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Question about Reincarnation and Miscarriages



Hi!First time here. Have believed in reincarnation for years. This is a neat site. Anyhow, was wondering if anyone here has had any experiences with the whole miscarriage/reincarnation issue. I personally had 3 miscarriages before finally giving birth to my first child. He is now almost 2 and we have a new baby as well. Very hopefull and anxious for my son to start really talking to find if he is one of my earlier babies. Same with my new daughter.
I just live with the hope that they are both or maybe even just one of them is the same soul who just kept trying to get to us. Any thoughts or insight?
Hi Kampy, welcome to the forum. We did have quite an extensive thread concerning this very issue, which Deborah had posted this past May(?) when "Return From Heaven" came out. If you haven't read that or "Children's Past Lives" Kampy, you might find them to be quite enlightening reads.

Deborah, do you know what happened to that thread? Did it get deleted with some other stuff?

Hope you're all having a great day. Take Care, -Kathy. :)
Hey Kampy!

I think that when they start talking, they can start putting their memories into words. I think I've read that between 3 and 5 are the "best" times to talk to kids about past live memories. Carol's book does have some good advice - about not asking leading questions, how to support the remembering process, how to not freak out when he/she does remember!

I've been thinking alot about this topic, as I just started trying to get pregnant this past weekend! I'm really trying to remind myself that I'm potentially growing a body for the baby soul out there who is supposed to come to me. My ex-gf miscarried one of her twins, and I've been actively inviting that soul to come to me - so I also would like to a miscarried babe/soul return to me.

Good luck talking with your babes in the days and years to come! Whoever they are, whether they've been with you previously, or it's the first time of several lifetimes, they are all so precious. Kiss those kids and hold them tight! :D
The first time I got pregnant, I was treated to what I came to refer to as "home movies." Basically a vision of what I believe to be an important life in the history of the child I was carrying. At the time I didn't know exactly what it was, just that I found it very distracting because it kept getting stronger, to the point that I could see it even with my eyes open. One night I mentioned it to my husband who decided to see if he could figure out what it was. He ended up channelling the spirit. The first thing he said was "No, it's too soon to choose." I didn't know what he meant, but my first reaction was to tell him "Then don't." We ended up talking for awhile, and he left; little did I realize that that was the end of my pregnancy. Two weeks later while I was at work I started to bleed.

I know that this child isn't either of my older two. (The first is a reincarnation of a Native American according to his "home movies," and the 2nd is someone with an attachment to my husband who died as a 10 year old girl in her last life) What I don't know is who my youngest daughter is. I never got the home movies with her, and she isn't quite old enough to really let me know. (though she did start talking fluently at only 18 months, and had her first complete sentence at 19 months.)
Hi Kampy,

The thread on abortion has been moved to this section now..here is the link in case you are interested. Your situation is different than mine, but the implications..are the same ;)
See chapter 7 of Return From Heaven about abortion

I loved your personal story Megan -- thank you for sharing it! Your description of "watching a movie" is very much in line with what I have experienced and what my friends have experienced before the birth of their children..or miscarriage - or abortion.

How old is your daughter?
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She'll be 2 on Christmas day. She mostly speaks in single word sentences like most kids, but she has occasionally used complete sentences. Her first sentence, was Don't tickle me, please.

I thought about putting the story in your thread Deb, but it didn't really seem to fit as well.
Question about Reincarnation and Miscarriges

Okay this is really personal and very hard to write, but here it goes:

Three years ago this august when I was 18 I had a miscarrige within the first month of pregnecy. At the time of the miscarrige I didn't know I was pregent, I only knew I was feeling well and I was getting sick every day at work. At the time I attributed the sick feeling to the mono I was just get over, but looking back I relized it was the signs of the oncoming pregency.

I miscarried in August, when my then boyfriend (and now fiancee) was out of town visiting realitives in Arkanasas. The miscarriage was devestating for me, especially without any one to talk to about it. Thinking back, at the time we wouldn't have been able to finacly handled a child and there would've been other problems as well.

