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Talking to Dead People......

Mama2HRB said:
Did you chase down the skateboarder or how did you see him later? When the two of you first saw each other was there the look of recognition in his eyes?
I ran until the running ran out. Every time I heard that skateboard rolling on the pavement - I would take off running and hide. He was a friend to the owner's Son. He started asking the front desk guy who I was. The front desk guy started asking me why I kept running from him and mentioned that he got the impression the 'teen' wanted to meet me. I told him,

"Heck NO! Tell him I have moved to Alaska."

When the front desk guy started asking me questions about it, I told him to talk to the cleaning lady - since she had seen the moment. But yeah, she told the Front desk guy what she saw that day and she said it looked as if both of us 'knew one' another. A few weeks later, I was talking to the front desk guy about my computer. He said he knew someone who could help me out with that. He told me to watch the front desk and he would go get him. He called me outside when he returned and there was the teen standing there was a devilish grin on his face. I had to shake his hand and I was 'mumbling my words and couldn't talk straight. He had some friendly chat about computers for a short time. I ran back into the Front desk and was kicking him in his behind. He was laughing and said,

"I don't know which of you has the bigger crush, you or him."

I told him I wasn't all that - and the reason I had mumbled is because he caught me off guard - and it was everything I could do to keep my feet in place and not run away. I tried to run for a few months after that. One night I was walking down Waikiki and saw someone I thought I knew and chased them down to say hello. When he turned around - it was him and I just started laughing. I recalled what the cleaning lady and Front desk guy had told me. I could run, but couldn't hide and destiny had a way that was going to bring us together, one day or one way - or another.

I was struggling to make ends meet at the time. I couldn't afford a plane ticket off the island, if I would have had the money - I would have been gone on the first flight out of there. If I had been on the mainland - I would have hitchhiked to a different state where I had friends that could have helped me out.

I was 'shaking my fist' at God because I felt it was a twist of fate that had stranded me on the island - and I knew God had a hand in making it impossible for me to run away.

Chase him down? Not on your life.


Oh yeah, I can recall what the Front Desk guy said to me when I asked him why he had gone against my wishes. I had been asking around about a 'hostel' on the North Shore. I had talked to someone who knew about the place and told me the Manager's name. He had told my manager about that - and she was telling the Front Desk guy to do what he could do - because she didn't want to lose me.

I was trying to run the opposite direction but the circumstances of the time - kept me in place long enough for us to finally shake hands.

I have found that happens. When destiny wants something to happen they nudge it along. It just happened to me again. I learned to quit fighting it and just go with the flow.

Glad you got to meet your skateboard friend.
Maybe it don't make sense why I wanted to run so fast and so hard unless I share the same 'secret' I shared with the cleaning lady. She kept insisting I was making sense.

"Do you know how many people would love to be standing in your shoes right now and have a love come to them through this sort of meeting? This sort of thing can only be divine. I don't understand why your looking at it as if it is diabolical."

I told her,

"Do you remember what was going on in 1980? American's were being held hostage on foreign soil. Do you know what that means? There was an undeclared war going on - in a stealth world that was far removed from the general public's sight and their minds. In the early 80's, I was not a part of the general public. I was called in to be in the loop. Traps were being set for certain individuals. Shite had hit the fan and heads were rolling. (Not literally, but metaphorically.) That boy was on the wrong side, working for the wrong people during that time. How do I know he got caught up in a trap? I was the one called in to set the trap."

She wanted to know why he had such a look of love in his eyes.

"How did he get those stars put in his eyes then?"

Her and I had talked about my 'vague' recollection of my near-death experiences.

"I knew how it worked at that time. I went and found his ghost and made sure we got to bury the hatchet. He was a mess when I found him. Had no idea what had hit him. I had to slap him around a bit and make him come to his senses. Showed him the way to get back home to the light. He said he was going to be forever grateful to me for that. He was overwhelmed with joy to get back home to the light in one piece. I just wanted to make peace with his spirit so he wouldn't come haunting for setting the trap on him like I did. When his ghost showed up telling me all this stuff about and how he wanted to meet up with me again as a friend instead of a foe - do you think I was taking anything that boy said seriously. He was an enemy of the State in the spy business. One thing I learned fast, quick and swift. Never trust a spy. They is always up to something. He said he was going to be retired from the spy business this time around, but how do I know that is the truth. I ain't looking at what is in his eyes. I am looking at his hands. I am trying to figure out if he came with a dagger hidden behind his back he has aimed for my heart because of that trap I set for him in his last life. I trusted his ghost, but he ain't no ghost no more. He is human. I ain't dropping my guard for one second. I do NOT want to find myself in a room alone with my back turned on him. No, darling. He wasn't a former lover. He is a former enemy of mine - and a former enemy of the entire nation of America. God may have forgiven him, but if them boys up in DC find out he is back and hiding out in the body of a teenage living in Hawaii. They would shoot first and ask questions later. That boy was smart enough to come to me first because I got a mind to handle it a different way." ]

This is what I expressed to her that day in the room directly after the 'meeting' took place. I made her swear a vow of secrecy and never utter a word of what I had said to anyone. This conversation took place in the summer of 2001 a few months prior to some planes flying into some buildings. Why did I finally agree to get close to him after that event? The saying goes, you keep your friends close and you keep your enemies closer.

Interesting thought to ponder. What happened to all those terrorists on 9/11. A few short years later, some of them were probably right back on America somewhere, sleeping in some families baby crib. If American's found out where their reincarnated souls were - would they be able to forgive them as God had - or - would they demand retribution from their new incarnations?

In 1981, I contacted my 'allies' in the leauge of political minds and told them,

"Ya'll ain't never going to guess what information I done got slipped me - hidden like - secret the way you know I do."

I wouldn't give up his name or birth date and felt that was on a need to know basis.

"You boys know I got a higher authority I answer to. It has been labeled top secret and classified by the highest authority in the universe. I can tell you some details. Look for me in 2001, living on an island. If am hanging around a teenager, I got it under control. You boys just sit back and let me do my job."

In 2001, short after the planes crash they way they did - everyone I knew was coming up and asking the same questions.

"Who are them suits flashing badges and asking questions about you. They are wanting to know everyone you are hanging out with. Said they are with homeland security."

My friends were all scared due to the atmosphere of the time. I told them,

"Don't worry about it. There are Americans all over this world looking under every rock possible for any type of leads. I guess them fellows done ran into a report from back in the 80's that might be a possible lead to them. They is just doing their job is all."

I was totally upset when I found out the 'G-men' were making a show of themselves like they did around me. The number one rule was,

"If I am asleep - don't do anything to wake me up. Don't call me, I will call you. Do NOT have any direct contact with me what so ever."

Just as there is a certain percentage of citizens who take reincarnation seriously, there are also a certain percentage of offices in the government which takes some claims seriously enough to investigate from time to time.

This side of the story might express why I was so 'paranoid' about meeting this particular 'soul-mate.' He woke me up to some information I was trying to keep hidden from my own 'self.'


This has been a most fascinating read. I truly appreciate all of the sharing, and while I am very interested in more, I think I need to start back at the beginning of the thread and try to read it again in one sitting.

On an unrelated random note (assuming things are might be random, but I kinda doubt it anymore), I just started a fiction book yesterday, and what really jumped out at me was the mention of both the ghost of "PJ" as well as "Charles", only both under their more well-know names. It was really surprising, as I immediately remembered this discussion. Both were mentioned, and I am only probably 60 pages into it. Pretty wild. And cool.

Thank you, DKing, for what you are sharing. It is fascinating. I wish I could get some sort of sign or glimpse (to remember) life behind the veil. Just to sooth my mind. Or soul.
Allen said:
Thank you, DKing, for what you are sharing. It is fascinating. I wish I could get some sort of sign or glimpse (to remember) life behind the veil. Just to sooth my mind. Or soul.
Thanks Allen for the kind words. It is interesting that you stumbling unto the thread under the circumstances you describe.

I try to write and express my 'amnesia' period and emphasis that during this period - I really didn't have any sort of 'direct insight' to any sort of past life recall. There were always hints about it being there hidden away - but I didn't have any sort of memories about a past life for myself. I could see 'glimpses' into other people's past lives during that period - but I couldn't see anything about mine. I was very curious about it and thought that if I could get direct access to it - it would help me on my own path. I thought it would be a whole lot better in the long run.

Now that I can look back on that period in hindsight, I would wholeheartedly agree - that blindness and forgetfulness was in place for a purpose - and having any direct access to past life recall during that period wouldn't have been beneficial at all. It would have been very detrimental to the overall cause which I felt I was trying to serve.

I think the saying 'the grass is always greener on the other side' is close to what I went through. As a child, I could remember and wished I couldn't remember. Then, when I forgot it all - I wished I could remember.

I think the important thing to remember is - your heart never forgets. When it is time for that sort of 'sign' or 'glimpse' is meant to come - it will come right on time. I always told my friends,

"Don't worry, when it comes your time to pass over - you will instantly come face to face with the memories of every single one of your past lives. Here, you can deny it all you want, but over there - it is undeniable."

Sometimes (during this black out period) when I thought about reincarnation - I thought maybe that is why we come here to earth in the first place. To get away from all those past experiences and give us a break from that sort of burden.

Some may thing it is a blessing to recall past lives, but I think it is just as much a blessing 'not to recall' your past lives sometimes.

Just a thought.


I was reminded of another incident that doesn't involve any famous names - but I think may people will be able to identify with it just the same.

In 1981, I had started work at a new store and had a new Manager. Before that, we hadn't met anywhere before and he knew I was from out of town and new to the community. One day I asked if I could talk to him about a personal situation. I said some things to him and before long he said,

"That is something my Dad used to say to me all the time. You make me feel like it is my Dad talking to me and not you."

I told him,

"It is not my words I just said to you. They were his. He told me to tell you these things."

He looked at me odd, turned his head and stepped back a step or two.

"My Dad is dead. He died a few months ago."

"So says you. If you was standing in my shoes, you would know a part of him is still very much alive. You may be blind to him. The world may be blind to him, but you said you believed in God. Trust me when I tell you, he is not blind to God and God is not blind to him. Your Momma has been calling on God for help. God thought enough of the situation that is going on to send a part of your Daddy back to help your Momma out some."

Of course, he asked how he was to really know that the spirit of his Dad was standing behind me and putting words in my ear to pass on to him. I was told to tell him,

"You remember that time when you was four and you fell and skinned your knee out back by the garage door. Who was it you ran to that day? Do you remember what your Daddy told you that day?"

I then told him what words had taken place between him and his Daddy when he was only four years old. Of course, I saw the emotion well up in him as that four year crawled out of the back of that adult man's mind to stand close to that moment. Who else could bring a little boy out of hiding like that inside a grown man - other than a Daddy.

The problem was that him and his brother had a fallen out prior to his passing - and they still hadn't buried the hatchet. There Mom was grieving her loss - and they didn't feel the depth of the same loss that their Mom was going through.

"He wants you two boys to grow up and put your difference's aside for the sake of your Momma. She needs you both right now and you two fighting in front of her like you do - ain't helping her any. If you two got to carry on your feud, do so away from you Mother. If you two want to do some bare knuckle fist fighting, go out in a field somewhere by yourself and be grown men about it. Keep it from your Mother don't ask her to be your referee. Be a family and pull together for her during her crisis."

I told my Manager that just because a person passes over to the other side don't mean they stop loving the people they love or caring about the things they cared about while they were alive in this world.

All my experiences with this sort of thing, shows me that the spirits of our loved ones (famous or just plain ol' folk living day to day) stick around awhile to try and tie up loose ends and look after the ones they love. (Not loved as in past tense.)


That would be a nice gift to pass along to someone, I think. But I can imagine that if spirits made a habit of coming to you, that could wear on a person after a while.

My comment was based on wanting to experience some sort of 'real' undeniable true feeling and have a moment that I can say with certainty that "Wow, this is real. I remember!". Right now, all I have are the feelings I get sometimes when I read different comments. If it warrants goosebumps or some sort of unexpected emotional reaction, then I believe it's real based on those feelings.

But as for actually seeing or hearing spirits... I think I must have all my senses turned down and a helluva case of planned amnesia. :0] I'd like to get them turned back now on just to make it all real again, to remember.
I know he was trying to thank me that day. I told him,

"You better thank your Momma. She was the one smart enough to turn to God for help. God made this possible. Not me. I am just the delivery boy. Your Momma is the one who placed the order. God is the one who filled up the bag with the right stuff. I am just the kid he rang up to get on my bike to peddle over to you to deliver it on time."

I told him not to go 'gossiping' around about and give people the wrong idea.

"I don't want people getting confused about what my role is in this sort of thing. If they don't know how to get on the line and place an order with God - I don't know what to tell them. That sort of thing has to come through God and not through me."

A few weeks later, I saw a woman come in the store with a sense of joy and wonder that was hard to miss. There was an 'invisible' presence filling me in on who she was. I thought she was just looking and not going to say anything.

She got to the door and asked if I knew who she was. I told her,

"I sort of got an idea coming to me from somewhere, but it might be best if you just confirm it for me."

She told me that was my Manager's Mother and she felt she had to some how express her gratitude some way. I told her,

"You don't have to say anything out loud. The look in your eye tells me everything I need to know about it."

I knew what she wanted to ask. So I just told her.

"He says to tell you, he is standing right beside right now."

I watched her and it looked as if someone had squeezed her gently.

"He says to tell you, every time you feel that, know he is by your side. He will be with you for awhile helping you to learn to walk on your own. He says, he knows you can do it, but here to catch you from time to time if you stumble some."

When peopled freaked out and expressed their 'fear' when I spoke about the 'ghost's' (spirits) hanging out at my house all the time back then or how 'ghost's' were creepy, or a sinister presence in the world, I had no idea what the heck they were talking about.

It was always a divine joy for me.


Oh, and as a side note... the book that I mentioned that I just started reading that mentioned spirits of "PJ" and "Charles"... it's called Odd Thomas.

It was just strange that I started that this week and those two were mentioned and I immediately remembered the discussion on this website. And pretty cool, too.
Allen said:
That would be a nice gift to pass along to someone, I think. But I can imagine that if spirits made a habit of coming to you, that could wear on a person after a while.
I don't think it was the 'spiritual contact' that got to me and wore me thin back then. It was the 'secrecy' involved or the fact that I had to hide it from 'certain minds.' When I was standing next to someone and they were able to embrace the reality of it - then it was the greatest thing in the world.

There are many people with 'religious' beliefs that felt any contact with 'dead people' or 'spirits of the deceased was some type of 'mortal sin' and their 'vibes' about it would send out a 'wave' of trouble. It wasn't the 'spirits of light' that got to me. There was always a 'backlash' coming from 'dark spirits.' As much as I don't like to shine a spotlight on religious superstition at times - there is a form of 'spiritual warfare' that goes on - on that level.

After one such 'spiritual contact' something happened to me - and I was trying to explain the situation to my small group of friends. One of them said something to me that made sense.

"No good deed goes unpunished."

I called them 'critters' for a lack of a better word. I was sort of 'naive' about the religious expression for a reason. Call them what you want - but those things tried to wreck havoc on me in the aftermath.

When my 'spiritual guides' told me that this sort of 'service' was coming to an end, I was sort of disappointed but - relieved I didn't have to watch my back constantly wondering from what direction those 'invisible critters' were going to be coming at me from.

I have one story that represents the sort of repercussion I would have to face all the time for doing what I thought was the right thing to do.

A short time later, I was standing in another store when a young girl came in. She had a very sad look on her face and an 'invisible voice' came in the familiar tone I knew of from spirit and asked me to put a smile on her face. I did and she opened up to me. She didn't have to tell me her whole story. She was an orphan in foster care because one of parents had passed away and the other one had lost custody of the children in the aftermath. I didn't know the full story but knew parts of it. I was told to 'shield' the identity of spirit because her mind was not able to deal with the metaphysical aspect at that point. So, I did as I was told and just allowed her to fill in the blanks.

"You were talking to someone before you came into the store that day. When I was a kid, I called that someone the Real Santa. You was needing help with someone and asking that one to send you something to help you cope with things."

She was only 14 and dealing with issues that would make many an adult cringe with horror. She was a brave young person.

Next thing I knew, there were rumors flying left and right that I was having an illegitimate sexual affair with this girl. I wanted to know the source of this malicious and unfounded rumor. My eyes 'opened' up to spirit and there was a big ol nasty critter jumping up and down with glee. It was so wide spread that the owner and President of the company was asking me what had started that rumor. The owner was putting in a personal request for me to end the friendship with this girl and I sent back word to him.

"If God is standing on the right side of a man and the owner of a company is standing on the left side of a man. What advise does the owner of this company give me on that. Do I listen to the request of the owner, or do I listen to the request of the God. Tell the owner - I will allow him to make up my mind for me by telling me which one of these two to listen to."

The owner sent back word though my Supervisor that I was to listen to God. I wanted to know the human source of this false rumor. I knew there was a spirit involved, but it couldn't have made the rounds like it do without a human source. I found him. It was a co-worker. He had gotten jealous over the fact that I had been promoted ahead of him. I didn't look at my co-worker as the perpetrator of this as much as I looked at him as a victim to this 'critter.' He confessed to me after I got a raise and moved to a higher paying store. He wanted to know how come those rumors hadn't gotten me fired which, was his intention. He was impressed by this and felt he wanted to know what 'tricks' I had in my bag to get the company and the owner to look the other way. I told him what had been going on with me in the girl to see if I could get him to see the error in his way.

"Her Mother had died and she was in foster care. Her Mother's spirit came to me that day to help pass on a message or two to her daughter to let her know she wasn't alone. Who in their right mind would throw something like that in the gutter? You may have been blind to that truth - but God wasn't and neither was God's enemies. You didn't give a voice to your jealousy that day. You gave voice to God's enemies who stand opposed to that sort of love going on in this world. What kind of love exists between a Mother and Daughter when the Mother is gone from the world. You took an instance and expression of eternal love and threw it into the gutter. It is not me you owe an apology to - as much as yourself and God."

So, it wasn't dealing with 'eternal spirits' and their doings in the world. It was constantly being exposed to the 'blindness' some people walk with and how they were giving their minds over to the cause of sinister forces at work in this world opposed to the 'expression' of eternal love. That is what wore me thin during that period.


Allen said:
Oh, and as a side note... the book that I mentioned that I just started reading that mentioned spirits of "PJ" and "Charles"... it's called Odd Thomas.
I haven't read the book - but I saw the movie. There is one part in there that I felt was a very true description of the 'spirit world.' The movie made it out to be more than what is -- and very strange that I just replied to a post and wrote about them with a different word than Dean Koontz uses in his fiction.


The word is derived from a Scottish word similar to 'boogyman.' I just called them 'invisible critters' and tried not to use words that provoke 'fear' in people - because 'fear' is what they feed upon. When I saw the movie - I was triggered to recall many of my own experiences with the 'invisible critters' and wondered if Dean was drawing from metaphysical tales he had heard of. I felt there was an element of truth hidden in the undertow - but over dramatized for effect.

One thing I could recall is - I didn't like for this 'invisible foes' to know I had sight of them. It would work them into frenzy if they knew I could see and hear them. You had to pretend you couldn't see or hear them - while they were around.

Story about one of my first encounters with them after my 1978 NDE. I was trying to study them from a distance and watch what type of areas and locations they populated. I stopped at a High School that had students. These things were all over the place. So, I standing across the street studying them. I was 18 and looked 15. As far as any one who saw me that would have thought was - I was checking out a new school I was being transfered to. Any way who would have watched my eyes that day would have seen I was following the paths these things were taking. One of them noticed me watching. They went pacing back and forth and back and forth -looking over at me to see if I was looking at it. A group of this 'invisible critters' came running at me. I knew these things were invisible and not physical. I wasn't afraid of them and stood my ground.

One of them walked up to me and said,

"What are you looking at."

I told it,

"You -- you fool. Couldn't you figure that out for yourself. You is the ugliest dang thing I ever seen in my life. I am trying to figure out how you got to be so dang ugly and why you hiding yourself away in the darkness. You is walking around out here in broad daylight - proud of yourself and your ugly nature."

A part of me knew what I was facing down - and if you had sight of my history - you would know this sort of encounter happened a lot to me when I was growing up - and in my NDE's. A part of me was new to this expeience and I didn't know what I was doing.

This critters went into a frenzy and the took off running to a group of High School boys. I saw these 'invisible critters' leaning over and 'whispering' things into their ears. The next thing I know - he come a group of boys pulling switchblades out of their pockets and were heading right for me. I stood my ground. I wanted to see this.

Them boys had in mind I was starring them down. I hadn't even looked at them until those 'critters' whispered something to them. I watched as these 'innocent boys' became the mouthpieces for this 'invisible critters.' I asked one of the fellows,

"What is you? A puppet. Can't you speak for yourself."

"I am speaking for myself."

"No your not. Your speaking for that dang ugly critter standing beside you. If you was in my shoes staring out of my eyes and seeing what I am seeing right now, you would know what I mean, but you is blind boy. You is deaf, dumb and blind to them and about to let them critters make a fool out of you and trick you into doing their fighting for them."

One of the High School boys eventually started hearing my parables and said,

"This sounds like Church stuff."

How did I deal with the situation? Humor. These things can not stand the sound of laughter. I got to telling jokes and filling their minds with parables that had them cutting up and laughing at the situation at hand - and those 'invisible critters' took off running to get away from the sound of our laughter. Laughter is the sound of joy - and these things seemed to have some sort of allergic reaction to joy.

This wasn't my High School and these boys didn't know me. I had a reputation about town. Five thugs coming at me with switchblades was not intimidating to me. I was joking with them about my reputation. Everyone on the High School scene may have not met me in person, but everyone knew my nickname. I joked with them a little and told them,

"If you knew who I was and was from my school, you would know your going to need more than five knives to come at me. You better go and get yourself an Army. You might have a chance then. Otherwise, you boys is heading for your maker. Think about this nickname I is about to give you to think on for a minute or two and don't tell me you haven't heard stories being told about me."

I told them my nickname and what High School I had attended growing up. Their eyes lit up with a sense of wonder.

"MAN! Is that YOU?"

They started asking how they knew I was the real deal and not just hearing the stories for myself and trying to make out like I was the one who carried that nickname. I told them,

"Boys, look into my eyes. You is standing in front of me with five knives pointed at me. Ya'll see any fear in my eyes what so ever. You might want to be thinking why I am standing here as fearless as I am."

I had a reputation all over town as being a martial arts High School student who could put Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and the Grasshopper Caine himself to shame. I got the reputation when I put 7 bullies to shame on my school yard. Word spread wide and far among the schools - because - I had fanned the flames of that reputation. How did it spread so fast. I made them bullies 'mess their britches.' They had to be sent home to 'change their diapers.' It was told with humor and everyone loved to laugh telling that story and knowing it was true. Seven students at various times, had to be sent home from school midday to change their clothes and up and down the hallway of our school - you could smell the mess they made of themselves.

I asked them 'thugs,'

"How do you think all them boys felt when they had to run past all the pretty girls smelling like a sewer - knowing them girls was going to find out they was needing a 'diaper change.' You boys might want to take a look over yonder at them pretty girls, because if you don't put them knives away, you is about to find out what them other fellows was thinking when they ran past all the pretty girls needing a diaper change."

I grew up in my teen years with the admiration of many a young man - all wanting to try and get close enough to me ask me what my secret was and how in the world I got them bullies to mess their britches like I did. I never told anyone the secret I used and it there was a 'trick' to it.

My Dad, Grandpa, Uncles and everyone close to me was always trying to bribe me to tell them the secret. My family knew I had a secret because I got one of my Uncles to mess his britches once. He had to run to my Grandma to get his diaper changed. My Grandpa was there that day and always got a kick out of telling that story. Of course, my Uncle hated that story.

That was one of the stories the "G-men" were checking up on when they did the background check on me.

Watching that movie triggered recall of those times in my life and I didn't forget to look back on it and laugh myself silly thinking how I told that 'thing' how ugly it was.


I can recall sitting in the Principle's office with my Dad. The principle was wanting to get to the bottom of why the first one had 'lost control' of his bowels like he had.

I don't think I ever saw my Dad looking so proud of me as he was that day. I thought I was in trouble and thought the worst of it. I had already told my Dad the whole entire story so - I didn't know why I had to tell the Principle. I thought my Dad could or would explain it and spare me the trouble of having to deal with an adult on the subject.

Both of them grown men were laughing so hard, they both had tears in their eyes when I was telling them my side of the story.

I think my Dad and the Principle knew I was going to be like some sort of 'gun-slinger.' The bullies were going to come from far and wide to try and win my title away from me. I was King of the schoolyard after that day. In the end, the Principle said,

"If any more gunslingers come at you for a showdown, you think you might put it in his mind to run straight home to get his diaper changed instead of coming into the building and leaving a trail behind him for the janitor to clean up."

He said they had to buy some special sanitizer to get the odor out of the hallway. He was right about that. That odor had lingered in our hallway for days. You couldn't walk past one spot without holding your nose.

