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Does "Split Incarnation" occur in twins?


New Member
Hello and good day. I just want to ask something about split incarnation. Does it occur in twins? Sharing one soul, but splitted into half?

Im writing a story about this topic. About a guy from the past life who reincarnated in the present time. The guy reincarnated with a twin brother (identical).

I was wondering, is it possible to have a twin brother with the same past life? same memory of one person from the past?

(sorry for my poor english hehehe.)
Welcome to the forum gianlouiscolarina, nothing wrong with your english; I'll try to answer what I understand about your question. There are many, perhaps most, that believe that the soul is singular and unable to divide, and others with various thoughts about how this could be. I think that we tend to think of everything as having a physical component so it is hard for a lot of people to imagine themselves as actually being a packet of energy. If we acknowledge that we are essentially energy then it is easier to recognize how it can be divided so that the soul could be divided into pieces so that part of it could remain behind while another part (a personality or Aspect) resides in a physical body. Most authors that I've read indicated that an Aspect has between 25-50% of the total energy while 50-75% remains behind. There are others that write about further splits where more than one Aspect (or personality) of a soul could exist; so that there could easily be two or more portions of one soul present on Earth in separate bodies with part remaining on the other side of the veil.

My personal opinion concerning the direction you are considering for a book is that, speaking only about my area of the US, it would be difficult to make it believable for most people even though it would be conceivable.
If you're writing fiction anything is possible.

As KenJ said, there is even a theory out there that would allow you to explain it to some extent.

However, I don't think a soul with the capacity to divide its energy in this way would choose to be twins. The lives are too similar. Why bother? What would they benefit from the experience? I can understand why you'd want to write such a story, but it will be very hard to make it convincing.
There is this female twin on Youtube. They call themselves the psychic twins, or something like that. They claim to be the same soul that split into two bodies. The ladies enjoy to synchronize their movements and so on. They are fun to watch for one or two times. I don't know if their claim is 'true' or not and frankly I don't care. They make a living doing performances on stage, tell fortune to people.
(And just the fact that they are able to talk in stereo doesn't mean their words have a higher value because I am not impressed by their so-called psychic abilities but I'll try to find a link to them to show you)

I've had 2 lives in 2 lifetimes (the 1930's and 1950's) where I have 2 past lives, having multiple lives in the same era was something that took some convincing as I ruled out those memories as being that of my, yup, twin brother but a few people that can read past lives as well as having paranormal 'gifts' (I can't call it a gift since I too can read someone's past life and communicate with the spirit world, it can be a curse)
Anyway, my twin brother didn't live the same life that I did, far from it, he served in the German Army during WWII (I'll safe you the details as to what he's seen and done)
I've had 2 lives in 2 lifetimes (the 1930's and 1950's) where I have 2 past lives, having multiple lives in the same era was something that took some convincing as I ruled out those memories as being that of my, yup, twin brother but a few people that can read past lives as well as having paranormal 'gifts' (I can't call it a gift since I too can read someone's past life and communicate with the spirit world, it can be a curse)
Anyway, my twin brother didn't live the same life that I did, far from it, he served in the German Army during WWII (I'll safe you the details as to what he's seen and done)
Good point. Who knows? There are things one soul would choose that another would never consider. As long as their spirit's reasoning works in alignment with the lifetimes it chooses, the concept will work in-story.
No. It's not the same soul split in two. First, their personalities are not identical, and that cannot be attributed solely to the present life, where usually their upbringing is the same. Also, someone remembers being my twin back in the 1800's, and if we were the same soul then I would remember all the lives that they previously remember as well, and I don't. Spiritually speaking I don't see much difference betweeen twins and other siblings, except that they may want to have maybe a deeper connection. Not sure what the deal would be with siamese twins spiritually.
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I had a twin in a past life. I can assure you that the person with whom I had that connection was not my own divided soul.

But why? Why twins?

We hated each other. We tried to be mom and son, we tried to be cousins, we tried to be friends, we tried to be dad and daughter, and nothing worked. The last option was to be twins.

In past lives we had so many problems. We wanted to solve that negative energy, so why not be born together? We would be identical, that is, if you hurt me, you will see yourself reflected in me.

In my present life this person was a classmate. We felt an incredible connection even though the whole class thought we hated each other.

I don't know if the divided soul is something possible in twins, but in my experience, it was an option for healing.
Hi twins definitely run in my family. However, all the twins in my family are fraternal not identical. From what I know from having twins in my family twins don't share the same past life. My mom is a twin and has a twin sister, my aunt and in some ways they are complete opposites. Of course they are fraternal twins so they also don't look alike either. As for identical twins I have heard of identical twins having things in common but that may be due to being siblings not so much being the reincarnation of the same person. Besides even identical twins have some things different between them.
One thing that is reputed to happen, is a greater telepathic link between identical twins than usual. Even unrelated people may share a telepathic link where there is some sort of emotional bond between them, but this does (so I've heard) seem more pronounced in the case of identical twins. Whether it is a result of sharing a close physical connection, or is simply a result of emotional bonding I couldn't say. Certainly an interesting topic to look into.