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Do souls have gender?

Hi Cyrus,

In reading through PL reports related to cross-gender incarnations, there seemed to very often be a connecting feature: Extreme trauma of some sort connected to the prior lifetime, and especially to the fact that external gender during that lifetime was, at least arguably, connected to that type of death. (I haven't sought to do a statistical study, so no point in asking about that--this is just an observation on my part, and anecdotal at best). Predictably, many of the M to F cross-overs occurred after a violent death during or related to warfare, something that is much more likely being male than female. (Once again, merely an observation on my part, not the product of a statistical study).

Applying this to your particular situation, especially considering the death you suffered in the Italian Navy, I have to think that--at the deepest levels of your being--you are extremely averse to such a change, and/or extremely attached to remaining male. Perhaps you tried it in some PL and found it was very much not to your liking (nor a viable solution to anything from your standpoint). Perhaps it is due to your great friendship for, and interest in being reunited with, your comrades in the navy.


Hi, S&S:

So glad to hear from you again, pal.

To tell you the truth, I don't recall any women's element in my dying in neither of the two deaths I still more or less retain some memory of.

No feminine treachery/trap, no femme fatale, you know.

Like many a man of those epochs I was moderately egoistic with women, and, maybe even spoiled my karma in my PLs by such a behaviour, I recognize it, but I don't believe it could be to such a degree as to make the very idea of reincarnating into a woman, unbearable.

I just never fancied it, and I was never obsessed by the idea of being a super-macho.

I have a gay friend in this life - a French Arab from Paris (of Algerian parents), much younger than me, who never read Quran and who always helped me a lot when I had to translate my professional computer programs into French/Arabic; and I never even slightly wanted to copy his ways of maintaining an ideal masculine beauty, though I always acknowledged it in him, considering it somewhat exagerated. He lives with a European fiancé, I never asked whether they are officially married.

I don't think I'll ever want to reincarnate as a female - it's so much easier to be a male in the type of society we live in...


Best regards.

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Two questions... What's the difference between one's sex and one's gender? And, is there a difference between spirit and soul?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to share your opinion.
Two questions... What's the difference between one's sex and one's gender? And, is there a difference between spirit and soul?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to share your opinion.
Sex and gender aren't the same. Sex refers to the body while gender refers to social construct. For example, animals have sexes but no genders.

Spirit and soul also aren't the same, but it's much harder for me to explain why.
Let's give it a spontaneous try...

Spirit is our core energy.
Soul is our cumulated experiences following our successive lives.

So, our Spirits are all beautiful and perfect in themselves. Our Souls are the results of the work during embodiments. I presume that our Souls nourish our Spirits on some level.

(Just a try without overthinking)
Thank you guys, I don't have any answers here- just seeking clarification. As we discuss or debate potentially controversial or polarizing issues, it's good to form a consensus with definitions. All too often people turn heated with no understanding between concepts. An example, a devout believer in God and a self declared atheist. I've seen it that their idea of God(both the religious fellow and the atheist) were indeed holding two different definitions(in other words, the one who believed in God also did not believe in God as the atheist had come to define it). I believe the same can be applied towards todays conflicts. No one takes the time to hear the other, and the other thinks they are always in the right.

History repeats itself. That's my rant. ;)

I will take another try at this question with where I'm at personally in life, which is subject to change...
I think of the lyric from the song It Was Written by Damian Marley,

"Did you know you can't go, ah Zion and wear Jerry curls?
Can't tell the boys from the girls"

I think this is a yes/no answer. I identify with the change and the changeless. Whether I come as male or female, I am. We're taught to recognize the difference between Ego and Soul. In the past, we've been taught that a great war must take place between the two. I seek to relinquish the flames of war and embrace both temporary and lasting as belonging to one. Whatever the path, you may find me there.
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I think this is a yes/no answer. I identify with the change and the changeless. Whether I come as male or female, I am. We're taught to recognize the difference between Ego and Soul. In the past, we've been taught that a great war must take place between the two. I seek to relinquish the flames of war and embrace both temporary and lasting as belonging to one. Whatever the path, you may find me there.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if gender kind of changes around at times. Whether somebody feels male, female, or something else.

