It's not that I'm 'uncomfortable' with this time period. I believe I can still learn the lessons I need to in this life while still living with aspects of different eras though. I accept the twenty-first century for what it is. I don't have a problem with it and think there is a heck of a lot of good to it, it just doesn't totally sit well with me.
I was being a little dramatic when I said 'I hope to live exactly how they did in the past.' That isn't entirely true, because I wouldn't do it to the extent where it would cause me to become a recluse or anything.
There are just things I don't appreciate about the time we do live in like the lack of privacy and the invasion of rather useless technology. It seems there's a new iPhone every month, yet people are still living with out electricity in some places. The progress we are making in certain areas is not beneficial to us. We need progress in science, medical technology, and the like. Not entertainment.
The 1930s and 1940s was such an emotional, tumultuous time period for so many of us. And in my case it has left a huge imprint on my soul, which is why it has the effect it does on my current life.
With that being said, I do think that it can get out of hand. It has with me, to the point where I actually will sometimes follow routines from previous lives. You almost become an incarnated ghost; you act like you never died and you're still living the way you lived all those years ago... like time doesn't even exist. It's extremely unhealthy, I'm sure. It's something I have to heal from. I realize I have to learn that I'm living now, and not then. I get sad at times because I feel I missed out on so much from dying young. I have the urge to go back and finish my lives, but I know I can't...
Thank you to everyone who complimented my room, by the way.