I kept telling everyone I had an 'invisible arm' to do my punching with and I had a punch hidden inside of me that could knock the 'holy shite' out of person. Of course, that was just a smoke screen. I never used my 'spirit' during those show downs. I just used my wit and charm.

At one point, I used a 'fly' to do my fighting for me. The whole school was gathered round to watch the fight. Everyone had their eyes glued to my hands and arms to see if they could see that 'fast arm' come out of me in the punching process. I acted like I was whispering something into the clutched hand that held the fly. I gasped when I looked inside my clutched hand.

"My Gawd. This fly has a human head on it. It is going to be easy to give it instructions for a fight. It has a mind I can relate to being human and all."

That fly took off out of my hand and headed for that boys head. Kept bouncing off his head and I kept shouting instructions to it. That fly was acting like it was following my directions. It landed on his eye and I shouted out,

"Oh yeah, that is eat. Eat his eyeball out first so he want see that punch you is about to punch him with in his stomach. I forgot youse had teeth in that human head of yours. Use them teeth and munch down and make a snack for yourself out that pretty little eyeball of his."

I had tried to line him up to head home to change his diaper when the punch came. I told him, "Just head on him when you mess yourself, because we don't need you stinking up our hallway. You is fool enough to come get it done to you."

He took off running and screaming around the playground. It took five teachers to calm him down and get him home to change his britches. The story went that I had a secret I could tell a fly and get the fly to deliver that invisible punch. No one could figure out how I got that fly to obey my commands that day.

Everyone pretty much figured out it was part psychology. That boy that day let his own imagination work on his mind. As far as he was concerned, there was a human headed flying sitting on his eyeball about to start munching down on a snack. We were both only 14 years old and I had a trick or two up my sleeve because I knew a little about psychology. My classmates knew I had psyched him out, but they could never figure out how I got that fly to follow my commands and land on his eye like that. For years, many a mind (including the political minds that heard the story) wanted to know what I had done to get that fly to land on his eyeball.

I did tell people I wasn't aiming for the eyeball as much I was his forehead. The eyeball landing was unexpected and I had to come up with something to make it look like that had been my intentions all along. I showed my Grandpa the trick.

I took a fly out of the air one day and held it for awhile. I told my Grandpa to stand in front of me and I would get that fly to bounce off his forehead for a good three minutes before it flew off and minded his own business again. During those three minutes, it wouldn't matter where you ran to or stood. That fly was going to stay busy bouncing itself off a person's forehead. With or without me shouting out any instructions to it. My Grandpa could never figure it out. I always threw people off by 'whispering' something into the hand that held the fly. Fact is, I wouldn't of had said a word to get that fly to bounce of a persons forehead or part of his body. I could pick an arm, a leg or the midsection. What ever I pointed it at - was where it would bouncing itself off of for good three minutes. I even showed my Grandpa that the object didn't even have to be human. I got that fly to bounce off the same spot on that tree for a good three minutes. I had told my Grandpa to pick out a spot on the tree to show I could get it to bounce off any spot I wanted it to. It wasn't hoodo voodo stuff. I got the secret from a science teacher.

There was a scientific trick to it and no hocus pocus involved what so ever. There was no chant, no charm, no magic dust. I didn't let on to my classmates that. In fact, I did the opposite with them. I told them I had 'pouch of mojo' on me full of charms and tricks and if they came at me the wrong way, I was going to us it to get them to run home and change their diaper.

But that is why I wasn't afraid of those thugs that day. I knew they had probably heard about the kid from my HS who had that reputation about him which was me standing before them in the flesh. I knew I would have them laughing and then asking,

"How did you get that fly to do your fighting for you that day?"

Psyching out your opponent in a fight was something I had discovered in my past life recall. I just adopted that sort of strategy and made it fit unto the playground of my Junior High and High School. I used a simple little housefly to do it.


I recall the metaphor I used to use to describe the 'valley of my youth.' I lived in an area where a **** had been built and valley had been flood to create a massive lake. Prior to the valley being flooded, there was small little communities, roads, cottages, houses, gardens and various locations of interest. I had a spot I used to visit where half a town had been left above water and the other half had been submerged under water. There was a 'buoy' or marker at the location of one of the buildings that had been submerged - so - boaters would know it's location.

So, when I looked back on my childhood - that is all I could see. A large body of water with markers in place, our small little buoys floating on the surface to mark something hidden underneath. Like the 'cable box' incident, it would just be a small little 'silent' movie' in my mind with no mental or emotional attachment.

One of the rare memories of 'being in school' was another type marker. The memory had no meaning to it. I could recall standing at the windows of a classroom looking out the window. I got the impression there were other kids lined up to both sides of me but I couldn't recall any of their faces or names. We were watching some type of 'game' going on on the playing field next to the school. It had goal posts on each end of the field. It didn't look like a football field in my mind. Sort of a general purpose field used for various school activities. I couldn't remember what grade I was in, what location it was, what school it was, what teacher I had....nothing other than watching something going on - on that field. It made me chuckle when I recalled what I thought I had seen.

Five teachers and a student were going at it on the field. It looked like a game of 'tackle' to me. The five teachers were chasing this student around and he looked like a 'wild calf' trying to dodge them. They had created a circle around him and were about to get him cornered and stuck in between them. He had a wild look in his eyes and was looking for a way out of it. He was running screaming his fool head off and swatting at something in the air around him. I thought maybe he had some 'hornets' after him. The teachers didn't seem to be effected by the 'hornet' on his trail.

There was one teacher who had kicked off her shoes and standing with her arms and legs spread out - trying to block his path. She was hoping two or three feet one direction and then hoping two or three feet another direction. Which ever direction he tried to run, she was hoping in that direction to cut him off. It was a like a light bulb went off in his mind and you could see it light up above his head. He took off running straight at that teacher - and she got prepared to grab him. He had another idea in mind. He was running toward her like he was running toward home plate and then took off sliding. He slide underneath her open legs and came out on the other side, got up and took off running and screaming again.

The thing that made me chuckle every time was seeing the teacher bend down and look between her legs after he had slide underneath like he did. The teachers all huddled up together shrugging their shoulders and shaking their heads. They looked off at him on the end of the playing field and took of jogging toward him again. I assumed one of the teachers on the playing field was one of my teachers because there was no teacher in the classroom, and that is why we were all standing at the window. I assumed there must have been five other classrooms standing by the window on that side of the building watching their teachers and this student playing this game.

