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In Your Wildest Dreams...


Registered User
... or your coolest, what do/did you do?

Last night I was on a high plateau. I was wearing loose, white clothing, very light fabric. A slight breeze was blowing. I took a running start at the edge of the plateau. When I got to the edge I jumped and spread my arms. The wind caught me and I lost my body. I had become the wind. I travelled all around the world in a single dream. When I came back to the plateau, I stretched my arms out as air brakes and felt my body reform. I touched down and looked back. It was like I could see the whole world at once. It was a great trip. Then I woke up feeling great (despite still being deaf in one ear thanks to a bug I picked up).
A lot of my dreams also involve things like that, falling into water and breathing, floating in mid air.

When I'm stressed out, most of my dreams involve being on a road and losing control of my car, or going up a hill and the car just launches into the air in slow motion and goes up way higher than possible along with my stomach...Hows that for symbolism?

When I started making grounds on my past life research, I had dreams of people calling me on the phone and speaking in Chinese.
Hi ShiftKitty,

It sounds like an out of body experience. Very real...and surreal. Would you describe as an OBE?
I've only had one really weird dream that I can remember. I actually knew I was in a dream, so I thought that I would have some fun:D. I was in a shop at the time (in my dream obviously lol) and I was going to steal stuff and then go and steal a car since I knew it was only a dream anyway. Unfortunately for me, I woke up right after I had made my master plan.:grr:
Very interesting dream Shiftkitty.

Hmmm...I've had so many! Probably the strangest would be seeing animals changing form from one kind of animal to another, taking photographs of floating orbs on our farm or seeing & talking to ghosts/spirits - seeing fairies...In one dream I even had a meeting with the Dalai Lama, and he taught me things in the dream about different states of mind, (I was so young at the time I thought it was a strange name and had no idea how to spell it, then learned who he was later).

Other unique things would be: sometimes I see things in a series of pictures, like in the dream I'm in a book store and the book I'm reading is illustrated, and the illustrations will start moving and I can watch different stories play out. Or I'll just hear music, or someone reciting something. Occasionally it's in a language I don't know, like French or Latin, or music from another time like the Renaissance.

My dreams often have me in different time periods, sometimes they are past life, but most of the time they just seem to be other peoples life stories I am watching...

I joke that sometimes what I dream about is so interesting that it's worth going to bed hours early! :laugh:
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Deborah said:
Hi ShiftKitty,
It sounds like an out of body experience. Very real...and surreal. Would you describe as an OBE?
I never thought about it possibly being an OBE. Nothing about it felt strange or surreal. It just felt natural. I have had similar dreams where I am the wind. One time I actually left the planet. The view was spectacular. Once I broke free of the Earth's shell, it was like an instantaneous oneness with everything. I was aware of everything, and if I wanted to see something, all I had to do was think about it and my attention would go there, yet I could still receive and process information from everything else. Imagine a million people talking to you all at once and you can hear and understand all of them regardless of who has your immediate attention. It's very hard to explain the feeling with, dare I say it, the mortal tongue.

I suppose that could count as possibly my absolute wildest dream. As soon as I woke up, I wanted so badly to go back!
In my wildest dreams I have been present during some events which have affected me powerfully. In one dream, I saw a conversation which took place around a table with three people drinking wine. I was somehow above and behind them and could hear not only what was being said, but also some of the thoughts each person had that were unspoken. I saw each of them as clearly as if they were seated in front of me right now, and I was intensely conscious of the meaning of what was being discussed. The net effect of the dream was basically and incredibly, an answer to my question "what happened and why?" This dream awakened me in a cold sweat at about 3:30 am and I remained awake from that point on. The actual event I saw in the dream took place about four months prior to my dream, and I discussed the conversation with one of the people present and she was shocked I knew anything about it, much less being able to describe the table cloth on which the wine sat. She still doesn't believe one of the others hadn't told me what was discussed.

