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What will happen to extreme evil people?


New Member
So what is your idea what will happen after death to extreme bad and evil people who commit horrible atrocities. Well many people have seen hell and many have been talking that bad actions can lower your frequency which will send you deep state of horrors despair and darkness. Some say that you need experience to yourself what you have done to others in next lives. Ive seen some stories where this happens but seems like you can do good action toward others too to balance your karma (if it even exists) and I have no idea do you need to compensate everything you've done. Some too say all is forgiven and there is no consequences. So what you think will happen and what on you base that?

Thank you.
Nothing will happen to anyone except they feel that they need to do something in particular, in which case they will make sure to create the right circumstances for it. However, it won't be a punishment for the universe, just something they decided to do. It's usually those cases where someone kills X in one life and in the other that person is a parent or a child. In other words, if you feel guilty for something, you may be able to solve it in your next life, but it's your choice, not karma."Evilness" is not an attribute inherent to a person, it's a human concept, therefore it's meaningless spiritually.
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Agree with Owl on some points. But have to say from my own experience, evil actions do have consequences. How can they not? If you murder someone for instance, you are cutting someone's life short -- think of all the myriad consequences that has for the people around them, their ancestors and so on, and so forth. That is not even taking into account what might happen in the next life. It's been my experience that we carry what we do with us, and if we don't deal with it this time round it follows us in our knapsacks to the next life, or the next, and that in turn effects how we make choices, how we deal with things, down to even how we end up where we do. That's true for both the murderer and the victim.
While I do think hell exists on some level, not all of us necessarily end up there and metaphorically it can be the world you live in here. That's just my take though.

What I can tell you with confidence is this: Having spent a whole lifetime killing people and more or less violating everything we have a law for now, eventually you'll have to make up for what you did. It's a daunting task, but it's worth it.

Good or bad, actions absolutely have consequences and it's how you end up being a better you. Learning from your mistakes and seeing the effects of what you've done is a great learning tool.
Agree with Owl on some points. But have to say from my own experience, evil actions do have consequences. How can they not? If you murder someone for instance, you are cutting someone's life short -- think of all the myriad consequences that has for the people around them, their ancestors and so on, and so forth. That is not even taking into account what might happen in the next life. It's been my experience that we carry what we do with us, and if we don't deal with it this time round it follows us in our knapsacks to the next life, or the next, and that in turn effects how we make choices, how we deal with things, down to even how we end up where we do. That's true for both the murderer and the victim.

