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Recent content by Jadeswan

  1. Jadeswan

    What does your user name say about you?

    Jade green is my favorite color and swans are my favorite bird and sort of a personal totem. :)
  2. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    Tinkerman, I'm glad you were reunited with your children as well. I read your stories when I first joined the forum and was very moved by them. I'm glad to have a chance to tell you that. I think there are several things about reincarnation that stand out to me. One is that those we love are...
  3. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    That is funny, Shiftkitty, about the items in the museum being familiar to you. When I was eight we lived in an old school bus and actually used an outhouse. I got in trouble once because a lady thought I was lying about it. When older people would say, "When I was a kid, we didn't have running...
  4. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    How interesting! Thank you, Shiftkitty. :thumbsup:
  5. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    I did a little research and it looks like sanitoriums were common around the very end of the 19th century and early in the 20th. The word "sanitorium" came into my head very clearly so I'm pretty sure it was during a time when that word was commonly used. Around 1900 is when Arizona begin being...
  6. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    Thank you for the response, Shiftkitty. I don't know if Arizona was a territory or state in that life. I just had the word come into my head. I'm not even sure if it's accurate because I am familiar with the fact that people with lung problems often moved to dry places like Arizona in past...
  7. Jadeswan

    Knowing things that you "never knew"

    When I was a child I used to gather yarrow and lay it out to dry "for the winter" even though I had no idea what it was. I have memories of two lives where I worked with herbs extensively. One of them was in England and I even have memories of gathering and using yarrow in that life. In my...
  8. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    One interesting thing is that I suffered a series of miscarriages in this life and I had a very strong fear of bleeding to death and leaving my children. Even when I wasn't bleeding enough for that to be a rational fear, I was terrified. I still feel extra protective towards my son and have had...
  9. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    I moved forward through time with no special memories surfacing except a fear of the girl and feeling of living in the shadow of her hatred. I lived in a farm house with my grandmother and this girl. I grew to young womanhood and got to know a young man from a neighboring home. He was shy and...
  10. Jadeswan

    Life in "Pioneer times"

    Last night I had a recurrence of my childhood asthma. (I haven't had but a few other episodes in adulthood.) During childhood my asthma was triggered by exercise or at night by excess dust or smoke (we had a wood burning stove.) I had been re-reading Carol's book about children's past lives and...
  11. Jadeswan

    Lists of what you really like and really dislike

    Likes: Herbs (growing, eating, using medicinally, using cosmetically), writing with a dip pen, Ireland, Scotland, curvy hills, flowing water, green meadows, forests, crystals, interesting stones, woodcarvings, crusty homemade bread, long dresses, being outdoors, candles, Indian food, silk...
  12. Jadeswan

    Rape in PL

    I was raped in past lives. Even though I was not molested or raped in this life, as a child sometimes at night I would have a sense of a dark form of a man above me and I would feel terrified. As a teenager and young adult I struggled with almost a phobia of being raped. It was only after...
  13. Jadeswan

    Imaginary Friends and Reincarnation

    What an interesting thread! My daughter has had the same two imaginary friends for quite some time and I never really thought about them relating to a past life. Their names are Mary and Lolo and she frequently talks to them and even argues with them. :D She never makes a mistake and forgets...
  14. Jadeswan

    Daughter's memories

    Hehe! Yes, I imagine working with all those animals would be tiring. A cup of hot tea would be just the thing. Seriously, the tea kettle memory seems to me to be more likely real rather than imaginary just because it's such a common, ordinary little detail.
  15. Jadeswan

    Daughter's memories

    Thank you, Eternal Life. I also initially thought that she might have been in error that she was in Africa but as you said as her story progressed it became clear that the location was accurate. I believe she also had a life in China, however. She loves to "talk" in Chinese and will constantly...