I've experienced another one along the same lines and with as powerful an effect on me, only the dream covered three separate locations and shifted as if it was a movie. This one almost haunted me as it came on three successive nights, as if to ensure I would not forget it. It too, provided a string of circumstances which I was able to verify after the fact.

Who needs private investigators if your guidance can help you get answers?
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Who needs private investigators if your guidance can help you get answers?
LOL, probably your defense attorney if you ever use it to justify sending someone to the great beyond! :laugh:
Shiftkitty said:
LOL, probably your defense attorney if you ever use it to justify sending someone to the great beyond! :laugh:
Oh, nothing like that, however, it's enough for individual peace of mind in finding "irreconcilable differences"!
usetawuz said:
The actual event I saw in the dream took place about four months prior to my dream, and I discussed the conversation with one of the people present and she was shocked I knew anything about it, much less being able to describe the table cloth on which the wine sat. She still doesn't believe one of the others hadn't told me what was discussed.
Wow, Usetawuz - I have NEVER had a dream like that...Wow. Sometimes dreams just amaze me, and that our minds are capable of seeing (& sensing) things so clearly!
I asked guidance why I got such a clear view and the image I saw was the American Gothic farmer (without the pitchfork and dour wife) shrugging his shoulders and saying "You asked."
I get short little quips like that all the time too :laugh: they're mostly from my father and I know it's him because he talks like that in real life.

I'm assuming this vision is related to changes that are going on with you right now?
Totoro said:
I'm assuming this vision is related to changes that are going on with you right now?
Yes...the admissions I never got, the truth which was never revealed which I was able to obtain through spiritual sources, then verified through verbal slip-ups, statements against interest, unintended honesty and physical evidence. A rough period indeed...and it's all part of the game!
The majority of the dreams that I can remember are recaps of the days events, quite often interwoven with other dreams so as to render everything improbable and totally silly, other than prophetic type dreams which I readily recognize and act upon, there is one other dream type that I use all of the time.

This dream type is what I call the “Solutions” dreams, as in Problems and Solutions, where I will go to bed with a problem weighing on my mind and begging to be solved, these problems range from the mundane (car troubles, computer problems and so forth) to the more practical (inter-personal relations to name a few) all the way to the exotic and esoteric realm (how do we prevent wars from starting).

And upon awakening, I will usually have the solution to the problem and how to apply the solution and this is almost 100 percent of the time, unless I miss that critical time to remember dreams and the solution floats on by without being retrieved.

However there is one other time that
I DO NOT EVER get a solution and that is when the information is denied to me and the denial process is almost laughable in it's execution.

When you call a telephone number and the recording says “The number you have reached is unavailable…….beep” is as close to the message as what I get when I am denied the knowledge or solution to a particular problem.

Perhaps I was not meant to know this knowledge just yet or even at all, but if I remember dreaming the above phrase, I might as well forget the search or look for the solution elsewhere.

I am sure that my brain supplies these messages from memory and repeats them when necessary for the problem at hand and I'm sorry for the long post, but there is my adventures with dreaming!
I think my coolest dreams are the ones where i can fly or run really fast. Once i went flying to the zoo, i wonder if it was some sort of astral travel.
The other night I dreamed I was with my Dad and he was painting things, it was like he never died, like I had just seen him the day before.

Totally cool :thumbsup:
Do say I've had some very vivid dreams would be an understatement, especially as a teenager. I suppose when real life becomes almost unbearable you start to feel much more alive when asleep.

I have recurring dreams where I'm in a world almost identical to ours but with one major difference: you can easily travel around the world in a very short length of time. For example, it only takes about an 'hour or two' to get to Australia from here in Eastern Canada and traveling the planet is as easy as going to the nearest town. As well, countries as we know them no longer exist in this dream state and literally the entire planet feels like home. I'm usually disappointed when I wake up and realize this world doesn't exist.... yet.

