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I have no memories of ever being male. No male feelings whatsoever. All the past lives I remember have been female. Next time around I'll choose to be female again. Nothing against you men out there -- I just really love being a girl! :)

I would say that preference is very significant, it says a great deal about you. And one thing to keep in mind, sexuality is developmental. Your preferences may change, not only from life to life, but during your current life.

When it comes to me, because I don't care what gender someone is-I'm not necessarily bisexual, but all that matters to me is what's inside, not the configuration of their container-preference is everything. And although I have based my choices on certain physical characteristics, they are currently based on entirely non-physical aspects.
Hi Erin,

You are certainly being heroic in my eyes.

I wanted to comment briefly on the question you brought up of whether you are copping out by changing your physical gender. This goes to what your karmic life-lessons are, and this is a very personal issue. It's not possible to make general rules and apply them to everybody. Because you are self-aware and actively asking these kinds of questions, my guess is, in your case, you are doing what you need to do. I don't know all the intricacies of why or what past-life experiences might have played into it. Clearly, there are lessons to learn about identity and about society embedded in any transgender experience.

What I'm suggesting is that when people are flying in the face of their lessons, or copping out on their lessons, generally these people are in denial and don't ask a lot of searching questions. And they don't open themselves up bravely to feedback. You don't strike me as the type of person who is avoiding their karmic lessons, so by inference, I doubt you are copping out on yours.
Steve S.
I think it's better if anyone can get intune with their current gender, their entire selve's make up even. The best way to know yourself inside and out. However, our body image and feelings are confusing to some of us where there is no solid, even connection between what we are gender wise and what we feel like, however strong or subtle.

I do like being male now and I'm glad i am male, where as before, I didn't even think about it, wasn't fully aware of it, yet still had this womanly feeling about me. I'd say it was quite strong at the time, still lingers about despite me definitely wanting to be more male now. Just makes me wonder where that all came from. As much as I don't like this shell I'm in, for reasons not to do with gender, I would appriciate being more intune with being male, if I'm taking the image of a male, lol. I don't know, so many mysteries as to where I came from, why I've felt this way and, how is it that I'm changing the way I feel, my perspective on life. I could probably answer the last one.

Here I go again, going on about me when this is someone else's post :rolleyes: lol.

It's all about balance that makes us what we are, inside and out nomad. i was gonna ask you earlier in my current post here. When you talk of you PL looking like you, people asking are you twin brother and sister. Is it down to a picture you have of your PL? I was gonna ask if he's actually alive? I'm sounding daft but, it sounded like he was (your PL) still alive.
Im not sure if we choose our gender or not, maybe we do. but we dont think the same way when were in our spirit form, so maybe we choose to have a difficult life on purpose?

I am a male now, but when i was younger i did think i would make a better girl, not i wanted to be one, just it would work better. when i was little i liked alot of girly toys, like stuffed animals, some dolls, but also hotwheels and other more boyish things. when i was even younger 3-5 i would cover my head with a towel to pretend i had long hair. i always liked having long hair, although i never ever have had my own real hair long. i would hate that now. i actually hate when my hair grows to my neck just the back it bothers me, i like have short hair now. also i guess even now i am fasinated with pregnancy. i love babies too, but pregnancy fasinates me. i also used to like stuff pillows or balls in my shirts to look pregnant (not infront of people of course just for like fun lol) i dont do that anymore, but pregnancy still interest me, and i always wonder how it would be to be pregnant. so maybe that means i have been female, which from a regression i was, but i only had one child who didnt really mean much to me. But now i like being male, also i just remembered when i was younger i never took my shirt of in the pool, i always felt naked without a shirt. but from my parents making me i broke out of that, but still i put a towel on right after i come out and get dressed. it wasnt becuase i was embarressed of my body, im not overweight, i just dont know. i feel weird without my shirt on in front of people. wow i never really thought about all of my weird things as maybe its cuase i was a female before. hmm.
I think that the soul has no gender, and one is free to be whatever they want. Still, there's a personal preference, and that is reflected in the number of times a person has been male or female in their past incarnations.

Personally I enjoy being female this time around immensely. But I am aware of the fact that I've been male more times than female, and in my last PL was probably male.

I think that this time I chose to be female because of the circumstances...It's like, if I wanted to be born into my family,and from my mother, I *had* to be female. Right now I live with my three aunts, my mother and my grandmother. There are no men in my immediate family and I think that it would have been a difficult situation for a boy.