During the summer of 1979, I was invited to a block party for the Class of 1978. The party was going on in a city 600 miles away from my hometown. The person who invited said the invitation was for any member of the Class of 78, regardless of where they graduated from. That was the party I ran into the past life associate from the 'battle field.' The one who had been on the opposing side in an ancient army. In that arena, I was he one left standing and he was the one who departed the world that day. It was after my meeting with him when I was mingling with in the crowd when another teenager walked up to me and said,

"I know you. Your him. It is him. I know you."

I asked him,

"What past life do you know me from, because, I ain't getting it."

He looked at me funny and said,

"That is an odd way of looking at it, but I guess it does feel that way. I know you from Junior High."

He called me by the nickname I had been told about. I had no memories where that nickname came from - other than from stories other people told me. My family told me stories, a few friends on the block I used to live told me stories. I had no direct memories of it. No one would or should have known about that nickname 600 miles from my hometown. The guy took over running and screaming at some others. He gathered up a group of five others and they all came to see what he was talking about. They were all talking about the various classes and teachers we had shared in Junior High and High School. I felt awkward again. I had left my hometown for this very reason. I was constantly having to reach for my wallet and pull out my 'medical excuse.' My Doctors note that explained I had been diagnosed with 'amnesia' and if anyone from past encountered me - there was something like a prescription for them to follow. I suffered massive migraines if people didn't follow the recommendations listed on the recommendation page.

They were all stunned after reading the paper I had handed them. "Wow, you can't remember anything? You can't remember that day. I am never going to forget that day as long as I live. How can you forget a day like that. That was the highlight of my school days."

I told them it was alright to bring it up - but if I changed the subject and looked like I had pain coming to me, they had to drop it and move on. They all started talking about the fight with the bully and the 'human-headed' fly. It was the first time I had encountered anyone who was there to witness it. I had heard stories from people, but not from anyone who had actually seen it go down.

One of them said, "You and had Mrs. Buttefield after lunch. The bell rang and we all went back to our classes. Mrs Butterfield wasn't in the class. She was out there on the field trying to chase him down along with five other teachers."

I didn't tell them I had a slight memory that was ringing a bell. I wanted them to describe what the teachers looked like and what they were wearing - if they could. One of them said,

"Well, Mrs Butterfield wasn't wearing no shoes. She had kicked them off." He turned to another student and asked, "Do you remember the sight of her kicking those shoes straight up in the air like she did"

I was waiting to see if they got to the same punch line that made me chuckle. "Mrs Butterfield was trying to guard her section and Scott got a wild look in his eyes and charged toward her. She got a wild look in her eyes and didn't know whether to run or stand her ground. Scott took to sliding and slide what between her legs. I never seen Mrs Butterfield looking so confused and then she bent down like some gymnastics teacher and had her head to the ground looking back at Scott between her legs. The whole school on that side of the building erupted in laughter."

When they told me this, I busted out laughing and they joined in. I told them I could remember that sight. "Was she a gymnastics teacher, cause I could believe a human head could bend over that far. I though her head was going to follow suit and go between her legs to run after him."

We stood around and I collected their memories of that day and how they liked to tell the story. One of them told me that had talked to 'Scott' afterwards and asked him what was on his mind out on that playing field. He said, "That one human head fly you put in his imagination got turned into a whole army of them out on that field. He said every time he looked up, he saw a squad of human headed fly's dive bombing him."

I asked them, "Where there really flies after him that day?"

"Of course there was. That stench coming from him after he wet and messed himself was drawing them to him like bees to honey. You warned him you was going to get them flies to do your fighting for you and get them to kick him in his sorry little behind, and you did. You got them flies to chase him all over that field kicking him in his behind the whole way. You got an army of flies to take down the biggest bully in our school. All through grade school and Junior High - he had terrorized us. We all knew his reign of terror had come to an end. It was joyous day for all us kids in that school that day."

They rest of my time with them, they were all asking me what the 'trick' was and how I did it. That part was locked away in my mind and I was curious myself.


dking777 said:
I had a spot I used to visit where half a town had been left above water and the other half had been submerged under water. There was a 'buoy' or marker at the location of one of the buildings that had been submerged - so - boaters would know it's location.
So, when I looked back on my childhood - that is all I could see. A large body of water with markers in place, our small little buoys floating on the surface to mark something hidden underneath.
Holey Smoke! That's so close to the mental construct I have embedded in my mind. It's usually some tame memory like watching stars at the anchored-lines. I actually have to pull up on the line before I even know what it's all about ... and who knows how much of that sunken network will be latched on when I pull.

Sometimes it's too heavy to bring to the surface when I try, so I just have the feeling of watching the stars as if that were the most significant part of my life at that point.

Must admit I'm curious about your technique too. *laugh* Even though I can't imagine ever needing to know.
I recalled the 'block party' a few years ago. I haven't pinpointed the timeline of exactly how I found myself there. I was moving around alot during that time.

I think that is where I got the association that my 'childhood' was like a 'past life' because those two seemingly 'chance' encounters. I felt 'destined' to run into the one guy whom I had spontansous past life recall with. I felt a 'pre-birth' memory where his soul and mine had planned to attend that party before we were even born. It was mind boggling. Within a short time later, I met a group of six former classmates who had shared a joyous experience with me in this lifetime, and I had very limited memories of it - and couldn't remember any of their faces from it.

I asked him if his knowledge of me was past life related, because that vibe was vibrating inside of me. I brought the subject up - of us attending school together in another life.

This got the 'deer stuck in the headlight' look, so I dropped the direct approach and was trying to probe it a different way on an 'unconscious' or 'spiritual level.' I was very in tune with spirit after that first encounter.

I got that impression that night at the party that the real truth to that 'fight' in Junior High was karma related because I kept saying,

"I owed him one. Now we are even."

I felt it wasn't a show I had 'staged, rigged' or tricked into play. I felt it was a script that had been written long before we were born. To me (in standing in the afterglow of that first spiritual moment) it wasn't a one man show as much as it was a 'project' that each and every student had a 'spiritual hand' in scripting. It wasn't so much the show that mattered as much as it was the 'emotion' or 'feeling' that got dropped in the middle of group and rippled though us.

