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What will happen to extreme evil people?

So what is your idea what will happen after death to extreme bad and evil people who commit horrible atrocities. Well many people have seen hell and many have been talking that bad actions can lower your frequency which will send you deep state of horrors despair and darkness. Some say that you need experience to yourself what you have done to others in next lives. Ive seen some stories where this happens but seems like you can do good action toward others too to balance your karma (if it even exists) and I have no idea do you need to compensate everything you've done. Some too say all is forgiven and there is no consequences. So what you think will happen and what on you base that?

Thank you.
Rabbi Yonasson Gershom wrote a chapter about Hitler in his book "From Ashes to Healing: Mystical Encounters with the Holocaust." I have a chapter in the book and have to say that I was surprised when I experienced Anne Marie's thoughts and feelings toward the man who killed her. I was also surprised by what happened when I journeyed to the Tenth Hell to help my father's spirit. I wrote about that experience in "Conversations with a Hungry Ghost: Memoir of a Reluctant Medium." Both of these experiences catapulted me out of a humanistic mindset and helped me see things from my Soul's point of view. I do not believe there is one set of rules for everyone. I believe each case is weighed on its own merits and circumstances and yet, there is no judgement. We are the ones who review our thoughts, words, and actions and take the steps to balance/harmonize our energies. In doing so, we align our human energies with our divine and open more channels to create and to share love. I hope this gives you food for thought about your questions.
I often wonder what evil even is.

I was raised in an abusive household, and have since removed myself from my family of origin. I often wonder about my parents' & sisters' inner states. I feel very strongly that I chose the upbringing I had, and that I chose the mental health consequences that I'm now healing. Especially when I consider my last life, I can see all the lessons I wanted to learn, and I can appreciate that growing up "in hell" was actually a pretty clever way to learn those lessons. Due to my family, I've had to learn discernment, boundaries, self-respect, detachment, and have deepened my spirituality in every way. Through their "evil" actions, my family ultimately led me to improve myself in tremendous ways. So from that perspective, abuse (for me) was a blessing in the long run.


They don't see it that way, and would in fact stop at nothing to have me NOT grow or learn if they had their way. Their values are diametrically opposed to nearly everything I consider "good." It's only after getting away from them that I've been able to move on and learn and can now look back with gratitude, etc. But they are still out there, living every day of their lives manipulating others, tormenting one another, blaming others from their own issues, and refusing to take accountability or change. So what are they? Are they serving the growth of humanity in a weird, roundabout way that the human ego just can't make peace with? Or are they detached from their own souls to the point of being borderline demonic? Or both? From my perspective, I get the utility of their "evil," but from THEIR perspective? How can anyone have a healthy soul and behave like them? How can they be okay, as spiritual beings?

I could imagine they are just playing a role, adopting the "mask" of the villain for this life in order to teach other people how to stand up for themselves or something. And yet, that would deny them their identities, their issues, their growth. I'm not the only one learning here, after all - aren't we all here to learn? By that token, my family has a hell of a lot of hard learning to do. Right? Or are they secretly enlightened beings just playing a part, taking one for the team?

I think about "bad people" from this angle a lot, but obviously it still seems best to keep my distance. From a human perspective, they can strike me as pretty freaking soulless and incapable of love - and isn't love the whole point? At any rate, the human perspective is all I really have right now. Whatever happens after death is up for debate.
When I have such questions I go in a light trance and ask my inner source of knowledge and guidance. Eventually we should rely on intuition, but most men have only an incipient intuition.

There are questions that intellect isn't suitable to answer.
I'm sorry, but I cannot buy into the idea that a soul would choose to have abusive parents, be depressed, be homeless, be raped, be murdered, commit suicide, etc. Or that they would agree to be a terrorist, dictator, serial killer, etc and be widely reviled by others.

I feel like if soul contracts were real, everybody would choose to have a good life.
I'm sorry, but I cannot buy into the idea that a soul would choose to have abusive parents, be depressed, be homeless, be raped, be murdered, commit suicide, etc. Or that they would agree to be a terrorist, dictator, serial killer, etc and be widely reviled by others.

I feel like if soul contracts were real, everybody would choose to have a good life.

I don't suggest you adhere to my views. I state them for reference, with a pretty high degree of confidence. I don't intend to argue their value and validity. I also share what I did, do, and plan to do to get answers to my questions, with the belief that it is a good way. I don't trust anybody dead, alive, mythical, nor any dogma, for answers, teachings, opinions, "truths", although I recognize that some such sources could be useful when interpreted intuitively.

The added difficulty for those like us who chose to incarnate in this framework, is that we joined a implementation of a society that erased most of the knowledge we had when we incarnated here. So, we actually don't know why we are here, what is the problem we have to solve while here, what and how we have to learn here. We have to firstly figure those out. From the myriad of opinions, we have no way to choose which to trust, to what degree, how to interpret it. We have to figure those out intuitively, while we have at most some rudimentary intuition, are only developing an intellect, and are dominated by our emotions. These features are distributed in the population on a bell-curve, and distributed on similar curves over our individual lives.

"[... 34 paragraphs ...]

In your reality you can, if you let go of the concepts. Now, I tell you, and I have told you many times, and regardless of how intellectually confusing it may sound to you in greater terms, there simply is no evil. And as long as you are aware of what seems to be evil effects then you are still in ignorance. Now there is space within objects and objects within space. Remember that. Now violence is a type of action and it is often misdirected. Whatever violence you did you did because you thought it was good and met a worthy end then; therefore, be careful of those ideas that you entertain now and what you will do to defend them. No one ever does violence for something he considers unworthy. The most bloodthirsty acts have been done because men believed themselves right and so they killed to uphold their worthy ideas. So be even playful with your ideas and what you believe, for no idea is worth killing for in your terms.
[... 39 paragraphs ...]"

—ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972
I'm sorry, but I cannot buy into the idea that a soul would choose to have abusive parents, be depressed, be homeless, be raped, be murdered, commit suicide, etc. Or that they would agree to be a terrorist, dictator, serial killer, etc and be widely reviled by others.

I feel like if soul contracts were real, everybody would choose to have a good life.
Hi Melon,

I agree with most of what you have said, but not all, based on some of the cases I have read--and to the degree these cases and my memory are reliable. Anyhow, in some of the research I recall situations where someone agreed to be the victim of another, but this was not necessarily or always by agreement with the perpetrator.

In one the soul supposedly agreed to be the victim of a murder, etc., but I don't believe that was part of any "soul contract" with the killer. Other than that, I recall some cases where there were agreements that someone would act as an obstacle or problem to another. However, I don't recall any cases where someone actually agreed to be the murderer or do something manifestly "objectively" and highly evil/criminal. (And, by objectively and highly evil/criminal I mean something objectively morally abhorrent. Not something that a screwed up society labels as criminal. I'm talking about objective wrong at a high level, not a shifting cultural thing).

But, in the two cases mentioned the "injured" party agreed to be the receiving party for a reason. In the murder case the murdered soul agreed to be the victim of a murderer because he had been a murderer himself, but it was not something that was forced on him because of "karma". He undertook it so that he could experience and so understand what it was like to have his human life unjustly and unfairly terminated. In other words, it was something he undertook so as to be better able to empathize. In the case where there was an agreement to act as an obstacle or problem for another, it was for another specific purpose--helping the receiving soul learn to overcome, learn to forgive, etc.

In sum, I can recall no basis whatsoever to believe that "any" horrible evil crime committed is by advanced agreement between victimizer and victim. If someone can come up with an exception I will acknowledge it as an exception. Likewise, I can recall no basis for saying that every problematic or obstructive or mean person in your life is a result of advanced agreement between you and your victimizer. However, some may be. Plus, life is full of traumas and trials for most of us, and I have no doubt that some or perhaps most have been foreseen. And, it does appear that we have a pretty good idea, at least in general, of the trials we are going to face when we "make the drop". So, it does seem like (for most of us at least), we made an "informed choice" to be here despite all of the foregoing.

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In sum, I can recall no basis whatsoever to believe that "any" horrible evil crime committed is by advanced agreement between victimizer and victim. If someone can come up with an exception I will acknowledge it as an exception. Likewise, I can recall no basis for saying that every problematic or obstructive or mean person in your life is a result of advanced agreement between you and your victimizer.
I never said you said that. I wasn't trying to start a debate or argument about it. All I was doing was stating my view on something.
So what is your idea what will happen after death to extreme bad and evil people who commit horrible atrocities. Well many people have seen hell and many have been talking that bad actions can lower your frequency which will send you deep state of horrors despair and darkness. Some say that you need experience to yourself what you have done to others in next lives. Ive seen some stories where this happens but seems like you can do good action toward others too to balance your karma (if it even exists) and I have no idea do you need to compensate everything you've done. Some too say all is forgiven and there is no consequences. So what you think will happen and what on you base that?

Thank you.

This is just my opinion and understanding from a spiritual perspective. While incarnated. we all live in the world of duality where soul must experience both polarities of positive and negative consciousness. We all have at some point in our soul's evolution experience low levels or states of awareness in our many countless past lives we have all lived on earth. It is usually during our earlier stages of soul awareness which are infant, baby and young soul stages being evil, hateful, murders, criminals, drug addicts or alcoholics, robbers ect... During these stages soul creates negative karma which at some point must be works out and balanced. After death most souls of this state of consciousness will arrive on the lower astral plane which resonate just beyond our physical world. Here they experienced all the evil doings and things that they have done, said, and thought of and also experience the pain and suffering they had inflected on to others. This is where most worldwide religions get their hell from.

However, it is not a place to experience all of eternity in but rather a place to work off these lower states of consciousness. At some point they transition into the middle astral world where most normal adjusted human beings go after death. There they see and understand where they went wrong and where they need to improve on their spiritual evolution. After some time in the other higher dimensions soul is ready to come back and take on other incarnation where their karma will follow them to hopefully work out these negative states of awareness. However, this process is for the most part painfully slow one but over the course of many lifetimes the soul will eventually rise up from these lower states and become more evolved and spiritual in consciousness. This usually takes place during the souls mature and old soul stages of spiritual consciousness. So, we have all been there at some point along the journey. For the reason we are all here is so the soul may know itself by its own experience.

Love and peace.

I knew of a woman who had trouble bearing children, she really wanted children. She must’ve had a hunch it was past life related so she visited the local woman who does past life regressions and found out one of her past lives was as an Aztec who would regularly sacrifice children. After that session, and I guess making a mends with the guilt of that past life she had healthy children.

I guess it impacts their next lives differently, very karmic. You have to remember there is various factors, cultural conditioning like the Aztecs or incorrect wiring of the brain which leads someone to be evil.
In a more this life karmic lesson I know a woman very well who would only have affairs with married men. She was engaged to a married man and would even take trips with him, his wife and his children posing as a nanny. At the same time she was having affairs with her friends husbands. Now she is in her sixties, and depressed because she is unmarried and childless. She can't figure it out either. True story. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies.