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When a **Touch** triggers Past Life Memories

I am curious - if others experience touch as a trigger for past life memories. Anyone?

My Fiance' and I were together before but I have not done any meditations regarding the feeling. When I am with him it feels like yesterday - and yet - it is behind a veil. That is hard to explain.

At first I thought it was due to a traumatic past with him. But the past year feels more like a gift - to re-experience love. It always begins with his touch; it feels - ancient. Like I am going home - back to the beginning.

I am allowing the experience to unfold - naturally. I want to fully embrace the unfolding one day at a time.

Anyone else have a touch story to share?

A formal description of the touch technique is as follows: The querant and the regressor sit face to face in the lotus position almost touching each other. Both people focus inwardly on an internal point between the eyebrows and just above in order to initiate opening of the third eye. This can be done by focusing on the internal color-display exhibited by the mind by projecting the movement into the stable form of a bull's-eye and then by entering this portal through successive layers of color. When the regressor obtains the blue veil he/she invites the querant to lie supine cross-ways immediately in front. Rub both hands together, spread them flat laterally and commence a side to side hand-scan 1-2 cm above the querant's body. Avoid the face and genitals. At any point in the scan where an apprehension of difference, of tension in the querant's body-field arising, cease the scan and lightly apply the first two fingers of the right hand to the point on the body associated with the disturbance. The regressor then invites the querant to report their innermost feelings associated with the pressure-point. The past-life associated with the body-point will commence to flow outward as inquiry proceeds. Do not encourage this through "leading questions" (however, ask what, how, why & who etc), allow the querant to to follow his/her own feelings.

To terminate, make a summation, point to positive lessons-learned, suggest envelopment with a golden light and ask for open-eyes. :) :cool
unfinished business

Hi Deborah,

interesting observation, regard it as a gift, yes why not? Touch, particularly feelings involving sexuality are probably the deepest of any Earth-bound experience. After all they must go back to at least the meeting of the first conjugating gametes weather here on this Earth or in the myriad of universes associated with the reincarnating spirit in its seemingly endless journey of return.

But, for my part, I think the "proper" way to look at an experience such as you report is to understand that it truly involves "unfinished business". Start from the commonality that you both recognize (talk about it together) and then reach for the Universal Self together in the way that you find to be most appropriate. With concentration, compassion and love you will undoubtedly find that such a journey never ends. Why should it? Unity is both eternal and quite beyond time in any way shape or form. Lucky in Love u r. :)
Hi Robin,

Long time no see. ;) Good to have to here - as always. Lucky in love I am - thank you. :)

Taking your advise to heart - perhaps it is time. : angel:cool

Remember, The Buddha said that one does not need the raft after using it to get to the other side of the river. Leave it behind and carry on "free". Feel free to Love.......
This is a slightly different form of response to touch that I experienced.

I had a Reflexology session just to see what happened and got an unexpected experience. The person who was doing the reflexology is an amazing old man from India. He doesn't touch people unless he's working on them because he's so psychic that if he touches you--he literally knows all about you! He explained that I had a trapped breath inside me and began to work on my collar bones and sternum to release it. Then he left the room. I was in an altered state and knew something strange was going on with me. That's when I saw an image of a 'winged disc' rise up out of my chest and go to the place above the doorway and stay there. The 'winged disc' was an ancient Egyptian symbol of Healing and was always etched above doorways at places of healing! I don't know which lifetime this was for me other than it being ancient Egyptian...and I've had several of those.

The next experience with touch happened as I held my father's hand while he was dying. I wasn't thinking about anything but suddenly I was seeing my childhood in vivid color! I was seeing my Dad and I in our swimming pool at sunset all in tremendous detail. I could see drops of water on the hair of his arm and with a shock I realized he was in his 30's and I was about 4 years old. I was so shocked I let go of his hand! When I opened my eyes I saw he was in a coma and realized he was 'going backwards in Time' reviewing his life and by holding his hand I'd began to share that journey. Too bad I startled out of it because it was amazing to relive that experience with him! I held his hand again but the vision wouldn't return. I was grateful I shared what he was seeing in his coma and how beautiful it was. There is a Grace and Honor to death that no one really sees and that is preparation for birth onto the Other Side.


Good thread. I've known several different people, throughout the years, with whom I'm sure I've shared past lives. At least one of them has thought so, too. Three of my friends, especially - when we hug one another, or do something similar, such as dance or put the palms of our hands together (I know that must sound very weird), we get a mutual sort of shock, and things start seeming all the more familiar.
a hug of memories back

Hi Deborah,

You have asked me for one the stronger PL emotions related I've ever had. Yes, I experenced a "touch trigger PL memory".

My friend and I were introduced by another closer person for both of us. My friend lives in the opposite part of the world and he has come twice to visit us, staying in my place for a couple of weeks. I always felt something special being close to him, something that I can't explain properly...I felt like I have to over protect him very much. Weird thing that he got sick both times he was here, ending up at the hospital last time. Of course I took care of him.

The day he was going back his country, we hugged to say goodbye and that moment was absolutely special...an ocean of emotions run together trough my body making me feel dizzy and speechless. I felt my arms paralized around his neck and wanted not to end the hug never. I have never felt something like that. It was 5 seconds' hug ; but in my mind time went back many years ago. I knew that special connetion was from a PL. I started meditacion and found out that we were a young couple in a PL and we had to separate although the big love we felt. The moment of hugging and the bus picking him up in this life was exactly the same in our PL, but I left in the bus that time ago.

I can say that I feel lucky to have him again close in my heart, even when we live so physically distant. I'm lucky to have felt once again all the emotion and love we had once in a PL...depite it lasted only a few seconds (it will last for ever in my memory).