I'm sorry, but I cannot buy into the idea that a soul would choose to have abusive parents, be depressed, be homeless, be raped, be murdered, commit suicide, etc. Or that they would agree to be a terrorist, dictator, serial killer, etc and be widely reviled by others.
I feel like if soul contracts were real, everybody would choose to have a good life.
I don't suggest you adhere to my views.
I state them for reference, with a pretty high degree of confidence.
I don't intend to argue their value and validity.
I also share what I did, do, and plan to do to get answers to my questions, with the belief that it is a good way.
I don't trust anybody dead, alive, mythical, nor any dogma, for answers, teachings, opinions, "truths", although
I recognize that some such sources could be useful
when interpreted intuitively.
The added difficulty for those like us who chose to incarnate in this framework, is that we joined a implementation of a society that
erased most of the knowledge we had when we incarnated here. So, we actually don't know why we are here, what is the problem we have to solve while here, what and how we have to learn here.
We have to firstly figure those out. From the myriad of opinions,
we have no way to choose which to trust, to what degree, how to interpret it. We have to figure those out
intuitively, while we have at most some rudimentary intuition, are only developing an intellect, and are dominated by our emotions. These features are
distributed in the population on a bell-curve, and distributed on similar curves over our individual lives.