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Need Advice Here, Folks

Yellow Roses

New Member
I hope this is the correct place to post this, because it has been on my mind for several months. Over 20 years ago I was forced to break up with a man I truly loved, for reasons too long to go into here. Before she died, his mother told me that she said to him, "David, if you don't stand by this woman, you will regret it until the day you die."

I began to do Kundalini meditation about 2 years ago, though for some reason I feel stuck and haven't done it for awhile.

About a year ago I found out that David had been dead for since 2006. Last May I was lying in bed, just sort of half awake, when I noticed someone was speaking to me. I was alone in the room. Then I recognized David's voice in my right ear, I don't know how long this lasted, nor can I remember for the life of me what he said, but there is no doubt in my mind that it was him. I thought I would never hear his voice again, and just let the words wash over me. While this was happening, a beautiful red glowing heart shaped object/energy seemed to come out of the center of my chest in the area of my heart chakra. It had bright ribbons of silver-rainbow light running through it. None of it surprised me, I was in the moment with it.

Then it was gone. But I felt so good, as if I had been touched by comfort. Before that happened, funny things had been happening to me, not scary, but more like helpful. If I was walking towards my computer, and my yoga CD would turn on by themselves, things like that.

Has anyone else had an experience a similar experience, or have any thoughts on what something like this means? What kind of connection would enable things like that to happen? I should mention that Dave was not into metaphysics in the slightest way while he was alive.

Thanks for any help you can give me.
Your post touched my heart. Sometimes two people with very deep connections aren't meant to be together in this life. Finding out that Dave had died must have been a terrible shock to you. Even if you are not in contact with someone, knowing that they still exist on this "plane" of existence is comforting. I think wherever Dave is, he is aware of you and reaching out. My deceased friends and relatives communicate by sending scents that I associated with them in this life. My spirit guides occasionaly "speak in my ear" in the way you describe. Nothing as lovely as the heart chakra you describe, though. I think he's saying "I care for you, and am still with you". That's a beautiful gift. However, don't let it stop you from living your best life in the "now".
Great post, it really touched me. You can reach out to him my talking out loud or in your head to him. He may send your reply as a thought in your head ... or you may hear his voice again.

Spirit communication is powered by love, and obviously there is much love between the two of you. I am sorry you weren't together as you wished in this lifetime, perhaps in the next you can spend your lives together ....

Best wishes to you.
Many Thanks for Your Kind Words

Thank you both so much for your words of comfort and wisdom. I've been living with this for awhile and it feels wonderful to share it, it's not the kind of thing most people would understand. I do talk to David sometimes, to let him know, it's o.k., whatever happened, deep down there was always love between us, and he is free to talk to me whenever he wants, and don't feel guilty, I'm o.k. with living my life now as it is. :angel:Whatever has happened I have muddled through, and likely will continue to do so for some time to come. We will meet again, and will make things better. Thank you again for your kindness in replying to my post.
Yellow Roses what a beautiful post. BriarRose and Mama2 left you wonderful words of wisdom. I would only add that what you heard was a blessing... simply that. After a particularly lucid experience that shook me up, I encountered one of the monastics walking home, I asked him about it... he told me it was a blessing and I was fortunate. To this day I remember it in awe and reverence! Blessings to you!!

I too, in the past, have been "touched" by someone from the Other Side, receiving them by my different senses.

SENSE OF SMELL: I've smelt the familiar perfume of my deceased Grandmother late at night while working in a hospital.

SENSE OF HEARING: While driving I've heard a voice warning me of dangers ahead too many times to recount them, yet each one saved my life, because I learned to listen to them.

SENSE OF VISION: When I was little, I would see flitting shapes in my vision (I was far vision deprived) and when I was about 6 or 7 (circa about 1959) I saw my Great-Grandmother standing in the Bedroom she died back in the 1930's.

SENSE OF TOUCH: A hand belonging to ??? caressed my face (causing me to look towards the touch) to warn me of danger ahead while driving thus saving my life from an oncoming semi truck.

