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Why does reincarnation really matter?


New Member
I've been quite interested in reincarnation and the afterlife ever since I was 13 years old. I believe that rebirth is possible and it all makes sense, but I can't be 110% completely sure until I've experienced it personally.

Lately, I've been thinking about people's personal interests in deeper issues. I mean, there are always some people who really don't care about reincarnation and who just feels that it's not an important issue.

My boyfriend is one of those who just isn't interested in the topic at all. He says that it's just too "sci-fi" to make sense of. He just doesn't care.

I myself, think reincarnation is a very important issue which can improve the life you're living now.

My question to you is, why is reincarnation important to you? How do you think people will benefit from knowing that reincarnation is true? And of course, why do you think some people just don't care about the topic so much as us?
Hi anna87,

Just my own thoughts:

You don't have to remember past lives to believe in reincarnation, you just have to have faith in your belief that rebirth does happen. Most everything in life is based on faith in someway: faith that you will wake up tomorrow, faith that you are loved, faith that other people are honest and telling you the truth as they understand it, etc. I think that faith is everything - we trust that our lives, as we want them to be, will actually happen (and we adjust our expectations when necessary).

I believe that we are preparing the way for those yet to be reborn, preparing a better world for others to experience and raise their children in (including ourselves - reborn). I know it doesn't seem like that is happening right now with the world being so chaotic but, if everyone believed that they would be reborn into the world of their own making, I think that peace and love would prevail right now. Everyone would truly love their neighbor as much as themselves. We would all benefit from knowing that reincarnation allows us to shape the world for our own return.

I think that people who don't care about our spiritual nature lack enlightenment. The light hasn't gone on for them. If their parents had embraced a philosophy of rebirth perhaps they would be different in many ways - not that they are bad people now, just lacking understanding.

Again, while this is something I truly believe, it is just a personal opinion.
Hello Anna. Stardis gave you an excellent answer. Reincarnation is important for me because it has opened up my mind and heart to what I feel is the true coarse for our being. We all want to know: is God real, who am I, what is my purpose etc... These are intrinsic questions to most all people. They are the deep questions and thoughts that search for an explanation to existence and more poignantly death. What is the point of life and consciousness if we are only ultimately compost? I believe we have a soul. I believe in a higher power, God. For too long I was locked into a mindset of fundamentalist Christian Catholicism. Reincarnation has taught me that my once steadfast belief system was a constraint. It opened my eyes to a world where God is apart of every thing, including other ideologies. Now my Christian, Buddhist, Native philosophy base makes such perfect sense. We are (as I've said here millions of times) on a journey. Life is a pathway toward the perfection of Creation. We enter these lives with the purpose of growing our soul's own perfection and learning. For those who choose to study life, its purpose and its meaning, there are beautiful truths out there waiting to be studied. Reincarnation is one example.

Sorry I rambled a little but I hope it made sense. In short: life for me is a journey toward an ultimate union with the Cosmos, the Creator....God. He has provided us many pathways of understanding...if we are willing to study them. A soulful, contemplative person knows the direction.

I think an interest in reincarnation is just a matter of timing--- that this life I remember and that through this remembering I am going to face some fears . I do think it was because of my very traumatic previous lives in WWII . Those fears are a part of our nature and I beleve can remain in our psyche for years without necessarily affecting us alot. I had had so much that my mind was still triggering . I beleive I needed spiritual help from childhood .

I had always had issues with my parents since fairly early on and so due to that unhappiness I reached out for another approach to tackling my problems. THrough seeing how my past lives affected me it became easier to find the courage to change. I could see that in other lives things had not always been the same . This gave me the reference to have faith that I could get back in control.

Also education affects people's approach to their beliefs. In this day and age we are more able to find paths to knowledge .

We need to reincarnate to learn, our souls need constant learning in order to properly evolve.. eventually we will Ascend and not have to come back! Can't wait for that day lol. Anyway we experience different views of life through reincarnation. One life we may be wealthy, another we may be poor, one life we may follow one particular religion, another life we may follow another.. it all depends on what lessons and experiences our souls want to have in order to keep evolving. I just wrote a book about my recent past lives and how I have been affected today (I am also a reincarnated Holocaust victim.. and one of the reasons I had to come back was to start healing from that horrific experience.. but I will have to come back at least one more time in order to properly completely heal).. so we reincarnate to learn, balance previous karma, gain new experiences, etc.. so we can master it all in the end. That is my feeling...
anna87 said:
Lately, I've been thinking about people's personal interests in deeper issues. I mean, there are always some people who really don't care about reincarnation and who just feels that it's not an important issue.

My boyfriend is one of those who just isn't interested in the topic at all. He says that it's just too "sci-fi" to make sense of. He just doesn't care.

I myself, think reincarnation is a very important issue which can improve the life you're living now.

My question to you is, why is reincarnation important to you? How do you think people will benefit from knowing that reincarnation is true? And of course, why do you think some people just don't care about the topic so much as us?
I'd guess that your boyfriend doesn't care because he doesn't believe in it. I mean, would you care about the topic of pink elephants if you didn't believe they existed?

Another reason might be that people have other interests that are (for whatever reason) more interesting (to them). It all really depends on your passions, doesn't it? And it's not as if a lack of belief in it is somehow a bad thing. I mean, many have achieved great things without this belief. And I doubt they could've done it better had they had this belief. It wouldn't have helped Beethoven write better music; it wouldn't have helped Monet paint better paintings; it wouldn't have helped Einstein to come up with better theories.

