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Regression - Information


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Two important links for people to reference. Carol has them on her website which is linked to this forum. ;) There are important links, and her answers to many questions people have when they first begin exploring past lives.

Regressions by the untrained.

What is a regression?

I hope people find this information helpful.
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If anyone has questions - please feel free to ask them here. If you have a question, chances are someone else has it too.
Thanks for sharing this Deborah, I really found it quite helpful actually! I'm still new to the whole subject of past lives and life between lives (for about a month or so) and on one hand I'm actually somewhat eager to have a session done to see it for myself but on the other hand I feel like I should read up a bit more about it all first. I'm not in a hurry and shouldn't rush into it I don't think.

I'm reading 'journey of souls' at the moment and it really opened my eyes and I can't wait to read more!

I was wondering if you think it would be a good idea to start with something like self meditation first? I think it would really help me to get me closer to myself if that makes sense, though I don't really know where to start. Any calming/ meditation music you can recommend? :)
Hi Sawol,

I highly recommend the OM CD - for reasons listed in the link. Doing meditation before a regression is a good idea. ;)

Running out the door to work. I hope you find it helpful.
Deborah - Do you also do Life Between Lives Regression?

Hi Carol Bowman

Thank you for all of the work on your site.

It has been an instrumental stepping stone as I learn all about the reality of the spirit entity within us all.

I am aware that you do "Past Life Regression" hypnotherapy.

Do you also do "Life Between Lives" hypnotherapy?

I am now at the point where I have sufficent information on the subject that I would like to give this a try.

I am curious to explore immediate past lives and would also like to see if I can go as far back as 10,500BC and 10,000BC.

I also have a very strong interest to discover who my Soul Group is. In this particular life time I feel that I have requested some alone time / holiday time after a particularily busy past life.

I look forward to your reply.

Best to email me as well at my address on record.

I am preparing for a cross country trip across Canada and then back across the United States and would like to visit you for this regression / regressions.

To my knowledge I have no dramatic past life issues.

I feel that I am a more experienced soul based on reading Michael Newton's book and my behaviours in this life. Very good at handling stress. No tendencies towards jealously. No drug use. No alcohol abuse. A watcher of world events. Very peaceful and loving soul. Athletically inclined. Distinct feeling that I am here on a holiday. I am not a healer.

However that said I also exhibit very young immature qualities too on occassion. So I look forward to see my spirit color to get this cleared up if possible just for my own interest.

Immune system is exceptionally strong (I never get sick), which may also be a sign of a long reincarnation history on Earth. I am hoping so as I would like to be regressed back to 10,500BC if possible. Egpyt and the pyramid building era. Then forward to 10,000BC and the asteroid impact during this period.

If unable to go back this far, I am hoping that a Life Between Lives regression might be able to answer some questions I have with regards to this period of time.

It is my hope that a Life Review experience as a TimeKeeper in training or personal experience may reveal a class project with regards to this recent period in Earth History.

Goal of our working together is to discover if "Life Between Lives" and "Past Lives" can be used to clarify historical events for current present educational purposes and documentaries.

An initial successful experiment has already been done with James the World War II US fighter pilot.

I have a very close connection with my Spirit Guide / Spirit Girl whom I call Melody and my Spirit Team (who are also a bunch of joksters) and over the past four months I have been pointed slowly one step at a time in this direction.

If you are not too busy this summer Carol, I feel this might be a good time for us to meet each other.

I am aware of your work and trust myself in your care to do this Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives session / sessions.

Thank you Carol.

Arnold Vinette

Ottawa, Canada

Please look at my website for more information about past life therapy and "life between life" therapy.

Usually, as a matter of course, when doing a past life regression and passing through the moment of death, a client will go into the "LBL" state to some degree. That is where the real processing of the past life is done, and also where one can connect with the Higher Self, the soul consciousness, or whatever you want to call it; that state of consciousness has different names.

The way I do the past life regression therapy is psychologically based. We address specific emotions, thoughts, and physical symptoms--different aspects of the present personality--to access the past life material. This makes the regression relevant to the present life and also has therapeutic value. I don't suggest to a client to go to a particular time period. Other therapists may use that approach, but I don't find that to be as helpful or relevant.

If you are interested in doing a past life regression, please use the contact information on my website. I do screen clients before making an appointment. I want to make sure that you understand what's involved in a session, and I want to determine if past life regression is appropriate for you.
