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Preferences and dislikes - how far back do they go?


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There have been several threads about preferences and dislikes, but I would like to know if any of you researched how far back they possibly go.
My own examples :

- I like pastis, an alcoholic beverage with anise taste (I rarely drink it though, since it has a high percentage of alcohol). I also like to eat raw fennel, which also has a strong taste of anise. Recently my older sister and I were talking about fennel, and she said 'of course you like the taste, when you were a baby you were always soothed with an sugary anise drink'. I didn't remember/know that.
But...I also had at least one - and possibly more - past lives in France, and pastis is the 'national drink' in France for a long time already. I don't remember if I already liked it in that PL, but I assume it is very well possible.

- When I was pregnant with my daughter, I couldn't eat meat, especially pork. The smell alone made me sick.(Was it the baby that didn't want me to eat meat?) This lasted several months. Several years later I remembered a past life as an arab (muslim?) woman, and my daughter now was my eldest son then. As muslims, we probably didn't eat pork.
Now, my daughter is 18, and she decided a few months ago to become a vegetarian. Is this all connected? I think it is very likely....as I don't believe in coincidences ;)

Does anyone care to share their own experiences?

Hiya Eevee,

I think there are quite a few likes and dislikes that can be traced back for me. Reading your post made me wonder how many people who are vegetarians now - have had issues with meat in the past. It's just never been my favorite thing.

One of my major dislikes is pork - I cannot stand it in this life. I know I've had several Jewish lives which may be a contributing factor (the most recent ended in 1958 - and I *know* in that life I was a VERY fussy eater).

I can also trace a dislike for meat back through many of my lives - to the 1300's when they wanted me to eat rabbit (um....they were my friends! :eek:)

What a fascinating topic! This has never occurred to me before, how far back these things could go. Unfortunately, as far as food is concerned, I've never had a problem eating anything in any amount :laugh: hence my lifelong struggle to lose weight. I will give this more thought and post back on here again. I'm sure I have some things to contribute. I can't wait to read more replies to this also.
Ah food dislikes. That would be first all kinds of porridge to me... I disliked them as a child and even as a baby my mother told me that I refused to eat that most of the times. The taste of it makes me want to gag, especially if it has "lumps" in it. Thinking about it now, I found out a couple of years ago, that this traces back to a life where I was crippled and held as a "slave" to a cruel farmer. Porridge was the main food I got to eat then. Although I hold no grudge about that life, the dislike of that food is still very strong.
Very interesting thread.

The first thing I remember having a dislike for is mashed potatoes. I couldn't stand the taste or the texture. However, I like fried potatoes and french fries, as long as they are crispy.

Second I can't stand white bread. This expanded into any kind of soft bread. I think it is mostly the texture that bothers me, although I am not crazy about the taste either.

I don't like any kind of hot cereal, oatmeal, cream of wheat ect... I know it is the texture with this, because I love oatmeal cookies.

I don't care much for bananas, but I would eat them before any of the above if hungry. The taste is too strong, but I like them mixed with other things, such as in a milkshake.

And strangly, I don't care much for popcorn. I can eat it, but it just seems kind of blah to me.

As a child I would pretend to serve oatmeal to a bunch of children, because it was all we had to eat, in my pretend world anyway. I would mix saw dust and water together and pretend it was oatmeal.

My mother didn't like hot cereal herself, and she rarely served it to us as children. And I was never made to eat anything I didn't like. So I assume my dislikes must be past life related, but I don't remember any particular instances.
I have no past life memories, so I can't answer with specifics. But in abstract, theoretically, I'd imagine it would go "all the way back" to your very first incarnation whether you actually "remember" any of it or not. I'd imagine it would work something like this: Let's say I've developed a taste for bananas in my first incarnation. Unless I'd subsequently experienced things which might cause me to dislike bananas, I'd retain this preference to the next life and next and next... But once I've experienced something that'd change this (let's say I was killed by eating a banana in one life), this preference would change and from then on dislike bananas to the next life, then next, etc. until I experience something that might change this preference again. This is assuming that our personalities are continually shaped by each incarnation we take.
Well, this is interesting. I hate milk. Mind you, I don't mind things with milk in them; I love cheese and ice cream, for instance. But I find the thought of drinking plain milk simply loathesome. I don't have any specific reincarnational memories associated with it, but it crossed my mind that some of my recent incarnations may have been lactose-intolerant, and even though I don't now (to my knowledge) have the physical symptoms of lactose intolerance, I may have retained a psychological aversion. According to the 'Wikipedia article "Lactose Intolerance", processed milk products contain less lactose than does plain milk, and people in some lactose-intolerant ethnic groups eat things like cheese and yogurt. A large portion of the human race is lactose-intolerant; people of Northern European descent are the main exception.
I find some of my dislikes for certain movies interesting and do not know the reason behind it. I can watch any sort of movie... with battles, blood, etc in all movies but from the time before Christ... like ancient Egypt, ancient Greece... I have not gotten through Cleopatra or any of those movies from that time..

As I said , not sure why?? Any ideas?? I have been in battle in WWII losing my life.. I had an overlap memory of the Civil War. _{ an overlap memory was the one where I thought it was my life,, but it was a Present life freinds' to whom I was engaged to in that past life]

Alaskanlaughter said:
Unfortunately, as far as food is concerned, I've never had a problem eating anything in any amount hence my lifelong struggle to lose weight.
:D yup - I understand! It's interesting indeed - there is hardly anything that I don't like! Well, I don't really like plain milk either. But I'll drink it if I have to. In fact, there have been three or four times in my life when I had a craving for hot sugared milk. I would drink four or five big glasses of it per day for about a week, and then just as it came it was gone and I would just go back to not liking it as before...

Weird! :tongue:
Now as other people have said, this is a very interesting thread!

Now as for myself, I have a Very Intense Dislike for Vegetables which I have retained as far back as I can remember. As a little kid, my grandmother when visiting would not let me leave the table unless I ate my vegetables. I still do not eat many vegetables and I would die I think if I had to be a Vegetarian. But my mother was more or less an vegetarian. But I have no problem with many of the fruits though. This is just the way that I am. But in so many ways, do I love eating meat and espicelly all kinds of game meat. Also with myself living here in Wyoming, this can come quite easy at times. And this is interesting considering all of my past lives as a Native American. Now even today I try to follow what is called the 'Paleo Diet'. This is where one tries to replicate what ones Paleo Ancestors would eat. If one would want to know more on the Paleo Diet, they can Google, 'Weston Price', who studied various peoples and their diets in the early 1900's. But when it comes to vegetables, I have no problems in eating the wild plants that I find in my mountain and wilderness journeys like Spring Beauty, Yarrow, Yampa, and other plants. In fact when I don't have certain "Wild' Plants, I really do miss them like missing some close friend.

Again what an interesting thread and something to think about. Thanks for bringing this thread back up.