In the end, none of this really matters. Inside, all people are one and the same.

Do you think this thread should be closed to prevent further arguments?
Masculine & Feminine are not gender. That's what I've been told. Masculine and Feminine are dimensions within each person.
I personally know of people who have done their past life regressions and found themselves to be of the opposite sex in that life and even having the skills of that life as a natural talent at present.

There is a guy that I know of , who though untrained, have elegant skills in dancing. He had undergone past life regression and had found himself to be a lady in a past life who was a well-trained and performing dancer.

There are also case studies in Dr. Brian Weiss's books of people undergoing past life regression and finding themselves to be of the opposite sex in past lives.
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I was female and then male before that in my last two lives.

I used to be able to paint and do calligraphy, but my muscle type has changed and I lost some fine motor skills, however, many of my abilities and talents are still pretty much the same across my present and past lives.
I'm surprised yet again at the comments in this thread. Gender is a social construct and has, according to anthropological research, been fluid, changing, in some societies, over human history. This means what traits are considered "masculine" and what traits are considered "feminine" in a given social group have, and therefore can, vary. How can that be indelible in the soul?

What I hear here is a dogmatic attachment to ideas around gender and what constitutes "masculine" and "feminine." This likely reflects some inherent assumptions and biases, most particularly against women and what's considered "feminine," at least in the western world. It has been a patriarchal power MO to divide the sexes, to emphasize their difference, because in so doing, women were, and are, subjugated as "less than."

The lack of equality, the disparity in power, between men and women in the most developed nations in the world evidences how deep these dark undercurrents run. And yet it's so much a part of our social context, accepting as “natural,” for example, that we haven’t had a female POTUS in over two hundred years of history, the vast majority don't see it for what it is: a horrendous disparity, an awful, unrelenting injustice against half of humanity.

From a metaphysical perspective, Consciousness is what's important here, not materialism. The "material facts" of gender and what's considered "masculine" or "feminine," have been ascribed tremendous power in the material world, but not beyond.

Our souls have not mandated the subjugation of women. If that were true, it would go against everything good and loving most of us hope characterizes the Universe/Source/Creator/Designer/Godhead and our existences as spiritual beings experiencing incarnations.

Therefore, if a soul does express a preference for being male over millennia of lifetimes, that soul is falling behind in every reasonable measure. There is nothing to be learned experiencing one side of sex and/or male-identified gender identity. There is no wisdom accumulated in such an enterprise. I suspect that those who only recall, or relate to, male (or female) lives are souls who are struggling with the purpose of the Human Project in a fundamental way -- or, they are simply people, in this lifetime, who harbor prejudices against the "opposite" sex, or gender, which they don't recognize.

It’s probable they have lifetimes as the sex, and gender, they feel implicit bias against in this lifetime.

If being both male and female over lifetimes feels a bit threatening, right there, that's evidence of what I'm talking about.

We can't be here just to experience being oppressors -- men who enslave others, men who rape others, men who exploit others -- without the balance of lifetimes where the soul experiences what it means, what it feels like, to be a recipient of those brutalities, those injustices -- and not just as men who are enslaved, raped, or exploited, because we all know the status of women versus men in western civilization (and beyond). Many more women are enslaved (even today, sex trafficking is epidemic), many more women, than men, are raped, exploited and killed (in non-combatant contexts).

Over the course of millennia, women tend to be the recipients of male aggression, male possessiveness, male domination. The soul cannot fully explore, grasp, or complete the Human Project without knowing, deeply, viscerally (materially), what it's like to be a woman in this world, what it's like to live in fear of men's bad actions, to receive the blows, feel the hunger, be overpowered and raped repeatedly, forced to carry a pregnancy after being raped by your father, uncle, grandfather, or a male stranger, accused of disloyalty and beaten, or shot, to death, intimidated into cutting out all family and friends, molested by a doctor, a priest, a neighbor, a male family member, frightened to ever walk alone anywhere at night, frightened to speak up for yourself to the man who has full economic power over your life...

This is just so obvious -- only having male lifetimes would leave a soul stunted, ignorant, jejune.

