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knowing more than a 3 year old should

Another possibility is that he is remembering the times when he and you were one. Oftentimes our strongest spiritual experiences are those of oneness, of knowing that, in essence, there really is no difference between us. Many of my deepest spiritual experiences are like that, and Matt may be remembering such experiences.
A "Mauser" is made by a Swedish gun manufacturer...used in both WWs, rifles, pistols, etc..

Still in business, I think. That was the first thing that came to my mind when talking about a "mouse gun."

Best wishes to you and your grandson.
I take alot of pictures of Matthew and Scotty. We must get 5 rolls of film developed a month! I have a Canon Sure Shot camera that I got from saving Marlboro cigarette miles a few years ago. It has always taken great pictures no matter what type film that I used. I got a developed roll of film back today. The entire roll was of Matthew and Scotty in our pool. On some of the pictures that had Matthew in them, not all-but 4 or 5 maybe, there was a cloudy looking 'thing' near Matthew. No-one in the family can tell what it is. My son, Matt's uncle, who doesn't believe in much of anything that is going on with Matthew, says that it is just a reflection or maybe water on the lens. If that was the case, then having taken these photos all within minutes of each other, wouldn't all of them have this reflection? I know that this sounds crazy but it seems like in one picture the thing is around the edge of the pool, in another picture it seems like it is right behind Matthew on his float, and another picture has the thing near the ladder and I, and a few other family members, would swear that it looks like a mans hand is leaning on the top rail of the ladder and he has on a burgundy colored shirt and has dark hair. Cannot see a face and you can see through this thing because you can see my husbands truck directly behind what ever this is. Actually, you can see the truck through this thing. I don't know, maybe we are going crazy. But with as much film as we have developed a month, it would seem like I would have noticed something like this before. Not all the pictures of Matthew had this thing, but it is only on pictures that have Matthew in them.
Hi Matt's Grandma,

Glad to hear that all is well in your household. What I've heard about those little white lights is that they're angels or souls appearing. Why some can (or do) show themselves and others don't is a mystery to me. Maybe they're the soul's of people who have recently passed away, or who are ready to come back into physical form?

Hope you're all having a great day,
Take Care,
-Kathy. :)
Dear Mattsgrma

I’ve heard of loads of similar cases before…so I reiterate again, you’re not going crazy. It sounds like there is certainly someone “around” Matthew, to which of course he is very sensitive. I would guess most likely it was a kind of protector or guardian around Matthew, as Kathy suggested - although of course, maybe your own sensitivity since all these experiences with Matthew, and his very own openness and inner intelligence, is making other souls more perceivable to you…maybe these photos are a sense of validation on your part in understanding Matthews own ramblings. You know, he probably picked his family and did so for a reason, and with such a great grandmother like you around, who has opened herself up completely without an air of real doubt to him…I can see why Matthew would choose yours.

Lots of Love

PS: I haven’t forgot about that mouse gun stuff I said I’d look up for you, but I’m trying to find some history on it, rather than a price and selling specifications!!!!

