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China/India paradox


Senior Registered
If 40% of the world's population has lived in China and India throughout history, why aren't 40% of our past lives in those places?

The fact that most past-life cases we read about involve a past life in the same country seems to support the conclusion that we don't incarnate into other cultures very often. But this raises more questions than it answers. What do you think?
This is certainly a very interesting point...

In terms of my own experience, I seem to have only alternated between Japan and Armenia, so I guess that makes me a very unique case. But statistically speaking, what you're saying should make sense...

Worth further thought and discussion.

Spocket, this might not be of any help at all, but it might be the case with more than just myself... I reincarnated (as far as I feel) into the same country again in a similar culture but with a few key differences, so that I could hopefully work out some major issues from the relevant past life. I wouldn't have consciously remembered other past lives if it weren't for that particular one being so prominent and my trailing my memories back from that. So, maybe in some cases it's that people incarnate into (with memories-- because it's harder to quantify this at all if you consider that many people may have had lots of lives they don't remember) the same culture to finish something. If they didn't have memories, or any issues to resolve, perhaps they might go anywhere, to any other culture, but then those statistics wouldn't show up in the memories people report.

If you're talking about just people who post on this forum, I wouldn't call that a particularly accurate representation of past-life memories in general anyway. Then, besides that, there's no need I can see to slot reincarnating souls into population statistics on this planet. I think that relates closely to the problem of trying to organize reincarnation in terms of population growth. It goes both ways. Besides, in reading through this forum I find a lot of Indian and Chinese past lives. I see many things posted about frequently that seem to be brought into question quite often, and I don't know how they're so easily missed. I will admit I am not familiar myself with any statistical/population studies on reincarnation aside from what's mentioned on this forum (I haven't looked into any of those studies). I do know that statistics can be misleading; cause and effect is very often not what it seems.
Some stats

HI Spocket,

Helen Wambach, PhD. wrote a book in 1978 titled Reliving Past Lives - The Evidence Under Hypnosis. She has many charts and graphs in the book. One of her graphs shows races. Out of 1088 cases of hypnosis her studies show the following:

2000 BC -
20% Caucasian
40% were Blackand Near Eastern
40% Asian.

1000 BC
55%Black and Near Eastern
18% Caucasian
27% Asian

500 BC
23% Cacasian
40% Asian
37% Black and Near Eastern

There is more -but I don't have time to type it all up. ;)
From her book
An odd change in racial types occurs in the 1900's according to the data. IN 1850, 69% of my subjects were white. In the sample of lives reported from 1900 -1945, nearly a third are reported as Asian.
"near eastern" implies pple of middle eastern descent? and by 'asian', you mean south asians, east asians and south-east asians?
HI sirona86

My understanding of history is that the boundaries between countries -- was very different in 2000BC. SO she has placed upper African (Black) and Near Eastern races together because they intermingled in early time periods. She puts memories that reveal a life time in upper Africa - up to Mesopotamia - together.

She has lumped together all lives -- in Asia although she does mention Persia and Central Asia several times.
Some interesting statistics presented by Deborah in post #4 that members may find interesting ;)
Spocket said:
If 40% of the world's population has lived in China and India throughout history, why aren't 40% of our past lives in those places?
The fact that most past-life cases we read about involve a past life in the same country seems to support the conclusion that we don't incarnate into other cultures very often. But this raises more questions than it answers. What do you think?
Thinking about your question, I am new to this and have really only begun to explore one past life. While that life is not in the same country as where I was born in this life, it is within the same broad cultural category (in this life I was born in the US and the prior life was in Argentina). That having been said, I do believe that some evidence of our prior lives can be taken from the places with which we feel a strong (and unexplainable connection). In addition to my life long affinity with Latin America, I have also been very interested with India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. So while I have yet to explore lives from that region, I do believe that I had prior lives in some or all of those cultures. I wonder if as we begin to explore our prior lives, that something in our unconscious mind, takes us first to things that are somewhat familiar so as to ease the process.

I find the statistics cited above to be fascinating. I wonder if any studies have been done from China, India or Japan, asking similiar questions and if the results are the same or different.
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As a child I often thought about China and when I saw a film later I was repulsed by the sight of old women taking the binding off of their feet for the first time since almost birth.

I forgot completely about China until I got a past life chart from the Cayce people. It was done by using my astrological birth chart. It told of my past lives in many places, among them China.

It suddenly hit me...From the time I could walk and play until I was about 13..I was plagued with "foot aches" I would wake during the night and be in terrble pain as though someone was hammering spikes up into the bottoms of my feet...the arches.

My mother would soak my feet in very hot water and then rub them in with "Sloans"... If she had none available, she would heat up salt in a pan and pour it in a sock with a knot tied (poor mans heating pad) We were told that my arches were so high that it was almost like my foot was folded. When I ran or hopped around my arches fell. I wore special shoes and had to have laces or I could walk right out of my shoes due to my thin foot and narrow heels.

NOW....I wonder if that was a carryover from a life as a female in old China where they bound their feet so tightly they were bent nearly in half.

I never even thought about it until I read so many tales on this sight. I have no memory of that life....Thank goodness....
THat is interesting the overlap of foot physicalities Florence.

I have only one memory of my 30ish past life memories so far as being asian. It was as a woman forced to work as a prostitute. IT felt like China , but could have been Japan, { I dont think of China having prostitution .. silly I know.. Maos doctrine managed to cover up alot eh>?}. I also feel like the foot binding is too near to me.. and hate people touching my feet.

I met two of the people this life from then .. A woman , a woman prostitute with me as well in China had been in a gay relationship with me from another life. THe man/ my then pimp ,// this life I did not trust . THis life he was a promiscous bisexual and had contracted aids. SO there was this strong undertone of sexuality throughout our lives together. Just wondering about that ???

Hi Spocket,

After joining this forum and after reading several cases, I too had thought on similar lines and found more questions than answers. Stats given by Deborah confirm though that some common sense logic works in this so mysterious realm too.

If you go throgh the memories of PL by kids as reported by their parents here, you will also notice that some have talked about haven, god and even Jesus as a matter of fact. But in these cases they have had the same religion in PL too. I was wondering if there are such reported cases from other religions too? What does a Hindu or Muslim or a Monk see in haven. Is there just one heaven where all reach or there are many separate ones or mixed ones depending on your religious background?

Deborah may have some data on that too, hopefully! This whole forum is just awesome!