But still not a week goes by when I don't think of the child that would've been two years old this april/may. And with my beliefe in reincarnation I find my self wondering if I'll ever get my baby back. Is this wishfull thinking? I guess what I'm curious to know is if any other women have been through the same thing and have gotten their child back through reincarnation. I guess in my case I'm still waiting for a sense of finality. . .

Sorry for the rambling post. . .I guess I'm still looking for a happy ending. If any one else has had an experince like mine with a 'happy' ending I'd love to hear about it.


all that we see or seem
is but a dream within a
I went to see someone a few years ago and she told me I would have a child (I can not have any more now )before the year 2000, a girl, however later on in the reading she said that destiny did not want me to have a girl and I would have a boy, in 98 I fell pregnant but miscarried at 3 months and I was devastated but at the begin of 99 I fell pregnant again and my son was born Oct 99. I believe that I was pregnant in 98 with a girl and it was my destiny for some reason to have a boy,and that is why I miscarried, I know the answers will present themselves when the time is right.

Have faith and strength
I would say it is definitely possible. If it is someone you have a close connection with, you will meet them again one way or the other--on the other side, or here. Also I think the inner connection is still retained regardless of the miscarriage. You could think of it as a relative visiting from another country, and somehow you miss the train connection and don't get to see them. At least, it's more like that, than how we in our materialistic culture are tempted to look at it, that someone was almost created but died forever. Reincarnation gives you a very different way of looking at things. But then there's the emotional side that can't be denied, either...
Steve S.
Hi Sephira.
I didn't want a family but against all the odds I discovered I was pregnant. I was devastated and even considered an abortion. Then one evening as I sat feeling at my lowest I was suddenly aware of a presence in the room. I could sense a child and all their characteristics. I felt warm and started to giggle. All the negative feelings left in an instant.
When my son was born I knew that we were meant to be together. We have been before and against all the odds, he found a way to come back into my life. He is exactly the person that came to visit me that evening.
I feel sure that your child is with you now and when the right moment comes along you'll be physically reunited.
Love and hugs Gemeni.
Hi Sephira Jo, my mom had a miscarriage after I was born, and when I was an adult, 2 psychics told me my first born child, a boy, would be the soul she miscarried. My mom always felt that child would have been a boy. My first born child is a boy, and he and my mom are so very close. She and I truly believe he is that soul she miscarried. I was told by the psychics that he wasn't meant to be her child, but needed to connect w/her, and chose to briefly enter the body she carried.

I had a twin pregnancy the second time, and I knew I was pregnant w/a boy and girl. Fraternal twins run in my family. I miscarried the boy in my 3rd month of pregnancy, and kept my daughter. My husband and I plan on having one more child, and my son has told me that it will be the boy I lost. He's already told me his name, and says his brother is in his room w/him at night. We'll see if he's right.

I've read that all miscarried souls join us when we cross over to the other side. So if you don't see that soul in another child of yours, you will see it when you cross over.
Great Blessings to you.
I think it's pretty likely that you will get your baby back. I had an ectopic pregnancy when the baby was 10 weeks along. No one knew that the baby was outside of the uterus until the fallopian tube ruptured. The surgeon had to remove that tube, and repair the other, leaving me with only one. He told me that conception would be possible, but difficult in the future.
Seven months later, I was pregnant again, and now am the mother of a beautiful 8 month old boy, Jordan Izaiah.
Anything is possible. I often wonder if Jordan is the baby I lost to the tubal pregnancy. Either way, I love him immensely, as you will love your child one day.
Hi Sephira

I'm sorry about your miscarriage. I've never experienced that myself but I have one child and I can see how devastating that could be.