PPS: If it makes you feel any better, I see white lights quite a fair bit, awake and alsleep - along with glowing, moving orbs when I'm wide awake, floating into my vision, and many other things...so if you're crazy...what does that make me???? LOL
Yesterday, Matt and I were in the pool together, just floating around and talking. He started telling me about his sister. (Matthew has no sisters, in this lifetime anyway). I asked where she was and he told me up in the sky with his friend. I asked how old she was and what her name was. He said that she was a bigger sister and that he couldn't remember her name. I started suggesting names, thinking that maybe a familar name might throw him off, but I should have known better! He looked at me 'real annoyed like' and said 'when I remember I will tell you!!' So, I just went back to swimming. After about 15 minutes, he came up to me and said 'Her name is Sandy'. Completely threw me off guard! I don't know anyone named Sandy, no cartoon characters named Sandy, nothing. I asked him where he got that name from and he said my sister said to tell you her name is Sandy. We had to get out of the pool then for Matthew to go for his preschool physical. He is basically a normal little boy. He weighs 40 pounds and is 40 inches tall. When the doctor asked if he had any nightmares, Matthews mother and I both looked at each other. When we told her a little about what he has been doing, she just kinda looked at us, told us to limit Matthews TV time and then left the room. She came back with the name of a child psychologist. (the same one that wanted to put Matt on Ritalyn at the beginning of this site!!) She told us that she was going to call this woman in the morning and set up an appointment, then we left. When we got back into the car, Matthew said "I didn't like that doctor.", so I asked him if she touched him in any way that he felt uncomfortable and he said no. Then I asked if she said anything to him and he said no. So, I asked why he didn't like her, and he said 'because she doesn't believe what you are telling her'. The doctor never said one way or the other, but Matthews mom and I both could tell. And apparently so could Matthew!
NEVER take him to that doctor again. I had the same experience with my son. The doctor kept pushing and pushing to put Jake on Ritalyn, but I refused. I knew there was nothing wrong with my son. Even if I didn't believe in reincarnation, etc... at best, he had an active imagination. When we moved and I started taking him to the doctor my family had always gone to, I told the doctor what the other one had said. He took one look at Jake playing on the floor and said "This child is not hyperactive or disturbed." Just by what you wrote about your grandson, neither is he. A child who should be on medication wouldn't spend 15 minutes in a pool to begin with and he sure wouldn't think about what you had been talking about or even remembered it 15 minutes later. I get so angry at some of the people who call themselves doctors. And society, in general, puts all there faith and trust in them. That is the reason why, even though my mother instilled the knowledge and curiosity of the psychic world and reincarnation in us, she became afraid and tried to stop us from talking about it and developing what we had. She worked in a mental hospital and saw what they did to people who are like you and me, but just don't understand what is happening to them. God forbid you tell someone you hear voices, they'll put you away in a second. I welcome the voices I hear. They guide me and protect me, but if I said that in front of the wrong people, I'd be declared mentally insane. Find a new doctor and don't discuss with him what your grandson said. A doctor doesn't need to know that, there's nothing wrong with your grandson.
Little Matt is definately a special kid.

Have you determined a possible era that he could be speaking about?

Good luck to you and your sweet grandchidren.

The Princess
I was so furious with the doctor you wrote about, I forgot to put in my last post the most important thing. Doctors, like the one your grandson is seeing, will label your grandson, which will follow him and mark him for life. This is what my doctor told me when I went to him with my son. When I was a teacher, I fought labeling children, but unfortunately it's done.
Please, limit the people you talk to about your grandson. Talk to only those who understand and believe as you do. Luckily, I found a doctor I was able to talk to about the things my children said and did. He was a wonderful doctor, I wish he was still alive for my grandson to go to.
This morning, before leaving for his first day of preschool, Matthew was telling us about 'one time when he was big'. He told us about airplanes & parachutes. Just how many lifetimes does a person have?? As far as a time period that Matthew talks about, I don't even know where to begin to look for this kinda information. With the gun and skeet shooting, the horse and wagon thing and then the "Mauser" gun information, to me it sounds like 3 different times. Now, he is talking about the parachuting out of a plane, which is totally a different time, I would think anyway. Any clues on where to get started?? We didn't go into great detail about the things that Matthew has said when we talked to the doctor, but apparently it was in detail enough that she didn't want to hear anymore. I copied 'knowing more than a 3 year old should' and gave it to the preschool where Matthew is going about 3 weeks ago. I wanted the people that would be dealing with Matt directly to know the kinda things that he is doing and saying, and how important it is, especially if you don't believe, or understand, just to let him talk. I don't want anyone to laugh at him or do anything to put him down. I trust this preschool and the people who run it and hopefully by them reading this paper, maybe something good will come out of it. I don't feel like I could do the same with his pediatrician. I feel like, well, like this is just a different type of religion and people shouldn't laugh or put anyone down because of what they believe, and Matthew truly, whole-heartedly believes in what he is saying. And as one of the people who love Matthew dearly, I believe him too.
Hi Mattsgrma

The amount of lives each one of us has experienced varies greatly from individual to individual. Some have had hundreds maybe thousands of incarnations/lives, some may only be in double figures. Some may have incarnated regularly for the last few thousand years, some may have had their last live thousands of years apart. There is no set number, boundaries or limits to what the soul can and has achieved.

Matthew definitely has bought up a few different pointers to various lives already, and no doubt, he can easily decipher between each one he is happily chatting about. The only reason, it probably feels so jumpy to you sometimes, is because Matthew knows you trust him implacably, so he probably thinks Nanna knows and sees exactly the same as him at times, so fails to differentiate between each.