Still, that's just my interpretation. I really don't know why I chose to be female this time, but I'm glad I did. Wouldn't mind being male again, though. :)

Actually, writing this post reminded me: there have been times in my life when I have been convinced that things would be easier for me if I were male. I hate the fact that girls have to sit around waiting to be chosen by a guy, at least here, (D.R). I remember thinking many times "if I were a guy, I would never be lonely,and I would be able to choose". and "if I were a guy men wouldn't look at me like I'm a piece of meat (which I hate) when I'm walking down the street" :rolleyes:
Thank you Ssake, for the words of encouragement.

I have wondered if while waiting my turn to come down here, I chose to be transgendered. Or perhaps I have had so little experience as a man that I just couldn't do it. I don't know. All I do know is that I can't stand being treated as a man or being refered to as a man. Thank God I've made enough progress that I don't have to go through that anymore. :)
Dr. Ian Stevenson and other past life researchers have pointed out homosexuality or gender identity disorder as being past life related, as in during another life you were of a different sex.
I've read and heard several accounts where homosexuals regress back to lives where they were also homosexual in the previous life or lives. Having been the opposite sex in a recent past life might make one have relatively more male or female qualities--but I'm not sure it would be enough, in and of itself, to incline the person toward homosexuality.

Another variable, I think, is how strongly a person identified with their previous-life sex. Some people identify very strongly with being either male or female. If it's central to your personal identity, and you incarnate into the opposite-sex body, I think you would be inclined to try to carry forward that identification. If you are more flexible and being male or female isn't central to how you see yourself, then you'd be more likely to just go with the flow, even though you might have some characteristics left over from the previous life. This would seem to be borne out, in my observation, by the fact that many homosexuals seem to identify very strongly with their sexual inclination, whereas for me, for example, it is not really a big part of my identity. I know there are other possible interpretations. There are, of course, some straight men who identify very strongly with being masculine; and some women who identify very strongly with being feminine. For others, it's not that big a deal in their overall picture of themselves.

Another theory is trauma--one homosexual wrote a book explaining how he traced a past life in which he was castrated violently, and he feels that this past life caused the masculine side of his psyche to be suppressed and inclined him toward homosexuality.

My personal theory is that there are many circumstances in life and in history when people have turned to homosexuality because of the situation--a monestary, a prison, not enough of the opposite sex, homosexuality being encouraged by that particular society, or some other such circumstance. Then, it becomes a habit (being an intense mental/emotional impression left in the mind), and that habit carries on in the form of desires in this current life, even though the original circumstances have left. That habit then builds over subsequent lifetimes; hence the report from homosexuals that they were also homosexual in previous lives. In this sense it would not be very different from any other inclination that is built up over several lives.

Steve S.
I would say that one's personality and personal traits do not have to be defined wholly by what happened in a past life. There's enough happening within and without each and every one of us right now to influence our souls and spirits. Plus, with some people who talk about "causes", there is an air of it being something one might prevent with only a bit of foresight or preparation. I think it's something that'd exist no matter what. Not that I think anyone here means to be offensive :) I just think it's not something where anyone can point to one definitive cause ("and here's the dirty toilet seat that gave you the Gay"). Similarly, with transsexuals, it's as much a matter of hormones and brain chemistry as "feelings". There are plenty of people who were a different gender in their previous life and yet are perfectly conventional and "ordinary" in the here and now, and there might be many others who had lived dull and conventional past lives who were now any sort of peculiar :) Nothing's ever simple, in my experience.
My own studies on gender, sexuality and social conditioning have led me to the conclusion that although the body is usually sexed male or female, and gender-roles are conditioned into us, the soul has no gender.

What I've found interesting is our perceptions filtering what we see through 'male' and 'female'. In years of using a gender-neutral moniker on various forums, I have noticed that when people don't know my physical sex, they invariably assume I'm male, and when I was on two nearly identical forums related to a particular sector of the IT industry (one where it was known that I am female in sex, the other where it was assumed I was male), and made the same post to both forums as both had the same topic under discussion. I did this as an experiment, as well. I'd noticed differences in how my posts were received on both forums, and I used an identical post as a control.

The post was my getting up on my electronic soapbox and making a speech, basically, on the need to clean up our industry and form a trade association, something I believed in quite strongly-still do. The post to the forum where they knew I was of the female sex, was received with scorn, and (from the comments made) was seen as emotional ranting and bitching. The post to the forum where it was assumed I was of the male sex, received kudos for the reasoned logic of it's rhetoric.

Although social conditioning and societal expectations for people sexed as female and male can and do often lead to certain behaviors online as part of their sex-related "gender roles", I would not interpret these as indicating the gender of a particular soul. Sex and gender are two very different things-one physical (simply how the plumbing is configured) and the other mental (deeply rooted in identity).

If you look at this from a more metaphysical perspective, would you say then that the sex of the body controls the gender of the soul? Would you put something so infinite and amorphous as a soul into a box labeled either male or female?