Consciousness being what it is -- EVERYTHING -- if souls, when incarnated as women, began to believe they are physically stronger than men, better at STEM subjects than men, etc. I believe they would end up being so -- inevitably. If this were to happen -- and I imagine it IS happening in some parallel universe-version of our own Earth -- it would subvert and invert gender norms and definitions. The big obstacle, however, is belief. For millennia, women have been chattel, and so it requires nothing short of a revolution, perhaps a socially and materially catastrophic circumstance (such as the global warming crisis taken to its conclusion?) to change what has been true for too long.

I find that too many 'metaphysical types' seem to be lost in an airy-fairy abstract world that pays little attention to what's happening here, what we humans are doing to each other, what structural patriarchy has done to the Earth and to women and children.

The darkness of our Human Project is not easy to grapple with, but there's something fundamentally off course about ignoring these dark realities and what they mean for us at soul, and Oversoul, levels.

Preferences stated for male, or female, lives seems rather trite in the great scheme of things, given the historical trauma incurred by the long dominant patriarchal paradigm. What men have been, the actions they have tended to take (dominating the Earth as well as women and children), what “masculine” has meant, needs to change -- NOW -- for the survival of the world as we know it— and for our souls and our collective Human Soul (if you believe in it).
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Gender is a social construct
That isn't what's being discussed in this thread. We are discussing if souls are gendered in one form or another, independently of social constructs.

What I hear here is a dogmatic attachment to ideas around gender and what constitutes "masculine" and "feminine." This likely reflects some inherent assumptions and biases, most particularly against women and what's considered "feminine," at least in the western world. It has been a patriarchal power MO to divide the sexes, to emphasize their difference, because in so doing, women were, and are, subjugated as "less than."

Traits shouldn't even be called masculine and feminine because of such strong disagreements like this. I was going to propose elsewhere that they be each called something neutral, just to keep down the misunderstandings.

Regardless, after many of years of doing research, many people simply feel comfortable in a body that matches the side of a spectrum they feel they are the most centered on. There are people (souls) more in the middle of the spectrum that choose both body types. And that isn't the only kind of spectrum for comparison either. It's simply the largest one that provides a common frame of refence for discussion.

Yes, gender is a social construct. If you've read my posts, I've used sexual gender because of the attached gender social constructs that have made it easier to accomplish my goals, when I much prefer female bodies. There also can exist a feedback loop between someone's soul personality traits and the social constructs that are attached to the body they inhabit, that is true.

But the nature of the discussion here is do souls have gender, without social constructs. The idea that souls are amorphous blobs of nothing who only take on certain characteristics, as assigned per life, is not one that's widely supported. A majority of people here, including myself, can describe or have proven that we exist as single entities with an inherent personality and preferences that manifest from one life to the next. As I previously mentioned, choosing a body that aligns with your inherent personality seems to be something consistent among people / souls. So innately, souls do have gender, even it if merely is a simply preference for a type of sexual gender.

I find that too many 'metaphysical types' seem to be lost in an airy-fairy abstract world that pays little attention to what's happening here, what we humans are doing to each other, what structural patriarchy has done to the Earth and to women and children.

That's a pretty broad brush to paint us all so heavy handedly with. Many of us here are people who directly work in fields that help humanity and also many of us here are because we've had traumatic experiences that we are trying to work through and understand. There's nothing mystical going on here. Everyone here on some level is concerned with the health and well being of themselves and others. The goal of the forum is healing through past lives research as a form of therapy. Through that, one learns and understands our universality and that contributes to spreading peace and love in our daily lives through our equality as both humans and spiritual beings. Your comment is much like walking into a depression support group and accusing everyone of not caring about people with OCD. That is untrue, but we have to take care of ourselves and our own issues first. We all do, everyone on this Earth.

At this point, I'm going to ask your politely, but firmly as a moderator, to dial your tone and rhetoric back and to please contribute to the thread and or forum in a constructive manner. You aren't really addressing a specific post in yours and it's more like you're just addressing the entire thread and by proxy, the forum with your opinions.
As far as I believe / know, souls aren't differentiated by sex or gender.