I’m so glad to hear about your true faith in Matt’s new teachers as well, and the fact you entrusted them enough to share all that you did with them….looks like Matthew has more than enough support on his side with you alone, let alone all his other loving family members – he’s such a lucky boy to have you – I hope you realize that, a lot of other people would not have been as sensitive as you have been, and because of that, I believe Matthew will flourish, and have a big thank you for you at the end of it all. And I’m sure you’re learning more and more everyday on things, you’d never given a thought to before, Matthew’s teaching you too…what a great gift and bond, you both have extended out to each other.

I look forward to hearing his pre-school stories and laughter…how’s little Scotty by the way????
Scotty is 6 months old now and weighs about 20 pounds. (Matthew just went to the doctor last week and is 40 lbs and 40 inches tall). Scotty tends to cling to his mother alot. So much that no-one else will babysit him. Scotty wakes up alot crying (just like Matthew does). Matthew's first day of preschool didn't go as well as we hoped. He cried alot and his 3 yr old cousin, Stephanie, consoled him. Matthew has never been left anywhere before, he will go places with his mother or with his Uncle Bryan and Aunt Stacey, but he hasn't been dropped off and told that we would be back later. He only goes to preschool twice a week and today was his second day. He did not want to go back. My sister ended up taking him this morning but she called back saying that he was crying big time. She left him there, which was the only thing that she could have done, and when we called back, he was still crying. Matt's Aunt Stacey told me that he cries for me when they take him places too. I don't know what to do about it, and don't know why he is doing this.
Dear Mattsgrma

My brother was extremely clingy to my mother and a child she cares for now three days a week, is much the same, in fact for her first year, she cried if I, my brother or sister cuddled my mum in front of her, when we was round there….it was as though we were taking her away and out of her attention span, she was very touchy.

As to Matthews first day, I used to do a lot of volunteer work for kids playgroups and pre schoolers a few years back, and if you knew how many children spent their first few weeks crying and begging not to be left, you would not be so worried. It is a compliment that he feels so close and safe with you, that he feels this loss when you’re not around – (I was even the same when I was a child, I couldn’t bear to be away from my mum or dad for anything other than school, or if I was with my beloved Granddad). It is expected that he will be weepy for a few visits, but once he sees all the other kids having fun and makes new friends, he’ll be running through the door to join the others so fast, you won’t believe the change. And to see the smile on their face, when they run so happy to see you later…it makes all the first day tears worth the effort.
I understand that some of my questions are probably kinda stupid, but this is still all new to me, so please bear with me. OK, tonight while Matthew, Matthew's great-grandmother and I were watching fireworks, Matthew couldn't keep quiet. He talked about everything under the sun. We just let him talk and talked among ourselves, enjoying the fireworks. We both turned around fast and looked at Matthew when we started talking about how his great-grandmother used to be a little boy. When we asked him to repeat what he had said, he looked disgusted and looked at me and said 'Thats nothing, Mema (greatgrandmother) used to be our little girl". Can someone that young really tell what/who someone was in a past life? Or is this just all Matthews imagination?? When he tells us things like this, he looks so serious and like he just can't understand why we don't have a clue what he is talking about.

I would not chalk up Matthew's "knowings" as imagination. Children are not clouded by adult judgement, thus they are open and very receptive to things we have forgotten about. I would just listen, ask questions and just let little Matthew talk! I have a feeling you're going to learn a lot more over the next several years!!!!

Oh, by the way, no qustions are stupid and we are all learning.


Free will allows me to choose my path, but my Higher Power lights the way....
Dear Matt's Grandma,

I think you will understand Matt better if you stop thinking of him as just a little child, and remember that he is an eternal soul. Yes, a young child (or anyone at any age) can and does have access to that kind of wisdom. Our souls have access to allthe wsidom and knowledge of the ages. It may be rare for this wisdom to reach our conscious minds, but it does happen sometimes, and obviously it happens with Matt.


