing (62%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%)
You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)

IMO, the problem with this other test is you have to choose between two options with too many items in each of them, you can agree with some, but not at all with others in the same option...
I also got the epidemical Dreamy Idealist :laugh:
I have done the Myers-Briggs personality test twice: the first time (3 years ago) I was INTJ. I did it again last year and I got INFJ. Apparently these are the two of the rarest types for men which might help explain the lifetime of bullying, particularly as a child.
yea.... :(

It's not strange to me that they would be the rarest for men either. I'd say I have a female brain or personality, easily. I'm sure to an extent, certain traits go with ceartain brain or personality "types", but a lot of that is just cultural and what we define as male or female.
The Spontaneous Idealist

hmmm, I also couldn't choose between left and right, in fact I even wonder if I have a fixed personality... lol
I am a lot of things at the same time. This used to bother me, but since I discovered astrology I became to understand 'why', or at least I have peace with it now. It's just what it is.
I have done the Myers-Briggs personality test twice: the first time (3 years ago) I was INTJ. I did it again last year and I got INFJ. Apparently these are the two of the rarest types for men which might help explain the lifetime of bullying, particularly as a child.
now i feel bad about being infj because i was bullied a lot.apparently i was really quirky as kid even thought i was considered to be really charming(bullying know no borders)so i got bullied.
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Yes, it said that I was a Reliable Realist, whatever that truly indicates. These "tests" leave more confused than ever. The various tests show me as INFJ, ENTJ, and ENFJ, none of the percentages are very high - I'm either very "rounded" or without much "personality", I don't know which:).
Let's just go with "very rounded". :)

P.S. One of my favorite descriptions of the Analytical Thinker was: "You are not particularly suited for dealing with others . . . ." :p
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AlexD, that's so true! When I was in my thirties, I thought I had it all figured out and would think that way the rest of my life. Not quite, and I was surprised when my views really started shifting, too.
I took this ‘test’ a while ago and my results were INTP-A. I then took the test a couple days ago and got the exact same results. The description of the personality type’s are very detailed, It’s shocking how accurate it is for me (well, most everything is accurate). There’s not too many questions, doesn’t take that long.

Here’s the link if you want to take it: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

Wondering if you guys can say the same, are the results accurate for you?
I would say so.. I am an INFJ. I would also look for a larger, more clearly labeled Meyer's Brigg's test. A lot of the ones you find are quick versions of it. They're longer, but the results are also more in depth.
I would say so.. I am an INFJ. I would also look for a larger, more clearly labeled Meyer's Brigg's test. A lot of the ones you find are quick versions of it. They're longer, but the results are also more in depth.
I’ve taken one that was an insane amount of questions, and still had the same result. The one I linked isn’t too long though, and I think gives a very in depth explanation of the ‘types’.
Took on of these tests (with loads of questions) way back. Got INFJ, and I think -T.
Read the description again. I first was going like: What? No way, too good to be me. Then I read about the weaknesses, and yes: this is sooo me.
INFJ. Taken these tests a million times, so no need to retake one. Enneagram, which complements MBTI rather well, places me as an 8. Meaning basically that I am assertive.

Slight preference for introversion, over 90% preference for Intuition, very slight preference for Feeling, over 90% preference for Judging. I sort of shift between seemingly extroverted and introverted or between thinking and feeling. Tested differently in different periods of my life. ENTJ and INFJ are my closest types. Strong use of introverted intuition (cognitive function).
INFJ. Taken these tests a million times, so no need to retake one. Enneagram, which complements MBTI rather well, places me as an 8. Meaning basically that I am assertive.

Slight preference for introversion, over 90% preference for Intuition, very slight preference for Feeling, over 90% preference for Judging. I sort of shift between seemingly extroverted and introverted or between thinking and feeling. Tested differently in different periods of my life. ENTJ and INFJ are my closest types. Strong use of introverted intuition (cognitive function).
Im rounding the numbers, but my introversion was 90%, intuitive 90%, thinking 80%, and prospecting 90%. Assertive was 60%, from the test I took. All this stuffs pretty interesting to read about. Especially the strengths and weaknesses, as they’re pretty accurate for me.