But wouldn't that be like saying that absolutely everything we do has consequences? Which I agree, if you kill someone, then that someone won't be around for a while, and everything they could have potentially accomplished will be either lost or delayed, and if you save someone who was going to die, then they will do whatever they have to do, and will have offspring, etc, but that is a general statement and is not strictly related to "evilness". What I'm rejecting is the notion that evil people are punished by karma, first of all, because I don't believe evil people exist, just actions that can cause suffering on others, and which some people will see as evil and others may not, depending on their point of view (just think of any war). If you killed another soldier during a war, then you may feel bad or guilty, even though you may not be deemed as evil because they were "the enemy", and to your country you are a hero, but IF you feel guilty, then you may create some sort of karma in order to solve your own issue. To the enemy you are evil, but if you don't feel guilty, nothing happens. You create your own karma depending on how you feel and what you want.
@Owl I also don't believe evil people exist. But there are evil actions that we can take, and some people take more than their share of evil actions in life, or lives. It's not just a point of view what is evil. Usually one evil action carries on an imprint to another. An example here is of an abuser who was once the abused. That has to be recognised. The road to redemption is a very long one, usually.
But all actions carry an imprint to another, not just evil actions, there could be very well someone who was abused and now fights to prevent abuse in others. If it wasn't a point of view what is evil, then there would be actions that would universally be deemed evil with no exceptions, and I cannot think of any, as I was saying earlier, even killing can be justified depending on the context, isn't the death penalty the killing of those "who deserve it"? is the executioner committing an evil act? (Just an example to illustrate how all actions are relative, it's not my intention to keep discussing the death penalty per se on this thread, and I don't have a definitive opinion about it either).
Going back on topic, I' ve read all sorts of past lives over the years, a lot of people who remember killing or doing other stuff to other people, and besides some of them feeling some guilt, they are living perfectly normal regular lives, without any karmic punishment.
But all actions carry an imprint to another, not just evil actions, there could be very well someone who was abused and now fights to prevent abuse in others. If it wasn't a point of view what is evil, then there would be actions that would universally be deemed evil with no exceptions, and I cannot think of any, as I was saying earlier, even killing can be justified depending on the context, isn't the death penalty the killing of those "who deserve it"? is the executioner committing an evil act? (Just an example to illustrate how all actions are relative, it's not my intention to keep discussing the death penalty per se on this thread, and I don't have a definitive opinion about it either).
Going back on topic, I' ve read all sorts of past lives over the years, a lot of people who remember killing or doing other stuff to other people, and besides some of them feeling some guilt, they are living perfectly normal regular lives, without any karmic punishment.
Well Ive read some stories too where they seem to carry some sort of punishment. So maybe those who have done something bad and arent suffering now consequences have compensated everything in afterlife or maybe they will do that later. It doesnt seems to make sense that some should go throught punishment and others can be freeriders.
@Owl I also don't believe evil people exist. But there are evil actions that we can take, and some people take more than their share of evil actions in life, or lives. It's not just a point of view what is evil. Usually one evil action carries on an imprint to another. An example here is of an abuser who was once the abused. That has to be recognised. The road to redemption is a very long one, usually.
What do you mean that road to redemption can be very long?
I knew of a woman who had trouble bearing children, she really wanted children. She must’ve had a hunch it was past life related so she visited the local woman who does past life regressions and found out one of her past lives was as an Aztec who would regularly sacrifice children. After that session, and I guess making a mends with the guilt of that past life she had healthy children.

I guess it impacts their next lives differently, very karmic. You have to remember there is various factors, cultural conditioning like the Aztecs or incorrect wiring of the brain which leads someone to be evil.
For whatever it's worth, at the end of a psychic reading of my PL two years ago I asked the medium what happened to Hitler's soul (there was no specific context, pure curiosity, as Hitler is for many the incarnation of evil). She said it had been dissolved (I can't remember the exact word she used but that was pretty much the meaning) and that a new soul had been created albeit one which will carry the burden of having been an evil soul. In other words, it will be the soul of a man or woman who will have (or already has) a very difficult life to say the least. I am in no position to judge, neither do I claim that this makes sense, I am just conveying what I was told. I should also say that before her reading started, the medium told me my deceased uncle was here and wanted to say hi and stay for a while. Then she said things about me that my uncle told me when he was alive and that she obviously did not know. Oh yes, and believe it or not, she also mentioned his name and profession and got them right... Had it not been for this amazingly real interaction with my uncle, I would not have paid a lot of attention to what the medium said about Hitler's soul - which let's admit it was not extraordinary in itself - and this post would probably not exist.
@Owl I also don't believe evil people exist. But there are evil actions that we can take, and some people take more than their share of evil actions in life, or lives. It's not just a point of view what is evil. Usually one evil action carries on an imprint to another. An example here is of an abuser who was once the abused. That has to be recognised. The road to redemption is a very long one, usually.
As somebody who has known so much of pain inflicted on myself and others, I would like to disagree. (Evil people are in the minority though.)
For whatever it's worth, at the end of a psychic reading of my PL two years ago I asked the medium what happened to Hitler's soul (there was no specific context, pure curiosity, as Hitler is for many the incarnation of evil). She said it had been dissolved (I can't remember the exact word she used but that was pretty much the meaning) and that a new soul had been created albeit one which will carry the burden of having been an evil soul. In other words, it will be the soul of a man or woman who will have (or already has) a very difficult life to say the least. I am in no position to judge, neither do I claim that this makes sense, I am just conveying what I was told. I should also say that before her reading started, the medium told me my deceased uncle was here and wanted to say hi and stay for a while. Then she said things about me that my uncle told me when he was alive and that she obviously did not know. Oh yes, and believe it or not, she also mentioned his name and profession and got them right... Had it not been for this amazingly real interaction with my uncle, I would not have paid a lot of attention to what the medium said about Hitler's soul - which let's admit it was not extraordinary in itself - and this post would probably not exist.
I do recall hearing on this forum a while back that Michael Newton wrote that evil souls get destroyed.
I do recall hearing on this forum a while back that Michael Newton wrote that evil souls get destroyed.
Hi Melon,