Hello Matt's grandma,

Have only just caught up on this thread and Matt's fascinating case. Just wanted to comment on your last question to say that certainly some children who are specially gifted may indeed hold clear memories of past lives.
I realize how difficult it must be for you to absorb all this but, quite honestly, I would try to take Matt's statements as very "matter of fact" when he makes them, if only so as not to disturb him. If you talk to him naturally about his "memories" it might indeed help both him and your family to deal with this. There is nothing wrong with him, although he does sound a little hyperactive, he is simply very gifted in his mediumnic capacity to remember.

Lots of love to you,

Matthew is surely a charmer. Yesterday, we went to Colonial Beach, VA to Colonial Beach Dragstrip. He remembered a car that was there from Maryland International Raceway and went up to the trailer and began talking to everyone. He told them how he remembered them from MIR and that he just loved thier 68 camaro. He ended up walking away with a free tshirt with the drivers autograph, picture of himself in the car and even got invited to the hotdog/hamburger cookout that the crew was having!! We were all just standing back looking amazed at how much effect this 3 year old has on everyone that he meets.
Dear Mattsgma: Your posts were the first I read when I found this forum, and I could sympathize on so many levels. I come from a religous background that has not only got NO use for these types of occurences and children, but see's them as occult. But when the evidence and the innocent child supplying it are there in front of your face, what then? I also see in ny grandson the odd maturity, the absolute certainty of the information he's giving us, and there's just NO WAY they could know these things otherwise. Be his rock. I am sure that he feels different and must know that you are supporting him. Looking forward to hearing more about you and Matt.
Just checking in. Matthew talking to his preschool teachers about 'things'. One of his teachers told us that on Matthews first day, she went home and told her boyfriend all about the new 'special little boy' in her class. I don't think that she realized how right she was. She has said that he will talk to her and look so intense about what he is saying. He told her recently about how he jumped over a tree to catch a thunderbird. Go figure! (But after just shrugging off the 'mouse gun' thing and then finding out that there is a Mauser gun), we told her just listen to whatever he is saying and try to make some sense of it. But just listen for sure and let us know what he says or if whatever he says looks like it is bothering him.
I'm sorry, I forgot to ask something. Matthew is talking alot about things that he has done before. But they always end in some sort of violence, one way or another. Either he gets beat up, or he gets hurt in an accident or even dies. He still talks about dying young. (In fact, he has woke crying 3 times while I have been on the computer) Can the violence be all "he can remember" about his 'past lives' or is it possible to only recall the violent ones? Or is it possible for him to only have had bad experiences?
Traumatic memories are the strongest memories (mostb emotional power) so they are usually the most likely to be recalled. When I started remembering my past lives that was most of what I recalled. If you will read through this forum, you will see that people recall all sorts of past life memories.
So, don't be worried about Matt. What he is going through is fairly typical.


I know it seems like I write about every little thing that Matthew does or says, but believe me- its not like that. I try to only write about the ones that affect Matt or one of us the most. And he has come up with another one that he seems so intense about. As I told you already, Matthew started nursery school. He has been going close to a month now and last Thursday, a teacher that had been on vacation came back. Matthew has not quit talking about her since then. Matts mother took her camera on Thursday and took several pictures of Matthew, his classmates and teachers. We got the photos back on Sunday. Matthew hasn't put down the photo with Matthew and this teacher that came back from vacation yet. He sleeps with it. He lays it on the table while he eats. He has even put it on the sink while he took a bath. When he saw it for the first time, he got so excited and said 'thats my sister'. We have told him that she is his friend, but he keeps insisting that she is his sister and even gets highly upset when we try to correct him. He wants to talk with this girl about being his sister and says that if he can tell her that she will understand. I don't want to scare the girl, but it is not often that Matthew wants to do the talking with someone other than family members about what he is feeling. Should we tell him that it is okay to talk with her about this? Should we talk to her before he does? He really is so intense about this. And keeps telling us with so much determination that this is his sister.
Dear Matts Grama,
Let me first say that I have been advidly following your posts about your remarkable grandson for some time. I have yet to get any of Carols books but am very interested in what she and now you have to report.
I am an Emergency Room Pediatric Trauma Nurse Specialist (RN) and work with children who say the most amazing things. I continue to be fascinated by them.
Nothing you could say would be boring or to small a detail when the topic is this fantastic. I look forward to the postive developments you post in regard to Matt's life.
Now to the advice part of this long (and dull post). Should you let Matt talk about how he feels with this teacher? First let me say that I think you should proceed with caution. Also, you should trust your intincts in this matter. Matt may very well be an old soul who in this incarnation is able to identify a past life relative. He is also a child and Adults should intervene in a child life with their greater wisdom when they deem it necesary. I think this is one of those times. I have worked with all types of people in children services during the 7 years I have been a nurse. They run the gamut of personality types, these people. Having matt talk to her about a contraversal topic is not without risk or ramifications. Past lives are violently opposed by some religons. Worst case scenarios include ostracizing, riducle and all the damage that can be done by those that care for a fragile developing personality.
My advice? Talk to this teacher first and alone. Schedule a meeting eith her at her convienence. Gently broach the subject of pastlives and use your instincts. If all seems well proceed. Make her aware how concerened you are for matt and how you don't want his "specialness" to work against him. Then if all still seems good tell her all about matt. Finally if there still are no warning signs and she is receptive tell her why you felt the need to talk to her specifically, (that is that matt thinks he has a special bond with her). Finally, let us know what transpired.
Good luck,
Hello mattsgma,

