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Reincarnation of Jesus?


Senior Registered
Nightrain;216325 said:
In other words, stories of meeting Jesus Christ on the other side may be only a reflection of one's cultural expectations, even when the experiencer is not even Christian. And, even if I were to experience meeting my own deceased mother tomorrow, I would not completely believe my own senses.
Another thread reminded me of some of my early experiences after my 1978 NDE. I was never a fan of ‘Jesus’ growing up due to the fact that I felt his followers were opposed to the truth of reincarnation. I wasn’t raised up with a lot of hype aimed at him or his story. So, when I had my NDE and went to the other side – my first choice of trying to finding out the truth of someone wasn’t some ancient teacher or religious leader from 2000 years ago. I was interested in the truth concerning JFK. So when people asked me afterwards who I saw on the other side – I would tell them JFK. Not exactly a religious figure but I was at an age where I looked upon him as a leader and a fallen hero. But there was a time when I got around to it (in spirit) on the other side where I wanted to find out why “Jesus” was so opposed to a teaching about reincarnation and wanted to find his spirit as well. Of course, what happened there – and what I could recall after getting back into my body was a little vague compared to the actual experience in spirit. I told everyone,

“The one you call Jesus wasn’t there. That boy done decided to hope back on the merry-go-round of life here on the planet earth. It is considered top secret stuff because I wasn’t allowed to track him down in his human body and pick his brain about reincarnation. That fool doesn’t even know who he was in a past life. That is going to be a shocker huh? Him and his followers don’t believe in reincarnation and he is destined to wake up one morning and recall who he was back then – and he is going to be shocked to find out he has done reincarnated. His name wasn’t Jesus back then – so he is probably going to have a hard time identifying himself by a name the world done went and changed on him.”

I didn’t really care for Christians back when I was a teenager. My experience with them was with the dark side of their group. For me personally, I kept running into the arrogant ones who were more hypocrites than anything. Out to save the world when they didn’t even know how to save themselves. (I was a teenager and most teenagers who were trying to promote a message back then – were backwards in their approach. Nothing against Christians on the whole. Just a reflection of the phase and time period I found myself in.)

During my NDE – I was shown the life and times of one whose name I pronounced as “Ish-u-ah.” To me, there was the real “Isha” and there was the worldly legend of “Jesus.” The life and time I found myself focused on was the courtyard incident where “Isha” was stripped nude and whipped with what I called a ‘crackerjack’ whip. The reason I called it that is because the whip had something that looked like ‘jacks’ attached to the whip that cracked the skin open. When I spoke to others about the legend of Jesus – I would ask how many people were present when he was getting the whipping. Everyone would tell me there were supposedly four people other than Jesus. Two guards and two other criminals. I had no interest in that story or people who held that story to be the absolute truth. In my vision of “Isha” shown to me through the NDE – there were six people present. Two guards, two others set for execution that day – as well as two lads who looked to be young teenagers. In my NDE – it was revealed to me that I was set to cross paths with the reincarnated souls of all six. One of them, I had already crossed paths with at the age of 16. I crossed paths with him again at the age of 18 and recalled our frist meeting. Sure enough – he was the reincarnation of the ‘good guard.’ There was a ‘good guard’ and there was a sadistic guard. Good cop-bad cop.

At the age of 16 when I crossed paths with him – he was wearing a uniform and was a sworn servant serving a police department. My young mystic mind opened up and I could see his past life as well as his current. To my shock and amazement – the new person had no earthly idea that his spirit had been present in the past when his past life persona had been involved in taking people to the execution pole and stripped for a whipping from the crackerjack whip. I made a joke with him,

“At least you’re wearing boots this time to cover up your ugly feet. God forbid I have to look at those ugly feet again. You wore sandal type shoes when you lived here before in another body and you showed your ugly feet to anyone and everyone – including my spirit when I had to watch you do your deed to that body in the past.”

The police officer had no idea what I was talking about. I told him he may be caught up in his own blindness in the moment but when he crossed over to the other side – my conversation would catch back up to him again and he would then realize that his ‘slip’ (spirit of a past life) had been showing when we spoke and I was commenting on one of his past lives. After my NDE I brought the subject up to the police officer again in a more direct way. He told me that he was a Christian and didn’t believe in past lives. I just laughed and told him,

“If your leader feels the same way – he is in for an eye opening shock in the future some time. I am young but I have learned in my short time here in this world – when it comes to truth – it don’t matter what you believe. Truth is what it is without you believing in it or not. One day – you will wake up to the reality of your past life and then I want you to remember me saying I told you so.”

