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My daughters past life- she died in 9-11


New Member
I am new here. My name is Michelle. I received many messages that my in daughter's last life she died in the twin towers. I am somewhat psychic, so some things came to me before she was born. I may have recently found out my daughters identity in her last life.
The week I became pregnant I had a dream that I was flying over the twin towers burning and I very clearly saw people jumping out. A male voice said "the soul that is coming to you died on September 11th, is anxious to come back and will be born to you in September. Seraphine was born on September 27, 2007.When I was pregnant with her, and in the grocery store one day, I saw several pregnant women and I heard a voice say, "these children died in 9/11, they are coming back."

When she was 18 months we were outside and a plane was flying overhead, she screamed "he's a maniac, he's a maniac!!" and banged frantically on the door to get into the house.. this happened on one more occasion.

We were watching tv and a 9-11 remembrance show came on, she looked at me and said, "I remember that." Then she told me she was a dancer and that she was married, she said, "this is a married kiss" and kissed me on the lips, she was almost 2. When I was changing her diaper, she just looked at me and said, "I am a Martyr," as clear as day, I couldnt believe it. I said, what are you saying?, she pronounced it extremely clearly over and over, a martyr, a martyr!" I never remember saying that word to her.

Yesterday due to a friends prompting, I asked her if she remembers anything about the maniac in the plane or about her life when she worked in the big city. Then she said :

"I remember in the city there wasn't much grass, and hardly any trees, and it was my least favorite part. But my favorite part was there were a lot of people and they were very friendly. "She also said," I was a girl." I said, what was your name? She said, A*****.

She said, " all I remember about the last day is that I said goodbye to my friends."

My husband Rob said one day they drove by a church and she said, "that's a Jesus cross, he was a martyr, and so was I ." She was 2.

Yesterday I did some more research and I found this:
obituary about a woman named A***** :


Of course I am not completely sure, but for some reason I was lead to look this up. I am asking for spiritual guidance in some form of confirmation. But it is a strong possibility that my daughter was A*****.

Thanks for having this forum!

Sincerely, Michelle

(Name has been censored by admin for privacy reasons)
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Wow, your story is very intriguing! That is so fascinating that before your daughter was born you had a dream about how she died in 9/11 in her past life- which seems to have turned out to be true! The information on "A" seems to match the information that your daughter has given you quite well. Just from what you have stated, I believe she must have been A as well. It's also fascinating that the obituary stated that A loved the beach and your daughter was born in a beach town. It's like she chose to be born there so she could be by the ocean. Thanks for sharing! :)
Hello and welcome to the forum, Michelle. I would first ask that you might want to remove the name of the 9/11 victim your daughter was so that you don't freak out her former family as this website comes up in searches on google.

I helped another parent discover the identity of their child who also died in one of the towers on 9/11. It was a horrible day but I am glad that those souls are able to come back to new bodies and live a new life.

There are many here willing to help you along the way if you need.
I just read part of her story. I don't think it was suicide. I think they looked on it as one last slim chance to survive and they took it. Sadly the odds were not in their favor. But what if a miracle could have happened?
That certainly sounds very clear to me.

I googled the name and found quite a few references and it included the information that she has a husband still alive (subsequently remarried) and two children. It sounds, from the evidence, as if she was one of the 200 or so "jumpers" from the Twin Towers (ie who chose suicide in order to die instantly, rather than by suffocation/fire/etc).

According to the information I found when googling, it has been rather "glossed over" as to how many jumpers there were, because there is a noticeable number of people in America who have religious views that state suicide is a sin and people can expect to go to "Hell" for it and hence it appears the authorities are trying to hide the extent of jumping and, possibly, make it look as if some of these people at least weren't fully aware of the consequences of jumping and were hoping they would live.

The countervailing argument to that is that it would be beneficial for those people who believe suicides go to Hell to be disproved so conclusively. The evidence is here - ie of a suicide being alive and well and quite definitely not in Hell.