My sister had a miscarriage a little over 2 years ago. However, she became pregnant again about 4 or 5 months later. I then became pregnant about 5 months after she did. Now, my sister and I are VERY close. We sound alike, have the same mannerisms, it's as though we call each other to match clothing for the day, we always end up putting on the same colors on the same day, we read each other's minds, we married two friends, etc, I could go on....Anyway, after I got pregnant, I couldn't help but think that her baby wanted to wait a few more months so she could be that much closer in age to mine. Or, perhaps both the babies were in on the plan, which is probably the case. Of course, we both had girls, and they are still babies, but on their way to being the best of friends!!! My sister's girl just learned to say "hi", and always gives my girl a hearty "HI!!" when she sees her.

Another thing I wanted to tell you was that my grandmother had 6 children. Between number 5 and 6 she had a stillborn. My aunt, number 6, firmly believes she was that stillborn baby, a boy, and that she changed her mind at the last minute because she decided she wanted to be a girl. It's very probable because she's very feminine, and vain!! She's a girly girl for sure.

It sounds to me like your baby decided to wait until you and your fiance are more prepared for a child. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. You're still so young, there's probably lots of babies in your future, just waiting for the right time to join the family! Although my daughter is only 7 months old and plenty for me to handle right now, I feel strongly that there's a little boy who's waiting to come to us. And I keep saying "Please, wait until your sister is out of diapers!!!!" (heehee)

Take care,

i know how you feel i miscarried my daughter katelynn Sky last Feb 11. and not a day goes by i don't think of her she would be 9 mos old now if she was here and i cry inside and out over her still. i was 3 mos preg when i lost her and in my case i got to meet her before she left. she came to me in a dream 3 days before i lost her. i was on a train and she got on the train (and if you ever saw an angel that what she looked like) and she jumped in my lap and we were riding to what i now know was a place between earth and heaven. when the train stoped she and i got off and this place was full of people including little children and they called for all the children to go first and she left in this bright light and i remeber waking up crying so bad. that was on a thursday and sunday i miscarried. i often ask the same as you will she come back to me, what i did to deserve this pain, did she not want me, all sorts of question. i ask her often to come back.but all i can do is wait.
I do know how you feel. I had a miscarriage 31 years ago when I was 19. I was about 3+ mos. along. It was very traumatic & no one wanted to talk about it. The odd thing was, my pregnancy tests kept turning up neg. & the pregnancy wasn't defineately confirmed until I finally miscarried. Several years went by & I went on to have two sons. But I always wanted a daughter. I made a difficult & very painful decision to terminate a twin pregnancy. I had had a very vivid image of a female newborn, so this was doubly difficult. I just felt to my marrow that I was meant to have no more children with this man. I divorced this man & went on to another relationship. One day I had a VERY vivid half-waking image of the life of an Irish immigrant girl during the Potato Famine who died in childbirth. I am certain the child I carried who died with me in Philadelphia is my daughter. The night I got pregnant this last time she announced herself to me as I slept. It was a terrible pregnancy & she showed her tenacity early by hanging in there healthy to full term. A week after I got pregnant with her we had a freak house fire & our house burned down! We all got out ok. I don't think she intended to hurt us, she was getting impatient & just wanted to make certain I knew she was coming! She is 16 years old now but she has always been in a tearing hurry to grow up. I'll leave it at that.
So I am sure that as my child finally came to me, yours will come to you, and you'll know her when she does. They are determined little critters!


[This message has been edited by Rose Memories (edited 06-29-2002).]
I have been reading this thread, each new post to it, and avoiding posting to it because my situation was a little different. When I got pregnant 21 years ago, my life was a terrible mess. I was an emotional wreck, barely able to get myself through life, let alone a child. I had to make a very difficult choice at that time and while it tore me apart, I made a decision to have an abortion. I did not make the decision lightly, and as I said, it was one of the most heartwrenching decisions I ever had to make in this life. And, I realized later, whether by abortion or miscarriage, it is still a lost child, or soul. I believe though, like RoseMemories that when a soul is determined to connect, to share your life, it is going to find a way. My daughter was also one of those insistant ones... She came back the very next year at the same time! And, from the moment she made her existance known, she connected with me, sent me strong signals that this time she was going to stay, that we were going to get through it together. From the very beginning I knew she was a girl, I knew her name and I saw her determined but smiling face in my dreams. She is twenty now, and just as determined and stubborn as she was in the beginning!
Hi Dreamfairie,

Thank you for sharing your story. I know how you feel. It was difficult for me to share mine too, but after reading Carol's new book, I decided to start the thread in the link I have provided here.

