Why was the soul of James Huston assigned to the body of James Leininger? What is the rhyme and reason? Is it random? Is it forced by Spirit Elder that thinks he knows better?
I don't know why James III chose his current environment, nor the family he has today. I can only tell you why I chose my family and my environment.
I came to a family (I can tell you that I chose a family) that understood me and made me feel "at home", even in the midst of my traumas and the CPTSD that, as James, I carried from my past experiences and traumatic death 80 years ago. Why did I choose this place quite far from my previous experience? because, in addition to my family, I came with a group of fellow travelers who settled in this place, where, after a brutal experience in a place where we lived a war that claimed the lives of millions, we chose a slightly calmer path. Even if many of my traveling companions today are or have gone through different military experiences in this life, we are not in a country that lives in a permanent state of war. I myself tried to "recreate" my life as a soldier until I was 19 years old. After that, I discovered, in a rather hard way, that my purpose should perhaps go through a different route. The fact of having made this "break" with a military experience made me develop other aspects or facets of my soul, where I could learn to live a different path, less primary, going deeper. Without a doubt, I do not consider myself an "elevated" soul, but I do try to live an experience far away from weapons. As I mentioned, I have many friends who have been in the Army and Air Force during this period of time, which seems very good to me, since it is the experience that they chose, planned, and came here to do.
I don't believe we are "assigned" to this life. Rather, I believe that we program, in general terms, an existence according to what we want to develop as souls, and at the end, when we cross the threshold, we evaluate what we have achieved, and take time to program an eventual return, here or elsewhere in the future.
At this moment I'm an 58 years old man who is still trying to enjoy discovering the sandbox of life, a place where I came to learn, interacting with a bunch of other players. A place to learn how to be, how to grow, and how to transcend.