I dealt with the police officer with humor and wit. Over the years I met the other three including the ‘sadistic’ guard and his nature hadn’t changed much. He was still sadistic in my opinion. None of the four knew a thing about their past lives. I gave up talking to the new persona’s about something they didn’t have a mind to know.

I eventually crossed paths with the two reincarnated souls of the young lads. I had enough experience to say a prayer prior to bringing up the subject – and then bringing up the subject in such a way as not to call too much attention to it. I was subtle and indirect and I drew out ‘dreams’ they felt they had since childhood. I approached it as ‘dreams’ that seemed real beyond real – rather than a past life memory. What opened them up was when I started telling them details about that event in the courtyard and asked them if they ever had visions in dreams about that sort of scenario. I met the two lads at two different times so the conversations took place separately from one another. I learned a little from the first one that made the approach to the second one easier. They shared details of the other two ‘unknown’ participants (young lads) that no one knew existed in history. They hadn't pieced that together for themselves and felt the dreams may have been culturally influenced from childhood stories.

Nightrains comment reminded me of the time I passed over and looked for this "Jesus" fellow and came back with the understanding the reason I couldn't speak to his spirit one on one was because he was hidden away like a 'thief in the night' behind the mask of a new physical persona.
My eldest daughter has made comments of things that "God told her" and of her visits to Heaven. I wish she lived closer or was in a situation where I could have frank discussions with her. I would love to share your experiences with her and see if she has experienced anything similar.

In life I have learned to keep an open mind. Life is full of surprises ... or shocks, as it may be. ..
dking, your investigations are amazing! And when the soul who played the Christ awakens to his past what a surprise he will have! Will that result in his replaying his role as a savior or will he simply be another human being on earth?

Also, what was the purpose of those two boys watching the Christ's scourging? Why were they there?
usetawuz said:
dking, your investigations are amazing! And when the soul who played the Christ awakens to his past what a surprise he will have! Will that result in his replaying his role as a savior or will he simply be another human being on earth?
I wrote out a lengthy reply and lost it. I hate when that happens. The short of it is - my opinion is based on a scripture I found which sums it up past and what I feel may be his present or future. (John 18:37)

usetawuz said:
Also, what was the purpose of those two boys watching the Christ's scourging? Why were they there?
My sense is that the lads had some sort of experience with him in the past. They recognized each other with a sense of familiarity. They came bearing two gifts that acted as an internal elixir for what was about to happen.

Laughter and Song.

The younger of the two put on something of a comedy show before falling from his post peering over the stone wall. When he fell over - his 'gown' fell forward and his derriere was flashed - giving everyone there (including the 2 guards and 2 criminals )a chuckle. He (Ish-u-ah) was still laughing himself silly when they stripped him of his own 'gown' and tied his hands to the whipping post. Just as the crack of the first whip made its sound - the older of the two lads hidden from view on the other side of the stone wall burst out in verse and sang a song. The younger of the two joined in and they sang during the whole of the whipping.

When I was 20 - I spoke about a 'blanket' that had the image of the face of the one I knew of "Ish-u-ah" on it. In 1999, I found the 'Shroud of Turin" online and studied it. It is the same face that was in my own visions during and after my NDE. Many things proved to be true. I used to say - he had 'pennies' on his eyelids after he 'gave up his spirit." That is on the Shroud.' I insisted that "Ish-u-ah" had nails driven through his 'wrists' and not his hands. This is on the Shroud as well. (I was told in spirit that in ancient times - the word for 'hand' represented the tip of the fingers to the middle of the forearm.) One of the things I used to tell friends about the vision and how clear it was in my mind was - I could tell you the exact spot the 'three' prongs struck his back. In my vision - it struck the side of the left hand toward the top of the shoulder blade. Some have done analysis on the Shroud and theorize that is where the first blow was due to the large amount of blood that shows up at that spot. So for me, finding the Shroud was validation of the many visions I had of that event after my NDE. I told friends the two lads came bearing the gifts that got him through the pain of the lashes he endured. He was still chuckling after the whipping. He wasn't chuckling so much during the walking part. The pain was getting to him. He did fall to his knee at one point due tot he weight of the pole he was carrying on his shoulders. (The Shroud also verified this. It was not a cross he carried as much as it was a beam to hand on a pole stuck in the ground at the top of the hill.) But the lads had followed him and were poking their heads through the crowd with a positive look of encouragement. He had promised them they would meet again on the other side. When he fell and didn't have the strength to get up on his own - the older of the two - sort of willed him energy though a gaze and look. Sort of like a psychic bond that gave him energy. When they got to the end of the trail - "Ish-u-ah" motioned for them to go away. They did for a short time but showed back up to be there when he 'gave up the spirit.' They were the duo who was there with him from beginning to end. The melody and tune they sang that day is considered (in heaven) the most sacred gift ever given to him during his days on earth during that life time.