There are a couple of beautiful stories in the thread, shared by a few others. Hopefully you will find comfort in them as well. I know I did!


If I could make a statement about what is real, the best I could do, is tell you how I feel.
Deborah, thank you so much for the link.. have tears in my eyes now, due to that and a dream I had last night after thinking about all of this again.. don't have time right now but I will share the dream later tonight. It seemed to put a lot of things together from a past life too and when I woke up I had a huge sense of peace and relief, understanding about so much in this life time!!


I look forward to reading about your dream. But-- if I miss it..would you be so kind as to rattle my cage???


Memory is an abstract painting - it does not present things as they are, but rather as they feel. --Eugenia Collier
It's so wonderful reading all of these stories. You all are really connected w/these souls, myself included. Thank you, everyone, for sharing. My husband and I are now trying for that 3rd baby, and I really feel the soul is a boy, that boy that I lost. My daughter was so determined to hang in there during my miscarriage, and she is just as strong now! I feel such a connection to her. I've felt this since I was 20 years old (I'm 34 now). I wish everyone healing, love, and joy.
Deborah, I posted my experience and my dreams to the other thread you gave me the link to. Thought it would be most appropriate there. Love and blessings to all of you here!!
When I was with my ex-girlfriend, right before we met, she miscarried a boy at 9 weeks and stayed pregnant with her little girl. I'm convinced that because she so desperately wanted a girl but NOT a boy, that the boy left. We are no longer together, but I am waiting for that little boy to come to me to be his mama. I did get pregnant last August but miscarried in October - I'm sure it was a girl. Strangly enough, I believe my son let this little girl "take cuts" in line, and they both knew this pregnancy wouldn't last. She just needed to incarnate for a few weeks. I don't know if she'll be back or not! The boy, however, I keep expecting. I'll start trying to get pregnant again in September, so we'll see if he returns! I hope so. He has visited me in my dreams several times!
When does the soul enter the body/Abortions, miscarriages, etc.

I'd like to see what everyone's opinion on this subject is...
When do you think our soul enters our body?
The moment of conception, birth, or some time in-between?
What do you think happens in the case of abortions (or miscarriages)? Just curious as to what everyone else thinks.

I believe that our soul becomes connected to us as soon as we are conceived. As for abortions and miscarriages, I'm not sure, I guess the soul would just leave like it does when we die...Does anyone have any memories prior to your birth?
Littlemoon said:
I'd like to see what everyone's opinion on this subject is...
When do you think our soul enters our body?
The moment of conception, birth, or some time in-between?
...Does anyone have any memories prior to your birth?
I hope I'm not misremembering--it's been a while since I read his books--but Dr. Michael Duff Newton is very interested in the time between incarnations and uses hypnotic regression to get people's accounts of that time. I believe he put forth the theory that the soul is not 100% attached to the body until some months after birth.

Dr. Newton's books are Journey Of Souls, Destiny Of Souls, and Life Between Lives (I haven't read that last one yet).
Hey Littlemoon, just gonna throw my two cents in:

I believe that the soul and the body are joined at the moment of conception. That's why abortion is (in my opinion) so terrible.
I do however, think that during pregnancy, at least at the beginning, as in early childhood, the soul kind of comes and goes in and out of the body. What I mean is, it doesn't stay in the body at all times, or many even most of the time. But it's already ''attatched'', if you will, to the body.

This is what I believe, on instinct mostly, rather than because of my religion. And remember that the connection between a mother and child begins in the womb, not after birth. When I say connection, I don't mean the affection a mother usually has for her unborn child. I mean the bond that is formed, that goes both ways: the baby can hear the heartbeat of the mother, and is sensitive to her moods and what goes on around her. Also the fact that a fetus can actually have dreams, and recognize it's mother's voice, and even recognize songs and poems,(saw that on t.v, National Geographic channel :) ) says that there's got to be more than the physical presence in the womb. There's a soul in there, too.

And finally, the one thing that definitely cinches my personal belief in the presence of a soul in a fetus/new born is the fact that, as a med student, I've seen many many many births. I've received and helped clean the babies a couple of times, and when I look into their eyes, I see someone there, staring right back. I cannot believe that children are born without a soul. ;)
Hi Everyone,

I agree that souls are "attached" to the body at the moment of conception (via previous agreements), but I don't think that we are spiritually attached to every body we grow in. From the things I remember, the soul does come and go at will (or "visit" as I had said). Souls that decide not to return to the womb after a "visit", for whatever reason, are miscarriages. I also read that while a fetus is developing, a soul can decide that they have chosen the wrong path and to leave that body and another can decide to step in and take over (by agreement, not possession...lol).

I once read a book by Anne Meurois, unfortunately it is not translated in english. Anne and her husband make astral travels often, and were in the possibility to watch a Soul from the moment it had chosen/was drawn to her new parents - some time before conception, till the birth in the new body.

I have found a summary of the book on the internet, maybe you will like the read :)

http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/talesincarnatingsoul.htm#The Seven Steps

The story starts halfway the page, subtitle: The Seven Steps, history of birth and rebirth.


I think the answer for this varies, depending on the person and circumstances of their rebirth.

According to Helen Wambach' research, only 11% of her subjects joined the fetus in the fist 6 months of pregnancy, and only a few of those at conception. About 12 % connected themselves with the fetus in the 6th month and 39 % in the last three months. 33 % descended shortly before birth and 5% immediately after birth. Once joined with the body, the soul/spirit doesn't usually stay in the body, but usually does stay near the mother, however the earlier joined, the more likely to have prenatal memories (memories of being in the womb that is).

Just because the spirit/soul hasn't attached to the body, doesn't mean the body hasn't been spoken for though. It just means the "astral cord", or the conscience hasn't become attached to the body yet. As I understand it, most souls/spirits don't become attached until the fetus is viable, and miscarriage or abortion are unlikely.

Return From Heaven is the book in which Carol Bowman discusses this. It's an interesting read and gives a lot to think about.
Ailish said:
I agree that souls are "attached" to the body at the moment of conception (via previous agreements), but I don't think that we are spiritually attached to every body we grow in.
Souls that decide not to return to the womb after a "visit", for whatever reason, are miscarriages.

Out of all the theories that have been shared here, this is the one that I like the most. It just makes a lot of sense and 'feels' right to me.I had never thought about miscarriages, and the explanation for them, in terms of soul matters, but after having read this it suddenly makes sense.
Hi Littlemoon,

In the "The process of rebirth" thread I used the word "abortion" instead of "misconception" because here in Brazil, in the Portuguese language, we use the term "natural abortion" for a misconception.

On the sequence of "The Process of Rebirth", there is the following in James Van Praagh's book "Reaching to Heaven":

"Sometimes in my readings a spirit will speak about the conditions of a mother's body and the importance of keeping healthy not only on a physical level but on the emotional, psychic, mental and spiritual levels as well. An incoming spirit is linked physically with its mother and picks up everything that is around and within the mother's aura...

When an abortion takes place, a spirit has not fully invested the body and returns to the spiritual realms. A new being is spiritually linked to its mother, and is completely aware that an abortion may occur. It seems that abortions occur for the mother's spiritual growth. Before incarnating, a spirit will set up a situation like having an abortion to work through lessons of self-worth, guilt, failure, and love of self. Is there a karmic effect on a woman in a future incarnation because of this act? Not necessarily. Hopefully, a woman will learn and grow in self-love and come to self-enlightenment because of such an emotionally difficult experience."