I would be pondering both sides of this for some time in your position:

- on the one hand that her family from that life might be upset (though, on the other hand, they might be curious and welcoming to the idea - but we simply don't know). I have found information that her ex-husband is still wondering whether she jumped or no and hoping that she did indeed jump (ie I am guessing, from what I can see, that he would feel reassured that she took control of what happened to her at the end, rather than being a helpless "victim of fate").

- on the other hand it would be beneficial for Society as a whole to have proof that those people who believe suicides go to Hell are wrong

It is a dilemma and I wouldn't know what to do myself. I would say that it is up to your daughter (once she reaches adult age) as to whether she should "go public" and with that comprehensively trash the idea of suicides going to Hell on the one hand or decide to keep quiet (ie in case it upset her former family) on the other hand.

I think that the fact that there are so many people who have this erroneous belief that suicides go to Hell would weigh in favour of you keeping the name of your child up publicly and not deleting it from the thread imo.

I have sent you a private message with the item I felt was most prominent about her.

The other thought that strikes me is the language she is using about the event, ie describing herself as a martyr, and I think it is not going to be easy to parent this particular child. I would be wondering what her purpose was for coming back again and whether its a personal preference (ie of wanting more time on Earth) or she has decided to come back and work towards peace/international understanding. Maybe she has come back to disprove that suicides go to Hell. That is a very open question.

NB; On a practical note, whatever reason your daughter had for coming back to Earth - make comprehensive notes (tape recordings of what she says now whilst her memory of that life is still fresh/copies of googled information about this woman/etc) in case your daughter decides (on reaching adulthood) to use this information in any way.

The other practical point here is that there are a lot of trolls out there on the Internet. I doubt any of them would be on a reincarnation forum (I would hope everyone reading a forum like this would be too "advanced" a person to go in for troll-like behaviour and I would probably be correct on that). There is the slight chance though that a troll might google your daughters past life name and then find you/her and start coming out with comments. Trolls would likely come from the direction of those who believe suicides do/should go to Hell. Some of them might prefer to "troll", rather than admit they are wrong.
Ceridwen said:
It is a dilemma and I wouldn't know what to do myself. I would say that it is up to your daughter (once she reaches adult age) as to whether she should "go public" and with that comprehensively trash the idea of suicides going to Hell on the one hand or decide to keep quiet (ie in case it upset her former family) on the other hand.
On the other hand, if she waits until she is an adult she will be less credible. Look at the James Leninger case. This might be a good story for the "Ghost Inside My Child" program. Maybe the producers of that show could approach the previous family and see if they are interested in meeting the girl.
Hello Michelle,

Keep in mind that the martyr comment may come from a different, earlier, life. The only martyrs on "that day" were the hijackers themselves, i.e. people willing to sacrifice themselves for their religion.

The best thing you can do, I think, is listen and be there for your child when she wants to talk about it.

You may be right about your conclusion. Then again, you might not. My advice is, let the story come out, as it will. Best of luck to you.

Just so you know, an Alena, Yelena, and Elena died that day too, and there may be others who I missed.
Blueheart, while I agree that the 'martyr' comments may be connected to other past lives, I have to strongly disagree with your statement regarding the only martyrs being the hijackers. They were terrorists. Although they sacrificed themselves, their purpose was to kill other innocent people along with themselves, and that goes against what a true martyr is.
A martyr is anyone who is killed for a cause, whether religious or otherwise. It is not necessary to agree with a person's beliefs in order for them to be a martyr. It is something of an old fashioned word these days I agree.

It is against forum guidelines to get involved in political discussions, so perhaps it would be best to keep on topic and leave that discussion to one side.
Keep in mind it was the daughter who called herself a martyr. She was speaking as a devout Christian woman that she was before. In a sense she was a martyr. She sacrificed herself so others could live.
That is the way I took what the daughter said, ie that she sacrificed herself that others could live.

Sometimes we see parents, for instance, sacrificing themselves in order that their child might live (eg pushing them out of the way of an oncoming car or perhaps as a longer-term thing of leaving scarce food on the table so that their child might eat).

I agree that we need to keep political viewpoints out of this and haven't mentioned my own, because they aren't relevant.