The two 'reincarnations' I met have since passed away themselves. Wouldn't you know it - both were musicians. Both of them told me they were inspired to be musicians by the 'repeating' dream that came to them during their own childhood where they felt they had a hand in singing a sacred song during the execution of a man in ancient times. They both told me (seperatly) that they had never shared those visionary dreams with anyone because it was too hard to believe. They both felt it was of the one they knew of as "Jesus." I told them, "If you do see him again - don't make a fool of yourself and call him Jesus. His name was "Ish-u-ah." I was their validation. (The two of them never spoke to each other about it as far as I know. They may have later on but I don't know if they did or not.)

The two lads came bearing gifts for him along with a message of 'until we met again' because they had believed in his teachings about eternal life. (Not so much in the modern sense of the Christian teachings since I am pretty sure he knew about reincarnation in that life time. He was like Arnold the Terminator in declaring - "I'll be back.")


usetawuz said:
........replaying his role as a savior......
When I woke up with the mental block at the age of 18 -- I couldn't remember my childhood where I spoke often about past lives. My family could recall the 'many' times I had tried to talk about reincarnation and filled me in on it. I started talking about past lives as soon as I could talk around 3 and continued talking about it off and on until I was 15. I gave up on reaching my Mom and swore I would never speak to her about it again. It was like.......she would close the window, pull the drapes and speak in whispers. She didn't want the neighbors to overhear us because it went against the Church and God forbid if the followers of "Jesus" heard us talking about something that was off the 'devil' according to them.

My Doctors felt my memory block (or amnesia) was a side effect of the pain and trauma associated with my medical condition. They felt I had picked up resentments and was blocking anything and everything associated with that pain. The whole "Jesus" thing got mixed in with those resentments because this phantom figure of a man, more than anyone, was accusing me of being a liar growing up. As a young adult, the sound of his name was like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard. This was due to the 'hidden undertow' within the subconscious where all the memories of my childhood were stashed away from the conscious mind.

After finding the "Shroud of Turin" online - I started studying texts as well as various memories associated with the visions of "Ish-u-ha." The visions actually date back to my first NDE as a child. I grew up talking about "Ish-u-ha." No one ever knew who I was talking about. It is sort of funny now that I was talking about the very one they were telling me was against teachings of reincarnation.

After my 1988 NDE - a young eyewitness was disturbed about it and wanted to know what 'salvation' was according to the spiritual guides I spoke of. I told him I would ask and get a clear definition for him. (I walked with spirits for the first month after my NDE in 1988.) I came back and told him what I had sight of. Salvation meant 'safe.' I gave him a parable of hitting a ball and running around the bases hoping your going to hear the umpire shout out "SAFE" when you cross homeplate. That was all it was. Running though life with "peace of mind" knowing (and not just mere believing) that when you crossed over - you were 'home free.'

After all my NDE's - I would confuse people with my testimony of the "Mother of our Soul." To me - this was the most important spirit to have a relationship while embodied in the flesh. To have that 'peace of mind' - it had to come though the power, hand, breath and love of the 'Divine Feminine' aspect of our soul's creation. It was in my study that I found a defination in Easton's dictionary that related to what I had been trying to tell people for years.

  • Easton's Dictionary: Salvation is redemption made effectual to the individual by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Savior is from a Greek word: s?t?r. The feminine derivitive of this is s?t?ria.

  • The word “salvation” in the Greek language is “soteria” (sotay-ree-a) #4991, rescue, safety, deliver, health, The word “saved” in the Greek language is “sozo”(sode’-zo) #4982, it means “ to save, deliver or protect, to be made whole (in health, prosperity and peace of mind).

These two Greek words and the idea of salvation is not unique to Christianity. (See: Soteria.) For many years when I gave testimony of my own experieces with the "Mother" spirit - the gender issue would come up. (See: Balancing Out the Trinity: The Genders of the Godhead) There are many minds who argue and debate the issue that Hellenistic Religions were infused into Early Christianity. The masculinity of it all sort of swept the feminine nature of the "Holy Spirit" under the rug. When I asked the "Divine Mother" where I could find ancient text written about her role in creation - I was told to look for her in Proverbs. I found her written about in the whole of Chapter Eight where 'she' is referred to as "Wisdom." Sophia (???í?, Greek for "wisdom")

The female divinity of gnosticism is Sophia, a being with many aspects and names. She is sometimes identified with the Holy Spirit itself but, according to her various capacities, is also the Universal Mother, the Mother of the Living or Resplendent Mother, the Power on High, She-of-the-left-hand (as opposed to Christ, and he of the Right Hand), as the Luxurious One, the Womb, the Virgin, the Wife of the Male, the Revealer of Perfect Mysteries, the Holy Dove of the Spirit, the Heavenly Mother, the Wandering One, or Elena (that is, Selene, the Moon). She was envisaged as the Psyche of the world and the female aspect of Logos.
When I was describing the visions to friends in the early 80's I asked about the 'voice' that came booming through the 'inner ears' of those who stood when the dove descended. Everyone felt it was the voice of the Father who stated "this is my Son" in whom I am well pleased. I told people, "If you could see and hear it as I do in my visions - then you would know that was the voice of the Mother whom he was trying to give testimony of - for the sake of peace and harmony for the soul."