I think this is the thread/discussion you are referencing:

Actually, it seems to be an opportunity for a new start vs. being barred from the process. However, the new start involves replacement of a major part of the soul's energy, etc. with untainted replacement energy. What this means is hard to say, but the replacement energy is apparently the same fresh untainted energy used in making new souls. Likewise, one has to ask the question: Would the soul that was Hitler (the typical test case) want for 9/10 of itself-himself to be "excised" and replaced with the untainted energy, etc. of a baby soul?

And, how could such untouched and untainted energy resist being twisted and tainted by the 1/10 of extremely evil energy that remained? Beats me. However, I tend to think that the "proud spirit" that was Hitler might prefer snarling and hate-filled exile to such a fate. It reminds me of something that C.S. Lewis said about the Gates of Hell being locked from the inside.

(In my opinion)

What happens to evil people? Absolutely nothing, they reincarnate like everyone else. There is no good and evil. What is evil for me is good for you. If I'm a Spanish inquisitor, am I evil because I'm torturing people? Or am I good because I'm getting rid of infidels and carrying God's wishes? The same could be applied to absolutely eveything, there are two sides to every coin. (Yes, including murder, if I kill Saddam Hussein, am I a murderer? a hero? Or both? Yes, also including genocide, if I'm a conquistador in 1492 and I kill aboriginals in the name of God, king, and country or for whatever reason, am I evil? Or am I doing my duty while being influenced by the mindset of my times? Am I good?).

I can read about all of your past lives and judge at least one as "evil". Are you dissintegrated? Were you destroyed? Not more than the average Joe. I don't understand why we keep judging natural phenomena, such as reincarnation, through a socio-cultural lens. Even worse, that lens is modern and westerner and may not even reflect the sociocultural paradigm of the past times that we are indeed judging.

That doesn't mean that if you feel bad for a past deed (whatever that deed is, could be killing someone or feeling like a "bad" person because you didn't go to your boss' birthday party) you cannot make changes in a future time to correct them. But the issue is not the deed itself but how you feel about it.
Hi Owl,

I am merely repeating and working with some things that Newton reported from his studies. I do not consider Newton or his results to be infallible, but they are certainly interesting. It certainly does appear that "evil" people reincarnate. And, Newton's work does not negative this idea. Plus, there is no doubt that everyone does evil and has done evil in their past lives. However, from what Newton found (or claims to have found) there seems to be a point at which someone will be barred from the process (at least according to Newton's studies)--which is what the topic of this thread is about.

Nonetheless, I find your idea that--if I am understanding you correctly--(1) there is nothing "evil" in itself, and (2) whether something is evil is merely a question of "viewpoint" and one's socio-cultural conditioning or position--to be staggering. I could use other terms, but they would be more pejorative than I would wish to use in this context.

What you have essentially done is to make evil completely subjective and, so to speak, in the "eye of the beholder". I.e., there are no moral absolutes in your philosophy, or if there are, you have failed to explain them. So, as I understand you, a suicide bomber who goes to my local day-care center and intentionally blows himself and a hundred babies and toddlers to pieces because he (in his cultural context) thinks that he is doing a good thing by destroying infidels cannot be said to have committed evil in any absolute sense.

All I can say is that your post is the most evil thing I have ever read on this board, and I am astounded by the people who have given you a "like" on your position. I will not dispute the issue with any of you, but leave you to dig yourselves out of the hole you have made for yourselves if you care to do so. But that is up to you.

All I can say is that your post is the most evil thing I have ever read on this board, and I am astounded by the people who have given you a "like" on your position. I will not dispute the issue with any of you, but leave you to dig yourselves out of the hole you have made for yourselves if you care to do so. But that is up to you.