What we are discussing here is that the past identity of this daughter would appear to be very clear and we are trying to help establish whether she is this person or no and, if so, what is best for OP to do about it.
Michelle June,

Thanks for sharing your daughter's story with us.

We've been following another case from "Babyrn" about her son, who was a fireman who died on 9/11 as he tried to rescue people from one of the Towers. I'm still in touch with the mother, and we have both agreed that at this point, she doesn't want to go public with the case, because of the former family's religious beliefs.

I would suggest that you think this through going public with this information very carefully, as to what effects this might have on the former family, and on your daughter. There are definitely arguments for going public, and not going public, which, I'm sure you've considered.

If you participate in a TV program, and reveal your daughter's former identity (which they probably would encourage you to do), just be prepared for the consequences. The former family could be very grateful and comforted, or they could be very disturbed by your daughter's memories. How would her former children react?

There is also the possibility that the family would embrace this information. But, as most American families go, not everyone would.

It's difficult to believe that anyone who jumped from one of the burning Towers would be considered a sinner for jumping, or even consider that a suicide. I think it was some form of self preservation from being burned alive. But, that's just my opinion.

I would be interested to know if at this point your daughter has any residual fears from the event. They would be important for you to address, so she can release that traumatic memory, and be more fully in the present.

Thank you for sharing with us. I'd love to hear your thoughts on going public with your daughter's memories, and if she is still troubled by her former death.
Well...that makes two of us then...that consider this isn't a clearcut situation. There are pros and cons and it "aint an easy one" whatever way you look at it (a bit like life as a whole then.....).

My personal view is that a "jumper" would have almost certainly known they were commiting suicide and having taken a very clear/logical decision to "end it all" as quickly/painlessly as would be possible in a "best case analysis" situation, rather than hoping for a reprieve from having survived the "jump" intact. Who knows? I function very logically and would know very well that more than a few foot of "jump" would mean that was that/end of. I fully accept that many people don't function as logically as I do personally and might be/would be hoping that they would survive intact.

I personally go into "computer automaton super logical" mode in emergency situations (for which I am very thankful)....but I do know many people don't and would react more emotionally and might cherish hopes of survival that literally wouldn't occur to "computer automaton" more "logical" type people.

It is a huge blessing imo to find that in emergency situations emotions have switched off and the brain is just coming out with a series of purely logical "instructions" as to what to do next. That has proven a huge huge blessing to me personally for one - and then deal with the "emotional" side of things later. I am very grateful for being an "automaton" in that respect...but acknowledge many others wont be...

Fingers crossed you reach the best possible decision one way or another.

Hello again,

This is Michelle. I can remove Alayna's name and/or article if it will be disturbing to people. I am just trying to put clues together. I do not believe that people who commit suicide go to hell. I believe in the reincarnation of souls for the purpose of growth and spiritual development. I believe in a merciful God.

I did not read other profiles or obituaries, I could look for Eleni, Alanna, etc... I have no way of knowing for sure who she was. For some reason when I typed out the name I typed it; Alayna, so thats the profile that came up and the martyr part just hit me like a brick. Then I also found the other signs compelling- married, religious, huddled with friends at the end, possible jumper. I think that's a lot of clues.

From the description of her life and the way she gave her life for others, I did consider her to be a martyr. I never said that word to a 2 year old, so its very interesting she said it several times and pronounced it clearly to me as if she were teaching me the word. It is also possible she was a martyr in another life.

Interestingly, in my last life I was a German soldier in the resistance of World War II. I gave my life to help people escape the concentration camp, so we may have a similar energy/soul pattern.

My daughter Sera also had a pronounced psychic ability, especially between the ages of 18 months and 3. As a toddler she would just blow my mind with her comments. It's still there but the incidences are more few and far between. She would respond to things I was thinking as if I said them, when I didnt say a word.

One day when she was two and a half, she said, do you see the boy standing on the top of the stairs? I said, "oh theres a boy there?" ( No one was there, physically anyway) she said, "yes, that's Alan."