Just a few things to ponder...consider them bitchy ranting or reasoned rhetoric as you wish... :)
Phoenix has made a very good and observable point. I, too have been involved in a form of that experiment and had the same results (for me, this was as an experiment in school to show how stereotypes influence perception ;) ). Like Phoenix, the topic I used was considered a "male dominated" topic by society's standards. It was a very interesting and thought-provoking experiment and one the results of which I will never forget. :laugh:

I would suggest being very careful when making assumptions about gender or anything else. Nothing is ever clearcut and stereotypes can land a person in a heap of trouble. ;)
I definately agree with those who say that Bisexuality, and even homosexuality has to do with re-encarnation. I think that is the mistery that most of the world doesn't understand and they blame it on other things. Even those who are homosexual or bisexual feel guilt because they think it is "a disease" or problem they have and don't know that re-encarnation has everything to do with it. This is the missing link that our society who critisizes homosexuality and what not needs to know about. I think it is the most resonable explanation, and in my mind the ONLY explanation. It couldn't be clearer. Why else would bisexuals or homosexuals and transexuals say "I felt trapped in my body" or "I don't feel like a full 100% man or woman" or "I am attracted to both men and women"?? It is because they don't understand that they have re-encarnated into a man or woman so many times that they feel undefined in this life. It must be a nightmare to feel trapped liked that and not be able to express who you really feel you are. It is such a logical explanation. I can't believe how people could be close-minded and not believe in re-encarnation because it can answer so many questions. This issue which has caused so much debating, and hate, and stereotyping, silly prejiduces...All because we are not willing to oopen our minds to possibilities to topics such as re-encarnation. This thread is great!:thumbsup:
ButterFly85 said:
I definately agree with those who say that Bisexuality, and even homosexuality has to do with re-encarnation.

I would expand on this, and say that I believe that it's not just because we change bodies (and sexes) as we incarnate, but the lesson we learn about what really makes a person who they are. Not their external sexual charactistics or their conditioned gender-based behavior, but their genderless, sexless, internal self-that bright and shining light within.

My own realization when I had a same-sex relationship and was being pressured into becoming a lesbian by my partner, was that I am blind to sex and/or gender, and I loved her because of who she was, and I had no intention of limiting myself to one gender or the other-because the next person I met that I fell in love with might not be a woman.

I took a lot of flak from her about my choosing to not be a lesbian but to be bisexual, "sitting on the fence" was the jist of it. Nothing wrong with that in my book, it means that I can jump off to either side.
I'm sure I've been male in at least one lifetime, but I think I've been mostly female, and in my soul I feel much more female.
I only recall being male, but sense that I could well have been female at times, since I'm very much in touch with my female side. My closest freinds have always been female, and my male friendships have either been transitory, or at least troubled. For example, my closest and dearest friend is a woman I first met the summer of 1959 when I was 12. We have been extremely close through the years, and I'm friends with her husband, who I've known for just as long.

As for my closest male friend, who I first met the fall of 1959, and am also extremely close to, there was a 15 year gap in our friendship. While he has never mentioned our friendship split, which was my decision, I still dwell on it now and again. This is strictly friendship, nothing sexual in any way, but I often feel I betrayed that friendship bond we had developed during the first 15 years we had been friends.

Emotionally, I feel as if I'm pretty much balanced male and female, and don't think I would be at all uncomfortable if I were a woman in this life. That said, I have always been mildly intimidated by women in general, but have a deep affection for the women who are in my life.

I have never been married, and have only had a few serious, long term romances, so I wonder if that has any bearing on my current POV?

At the moment I can only recall bits of past lives as a male.I am currently female but I am quite a tomboy.I have held jobs as a mechanic and construction worker,I like guy stuff like rugby and fishing.I'm sure I've been a female before.I will come back as male if I get to chose.It is kind of interesting though,now that i'm thinking about it.I have a very male personality,I even crossdress frequently
I have thought this over very carefully over a good five years and my desire is still the same as it was in 2001 (and before)--next life I want to be a man as I was the life before this. I was quite happy and well-adjusted as a man and well, I would simply like to go back to being "me.:)
I've always been quite an extreme feminist myself. And I've always preferred to be a female. I couldn't ever imagine how it would be like for me to be a male. I've always loved being a female, even considering the disadvantages that our sex bears. Actually, I loved the disadvantages too, just because they made me a female. And I've always felt feminine and tried to act feminine. So I suppose that's what I've been in my PLs, or at least in most of them.
Most past lives I remember have been female, but there are a couple of male lives, too.

I think I'm quite feminine in this life, but I was a sort of a tomboy as a child and it's still very easy for me to hang out with guys without making my femininity an issue.

I don't have many overly feminine traits and I don't like it when women pretend to be dumber than they really are - and this is very common for women in my experience.