Of course, I can now recall that day in the classroom. Everyone was high fiving one another, clapping their hands and eventually, laughing so hard we were all moved to tears. One guy fell on the floor and rolled around like one of the three stooges laughing. I remember walking away from that meeting with my former classmates thinking it was something we had all earned together from some other previous 'spiritual journey' we had been on together in a different time. It was not a 'one-time' thing in my mind as much as it as continuous thing that had evolved into that moment through various other experiences and encounters in our 'hidden past' together.

Who knows, maybe in the next life time, I am going to be the kid running around with an invisible army of human-headed flies chasing after me to put on a show to have that joy and laughter ripple though others the way it did.


Mere Dreamer said:
Must admit I'm curious about your technique too. *laugh* Even though I can't imagine ever needing to know.
Of course, the dam has burst - and the water level is such that I can see clearly 'memories' that were once hidden to me. I can now recall that the 'dam' was something I constructed for myself on a mental level starting around the age of 13, when I started visiting psychologists for therapy pertaining to my medical condition. The dam was modeled after ''past life' recall and how those memories got buried at 'birth.'

After amnesia, there were several methods I tried to use on a conscious level to 'tug' at this underwater 'lines.' If I did that and it was marked with a certain colored 'buoy' it would lead to migraines. To avoid the migraines, I came up with a different technique.

My parable for that was 'floating' in a boat above the surface of a body of water that was dark and murky and stickiing my hand in to 'feel' the shallow bottom. I would get the 'emotions' attached to a hidden memory - but - I wouldn't get any details.

Say, if a friend I had grown up with came up to me as an adult. He would have memories about a great 2 week camping trip with all the vivid details he could talk about. All I had was a 'murky surface' of water and no sight of anything hidden below. I would stick my hand beneath the surface to touch a 'hidden object' for the 'sensation' or 'emotion.' If I got a good feeling from touching the 'hidden bag' that contained the memories - then that would rush into me.

"I can feel what your talking about, but, I can't see or hear it."

I read a lot of post here on the board where people describe that sort of thing with their own 'past life recall.' Like they can reach beneath the surface of the veil that is separating them from the memory and touch on the 'hidden container that houses the memory' and get an overwhelming feeling of emotional attachment that is hard to describe or define. It is not imaginary - but - very very real.

I actually had a lot of friends come up to me after amnesia and describe camping trips we had been on together. (I loved camping as a teenager.) I got to experiment with different people and I felt like I was taking a scientific approach for my own self.

Was this person 'projecting' that emotion into me because of their feelings?

Was I creating an empathetic response internally to their verbal description?

I was looking for the reality and truth of it.

Going through that period where every person from my childhood was 'akin' to or 'like' a past life connection - really helped me fine tune the 'mental attitude' I think was necessary later when I did start encountering actual past life 'associations' from actual past lives. I was tuned in to feel my way though that sort of blindness and 'grasp' the 'emotional' attachment as a very real object that contained 'hidden memories.' I do think that two year period after amnesia, conditioned me mentally to look past the physical attachment and grasp the 'emotional attachment' hidden in the undertow. When a stranger approached me - I was used to reaching my hand over the side of the 'boat' and 'feeling' around for the 'emotional attachment' hidden below rather than looking on the surface for conscious memories.

I feel it was a 'conditioning' period to prepare me for so many 'past life' encounters in my adult stage of life. I would look for the 'secrets' hidden in the emotional attachment below the surface first.


Mama2HRB said:
Funny tale ... I love the picture of the teacher looking between her legs, LOL
I don't have a full recollection of it myself. I do have a vivid memory of the conversation I shared with a group of 19 year old's who had been in that classroom when we were 14 year old's together. I recall one of the 19 year old guys saying,

"The sight of that teacher bending over like that had a huge impact on every one of us boys just hitting puberty. Gave us something to think about when we were alone with ourselves."

I got the impression from the guys in the group she was one of those teachers than many a young boy had his first older woman type crush on. What I do recall of it was, her head looked like it was touching the ground when she bent over like that looking back between her legs.

I can see now where the sight of something like that sparked the wild imagination of many a young boys mind back then.


Maybe that is why them boys was patting me on the back in the hallway saying 'thank you' so much for. The girls had a little different reaction in the hallway than the boys did.


dking777 said:
Going through that period where every person from my childhood was 'akin' to or 'like' a past life connection - really helped me fine tune the 'mental attitude' I think was necessary later when I did start encountering actual past life 'associations' from actual past lives. I was tuned in to feel my way though that sort of blindness and 'grasp' the 'emotional' attachment as a very real object that contained 'hidden memories.' I do think that two year period after amnesia, conditioned me mentally to look past the physical attachment and grasp the 'emotional attachment' hidden in the undertow. When a stranger approached me - I was used to reaching my hand over the side of the 'boat' and 'feeling' around for the 'emotional attachment' hidden below rather than looking on the surface for conscious memories.
Ah, I do understand what you're talking about in regards to that emotional knowing. It's on a whole 'nother level, for sure. I suppose I've always been tapped into that stable feeling and relied on it even more through all the emotional turmoil, even though I didn't have a clue about past lives.

It was simply a "message from God" back then, though I could never explain to anyone why certain people, and not others of the same sort triggered that in me. I could only say, "Well, I don't know why, but that person is meant "for me" (meaning I was supposed to actively recognize them) and the other one isn't."

At the time I didn't know how to tell the difference between the positive and negative ... well, perhaps I had chosen at some point not to know because I needed the experiences that came with the two of them that went bad on me in order to become who I am now. Or maybe they're the ones who taught me to sense the difference?... Hmm...

Your memories are helping me sort through the pile of possible approaches I've got stacked up a mile high. You've given me an example and insight into the reasons why I might need to sort through it all one day. It really helps to see the possibility of an opening into that lake behind the dam once I'm ready, and the past life research I'm doing feels like preparation for dealing with this life, too. Time to heal, I think.

Thank you.
It is funny because when memories did return of my school days, I thought of it as 'nap' time. I slept in classes. I can remember get woke up all the time and told to pay attention. I found a way to go to sleep with my eyes open. I started a job when I was 15, my parents separated, and I started working full time to pay the bills. I grew up fast.

My friends were on the block I lived and co-workers. I didn't associate with anyone from school. I was too busy sleeping to form any associations.

I can recall many a teacher asking me to stay after class to talk to me. They couldn't figure out why or how - I could sleep through the entire class and maintain a A- average. I recall one teacher who told me that they had got together with my other teachers and where keeping a close eye on me to try and catch me cheating. I recall trying to demonstrate it to a teacher once. I told them to hand me the text book for what ever test they had scheduled for the next week or in the future. It didn't matter what the subject was about. All I needed was one minute to flip though the chapter the test was on. If the answer was in the text, I would find it. I could put the 'text' of an entire chapter in my head in one minutes time. All I had to do was flip though the 'images' of the text I had put into my mind when I was handed the test. I asked,

"Is that cheating?"

Five years later, the G-men sat me in a closed room with five huge books. They wanted to test this ability themselves. I flipped through the books at lightening speed and they took the books with them out of the closed room and hand me a 100 pages of questions pertaining to what was in the books. I scored 100% on the tests. That is how I crammed three years of training into three short months. They said they thought I had a photographic memory.

We came up with a very elaborate 'code' system that no one in the world would have been able to decipher. It was written down on pages and then - the pages were burned. This is how it was with my 'childhood physical memories.' I knew enough to know that everything was recorded in images somewhere in my mind - but - pass codes, combinations and locks had been put in place. On a conscious level - I didn't have access to when, where or how those pass codes were put into place. The combinations were hidden on the other side. I told them,

"I put my spirit in charge of the passcodes. I couldn't dig them out to save my life - if my spirit was given instructions to keep that locked until the right combination was used to open it up.

That is what I had been doing in school while I slept. School was too boring for me - and I had dreamed up all the possible combinations of possible scenarios in the future - and created pass-codes and combinations. This was all to do with the 'secret mission' for my 'famous friend.' I thought that sort of 'spy thing' might come in handy in the future.

So when I ran into the classmates at the age of 19, I didn't think anyone knew me from school - because all I could remember of it was 'sleeping' all the time. They said they remembered that about me as well. Of course, I didn't recall it at the time, but now I am recalling - going 'out of body.' Who wants to sit in a crowded hot classroom with someone who forgot to take a shower that day - when you can jump out of your body and go chase some polar bears?


I certainly would have loved to chase the polar bears as well. My ex had a photographic memory. It was amazing. Sadly he fried it with a cocaine addiction.

If you were out of body and the teacher called on you in the classroom would you have heard it and been pulled back?
Mama2HRB said:
If you were out of body and the teacher called on you in the classroom would you have heard it and been pulled back?
Trust me, teachers knew better than to call on me. I haven't understood it until the memories came back. It started in sixth grade, and after sixth grade - I wouldn't allow it. I would go to them in private and specifically ask - never to be called upon for answers to study material. It was a 'thing' I had and I tried to explain it to them in private.

They would come up and knock on my desk, or drop a book on the floor next to me. My attitude was, "I turned in a A on my report, now leave me alone."

I think I have read it somewhere, that falling sensation that many people wake up from. That is a 'jerk' back to the body from an out of 'body experience. Depending on how the 'waking up' process would depend on how quick I got back in the body. If it was a polite 'whisper' then it would be a gentle transition back. If it was a book dropping on the floor next to em - it would be that 'falling' sensation' that left the body jerking and - a sudden confusion trying to re-adjust the focus.

I remember I had all kinds of ways trying to learn to hide it. I would put the book up in front of me where it stood up on it's own. I would act like I was putting my head down to read the book, knowing the teacher was going to make a pass by me to see if I was awake. As soon as they made the pass - off I went into sandman land. Eventually, it got to the point that it was routine. After awhile, the only time I got woke up was when the bell rang to change classes.

I remember one classmate waking me up and saying,

"Time to change beds. You can pick up on that dream when you get to your next desk."

When I met the classmates in 1979 - they said they knew me from High School. That was after the 'body change' that took place. If anyone knew me from High School, I was the kid who slept all the time. They acknowledge that as a fact, but said they knew me from Junior High prior to the 'body change.' What I knew of High School then was, I felt never spoke to anyone. I didn't know what happened that made me 'silent' and very unapproachable.

So when they acknowledged that - I felt they might have been the one of the ones who woke me up when the bell rang to switch desks so I could get back to sleep again. If a teacher had called on me during High School to answer a question, all they would have gotten from me would be a 'hard, cold, silent stare from me.

I always looked at High School as my hibernation period. I was sleeping with the polar bears.


There were several reason why I grew silent in High School and cut off all social ties. When I say I grew up overnight, it was actually a literal transistion. When I woke up with amnesis, everyone talked about it. It was hard for me to believe when I couldn't remember. I grew up so fast, that I got out of bed and didn't have clothes to wear.

The Doctors had warned my family that my heart would not survive the growth spurt. They felt my heart was to fragile to go trough that period. Growth is what was leading to the seizures from the age of six to the age of 14. It was gradual growth and I was adapting to the changes when it was slow. But the Doctors felt my heart was not going to make it through that hormonal release that brought about massive growth.

I started screaming one day and the pain was massive. Unlike anything I gone through. My family was prepared for it and started calling everyone together. They put me in bed and family was gathered in the living for the type of vigil. Friends and family were coming into the room while I tossed, turned, screamed and went into one seizure after another. They all came to say their 'good-byes.' When the storm calmed down and I was coherant enough to talk, I kept telling them not to give up on me. I was determined to survive this ordeal. It was one NDE after another. There were things going on on the spiritual side. It was like a 'massive operation' underway and 'spirit guides' were surrounding my body and working over time as well. Of course, I was kept out of school during that period. It was five or six days later when the smoke cleared. I had crawled into the bed with a little boy's body. A week later, I had grown to be six feet tall. No one could believe their eyes. Of course, my family was overjoyed because I was alive, talking and looked perfectly healthy again. I literally had no clothes of my own that would fit. My underwear wouldn't even fit me. It was that dramatic and swift. I had to wear some of my Dad's clothes until we went shopping to get me new clothes.

When I did return to school - it scared everyone. My Parents were called to the school to have a conference. The principle and my teacher couldn't believe I was the same boy who had attended their classes the week prior. They had to call the Doctors in to confirm I had a rare medical condition and that was the only possible explanation for such a rapid growth spurt.

There was sort of an 'alienation' phase that I went through with my classmates. My friends on the block had been in the room watching this growth spurt with their own eyes. My family and family friends had been in the room and watched me go through that ordeal - and held my hands while I screamed out in anguish and terrible pain. My family, friends and Doctors knew enough to know - it was a miracle I was alive. It was a miracle they had been praying for - for years.