When she was three, someone said "do you have brothers and sisters?" and (she doesn't) she said, "I have a brother named Alan." Then another time she mentioned her brother Alan. A friend suggested that Alan was a brother from a past life.

I didnt think it likely that Alan and Alayne would be in the same family, but its possible. I know 2 families with a Michael and a Michelle, so people do name repeats I guess.

My daughter's strongest reactions to planes were when she was a toddler. The panicked reaction happened twice. Around the age of four she started to talk less and less frequently about past lives and her psychic ability seemed to die down a bit. Every once in a while she makes past life comments. She usually says, "you know I was a dancer!"

As a toddler, she talked of Jesus and the "Jesus-cross" quite a bit. How would she know to say, "Jesus was a martyr and so am I" She was 2! I never used that word and neither did my husband.

She doesn't seem to have reactions to airplanes anymore. We went on a plane trip when she was four and a half and she was fine. I don't see many leftover fears. But the other day after she told me the last thing she remembered was saying goodbye to her friends, she said, "I don't want to talk about it anymore." So i stopped asking. I wonder if i should say, "that time is over and now you are safe." I don't want to traumatize her by asking her to remember too much.

There must be a reason why all this has happened. I do wonder, why is it important that I know she was in 9/11? Why did the voice tell me that in my dream so very clearly? Why the signs? I think there must be a reason we need to know?

I appreciate your thoughts. thanks!

I would tell her that happened a long time ago and she is safe now. Sounds like her memories are starting to fade, this is normal at that age. Have you been keeping a journal? Be sure to write everything down. You can show it to her when she is older. About the name, some people have been concerned that the former family might come here and see the conversation and get freaked out. But I don't know. Maybe it would be a good thing if they saw it. They could always ask about it. I wonder if the former family has read the book "Soul Survivor"?
forgot one thing..


Im replying to your comment that my daughter may not be easy to parent because of the martyr comment...

So far, she is an angel. Very, very sweet, empathic, understanding, tender-hearted, playful, sleeps well, eats well, loves people. I could not have asked for a kinder soul.

I do feel in my heart she did give her life for others, and a matyr in that way.

I had another dream 3 months before the 9/11 dream. A priest told me her name was Seraphine. He spelled it out on a blackboard. He told me it matched her energy. I conceived Port Seraphine st. Lucia. Thats where I had the 9/11 dream.

She has very strong humanitarian/healing interests already. She is six. She will probably go into the healing profession, I'm guessing.

The voice told me that "the soul that was coming to you died in 9/11, is anxious to come back, feels very strongly that it was not time to go, and will be born in September, " Verbatim. I remember every word. It was a serious, male voice. In my dream, other souls were getting assigned to other people, it was like a soul assignment roster that i popped in on. It was my impression that many 9/11 souls have came back. They need to be in embodiment in this era apparently.

Ok, now I'm done:)

Blessings and peace,

What I meant by "may not be easy to parent" is to do with the fact of she appears to be a reincarnate (if there is such a word...) of an event that had such a strong emotional impact on many Americans and not because of the soul/current identity herself iyswim. I'm guessing here that you are an American family and living in America??

It wasn't apparent that she has moved on a couple of years or so from these events and her memories and/or willingness to talk about this seem to be fading (ie from what you say in your latest post).

As you would say, it does feel like there is a reason you have been "informed" about this and it would be interesting to know what it is and I would think it relates more to the group of former 9/11 people as a whole, rather than your daughter alone iyswim. Else, why would you have been told there is a group of them back again?

Maybe the group is supposed to do something together when they grow up? From your supermarket comment, perhaps they've been reborn in the same locality as each other for a reason and to help them reunite when they are adults?? Perhaps they have a group destiny (eg to work towards peace and reconciliation/inter-faith tolerance/more open Government/to help people realise there isn't a "penalty" attached to suicide/who knows?). These are several possible scenarios. This may not be clear until they become adults or, at least, teenagers.

On the other hand, it could just be that some of them felt their lives were artificially cut short and want to have some more "life on Earth" and nothing more to it than that. If that were the case though, then that would likely apply to other people killed in wars and we would see more evidence of them reincarnating in a group.

