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Really getting homesick for a country I have never seen.


New Member
This started a couple of years ago. One day I hopped into my car and I had this overwhelming feeling that the steering wheel was on the wrong side. I sat there thinking the the steering wheel should be on passengers side. I really didn't understand this. It happened often when I got in my car.
Then came the overwhelming feeling of being homesick, if I watched a movie and it was set in the US. Anything to do with US, set me off, like something was missing.
The homesick feelings doesn't happen a lot but when they do it's more stronger each time.
I haven't pinpointed where in US, unsure if I ever will.
But was watching another movie tonight. Saw Halloween pumpkins, these feelings of "home" and familiarity were very strong. I do not know what to make of it.
I'm a big reincarnation believer, could this be related ?
I see things in US movies or just anything on telly and it feels like "home" to me and I'm truly missing it 😢
Hey Robynf!
Welcome to the forum.

Many people here feel like you, feeling homesick or attracted to a country, a culture or language they don't know from current life. Some feel just a homesickness for a certain historical era in this country.
It would be interesting to find out for you if there is a special time period in US history you feel most familiar with.
Do you feel familiar with or attracted to certain fashion styles of the past, music, cars, historical events? Or maybe there is a special area or place in the US that you feel familiar with? All this could be clues to a possible past life in the US.
Welcome to the forum Robynf!
As you can read above, this feeling is very common.
I am french and I have always been attracted to the USA. I have spent several months there for an internship and was feeling at home, everything was easy for me. Now I understand why because my last past life was in New Jersey. Watching photos, movies, listening to a song called "Jersey home" and I (could) start crying feeling homesick.

But I also found out several other past lives in other countries and I have the same feelings for at least two other places.
I feel homesick but don't know where home is...
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If you could pinpoint where in the U.S, that would narrow down your feelings of homesickness immensely. For me, it’s Virginia/West Virginia and Maryland, because that’s where I lived in my American Civil War lifetime.

Homesickness for another country I have learned in my years of PL healing, represents ‘unfinished business’. I still yearn to return to Maryland because a manor house that had been in my family for generations was later sold to the government in the 1970’s (actually it was the NPS) and I feel a great injustice has been served on our family. I still feel the homesickness and yearn to return to it. As I said to a friend one day “If I won the lottery, I’d offer to buy the manor house from the NPS and live in it like we used to..”

I wish you the best on your quest :),
Eva x