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What songs remind you of past life memories?


Senior Registered
A lot of people mention songs from past lives they either heard then or reminds them of then, so I decided to make a thread for it.

Okay so here is a song for parents who lost their children, I was told by two people I lost a daughter in a past life and it rings true about how I had these thoughts that my friend was my child and I didn't want to loose him, even though he probably wasn't, it was just a sensation.

I distinguish between songs about reincarnation in GENERAL and songs about SPECIFIC past lives, but someone can delete this thread if they feel that thread is for both, and I'll post the song in it.
Baroque lute music evokes very strong nostalgic feelings for me.

I cant play anything on my guitar without it ending up sounding like some kind of Robert da Visee. I only wish I were that good.. :D
I'm attracted to music of every era - the only thing I don't enjoy is South American folk music. I particularly love the Baroque period, Celtic music, and Delta Blues. There is apparently a hard-living blues singer trapped in my small, middle class, white, female body. Go figure! ;) Vivaldi's pieces for violin ravish my soul. I understand the PLs my preferences came from, except for the Blues. Maybe, that person is still waiting to be born.
I have thing for forties music, jazz and the big bands. Never got into any classical though_don't know if its relevant.

Find that south american pipe music so relaxing BriarRose.
Most people do, starrynight. It absolutely sets my teeth on edge. There could be a PL reason - maybe someday I'll "see" why!
The South American thing got me thinking Briar.

I've always been fascinated with both South and Central America and love the Spanish Colonial architecture there. I wonder if this links into that Spanish connection?

I number of years ago I went to Bolivia and got the most amazing deja-vu in a small town there (Coroico). So much so even then I wondered if I could have been there before.

Also French, Spanish or Italian music brings good nostalgic vibes
It could be that you love the music because of a PL. I think that I might have had an Incan life, in Peru, but it was just a "flash". I wish this was as easy as looking up our lives on the computer. :laugh:
I have two.

My Melancholy Blues

Another party's is over am left cold sober

My baby left me for somebody new

I don't want to talk about want to forget about it.

Wanna be intoxicated with that special brew

So come get me let me get in that sinking feeling

That says my heart is on all time low.. so...

Don't expect me to behave perfectly and wear

that sunny smile

My guess is I'm in for a cloudy overcast

Don't try to and stop me

Cause, I'm heading for that stormy weather soon...

I'm causing mild sensation with new occupation

I'm permanently glued to this extraordinary mood

so,now moreover

And let it take over with melancholy blues

I'm causing a mild sensation with new occupation

I'm in the news Just getting used to this new

exposure so come into my enclosure

And meet my melancholy blues.

This song more than other by Freddie Mercury

set off so many memories for me .

Of my past life during 20's It describes

me perfectly How I was back then.

I can't help singing this often.
Foggy Dew heard that one in my sleep for weeks,Zombie by the cranberries,Isobell by Enya yes I know seems to be a theme here
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greensleeves, and it is very happy

and peruvian music brings back very creepy bad feelings, lots of energy there, but it is very sad, I refuse to look deeper at that one.
I sometimes wake up singing, or with songs running through my head. I would take the lyrics of songs like that seriously, Etam. I don't know any of the songs you mentioned. I'll look them up on YouTube.
Is it the Burl Ives "Foggy, Foggy, Dew"? That's fascinating, actually. You could remember it from the 1940's, or all the way back to colonial days. If you died in WWII, having memories of that song, and disliking Rome and the French could make sense. My father went to Rome and Paris with the Army, and disliked both groups of people. He wasn't a "hater" in general, but the War gave him bad memories of Europe.
shadowsofmypast said:
I have two.
My Melancholy Blues

Another party's is over am left cold sober

My baby left me for somebody new

I don't want to talk about want to forget about it.

Wanna be intoxicated with that special brew

So come get me let me get in that sinking feeling

That says my heart is on all time low.. so...

Don't expect me to behave perfectly and wear

that sunny smile

My guess is I'm in for a cloudy overcast

Don't try to and stop me

Cause, I'm heading for that stormy weather soon...