Time will tell I guess one way or another...
Hey Michelle,

Thanks for sharing so much! Just totally as an outside view, it's extremely interesting and it sounds like you've got a great little being on your hands. I'm not a parent, and so I won't really make any comments or try to advise on anything since you've received a lot of great stuff and have good insight already. But, as a former 'past life child', I gotta say it sounds like you're doing a good job and she's lucky to have found ya.

Its great that you're doing what you're doing, keeping those records of course for when she's older and doesn't remember being 2, but just being there for her and understanding a bit of what she's going through and supporting her when she might need it is tremendously valuable to someone who's 'back'. It sounds like she went through a lot. Even though as sh's getting older and some things she says might be fading out, obviously some other things might not and there will still be those triggers out there since the traumatic event she went through will likely be brought up around her for a long time, it's part of American history now! Growing up, she still might need some guidance and support and it sounds like youre really capable of giving that. Someday she'll be older and might be interested in regression and finding out for herself, and when that time comes around you could help her with that too. Keep that kind and attentive mindset and it really sounds like you'll have a really special journey in parenthood with her. What she's got to share sounds like some really interesting stuff, and from what you've said it sounds like she's a pretty good kid, too.

Again, thanks for sharing. It's always cool to read about a good parent out there :thumbsup:
MichelleJune said:
There must be a reason why all this has happened. I do wonder, why is it important that I know she was in 9/11? Why did the voice tell me that in my dream so very clearly? Why the signs? I think there must be a reason we need to know?
In my opinion, there is no particular reason, other than that reincarnation happens. It happens to all of us. Your daughter is lucky to have a mom who listens to her, and does not dismiss her fears as nonsense.

Why do you think it is important that you know she was in 9/11? I do not think anyone here can answer that, honestly. That was meant for you.

I know that I wanted to know something about each of my children before they were born. What they were like, where they came from, etc. I received answers about each and every one of them, much like you did, and so far it seems they were right. Perhaps you just asked, and were given an answer. It might not be anything more than that. It is frustrating that with every partial answer I receive, I am left with even more questions. But that is life, I guess. Makes things interesting.

Your daughter is now six, so if you would like some advice from a parent who has been there, and is there now, I would say this. Continue to listen. Pieces may come out that on the surface seem related, but in actuality, come from different time periods and different lives.

And, sign her up for dance class.
Blueheart said:
And, sign her up for dance class.
Yes! She should do very well. The teacher might even wonder if she has had any lessons before. Ask Sera what kind of dancing she liked.
Michelle June,

I wrote about a case in my second book about a father who received information about his son as he was being born. It came to him in a flash that his son had been a Marine who was killed in the American Embassy bombing in Beirut in the 80s. This information later helped the father understand the boy's fear of loud noises, and other aspects of his personality. The father felt the information was a gift, so he could understand his son better.

The same is probably true of the message you got about your daughter. It might help explain her present personality better.

I agree that it's best to let her initiate any conversations about her other life. If she brings it up again, and you feel she needs help understanding what happened, it would be appropriate and helpful for you to say something to her. You'll know what to do in the moment.

It also sounds like your daughter is one of those souls, like Babyrn's son, who tried to help other people and died in the process. From what you're telling us, it sounds as if she has brought a great deal of empathy and understanding with her into this life. I think that positive qualities, such as altruism, carry forward into other lives. Maybe those qualities brought her to a mother who would understand her and help nurture those qualities.

I appreciate your sharing with us. There is so much to learn from these cases.
thank you!!

Thank you..for the very thought provoking and encouraging comments. I do believe that many people who died in 9/11 have a special spiritual mission. I believe that Seraphine is a very loving soul and I am blessed to have her in my life.

One her first day of preschool when she was 3, I said, "how was school, did you make any friends today?" She said "oh mommy of course, they just want me to love them!" That is just who she is:)

As the days go on, since the information was discovered I am feeling in my heart that she was "A.G." A few times when I looked at her today and yesterday, I saw A.Gs face, and even if I don't say it out loud, I say in my spirit, "thank you for your sacrifice, I am honored that you choose me."