I love being a woman and I hope I get to be one in the future, too - but I have nothing against men either. Now that I'm pregnant I think it's a blessing to be able to experience this. I'm not so sure about giving birth, though... :eek: :D

Anyone else?
I have bits of memories of male lives only and I am comfortable being male. As for future lives, I really don't want any; but if i do have to come back, I would prefer to come back as male. Some of the reasons given in the resposes for either preference are quite interesting. But my reason for my preference does not show up in any response. I prefer to be male because I think I can love women best as a male. My choice is driven by my love of women.
As of this moment, I'm a female from a male past life. I find it very difficult to deal with females in general, though many of my friends are female. I have a lot more to talk about when I sit down with a guy. However, I'm primarily isolated in the dating world. This could be because of past life trauma, though I know that circumstances in this life have also played a major part.
I'm male and have been women in most of my PLs, but I'm not love-shy at all; I have quite a few of the traits, but I don't have the defining traits. I'm not shy around women; in fact, most of my friends are women.
I feel that I am the opposite of you.
I am female in this life, and have been female plenty of times, but also male many times.
No one would ever think of me as a masculine female in this life because I have an almost exaggerated feminine appearance, and I do enjoy a very ornamental style of feminine dress!
But my personality is not feminine at all... I am very masculine in dealing with people and in relationships. I love the chase in love and get bored quickly. I am loud and dominant.. I have been told by more perceptive people that can get past my looks that I am very traditionally masculine. So I guess we are the opposite! And no, I am not attracted to women either..
Masculine or Feminine?

Do you feel that in the course of your PL's and your present life that you have had a propensity toward the masculine or the feminmine? Or...do you feel that it is neither?

The reason why I ask is that there are things that I do & like that really seem unusual (to me). For example, I adore comic books. How many 37 yr old married women with two kids do you know who like comic books? See what I mean? It is almost like a rollover of a PL as a young/teenage boy. Maybe I am making more of it than I should but it would make sense to me if that were the case. Any ideas?:confused:
Interesting thread! I myself only remember 2 PL, one male, one female (kind of masculine, old maid type) and the latest time I tried to meditate I saw for a few seconds a girl in a canoe (reminded me of Pocahontas), she was indian, but I don't really know if this is PL related.
Hi Amy,

Definitely feminine. : angel I recall several past lives -- and all the ones I have remembered have been female lives. I am such a girly girl it's not even funny. :tongue:

When I was little -- I absolutely refused to wear jeans (because they were "icky boy clothes"). I wanted dresses and skirts - leotards and petticoats - and shiny black patent leather Mary Janes. I wanted cute sweaters - and jewellery and ribbons and barrettes for my hair.

I remember my Aunt cutting my younger cousin's long hair into a bob -- and I was *beyond* horrified -- because "girls have long hair" (I was about seven). Not too long after that my mom decided to cut off all my hair -- and I cried for months -- until it was long enough to be "pretty" again. :rolleyes:

Strange, but it's exactly the other way around for me, Aili; this is my first female life as far as I know, and I'm having quite a difficult time getting used to it. I never liked wearing dresses, and I was happiest when wearing short hair and looking like a boy. Starting puberty and beginning to look more feminine was a kind of a shock, but at 31 I've almost got over it ;)
Ironically, my hormones and things are working perfectly well, so this wanting to be male isn't caused by hormonal imbalance; as Mr Tweedy from Chicken Run says, "it's all in me 'ead" :)
Out of the couple of dozen or so that I know about I would say it is about a 60/40 split in favour of being male.

The past three or so have been female, but I am certainly a bit of a tomboy that is for sure. When I was a kid I was always wrestling boys, jumping off the garage roof or shinnying up a tree or whatever. I like to keep my hair short because it is just less of a waste of time messing around with it and energy fretting about it and works with the motor bike helmet.

Even though I also like all sorts of girly things like lipstick, nail polish and stillettos (red for preference) and my favourite toy was a dolls house when I was a kid (well, and my rocking horse so I could go on 'adventures'). I am very much in favour of big guys with hairy chests and have very tender maternal feelings towards my children and am pretty fussy about the housework. I like dresses and have many pretty ones which I tend to wear for special occasions, but find trousers more practical for day to day wear.

What defines femininity (gender for that matter) anyway? I have always felt kind of androngynous on the inside. I even look a bit androngynous on the outside (well, compared with some people - I am tall and thin for instance and have a relatively deep voice) but I have never felt any gender or sexuality confusion. I am just me. I am that I am. When I remember various feats of derring do in the 'old days' on some battle field as a big sweaty man, or being a woman weeping into a lace hanky for her lover, it is always just 'me' doing my thang.
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