The young eyewitness in 1988 felt that "Jesus Saves" and from my point of view - the 'safe: peace of mind' was a process inituated by a 'divine kiss' from the Mother that led to the "direct knowledge" (gnosis) that 'true life' was in the soul and our souls were eternal.

The whole 'revolving door' of reincarnation was another matter and I felt religion was steering minds the wrong way with the idea physical life was a 'one shot' deal with a 'no return policy.'



Once again, dking, your experiences are amazing! We are the same age and I have experienced nothing of what you have first hand knowledge of...all mine comes since 2006 and before that was stuff I called "nuts", both describing myself and others. I am a fairly quick study, but what I have been given access to I am sure is what spirit and guidance think I can handle.

I am still curious...when Ish-u-a realizes who he is, will it make a difference to the rest of us, or just to him? I once asked, during an extremely deep meditation what my relationship to the Christ was and was told in the day I was a relation by marriage...and if we were looking at it as school grades, while I was 9-10 grade, he was 11-12...while I felt good to be that close to the Christ, I was almost more satisfied that my sister was 7-8 grade! We have always been very competitive...she's been my brother three times before.

On another line and probably not for this topic, can you share your understanding of soul groups and who it is we tend to go through our lifetimes with? I know of a group from the early 1900's and now it seems alot of them are here with me as family or close to it, while the group I died with in WWII all seem to be around here also, but not as relatives but close friends. How do you see those things?
usetawuz said:
On another line and probably not for this topic, can you share your understanding of soul groups and who it is we tend to go through our lifetimes with? How do you see those things?
For myself - I am still scratching my own head - trying to figure it out as well. That path and journey I have been on is like a train that goes through many 'tunnels.' There are extended periods of time when I am in the dark as well. There are times after my NDE's when I feel I have access to the 'higher knowledge' but a spirit always comes along and puts a lid on it and I am left searching for answers as well.

Now I have recall of conversations where I felt the train was 'out of the tunnel' and in the light but I don't have direct access to the light of higher knowledge. I just have access to the memories of the conversations I had while a part of me had sight of it through the 'eyes of the soul' as I like to call it. (Hope this makes sense.)

One thing I feel I have learned about reincarnation through the years dating back to 1963 when I first had sight of it - is, just when I think I have it figured out - something comes along and messes up the pattern or formula I feel fits the mold. (You have followed the posts I have shared about the various encounters I have had.)

When it comes to 'soul groups' (as I have heard them called before,) and "soul clusters" as I called them after my encounter with the funny valentine in 1988 -- I called this same sort of 'grouping' - friends from the same neighborhood in heaven.

I gave testimony of this back in 1981 (when I was in the light and walking with access to higher knowledge.) Just as we have cities, towns and communities here in this world - I felt we (as spirits) had communities where we 'grew up' within on the spiritual side. Every single soulmate encounter I had - I always made a reference to us "living close" together on the other side - as in a soul sense - and having that 'community' type of bond feeling.

As far as a 'group' incarnating together through various incarnations, I have no idea how this works in any of the cases I have been involved with myself. If I did try and stick a pattern to it - the next one (soulmate) to come along would destroy the mold and I would have to start all over again in my own theories. :laugh:

I do have memories from childhood where I met soulmates where we had 'joint memories' of the past life together - and we always spoke of the 'planning stage' between incarnations but yet - that was way over our 'young heads' to figure out - or to recall with our human minds.

I gave testimony of this back in 1981 (when I was in the light and walking with access to higher knowledge.) Just as we have cities, towns and communities here in this world - I felt we (as spirits) had communities where we 'grew up' within on the spiritual side. Every single soulmate encounter I had - I always made a reference to us "living close" together on the other side - as in a soul sense - and having that 'community' type of bond feeling.
That is exactly how my father described Heaven. He said there are many neighborhoods .. or parts of Heaven you can choose to be in. He is with my father in law and our passed pets and they are living on the mechanic's neighborhood. He already has homes for each of us, with a nameplate on the front of the home with our name and that of our soulmate. Of all of my siblings and I only one has married their true soulmate.