As of people, there aren't two identical, and everybody should be treated according to their individual characteristics. We shouldn't try to uniformize people, nor society. Trying to compensate for perceived injustice with favoritism is a sure path to more injustice.

I believe that every person should do their best to find out what they're here, on Earth, to do, and do it. Blaming others, expecting from others, pretending from others hold us from growing.
That isn't what's being discussed in this thread. We are discussing if souls are gendered in one form or another, independently of social constructs.
If gender is a human social construct, how can souls be gendered?

I'm surprised you find my tone inappropriate. I think my ideas are sound and triggering for some. It's hard to hear something disowned.

I find at least one other poster to have a harsh tone and to say things that actually sound sexist and misogynistic -- perhaps you aren't reading his posts? Or you only object to mine? I don't understand.

Focusing on one's own healing is wonderful. So many children and women have trauma because of what has been done to them by individual men acting out of the dominant patriarchal structure. Humanity has a system problem, in the developed world and beyond.

In my post that you quoted, I raised some very astute and challenging ideas that beg questions. My post relates very closely to the topic of whether or not souls are gendered. Please be specific and show me how this isn't true, in your view?

Is it tone, or ideas, or both you object to?
Traits shouldn't even be called masculine and feminine because of such strong disagreements like this. I was going to propose elsewhere that they be each called something neutral, just to keep down the misunderstandings.

Regardless, after many of years of doing research, many people simply feel comfortable in a body that matches the side of a spectrum they feel they are the most centered on. There are people (souls) more in the middle of the spectrum that choose both body types. And that isn't the only kind of spectrum for comparison either. It's simply the largest one that provides a common frame of refence for discussion.
How can there be a "side of the spectrum" if "traits shouldn't even be called masculine and feminine?" The two assertions contradict each other. What does it mean to have a "spectrum," then, if there are no "poles," no opposite ends of the spectrum?
That isn't what's being discussed in this thread. We are discussing if souls are gendered in one form or another, independently of social constructs.
Okay, so gender is a social construct here, on Earth, but NOT at the soul level?

How does that make any sense? It makes as much sense as gendering God/Creator/Source/Designer.

In a multiverse, where everything exists at once, all incarnations, all levels of being, those involving genders and those that don't, are extant.

What I hear is human-based attachment to ideas of this world, to gender and sex. These are not traits that characterize the spirit world -- for good reason. Can you imagine the limitations of taking on what we experience here on Earth, through the filter of our binary-oriented system, at a metaphysical level? The trajectory, the implications, just don't make sense in the vaster scheme of things. Anthropomorphizing our souls isn't wise and doesn't reflect the probability of What Is.
Hi Starlight,

Opinions vary. This includes opinions on whose "expert" opinion and/or what other "evidence" to accept in any field, especially in one as new (from the standpoint of scientific study) as reincarnation and the existence and nature of higher states of being and planes of existence. There is a very broad consensus in terms of what information/experts can be trusted in terms of purely physical phenomena, but far less in terms of psychological and social phenomena. Consensus seems to disappear very quickly the farther one proceeds from the "hard" physical sciences. When it comes to phenomena of the type generally discussed on this board, there are a variety of more traditional religious and philosophical viewpoints. There are likewise a variety of sources of information that may or may not be trustworthy, such as NDE reports, OOBE reports, channeled information, PL regression/progression, etc. Not all of the foregoing agree. And even very well informed people can disagree on what information they choose to accept from the mix of information and viewpoints available.

Of course, the foregoing is also just my opinion and viewpoint based on personal experience, study and reading--and you are free to disagree. You are also free to disagree with anything that follows. My first advice to you is: Chill. I have been on this board for a long time. The long-term members are, IMO, well above average in terms of intelligence and perception. They also have their own experiences and opinions. This should be no surprise among intelligent people. However, you act stunned that everyone does not immediately accept your particular opinions and positions. I can only assume that you are the product of the type of lock-step uniformity of opinion that is being enforced in some institutions of modern higher education and/or that you are part of a group that accepts and seeks to enforce the same types of uniformity, with those who do not conform in either context being treated as outcasts, evil, ignorant or the like. Whether this is true or not, you need to accept the fact that there are differences of opinion here. You are free to state yours and others are free to differ. My second bit of advice to you is to work harder and more calmly to support your case. You have vaguely alluded to "anthropological" evidence or opinion. You need to elaborate and name names. Likewise, you have glancingly mentioned various "New Age" researchers by name. State what it is in their research that you rely on for your opinion. In both cases, don't be surprised if some follow-up with their own further research and verification.