I do think that the information does help me already, to love her and understand her soul journey more deeply. So in that way it is already helping us. More will come of it I believe, in time.

and yes...She just finished a week of dance camp, 6 hours a day. She's a pretty good tap dancer. She loves jazz and also asked me if she could take ballroom dance lessons. I have not found her a partner yet.

Thanks for being here. Its so nice to be able to converse with like minded people!!

One quetion..My sister was a few weeks pregnant when 9/11 happened. We live in Ct, and it felt like it was in our back yard. Her daughter from that pregnancy had a severe anxiety disorder as a toddler and through the age of 6 or 7. She is 11, and she cannot sleep alone on many nights. I am feeling that she is a 9/11 child. Do you think its possible that a soul can enter when a pregnancy is underway? There is a bond between her and my daughter as well.

thanks again,

my dream last night and the message

I had a dream last night about people trapped in the twin towers as they were burning. I saw people get into the elevator, then the power went out. I felt their fear as the walls and floor heated up. That's all I will say... it was horrible.. I woke up shaking. I did receive a message that confirms what you said, Carol.

The impression it left me was, "you have enough information for now. Don't ask anymore questions. you might trigger her memory." Message received!!

Love and blessings,

MichelleJune said:
One quetion..My sister was a few weeks pregnant when 9/11 happened. We live in Ct, and it felt like it was in our back yard. Her daughter from that pregnancy had a severe anxiety disorder as a toddler and through the age of 6 or 7. She is 11, and she cannot sleep alone on many nights. I am feeling that she is a 9/11 child. Do you think its possible that a soul can enter when a pregnancy is underway? There is a bond between her and my daughter as well.

thanks again,

It may not be 9-11, but something related such as the Beirut bombing, Somalia, Iran, etc. But since 9-11 happened BEFORE she was born, I would say the answer is YES. Maybe she and Sera knew each other before, such as co-workers.
MichelleJune said:
I had a dream last night about people trapped in the twin towers as they were burning. I saw people get into the elevator, then the power went out. I felt their fear as the walls and floor heated up. That's all I will say... it was horrible.. I woke up shaking. I did receive a message that confirms what you said, Carol.
The impression it left me was, "you have enough information for now. Don't ask anymore questions. you might trigger her memory." Message received!!

Love and blessings,

How very interesting, I remember like it was just yesterday as a 7 year old going into 2nd grade watching this on the news and am very glad that the victims are in high enough spirits to come back this soon :) . Perhaps if you get the children interested in reincarnation they would have an interesting story to tell. Like my spirit guides have said "Don't jump the gun too soon, wait for the right moment"
I am glad you got the message for your daughter. Listen to your inner voice. It will guide you well on this journey.

To answer your question l feel the soul can enter at any time so it is possible one of the lost chose to be your niece. I read on here that putting a blue light in the bedroom will help. My girls slept with the tv on.
Personally I have had a person die in my family die from suicide.Your story might help those families who have had suicides in the family.I agree with the above listen to your Guides or inner voice as to whether to go public or not.each situation is different.Glad your daughter is so positive and is such an angel.Glad she chose you.
What a fascinating and comforting account, Michelle. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. Your daughter sounds like a bright and joyful little soul, and I'm glad she's with you in a supportive, open-minded environment. It doesn't sound like she's suffering too much due to her past life at the moment, so you should probably follow your instincts (and dreams) and not rock the boat. If she's meant to connect with former family, I do believe an opportunity will present itself. You're obviously very intuitive, so just go with your gut.

A time may come (perhaps on some future anniversary of the event when she's older, or when she approaches the age at which the previous incarnation died,) when she will want to process these memories further. Since you are keeping a record of everything she's said and done and what you've discovered, this will be a great resource for her should she ever want more information.

Lots of luck and love to your family!
A very strong resemblance

I just looked at a picture of my daughter and was struck by her facial resemblance to AG. I wish I could post her picture for you to see. Its uncanny!