I know for a fact that my belief regarding reincarnation will not improve the life I'm living now because it won't affect any of the choices I've made or will be making in any way whatsoever. Nor does it affect my passions in any way. It is mildly interesting, a sort of idle curiosity for me, but no more.
Thank you so much for your responses. It has made me think that it's all a matter of a personal interest and curiosity.
Woah there. I know what you're trying to say, but I didn't imply that those who don't believe in reincarnation are bad people. My boyfriend is a very good person but I feel he lacks the sense of direction in his life and he's very materialistic, often loses himself when it comes to materialistic things to satisfy his physical needs.

I truly believe that understanding your past lives can improve the quality of your life. Like for example heal a serious phobia, a relationship, etc. I know that it can give you deeper perspective in life, improving you as a person and spiritual being. But of course, belief in reincarnation is one of many options to a more fullfilling life. But that's my opinion.

Yong said:
I'd guess that your boyfriend doesn't care because he doesn't believe in it. I mean, would you care about the topic of pink elephants if you didn't believe they existed?
Another reason might be that people have other interests that are (for whatever reason) more interesting (to them). It all really depends on your passions, doesn't it? And it's not as if a lack of belief in it is somehow a bad thing. I mean, many have achieved great things without this belief. And I doubt they could've done it better had they had this belief. It wouldn't have helped Beethoven write better music; it wouldn't have helped Monet paint better paintings; it wouldn't have helped Einstein to come up with better theories.

I know for a fact that my belief regarding reincarnation will not improve the life I'm living now because it won't affect any of the choices I've made or will be making in any way whatsoever. Nor does it affect my passions in any way. It is mildly interesting, a sort of idle curiosity for me, but no more.
anna87 said:
Thank you so much for your responses. It has made me think that it's all a matter of a personal interest and curiosity.
I try to maintain my awareness of past lives as a healing tool. I can see how it has helped me heal emotionally and thus physically in this life. The utmost purpose of our souls is to open our hearts to discover and attune to love.

I do not see it as a passing fancy== and wonder if I would/ could go on in a future life without a belief in reincarnation. I can see how in my past lives I was a searcher for the higher truths , through religious pursuits, but reflect that probably this is the first life that I can actually see more of that truth .

I consider myself kind of serious about God. I have to admit I am still somewhat of a snob when it comes to playing at past lives and taking it as a passing interest, as I can see how important it is to Gods plan ... sorry to those who are not so into it --- probably that old fear of the wrath of God stuff from my Christian upbringing.

anna87 said:
Woah there. I know what you're trying to say, but I didn't imply that those who don't believe in reincarnation are bad people. My boyfriend is a very good person but I feel he lacks the sense of direction in his life and he's very materialistic, often loses himself when it comes to materialistic things to satisfy his physical needs.
I truly believe that understanding your past lives can improve the quality of your life. Like for example heal a serious phobia, a relationship, etc. I know that it can give you deeper perspective in life, improving you as a person and spiritual being. But of course, belief in reincarnation is one of many options to a more fullfilling life. But that's my opinion.
I didn't take you to imply that either. I just don't think a belief in reincarnation or a past life memory is necessarily a good thing, in terms of healing, making you happy, or achieving great things, or simply learning. It could be good, it could be bad, it could be neither. Can it heal some emotional wounds? I suppose so. Just like psychotherapy could. Or self-reflection, or a search of who you are. Even active social life could as well, I suppose. Can it give you direction? Or better yet, healthy, good direction? I suppose so. Just as losing yourself in art or science or politics or ... could give you healthy direction.

A belief in reincarnation would make you a better person, give you a "deeper" perspective in life? How so? India, I believe, is a place where a belief in reincarnation is commonplace as it is part of their culture, but I strongly doubt that it makes them better people or give them deeper perspective in life. There are plenty of materialistic, bad, shallow, rotten people in India as there are in the US or elsewhere. And I could say the same regarding the issue of God. A belief in God isn't necessarily a good thing either even if God existed. There are plenty of rotten theists as there are rotten atheists and plenty of kind theists as there are kind atheists. And if God existed, he couldn't possibly be so shallow as the Christian God and actually CARE whether you have any beliefs about him.

What gives you direction, rather what SHOULD give you direction, are your deepest passions. And if your deepest passions have nothing to do with reincarnation, then an obsession with this topic is only stopping you or distracting you from your true destiny, the real reason why you're here. In that case, you might be better off not believing in reincarnation at all. Reincarnation is just living life again and again for whatever reason. If you think of life like a school, then it's like attending school again and again (with breaks in between, like summer vacations). If you're in the fifth grade and the main purpose (in that grade) is to learn about x, what does a belief in having to attend school again and again (reincarnation) have to do with your main purpose in this particular grade? How does that help? If x is reincarnation, then it would obviously be helpful. If not, its relevance is unclear at best.
Hi Yong,

I just don't think a belief in reincarnation or a past life memory is necessarily a good thing, in terms of healing, making you happy, or achieving great things, or simply learning.
To believe something because you read it - or were told to - or if you have taken on a belief that is more along the lines of faith - is following a direction. It may or may not lead to an experience that is beneficial. But you are choosing the path.

Can it give you direction? Or better yet, healthy, good direction?
What better way to find direction than to really learn to "know thy self." After all - we do choose our directions. Learning that we are responsible for our choices -- key. IMHO.

All the rhetoric -- not so important.

Good question anna87 - thank you for posting.