PS--I am not sure what there is about the term "gender" that has "triggered" you (to use a modern term). Perhaps explaining why this issue is so important to you would be a good place to start.
Can you imagine the limitations of taking on what we experience here on Earth, through the filter of our binary-oriented system, at a metaphysical level? The trajectory, the implications, just don't make sense in the vaster scheme of things.

Yes, I do, and I assume many of the members on this forum do. A lot of us have experienced 'weird' things, like astral travel, past life memories, past live regression under hypnosis, visions, near-death experiences, spiritual encounters, and other moments in which daily life, social constructs, and time seemed to clash.

Personally, I can also get angry about certain social injustices in this world, including the horrible situation in which a lot of women live today (and in the past). This doesn't come as a surprise, because I tend to unravel a lot of female lives in which I have 'suffered' all kinds of injustices myself. Apparently, this made me the person I am today: strong and independent. Finally, I made it to a life in which this is possible.

When I come to the conclusion that my Soul tends to be female, I don't say my Essence/Spirit is female. This latter is neutral. My Soul is what I see as the accumulation of experiences that pass on every time I get reborn. I guess at a certain point 'I' decided to explore all aspects of being female on this Earth, the good, the bad, and all there is between.

It's my experience and understanding that it does makes sense what we are doing in this life and on this planet, also seen from a higher perspective. It's not easy to entangle energies, memories, visions, and experiences, and this forum is a safe place where can give it a try together.

You can ask questions, offer different points of view, ask for help, or just an ear to listen, but there is no need for aggressive confrontations /disputes against other members. This forum is not a warzone, nor a pulpit for preaching (scientific theories included). Respectfully exchanging ideas is the norm.

(edit: the last paragraph refers to a few posts that I have deleted as a moderator.)
@fireflydancing I can see that along with other people who have mentioned about the soul being neutral.

Ok, so we have to figure out selves out, by being here, gaining experiences and then we have a point of reference.

But I've always had such a strong sense of self and just as an aside, multiple personality tests put me at having the most rare male personality types, which are more common in females.

I'm just saying I've chosen to be male, when I rather would have been female, many times I suppose.

Give your example, I'm not sure how to explain, me. I would lean towards a mix of both? Some people just now and others have to figure it out, the same thing that goes on down here?

On the whole it explains a lot.
Hi, everybody.

I guess some of us are too closely stuck mentally here in the material world within our material bodies in respect to whether souls have gender or not.
Some will laugh at what they said on these pages when they are in LBL.

Do souls like ice-cream? I doubt it. But here and now I'm just crazy about it. Especially on a hot summer day.


Best Regards.

Nikos Ikonomopulos "I should I shouldn't":
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I think that people tend to make distinctions where they aren't necessary, and vice versa. As I learn about how reality is, I keep noticing that in many instances the better way of looking at things is from the opposite perspective than the conventional way (kind of in that Seinfeld episode "The Opposite").

I believe that this is because people don't recognize that "thought" is primary, and that one's beliefs and expectations shape one's individual reality.

I'm currently reading / browsing "Psychical Phenomena and the War" (1920) by Hereward Carrington. Written in the last days of the Great War as it was called at the time, now WW1, it is heart-wrenching from the perspective of having quite soon the WW2, and all the wars and carnage in the last 100 years. At the time, they were thinking that such a tragedy couldn't happen again, that humanity will learn the lesson, and will make sure that would never happen again.

Carrington was a great psychologist, scientist, and author. The first part of the book presents unexpected (to me, at least) information about the psychology of the people fighting the war. I'm mentioning this because it shows how people act under the spell of "mass formations", with references from other scientists' work that predated him. Much of how we fight these days on various subjects like gender, race, values, ..., are examples of such "mass formations" (Carrington uses different terminology).

