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New here with questions....


New Member

New member here....I have been a firm believer in reincarnation for my entire life. Haivng personally experienced many unexplained "coincidences" and extreme deja vu throughout my childhood and now adult life only underscored my beliefs.

Now for the present relevance, I have always had an unusual "connection" with the number and time of 4:20. (No, I am not making a drug reference). I have woken from a dead sleep in the middle of the night on more than once occasion, looked at the clock and it was 4:20 on the nose. At various times the number 420 would pop up in amounts of change or charges with regards to purchases etc. or times when events started or ended. Now, I understand how conincidences work and am not one to automatically preclude that if a number pops up it makes it a "moment" , but after starting up a relationship with a woman who has always created a "buzz" with me things have started to get truly weird.

I will say (and it will sound quite egotistical sorry) that I am not one who is a stranger to the pleasures of a woman or am I one to fall "head over heels" in love right away, but here I am. I will save you all the sorid details, but suffice it to say that the first time we made love occured on 4/20. That alone is not reason to get all spun up over her, so here is more. From the very first time we spoke to one another, then kissed many years later there was an unsettling familiarity with just the touch of her skin...like I had found someone that I was profoundly tied to.

Since we have decided to be together, strange occurances have followed. We frequently blurt out random things that the other is thinking for no reason...this came to a head yesterday while on a long road trip where I out of nowhere proclaimed "I would buy a motorcycle, but I don't trust myself". She instantly got goose-bumps verging on tears and asked "Why did you just say that"? I stated, "I don't know".... well, she said she had just prior to my proclamation drew in a breath of air to ask me if I had ever had a motorcylce. Now this was an exchange of conversation that occured after nearly 45 mins of complete silence just enjoying the views of where we travelling.

Without boring you to tears with details, this is not the only time this has happened with her.

Has anybody else ever had a similar revelation/connection with a loved one so intensely that it is almost scary?

(Thanks if you have read this far!)
Stamos said:
Has anybody else ever had a similar revelation with a loved one so intensely that it is almost scary?
Hi Stamos, and welcome to the Forum!

Although I can't say that I have had as many specific synchronistic experiences relating to a particular sequence of numbers, I have had a few. I think most of us have had things like this happen, but I think most people tend to categorize such phenomena as either coincidence or a strange but yet undiscovered natural function of the brain. You are quite fortunate to have experienced such a consistent phenomena with your lady friend, and it certainly seems that there is something going on that could be related to a past life. May I ask what brought you to this Forum? Have you read very much about Reincarnation? We look forward to hearing more and hope that you will continue exploring this profoundly interesting subject.
Thanks for the reply Nightrain,

Yes, I have read a fair amount about reincarnation over the years though I am by no means an "expert". My beliefs regarding reincarnation are more attune to Hindu-esque in that I do think it possible through the ascension of our incarnates we can be in animal form. I have had an unsual connection to birds my entire life. I have read and practiced with varied results the act of cognitive dreaming where I can fly at will, but I am getting a bit off track here....

Quite honestly, this is the first website that popped up in my search. I have always been reluctant to speak of my beliefs to people because in the times that I have I have been met with some degree of ridicule. Primarily, my family and friends are comprised of Christians who cannot wrap their heads around any mention of reincarnation etc. or any deviation from the bible.

I am not one to share my innermost thoughts and feelings on the WWW, but this phenomena as of late has me certainly feeling "on track". The relative anonymity that this forum provides assuages my fears of opening up with regards to my current love.
Hello Stamos and welcome. We have seen many people come through the forum with similar scenarios. I being one of them. For me it was that same powerful connection to another mixed with the craziest of synchronous experiences. Over the years I have come accept the idea that there are powerful soul connections between people. I think we traverse these lives with other souls in order to learn and develop our soul's identity, the purpose of which no one knows for sure, but may religions are quick to pretend they know. For me there are three people in this life that I've directly remembered from past lives. One is a person who was integral and intimate in each of the lives recalled. So much so that I delved into the idea of Twin Souls... the idea that each soul has a sacred other half. I know that this idea is foreign to many and for some its a laughable matter, but for me this connection was and is so powerful that my spirit bows before it. It has not been a joy filled picnic on a meadow of flowers with harp music and sunshine. No, in three lives the intense attraction and love has been stymied by tragedy and loss. What are the lessons? Well, those are for my private world but I would offer you the idea that if these synchronous events and intense emotional connection are apart of your life then perhaps you are one of the fortunate few who have found that special other and these odd signs are just that: signs.

I invite you to read several threads on this forum: Past Loves, Soulmate vs Twin Flame and several others just type in Twin Soul in the search engine. Then there are several individual stories I recommend you read, one is my own and then the other is Tanguerra's story My Friend X.

I hope you find the answers you're looking for, and I'm happy you recognize something special in your lady friend. I'd guess there is much more to come, so sit back and marvel at the mystery of it all.

Thanks for joining us, I look forward to reading more of your story.

Tinkerman -

Thank you for your reply and information. I have indeed read of Twin Souls! I am still unsure as of yet to attributing our relationship to Twin Souls or Soul-Mates....either way, a wonderful gift to be sure.

Just read the piece from Michelle Brock (The Eternal Love) and am quite spooked by the exact scenario being played out between my girl and I currently.

I am going to read, read and read some more....soaking all of these great experiences and information up like a giant sponge!

Thank you for the warm welcome (s).

I too, look forward to discovery.
Hi Stamos and welcome to the forum! I can't add much to the excellent posts that have already been made other than to say that my life, to a large extent, has been ruled by important dates and numbers as well.

The first time I saw my wife, it was Oct. 31st. An appropriate date for a woman whose past life (and current) was supposed to have loved ghost stories. We were married a year later on Oct. 13th. My birthdate is also Nov. 13th. which is the same as my previous life.

I'm sure if you look hard enough at the people around you, you'll find that to one degree or another, there's lots of little dates like that, that appear to be a bit more of a coincidence.

What do they mean? I don't know.. I think perhaps it may be as simple as saying that as we move through life, we become familiar with dates, names and numbers and they become special to us and even identifying.