I have just read all the posts about your grandson and let me just say he is very lucky to have family members that will let him open up to all of you about his memories. He can speak about all these things without being labelled as crazy by his family or that all of his statements are just from is imagination. Not that I am an expert or anything about people or reincarnation, but maybe the fact that he has found someone in this life that apparently he has strong memories about is a good thing. But this will only be if this teacher of his is going to be open about what he says. I would say it would be best to speak with her first. Hopefully, she will be open, but if not, maybe hearing about how he is speaking about everything from other adults will get to become more open. This may just help everyone to get questions answered on his past life or one of them at least, if he is remembering several of them. Also, this may help him to "heal" from whatever happened in that life so he can sleep more peacefully. Good luck!!
Hi Mattsgrma

Oh my dear, you are going to have to stop apologizing every time you post, you can tell by the size of this post in comparison to others that everyone is CERTAINLY interested. Matt is such a special little boy that we all enjoy hearing what you have to say, so no more sorries.

I agree with what has already been posted here, Matts memories are obviously very strong towards this teacher, and they are also “joyful” and “loving” memories, so I think nothing but good could come out of him having his “talk” with this teacher if she is open and receptive enough to being with. Like the others, I would personally approach the teacher first and explain why Matt wants to speak to her, etc, so she is already open to the possibilities of what he wants to express to her…also make sure she knows that you believe him and as Gary so eloquently put … “how you don't want his "specialness" to work against him…”.

If the teacher is willing and open to talking to Matt, I’m sure the experience can only be positive, maybe even more so for the teacher than she realised as well – I mean there is the possibility that Matt could spark off her own memories, or she may already have them????

Either way, if I was a teacher to Matt or any other child – I would find it incredibly touching to know that some special little boy had such a fond connection to me – whether my beliefs were orientated towards reincarnation or not.
Yes, everyone around here pays attention to what Matthew says or does. I don't know how to explain him, it is like when you meet Matthew, he touches your soul. Oh, before I forget, I found out what the tree and the thunderbird thing was about, at least about the thunderbird thing. He saw a mail truck and said that the bird on the side of it was the same kinda thunderbird that he was trying to catch. It was an eagle. Hard night last night 7/17/01. Matthew cried for a long time about how he needed to go home now. He just kept repeating that he wanted to go home. I finally took him next door to my moms house and she called me around 1:30am telling me to come there quick. He was laying across her bed, kicking and sobbing that he wanted his mom. (mom is what he calls me) He was unconsolible. And he was asleep. I finally aroused him enough to stop the kicking and he held onto me tight. I wish I knew what he was dreaming about. The rest of the night was still kinda rough but it was nothing compared to 9pm-2am.
Hi Mattsgrma

You know, I just had a thought on the Thunderbird thing as well. The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron is called the Thunderbirds and have the eagle, or some similar bird as their logo which used to be (don’t know if it still is), painted on the underbelly. There was a really bad accident about sixteen years back or so, where quite a few of them died, which is how I remembered them after just reading your post as it was all over the news over here.
I went to the site that you recommended and copied a few of the pictures for Matthew to look at. He said that he had told me before that it was a helicopter and that he had parachuted out of it. Ever heard of a Thunderbird helicopter?