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A memory of Mussolini’s rescue


Senior Registered
So the title kind of gives this away but first some backstory. A couple of years ago my husband informed me that I sat up in bed in the middle of the night and said to him while still asleep “You’re part of the rescue plan to Italy!”complete with an accent that he didn’t recognize.

I’m not a sleep walker or talker and despite being from the southern US I don’t have any type of accent. When he first told me I actually found it hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing about it until my husband seemed insulted that I wasn’t taking it seriously. He was so struck by it that he wrote down what happened right after to be sure he could tell me in the morning. Fast forward to last night and somehow I found myself reading about WW2 and the blitz. I wondered if maybe it was related to my strange outburst and googled the blitz in Italy. One of the first results was wiki article about the Gran Sasso Raid. https://sofrep.com/specialoperation...ing-raid-by-nazi-commandos-rescues-mussolini/

This seems to fit with what I said perfectly. I even found some YouTube videos of German people speaking English and played them for my husband and he said the accent matched. I’m a bit flabbergasted and would love to hear others opinions.
Hi, on the sound of this I Agree it can be very much past life related. You are so lucky to have a husband who support you in this. I have felt alone all my life with my memories until I found this forum, it is a true blessing.

Best Wishes
Li La
That's a very interesting story Sarra! And it was nice and clever that your husband took it seriously and actually made a note. So many people would just simply think it was something random and funny. We probably miss hundreds of such hints in our lives...

I wonder if you had anything to do with Skorzeny. Have you tried to look up some photos? Skorzeny served in Budapest too and my past self participated in an action organized by him. Unfortunately I haven't recalled anything from that day, I just found my name in the description of that certain event.
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It's only a single sign, to nail down, confirm or even validate a PL you will need actual memories.

Still, it is a strong sign. What else would make you say this? And why would you speak with a German accent? I don't think there were that many rescue plans where Germans went to Italy (honestly, I have no idea).
Hope you will be able to find out more.
@Scavenger It was lucky that he took it seriously because I honestly didn’t think I t was PL related until last night. I haven’t seen any photos beyond those that were in the article I linked in my post (not sure if it showed up though) and some on Wikipedia and nobody seemed familiar in those. I’ll look for more though.

@SeekerOfKnowledge Nothing in my current life would make me talk about Italy in my sleep. The absurdity of it is was made it so funny to me at the time. I have no connections to or particular interest in Italy other than whatever Italian art history was covered in my art school classes 10+ years ago. The German accent is relevant because it was German soldiers sent by Hitler who freed Mussolini. You can read about that in mine and Eva1942’s link.
I haven’t seen any photos beyond those that were in the article I linked in my post (not sure if it showed up though) and some on Wikipedia and nobody seemed familiar in those.

Don't worry about that, I think many times the memories, emotions or thoughts only come when you've had an actual scene with that certain person. That way you can really get the "aha" feeling once you bump into a photo (same goes to places).

Hope you can find out more about this mystery! :)
So a bit of an update. I found an article from
the 80s that interviewed Harald Mors who was the commander of the paratroopers that carried out the mission. Basically it explained how Otto Skorzeny didn’t really have all that much to do with the actual planning or carrying out of the rescue because it was Mors and another man; Kurt Student, that were really in charge.

Here’s the article https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-12-26-mn-7422-story.html

So it’s unlikely that what I said in my sleep had anything to do with Skorzeny. And on that note...yesterday while I was working on an adult coloring page the word Hessian popped into my head. It means someone from Hesse in Germany (and also refers to German boots and burlap). I’ve never heard this word before and
I’m pretty sure I didn’t read it in any of the articles I’ve read so far but I do plan to double check. So that’s at least a little bit of a clue although a vague one.