So using whatever sense I might receive a message fully (and understand it) "they" sent me a message of warning or comfort, knowing I would not ignore the message and would heed it.

So now, I am just awaiting the next "message", hopefully one day the message will be very clear to me "Come home child, it's time to rest!" :thumbsup:
Hydrolad, I have a question for you. When you sense the presence of people who have died through their familiar scents, can anyone else detect the smell? (Any way I phrase this it sounds awful! I usually call it "smelling dead people", which it isn't!) When my mother was in the hospital, in the process of dying, there was a very distinctive odor around her. That smell lingered everywhere my husband and I went for about a week. We showered and changed clothes right after we left the hospital, so it wasn't residual. He could smell it too, and he isn't at all "spooky", like me. He actually started talking to her. After the funeral, the smell went away, so I presume she stayed on earth for that. Now, I often smell the scents I associate with people that have passed while we are in the car. I wonder why they choose to "travel" with us? In these cases, it's usually only me who has the experience, and no one else present can detect the scent. Is it possible that the electrical activity in a car could expedite someone "coming through"? Sorry to "hijack" your post, YellowRoses. By the way I love your avatar! It looks remarkaby like my youngest daughter.
Hi BriarRose,

Is it possible that the electrical activity in a car could expedite someone "coming through"?
When I have these types of experiences it's two things. One...I am in a relaxed ~ open state of mind, and two there is a need.
I don't think it's electrical. Driving and/or riding in a car can put you in an altered mental state. Much of driving is done on "autopilot" without too much thinking done on your part, especially if it's a familiar route. When you are in an altered state it's easier for "right brain" stuff to come through. As Carol has mentioned in her books, children will sometimes talk about past life memories while riding in a car. Things that they don't normally remember at other times.

Hi, BriarRose, the night I smelled my Grandmother's perfume (White Shoulders) I was alone in the RT office filling out the massive hospital wide Oxygen log and really concentrating on getting it right and this might have put me in an altered state, as sometimes I will note the time and then do something really hard and look at the time again and wonder where a complete hour went.

I've never been "formally" hypnotized, but suspect instances mentioned above and instances as a child could have been self induced forms of being hypnotized while awake, I know I was a champion day dreamer, so to speak.

And yes, Spirits (or Souls) use electricity as form of energy they can use to facilitate coming through the "veil" so to speak, in fact, the draining of batteries at a ghost haunting scene is often touted as a sign of a Spirit or Soul coming through and using whatever form of energy they can use to do so.

IMHO there seems to be two types of smells, when the body is dying, I believe it's chemistry changes and some people can detect that (i.e.: as in the smell of death) and secondly, that Spirits or Souls use our Sense of Smell to alert us of their presence here after returning to the Earth plane for a visit, perhaps your Mother was using a scent to remind you of her as a measure of comfort, this would account for you being able to smell a scent after the passing of your Mother into Spirit, in fact, I firmly believe that my Grandmother visited me that night, many years ago, perhaps to try and impart the message that she was being reborn into another body somewhere in the world.

I hope this information helps you and if I left a question unanswered then please feel free to ask any questions again, it's only by questioning that we learn answers to the mysteries of our existence. :)
Thank you all for your suggestions. It's helpful to know that other people have the " odor" experience. Recently, a friend who had passed came through while I was in the car. It was her perfume. Several weeks later, I had a lucid dream where she relayed a message to another mutual friend. They both had some problems with "hoarding", and she said that in the end "stuff" doesn't matter, only love. Deborah's idea was valid, that the appearances of people who have "passed on " come from need, eithor ours, or theirs. Hydrolad and Yellow Roses, have eithor of you had a "near death" experience? I was born not breathing, and the hospital was so small and rural that it had no resuscitation equipment. There was a delay while they waited for the fire department to arrive. I've read that an "ND" sometimes leads to channels being open, that might not have been otherwise. It's my opinion that everyone has the ability to access "paranormal" experiences, if the right "trigger" occurs.
BriarRose said:
I've read that an "ND" sometimes leads to channels being open, that might not have been otherwise. It's my opinion that everyone has the ability to access "paranormal" experiences, if the right "trigger" occurs.
I have heard of other cases of a ND experience "opening people up". Sometimes all it takes is a blow to the head, as in Edgar Cayce who fell off a ladder. It's like there are parts of the brain that are not normally used. Conventional science has no idea of how far behind they are in researching these things. Many scientists still believe these things are not possible only because they have no way to explain them.
Much like hydrolad, I've had a few experiences myself.

I had found a kitten outside of my work, whom I took home and where she quickly became a beloved member of the family. She was an inside outside cat and she had a collar with a bell on it. The ringing of the bell became quite familiar to us.

After about 3 years we discovered she had feline leukemia and we had to put her to sleep. As I was bringing her ashes into the house from the vet's, I heard the distinct sound of her bell outside the house. Both me and wife also witnessed this inside the house together at the same time along with a meow.

When me and my wife found out that she was pregnant with our son, I became quite nervous and filled with anxiety. I had a bad relationship with my parents and we were living at their house after we had just gotten married on a sort of "borrowed time".

I figured that this would only be seen as one more way in which I screwed up. But I prayed quite hard on it and I said "you tell me what to do and I'll do it" and I quite plainly heard in reply and quite calmly "have this child and do not be afraid". And well, we did and everything is now better than it ever has been.

The third incident I've had is that I became quite discouraged about grad school. I ended up taking a nearly two year break and I had a dream in which I was filling out a college application and when I felt a distinct tap on the right shoulder that woke me up.

My wife was sleeping and facing the other direction when I woke up. I did some research and it seems that messages from angels and other sorts of communication seem to take place on or over the right shoulder. I figured this is a message to stop dragging my feet and to finish grad school!

That also makes you think about the cliche in tv and such when someone is faced with a difficult decision, there sometimes appears and angel and a devil over each shoulder. Maybe it was a folk tale with some truth to it!
Argonne, I didn't know that fact about Edgar Cayce. That fall was a blessing in disguise. Tortoro, your experiences are very interesting. I met a powerful psychic once, who told me that I had two little "bright spirits" over my right shoulder, so your "shoulder" comment resonates with me. Years ago, my youngest sister had gotten into a lot of trouble that no one in the family knew about. While sleeping, someone shouted in my right ear, "Help your sister!" I investigated, and did the best I could to help out. I totally believe your story about your cat. When Sylvia Browne asked for "pet spirit" stories, she was inundated with responses. I think her book "All Pets Go to Heaven", resulted from that request. I still feel there may be a genetic component in paranormal experiences. If not, a family atmosphere conducive to relating them probably helps. I come from a southern family, where people would stay up late at night, and tell their ghost stories and premonitions. Aren't paranormal threads fun? I think if I had to live in the everyday world all the time, I would have died from boredom years ago!
To BriarRose

No, no Near Death Experiences (NDE's), but I have had several spontaneous Out of Body Experiences (OBE's), one of which was verified by the child whose house I visited, the next day he asked if I was the man who had visited their house that night.

I too was born and raised my entire life in the South and I don’t know if this is prevalent elsewhere, but if you spill salt, you should sprinkle some salt into your right hand and send it sailing over your left shoulder, right into the face of the Devil, so this also illustrates the Angel on the Right shoulder and the Devil on the Left shoulder.

I'm sorry about your difficult birth experiences, I was born Caesarian because my late Mother had had Polio in her back, hips and Pelvis and a normal birth was impossible, I was told I spent almost 2 weeks in what passed for a Neo Natal Unit back then, on a angle, face down, draining out my lungs, but of course, I don't remember anything.

Please feel free to ask any questions and some knowledgeable person will try and answer it and if I failed to do so early, welcome to the Past Life Forum, where you are surrounded by like-minded people. :)
I have no memory of being born in this life, but oddly remember being born in a PL. I am in so many ways incompatible with my birth family, that I probably changed my mind about being born in the delivery room, and tried to go back the other way.
Argonne, I'm sure you're right. I'm sure I have failed whatever Karmic test it was, as I have spent most of my life running from my relatives. I couldn't handle the excesses of every kind, and substance abuse that they indulged in. I think happiness and peace of mind are a choice. I haven't always had those things, and certainly feel guilt about not dealing with my "kith and kin", but I could not have survived their "life choices". The thought of having to "prop them up" during another life time fills me with horror.
Hi BriarRose & All:

Smells like this happen regularly during reverse speech session work. RS analysis of a person speech reveals deep metaphors of the mind. Some of these metaphors indicate what mental pictures need to be changed for healing to occur. People are then taken into a light hypnotic guided meditation and guided to change the pictures in their mind. The changes to a person's life are often quite profound and sometimes smells come seemingly out of nowhere during the meditation.

Many of these smells are logically connected with the healing. I remember reading about a large variety of smells in the book "It's Only A Metaphor", like dirty feet, perfume, cooking meat, smoke, lilacs, coffe and more. So, as I see it, we are all capable of producing these kinds of smells, but it's a deep process and it's rare in "normal" states of consciousness.

BriarRose said:
Hydrolad, I have a question for you. When you sense the presence of people who have died through their familiar scents, can anyone else detect the smell? (Any way I phrase this it sounds awful! I usually call it "smelling dead people", which it isn't!) When my mother was in the hospital, in the process of dying, there was a very distinctive odor around her. That smell lingered everywhere my husband and I went for about a week. We showered and changed clothes right after we left the hospital, so it wasn't residual. He could smell it too, and he isn't at all "spooky", like me. He actually started talking to her. After the funeral, the smell went away, so I presume she stayed on earth for that. Now, I often smell the scents I associate with people that have passed while we are in the car. I wonder why they choose to "travel" with us? In these cases, it's usually only me who has the experience, and no one else present can detect the scent. Is it possible that the electrical activity in a car could expedite someone "coming through"? Sorry to "hijack" your post, YellowRoses. By the way I love your avatar! It looks remarkaby like my youngest daughter.
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Hello OutOfTheBox, Thank you for the post. I was unfamiliar with reverse speech sessions, and had to do some research. It seems to be an intriguing field of study. It makes sense that the smells could be a product of the subconscious mind, as I know from the work of Dr. John Sarno that physical pain is often produced by the subconscious. I will attempt to locate the book you referenced. I was not aware that the smells are a rare occurrence, but I am here to learn. Again, many thanks.
Hydrolad, I have a question for you. When you sense the presence of people who have died through their familiar scents, can anyone else detect the smell? (Any way I phrase this it sounds awful! I usually call it "smelling dead people", which it isn't!) When my mother was in the hospital, in the process of dying, there was a very distinctive odor around her. That smell lingered everywhere my husband and I went for about a week. We showered and changed clothes right after we left the hospital, so it wasn't residual. He could smell it too, and he isn't at all "spooky", like me. He actually started talking to her. After the funeral, the smell went away, so I presume she stayed on earth for that.
I just wanted to say that I remember my mother telling me that when she was a small child she could 'smell the dead'. That is, she could smell when someone was going to die (when they weren't sick or anything), and she'd smell them after they were buried. It sounded awfully weird to me! OMG Anyway, her mother told her not to talk about it because if she did she'd lose the ability. (And, also, perhaps, people would think she was freaky. :laugh:) But my mom did lose the ability as she grew older. Or so she claimed.
Sister Grey said:
I just wanted to say that I remember my mother telling me that when she was a small child she could 'smell the dead'. That is, she could smell when someone was going to die (when they weren't sick or anything), and she'd smell them after they were buried. But my mom did lose the ability as she grew older. Or so she claimed.
Sounds like your mother may have had psychic or intuitive ability as a child. I think children are more sensitive to these things than most adults.
In my case, the ability didn't appear until I was thirty-nine. I think it is an attempt to communicate, and I am something of an "open door". If that's the case, it wouldn't "gibe" with your mother's ability to detect the scent before the person passed, Sister Grey. I think it is freaky, too, but it has given comfort to a few people I know that have lost someone. I'm so glad that I only occasionaly see ghosts, and it's never anyone I know. I really don't think I could handle it.