This is your subjective viewpoint, that is the result of your beliefs (I call "beliefs" everything that one knows for sure, too). Your reply was to some degree emotional, so I read those strong words with some understanding, while disapproving of them (I agree with @Owl 's post, and gave him a thumb-up, so I am one of those in the cross-hair of your outrage).

Imagine that you play a villain character in a play. Are you to blame (or to praise) for what the character does, or only for how well you played it?

Imagine that you play an instructional video-game, and you make a mistake that creates a horrible outcome for other game avatars, in the confines of the game. Are you to be vilified for your lack of skill at that game?

Imagine that you're a pupil enrolled in a school, and that for whatever reason you totally failed a test. Are you to be "destroyed" as a human being for that?

We don't really know what we are, nor what we are here to do. This is a challenge we accepted when we decided to come here. Why? Because although harder, we thought we'll be able to handle it. We can't rely on anybody's opinions about the answers to those questions.

I largely disapprove of Michael Newton's conclusions, considering them to be unintentional distortions. The same for most other facilitators, mediums, channels, religious avatars.

I trust only my own inner source of knowledge and guidance, while being aware that I inherently distort it due to my beliefs and level of evolvement.

Everything that we perceive awake or dreaming, happening to us or others, are symbols meant for us to intuitively interpret, and learn from that. Our emotions and intellect, while important features for the interpretation of our perceptions, will invariably lead us into error in the absence of a working intuition; hence the suffering and the pain most of humanity experience. They are not inflicted on us by others, but result exclusively form our own individual beliefs and level of evolvement.

If you observe any "evil", it is always and only the physical manifestation of an aspect of your individual inner-reality. Find it, and deal with it! If you fail, you'll be given other chances over and over, ad infinitum; you won't be "destroyed".
The way I understand these, it isn't that our actions have consequences, neither for us nor for others, but it is that our beliefs, emotions, expectations are reflected in the reality that we experience, both individually and en masse.

This "individually and en masse" is widely misunderstood ...

Consciousness is structured in gestalts, nested and branched, endless. This means that I have free-will, as an element of one or more gestalts I have affinities with, while I am a gestalt myself, of other elements.

When an element is out of tune with a gestalt it leaves it, and it may join other gestalts with which it is in tune. This is a process mostly transparent to both gestalts and elements, which just experience their realities and the transformation of those realities.

"You create your reality" ... This a fundamental truth.

If what you perceive isn't what you'd consciously create, it doesn't mean that you don't create your reality, but it means that you aren't aware of your actual beliefs. Those beliefs cause your emotions, expectations, and always the reality you experience, as a physical materialization of your inner psyche.
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Hi Baro-san,

I largely disapprove of Michael Newton's conclusions, considering them to be unintentional distortions. The same for most other facilitators, mediums, channels, religious avatars. . . . I trust only my own inner source of knowledge and guidance, while being aware that I inherently distort it due to my beliefs and level of evolvement.

I congratulate you on your ascension to godhood. Seemingly no one else is at a high enough level to learn from, unless they mirror what you already approve of. Strangely enough, in my experience, those who are the most spiritual and truly knowledgeable are the most humble. I am not humble, and therefore not very advanced myself. However, I do have the advantage of not looking to myself and my intuitions as the sole or most reliable source of truth.

Everything that we perceive awake or dreaming, happening to us or others, are symbols meant for us to intuitively interpret, and learn from that. Our emotions and intellect, while important features for the interpretation of our perceptions, will invariably lead us into error in the absence of a working intuition; hence the suffering and the pain most of humanity experience. They are not inflicted on us by others, but result exclusively form our own individual beliefs and level of evolvement. . . . If you observe any "evil", it is always and only the physical manifestation of an aspect of your individual inner-reality. Find it, and deal with it! If you fail, you'll be given other chances over and over, ad infinitum; you won't be "destroyed".

In view of your beliefs, I will make sure that I abstain from saving or seeking to rescue you from any form of violence, torment or destruction, as it is not inflicted on you by others, but is exclusively the result of your own beliefs and level of evolvement and merely a physical manifestation of your own individual inner reality. However, for those too young to hold such deep and profound beliefs, I make no promises, and may still stubbornly seek to rescue them from suicide bombers, no matter how deeply right in their own fanatic minds their evil actions may be.

In sum, I find your philosophy to be in no way deep or profound, but merely self-centered and solipsistic.

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Hi Baro-san,

I largely disapprove of Michael Newton's conclusions, considering them to be unintentional distortions. The same for most other facilitators, mediums, channels, religious avatars. . . . I trust only my own inner source of knowledge and guidance, while being aware that I inherently distort it due to my beliefs and level of evolvement.

I congratulate you on your ascension to godhood. Seemingly no one else is at a high enough level to learn from, unless they mirror what you already approve of. Strangely enough, in my experience, those who are the most spiritual and truly knowledgeable are the most humble. I am not humble, and therefore not very advanced myself. However, I do have the advantage of not looking to myself and my intuitions as the sole or most reliable source of truth.

Everything that we perceive awake or dreaming, happening to us or others, are symbols meant for us to intuitively interpret, and learn from that. Our emotions and intellect, while important features for the interpretation of our perceptions, will invariably lead us into error in the absence of a working intuition; hence the suffering and the pain most of humanity experience. They are not inflicted on us by others, but result exclusively form our own individual beliefs and level of evolvement. . . . If you observe any "evil", it is always and only the physical manifestation of an aspect of your individual inner-reality. Find it, and deal with it! If you fail, you'll be given other chances over and over, ad infinitum; you won't be "destroyed".

In view of your beliefs, I will make sure that I abstain from saving or seeking to rescue you from any form of violence, torment or destruction, as it is not inflicted on you by others, but is exclusively the result of your own beliefs and level of evolvement and merely a physical manifestation of your own individual inner reality. However, for those too young to hold such deep and profound beliefs, I make no promises, and may still stubbornly seek to rescue them from suicide bombers, no matter how deeply right in their own fanatic minds their evil actions may be.

Frankly, I find your philosophy to be in no way deep or profound, but merely self-centered and solipsistic.


You don't know what you are talking about, but I'm okay with that. I only browsed your emotional reply. It doesn't matter to me. Everything you wish negatively to me will just turn back on you, in your reality.
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Got to wonder just how much of this is due to the whole life scripts and soul contracts than just the nature of some souls. Anyway at some point or another along with everyone else they end up back here again or somewhere else doing as they've always done with some getting better others worse.
Got to wonder just how much of this is due to the whole life scripts and soul contracts than just the nature of some souls. Anyway at some point or another along with everyone else they end up back here again or somewhere else doing as they've always done with some getting better others worse.
This is just another reason why I have such a hard time believing in soul contracts. I can buy into the idea that we choose certain life experiences to grow, but I cannot buy into the idea that people choose to live a lifetime just to suffer or just to be evil.
This is just another reason why I have such a hard time believing in soul contracts. I can buy into the idea that we choose certain life experiences to grow, but I cannot buy into the idea that people choose to live a lifetime just to suffer or just to be evil.

When I have such questions I go in a light trance and ask my inner source of knowledge and guidance. Eventually we should rely on intuition, but most men have only an incipient intuition.

There are questions that intellect isn't suitable to answer.
This is just another reason why I have such a hard time believing in soul contracts. I can buy into the idea that we choose certain life experiences to grow, but I cannot buy into the idea that people choose to live a lifetime just to suffer or just to be evil.
They're not there for growth or learning but just pure narrative by who or whatever created this reality as that is what the contracts are there for otherwise most would have backed out long ago and left this reality.
This is just another reason why I have such a hard time believing in soul contracts. I can buy into the idea that we choose certain life experiences to grow, but I cannot buy into the idea that people choose to live a lifetime just to suffer or just to be evil.
Except for clinical psychopaths (which are a lesser percentage of what the internet and popular culture call psychopaths), most people that you deem as evil think that they are good or average.