I'm causing mild sensation with new occupation

I'm permanently glued to this extraordinary mood

so,now moreover

And let it take over with melancholy blues

I'm causing a mild sensation with new occupation

I'm in the news Just getting used to this new

exposure so come into my enclosure

And meet my melancholy blues.

This song more than other by Freddie Mercury

set off so many memories for me .

Of my past life during 20's It describes

me perfectly How I was back then.

I can't help singing this often.
Ahh...Love so many Queen songs. This one is so fun to sing along with. I don't relate much to the 20's, that I know of...but other Queen songs, like Brighton Rock (I think I have a connection to Brighton, maybe) and some of the gay nineties-feel songs they do are evocative for me.
The songs "Come little Children" fron the movie Hocus Pocus aqnd Invincible by Pat Benatar tend to bring a spooky essence to my past life.
The two genre's that I connect with the most in a past life sense (I think) are Italian Baroque and Celtic. Lots of Loreena McKennitt's tunes really speak to me.
Now personally my first choice in music is Native American powwow music bigtime! This for myself has been for most of my life. My mother and some former housemates at times in my life, in hearing this music could not stand powwow music. But I have loved it for years and years and could listen to it for hours and hours on a everyday basis with it going it seems to the very inner part of my being. So Go Figure with my various past lives as an Native American. :D

But have also loved banjo - bluegrass music, celtic music, and sometimes the peruvian - South American music also with past lives there somewheres. Also can listen to country music. There was a time in my youth where I almost took up the banjo and learned this instrument but never did which now I regret.

Now what I just can't stand as far as music is concerned it seems is a big majority of this modern day music like hard rock and roll, hip hop, rap, jazz, blues and so forth.

And spacecase, I also do like greensleeves.
There are a lot of songs, but the one in most recent memory really sticks out because it has to do with my name. I was listening to a Celtic folk music show and they played "Hey Johnnie Cope" -- a song from the Scottish Jacobite uprising of 1745. Only the memory I had associated with it was a one where I was climbing up a stone wall as a child and an old guy behind me was singing, "Hey, Johnny Paul, yer climbin' up the wall!" I also remembered that I loved that old guy a lot and used to listen to him sing and tell stories for hours.

It is a summer's evening and the musicians are gathered on the commons by a bonfire. They are playing "Greensleeves". They're dressed in medieval costumes - stocking type pants that bag in the knees, and tunic tops that badly need a good washing.

My heart is breaking.

I got the above vision when I was 20 years old. When I met my husband to be for the first time, I was 24 and "Greensleeves" was playing on the radio.
Dame Vera Lynn

Any of the songs by Dame Vera Lynn, who sang songs prior and during WWII and was very popular with the troops and civilians alike.

She appeared first on the radio in 1935 and her popularity took off from there.

She was given honors by the Queen and was born in 1917.

She sings a song "The White Cliffs of Dover" (which is my Avatar) that sends me into a trance. :)
Is she the one on the phonograph record? I have a CD with WWII songs and that is one of them. It's a very moving song.
Crackles and Pop's

argonne1918 said:
Is she the one on the phonograph record? I have a CD with WWII songs and that is one of them. It's a very moving song.
I don't know, it probably is, but I don't have one to recall the LP cover, and speaking of Vinyl, some people, myself included, believe that the crackles and pops of Vinyl, lend a certain atmosphere to the music (and especially old speeches). ;)
Can't say that I'm a fan of the cracks and pops, but I do love vinyl. Personally I think it's the warmer, phat-er (Is that even a word?) tone that makes it preferable. CDs just sound so... cold. They're not as alive and human feeling as vinyl.
It's not the fault of the CD. When I copy old LP's or 78's to digital they sound exactly the same as the original vinyl. Many younger sound engineers seem to like the cold, "tinny" sound. Maybe because they grew up listening to walkmans, ipods, or something similar?
The new Robbie Williams from his swing cd "Dream a little dream of me". Think that's the right title.

I'll have to look up the date but I can see myself playing it on a old style record player with a friend. The room's fairly small and cluttered, we dance along to it. I like to think I'll find a boyfriend to dance with.

It's a happy memory. :D