I also loved that as a kid I could always float in my dreams by doing a motion similar to swimming. It got really scary when I started to crash land though :eek: What an incredible feeling it was though to be so high up off the ground and being the very few in that reality who could do it. Finally, I've had dreams where I'm in a 3D video game to the point where you literally forget it's just a game and cannot tell it apart from reality. The way technology keeps advancing that may not be far off in the future.
Mr. Mike said:
I also loved that as a kid I could always float in my dreams by doing a motion similar to swimming.
Hey, that's exactly what I used to dream in my childhood too! It was a lot of fun!

It's sad I don't dream it any more. Instead I've recovered my skating dreams (I also roller-skate in reality), and now and then I also have this dream in which I enter a cake shop and it's filled with chocolate and I start to eat it all. :D

But I used to have more "serious" dreams back then too, it was like a movie, there was usually a lot of people involved, some friends and some enemies, maybe a persecution, maybe a fight with guns or other weapons, the feelings of fear were all real, but if you got injured it didn't hurt at all even when there could be blood and you fell down, as if it was a game.

I now wonder if that was some kind of message for me, saying life is just like that: a game that when it's over, it just starts again...
Talking of dreams...

I've had this kind of dreams now and then in my life, in which I am just laying on my bed and I feel this "presence" near, and I start to hear a voice in my ear (sometimes feminine and sometimes masculine). I understand the message and I can do some questions, but when I wake up I've forgotten most of it.

It has happened in particularly difficult times, when there was a sudden change or I was worried about the future.

Has anyone had a similar dream? Could that be my guides, as I am totally "deaf" during the day and that's the only way they can reach to me?
I don't know if this really pertains to this, but I have been thinking about this flying, as I've also had many such dreams. One conclusion which I've come to is that these type of flying dreams may come from our pre-incarnate state, ie, before we were born or reincarnated, we were souls, and as such, we moved about more like a lighter than air craft, or sort of like swimming on air. Without a body we would have to travel in this manner over a short distance, and for longer distances we would probably jump into something like a portal which would take us to far away places that we always wanted to visit and investigate. I think that the soul separated from the body is capible of amazing things.
Ghost of Gumby said:
I don't know if this really pertains to this, but I have been thinking about this flying, as I've also had many such dreams. One conclusion which I've come to is that these type of flying dreams may come from our pre-incarnate state, ie, before we were born or reincarnated, we were souls, and as such, we moved about more like a lighter than air craft.
I have had the same sense of flying, of pure speed, combined with total knowledge and understanding of everything just prior to my first dream of being born. It was as if I could do anything and go anywhere instantly...and it left me absolutely euphoric.
Dreams of flying are almost always related to Astral Projection (AP) or an Out of Body Experience (OOBE) in progress while dreaming.

Perhaps we acquire material to form dreams while partaking in AP or having an OOBE, then we play them out as if on a stage?

I had a dream as a young man, where I had the most peaceful and moving dream I had ever had so far, and it was where I got off a city bus in front of a two story suburban house and went inside, next I remember a stern, but kindly elderly lady showing me upstairs to a spare Bedroom.

Then I see it has two Twin beds and identical furnishings for each person and I sit down on a bed and before she leaves the Housekeeper (spirit guide???) says my roommate will be along shortly.

Then for some reason, I wake up and try to get back to sleep to perhaps continue the dream, but to no avail.

Like I said earlier perhaps we spend the night dreaming then reenacting it?

What do you think?
I've had many wild and weird dreams. I used to keep a dream journal until some of the people I'd allowed to read it decided I must have been making it all up because the dreams were just too strange in their opinion that they didn't think anyone could really have dreams like that.

But yes, I've flown (or rather, glided) many times.

And once left the vicinity of earth, only to see that it was a miniature earth inside a crystal ball, and found myself in a strange darkened room with a few disturbingly bizarre creatures which scared me.

It's hard to decide what my wildest dream has been, so many of them are weird by most people's standards.
I've had so many strange dreams that I wouldn't even know where to start. A least two could have been turned into screen plays and would have made pretty good movies...
Yes! I've got "novels" waiting to be published based on these "dreams", and I am assured by friends who can see them with me that they are not dreams but memories...both past and future!