Obviously, there are two sexes because they are needed for sexuate reproduction, which a superior form of reproduction. Souls not having to reproduce, there is no reason to have sexes. We enjoy sex without reproduction because of our sexual instinct. "Gender" related behavioral distinctions that aren't rooted in the anatomical differences are real as well, but the correlation with the two sexes isn't causal. People are different because they think different.
I don't think souls have a gender. What would a 'female' or a 'male' soul mean or imply?
Hi Marc,

This would be a characteristic that manifested in varying degrees in the "soul" in accordance with its level of existence. At the highest level(s), assuming that gender does not directly manifest at these level(s), it would exist as merely a propensity towards particular gender characteristics at lower levels. Taking a typical schemata for levels of existence closest to the physical: (1) at the causative level if would be merely a propensity towards adopting masculine or feminine characteristics at lower levels; (2) at the mental level it would be a propensity to reason or think in a more feminine or masculine manner; at the level of feeling (usually referred to as the astral plane), it would involve a propensity to emote in a more feminine or masculine manner; finally, at the physical level it would involve a propensity to adopt or choose masculine or feminine bodies when incarnating, and possibly a propensity towards masculine or feminine roles at this level. However, such concepts and ideas are offensive to some, and ultimately, it makes no difference what we choose to believe in this area, or whether we choose to believe anything in this area. Whatever we may think about the matter, and like the universe in general--it is whatever it is. And, each is free to believe whatever they wish, whether correct or not, until we have absolute and irrefutable proof one way or another.

That's very interesting but I am not convinced. Our character, sensitivity, preferences can differ considerably in our successive incarnations and I don't see how the propensity argument can explain this.
Hi Marc,

I have no real interest in convincing anyone. It seems to me that people come to the question with their minds already made up in most cases. However, as a supporter of what seems to be the minority position, I do wish to make folks aware of the fact that some (such as me) believe in a gendered soul. In part so that others of my ilk will not feel completely alone.

I have a variety of reasons for taking this position, including the fact that most of the research shows that people tend to overwhelmingly favor one sex over the other in terms of their reincarnation history. The usual proportions seem to be around 8-9 same sex reincarnations for every 1-2 cross-gender incarnation(s).

But, to get back to your main point, I don't think that a propensity in terms of gender in any way bars changes of the type you indicate happening in reincarnation. Actually, I think most people can experience changes of the type you have listed within a single lifetime.

I fully respect your point of view, no issues with that. I'd however like to react to your claim that "most of the research" shows that people tend to overwhelmingly favor one sex over the other in terms of their reincarnation history. What is the reliability of such research? Many of us have had hundreds of past lives. Making assumptions on the basis of - how many 5, 10 or 20 remembered lives per person? (and probably less in many cases) does not seem statistically meaningful to me. (I am not familiar with this research, so do excuse me if my point is irrelevant or off-topic).
Hi Marc,

You could be correct, most of my information comes (to the best of my recall) from Dr. Ian Stevenson's research and website some years back. And, I doubt that most people involved in such research are seeking to regress subjects into the indefinite past, at least not as far as I can tell. Plus, there are many other people working the field at this point. So, I should probably go back and update myself on what has been going on. I'll let you know what I find and provide links (though I doubt I will change my position either way). I'm just too stubborn and "set in my ways". Plus, like most, I have my own philosophical and/or religious reasons for my position. ;)

Hi Marc,

It appears that the reincarnation website at the University of Virginia has changed quite a bit since I was last there. You can try it out here if you would like to check into some of the work that is being continued there by Jim Tucker:

Psi-Encyclopedia is also a good source:

The Psi Encyclopedia appears to reflect a more nuanced approach based on continuing studies in the field. And, an expanded field is certainly bringing in different numbers and showing more dependence on cultural factors, which certainly seem to be capable of changing subjects' willingness to undertake such incarnations. However, there is a whole lot of info to review out there on the way to developing a coherent approach. Good hunting!


PS--This is also an interesting spot, concentrating on some of the "fall-out" from cross-gender lives:
