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Related to past life?


New Member
Hello, just came across this site so I thought I might as well ask.

1. I've got this fierce hatred towards my sister, just seeing her face gets me really annoyed and makes me want to think of ways to completely spoil her name and destroy her in anyway possible. We did get along well when we were little, but things just got worse as we grew up. She doesn't really seem to harbor any hatred towards me. I've been taken to psychiatrists by my father so many times and when they asked for the reason I hate her I could never think of anything, as much as I can remember she hadn't done anything bad to me but I just hate her, despise her to no end. Our parents separated us 3 years ago and for 2 years I was in a much better mood until I came across her fb profile and it started again. And recently it has gotten even worse, I get this burning desire to kill even if I come across any person who even resembles her (already got myself into trouble once for it). To add to it a few days ago when I looked at myself in the mirror and put my hair up I could see the resemblance in both our faces and felt like smashing the mirror.

2. Recently, I've been having this strange feeling that comes over me all of a sudden, its like all of a sudden I lose myself and find the place (my home where I've lived since I was born) unfamiliar, its like I question myself 'Where is this', 'How did I reach here' and looking at my parents faces feels like I'm looking at complete strangers, actually not even sure if strangers is the right word, its more like familiar faces but something tells me that they are not my parents and I find the language unfamiliar too. The feeling is just for a brief period, a few seconds to a minute.

3. My mother always says that I'm the reincarnation of her mother-in-law whom she hated and whenever there's something she doesn't like something about me or when my father doesn't listen to her she always blames me saying that it's because I was that women in the past life I ended up carrying forward all the undesirable traits and I didn't teach my sons proper manners in my past life. She also says that her mother-in-law had a sister whom she tormented and that's the reason that I can't get along with my sister in this life, we are the same two sisters. As a matter of fact all the information she has is from second hand sources and she had only met her once. I've always wanted to prove to my mother that I'm not that person. It couldn't actually be true, could it?

I'll be honest, I've never had any of those past life dreams, even by any random chance I did then I don't remember them. The only dreams that I vividly remember from my childhood are all nightmares and recently I've started to have similar nightmares again (but I'm always in my current house and present time in the dream, so I guess its not related?). The only thing I heard from my mother is that I would always mention the name "Minita" when I started speaking even though I hadn't heard it from anyone.

Do you think this is purely psychological and I'm just going paranoid for no reason or is it related to past life or something?

I hope I'm posting this in the right forum.
Hi Aohime,

Welcome to the board. I'm going to start with your concluding question: "Do you think this is purely psychological and I'm just going paranoid for no reason or is it related to past life or something?"

My immediate response--with apologies--would be to answer yes to all of the above. I'm no expert, but you're asking for opinions, so I'll throw it out there. The way you phrase this would make these two (crazy/paranoid vs. PL related) mutually exclusive possibilities. In fact, if you rephrase this with an "and" rather than an "or" it might make better sense.

To put it bluntly, you have given no reason for your antipathy for your sister, nor have you given anything related to a possible PL relationship that would make it other than an irrational antipathy in that life as well. Maybe it goes back even further, and represents a problem that you have not worked out from an even more distant PL . . . possibly. However, it seems to me that there may--if this does in fact have some PL foundations--be no way you will find out and possibly be able to solve this problem without talking to a qualified counselor who can broaden the search for reasons to include PLs. I'm not sure where you should look for such counseling, but I believe there may be counselors recommended elsewhere on the site. If Dr. Weiss were still around, he'd be the man. Perhaps he is recommending others.

Anyhow, if you are to the point where you have a burning desire to kill others for looking like your sister, you definitely need to look for someone who can deal with a problem of this magnitude--and fast. Don't wait, get help. Let your parents know that you are struggling. If your mother believes what she has said, she should be willing to help you find a psychiatrist like Weiss who includes PL considerations as a part of counseling. But definitely get help!


Thanks for replying,

Haha, I guess I'm not normal after all. The one who believes that it might be related to my past life is my mother actually and both my parents are aware of all this.

Is there a way to delete my account? As I mentioned before, that's the only thing I wanted to ask so I won't be needing it anymore.