As Hydrolad mentions astral projection cannot be ruled out...I have seen things there is no way I had been present to witness, so the absolutely clear and unwanted but verified events I witnessed have been validated so, frankly the books I write will not be fiction!
Dreams offer very powerful messages when you decipher their meaning.

When I dream, I float--floating instead of walking, flying over water, or floating from one floor to another. I've never had a dream where I was walking with my feet on the ground. The most otherworldly dream I had was of recalling Wizard of Oz, and then I saw myself floating above my bed. I was 11 years old then. The scariest I've had was of a man screaming and running towards my car window (I was a passenger) and smashing the windows, trying to hurt me. I realized that dream was a major wakeup call (I had a series of nightmares then), and so I left my first job.

Over the past few years, I often dream of my school--spirits in the school, newer facilities, or my mind says I'm in school even if the setting doesn't look anything like it. I've also a number of deja vus, thanks to dream scenes of people and places I couldn't recognize--only for them to actually and randomly happen years later.
I have recently had a series of dreams involving my former fiance M. Over time I have learned that M and I were not to marry...we had a very singular experience together which mirrored some amazing relationship aspects which I have not experienced since then, though which have left rather unforgettable memories. So while these dreams all begin with a feeling of M, the course of the "dream" goes into various different locations, different events and at the end, I realize it is a different woman...one who embodies some of the wonderful relationship characteristics I identify with the brief period I was with M.

M is a longterm soulmate with whom I have experienced many lifetimes...this is not one of them, but she played a brief but pivotal role in getting me to where I am now and preparing me for what I am going to do. I get the sense that guidance is sending the image of M, primarily from either a bait standpoint or a "feels like" standpoint and which reminds me of that deep relationship quality I seek which has so far evaded my grasp.

So far, we have met in an art gallery (she paints), at a coffee shop prior to going fly fishing (I fish), at a library and at a cocktail party. Each one left a message regarding some aspect of a future balanced, deep, beneficial relationship between two people which, by contrast, clearly delineated what I do not have in my current relationships.
I've been trying to decide what I think my wildest dream has been, maybe I'll just have to settle for a top 3 list, not in any particular order of weirdness.

- During an incident of sleep deprivation which lasted approximately 60 hours, I kept having mini-dreams where physical objects in whichever room I was in were selectively disappearing around me.

It culminated with a dream where everything disappeared, leaving only bare walls and a floor. I looked around and saw that this skeleton of my house was actually like a movie stage, located in a large deserted aircraft hanger. I found a door to exit from, where outside it was night and the aircraft hanger was in the center of some sort of prison camp, where things were illuminated by searchlights on guard towers. As soon as I'd moved though the door, a siren sounded ...

- Being drawn through the air as a spirit, to a penthouse on top of a skyscraper in some city glittering in the night, where there was being held a seance. The medium appeared to be a short plump black-haired woman who made me uneasy. There were several other participants, two I noticed the most were a tall man with strange eyes, and a thin young asian woman with short hair moussed-up Sting-style.

As the seance continued, a storm began outside, and then the dream became frightening. As flashes of lightning shown through the windows, it was as though everything I was seeing were an illusion, with the lightning illuminating a reality behind that illusion. The medium was revealed to be a large human-sized black lobster or crab creature with big claws. The tall man was a robot. The asian woman looked much the same, except her eyes looked unnaturally large ...

They've become somewhat recurring dream characters though.

- A time travel dream, where I started out somehow going back to 1967, when I was already alive, except I was someone else. After a little bit, I could tell the dream was becoming unstable, so I tried to tell someone I met to look me up in 30 years, giving my present life name and address.

The dream didn't end cleanly. I then found myself back in highschool, but as one of my classmates. The school guidence counciller was acting very much out of character, explaining that the guidelines for time travel were that one can't (or at least shouldn't) travel into the past as one's self, due to paradox. Then a group of students including me were herded onto a schoolbus, and as he started talking about the value of meditation, we passed through a deserted city with a ferris wheel in it.

Note, this dream was years before any western television crews filmed the deserted city of Chernobyl and it's ferris wheel.