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Questions about child


New Member
Hello, I have a few questions and I’m reluctant to discuss them with my circle but it seems like folks here would have knowledge about this.

My son is 7. I conceived him accidentally, six months after my best friend of 5 years who I felt was my soul mate had died. I was really lost in grief and begged God to send him back down, even though I didn’t believe that was truly possible as I’m a Christian. He had died of an overdose and his mother had been awful to him and we were young; he had untreated mental health issues as well because his family refused to acknowledge that could happen to wealthy people. I work in psych now and I try my hardest to be a really good mother. Is it possible they are the same soul?

I have to be careful around my son because he has read my thoughts, so many times I don’t have any question about it. I’ve also dream shared with him a few times- fortunately I woke from his dream and not the other way around as mine tend to be terrifying. He would speak to spirits in front of us when he was younger but has stopped that. And he and his cousin have talked about where they knew each other in heaven before coming here, where they chose their mothers. I guess the most difficult thing for me to wrap my head around is that since he could talk he tells me about things too advanced and when I ask where he learned it he says “I just know.” He started talking very early. I remember before he started watching TV, at 3 almost 4- he asked if I knew about other dimensions. And I said “Well I’m not sure if that is real or not” and he shrugged and replied, “You’ll see, when I’m older.” What does that mean?
Sparrow, I am so sorry to hear about your loss! That sounds a lot like me and my wife. I know we're soul mates and we clicked because of similar childhoods. Her mother was a drug abuser and died of an overdose and I'm from a wealthy family. I've often said on here the grass isn't greener.. the pursuit of wealth takes a toll on families that they don't acknowledge. You're absolutely right.

All I can say is anything is possible! Soul mates do travel in soul families and they can play different roles for one another at different times. My past life's brother is now my son and my wife was his wife in their past lives.

I remember being the same way as a child myself! You can feel free to engage with your child, but keep it open, vague and non leading. You can ask follow up questions such as and then what happened? Who else was there? The most important thing to do is be neutral and not influence anything he says.

But yes, it's all within the realm of possibility that he could be your son! Welcome to the forum!
Welcome Sparrow! To add to what Totoro wrote, keep a journal of things that your son says and has said complete with dates and what else was going on at that time. As far as the meaning of his words, I think he was unable to explain further for some reasons and knows that you will find out, or remember, eventually - as we all will.