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Strong emotional connection w/ a relative stranger


New Member
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I've always been fascinated w/ reincarnation, and have had dreams that I felt were more than just dreams, but rather memories. Most recently, while on holiday, I met a friend of a friend. He wanted to meet me the first my friend casually mentioned my name. We were immediately drawn to each other very intensely. He is a very spiritual person. I was assaulted w/ intense feelings for him that made no sense....I need some guidance in how to proceed to make some sense of everything. Thank you!
Welcome Lia. Well, first realize that you're not alone - this has happened to people here - uh, me included.

What sort of guidance were you looking for? People here may be able to answer some questions you may be having, if you're a little more specific as to what information you're looking for.

Are you wondering if it's past-life in nature? Wondering what triggered those feelings? Is this someone you're going to be seeing a lot of?

Well, good luck in searching for some answers!
Hi Bishopk, and thank you for your response.

Yes to all your questions. I will not be seeing this person often, but we are keeping in touch. It is emotional for both of us when we do see each other and of course it feels weird to be that way w/ someone you hardly know. Is there a way to try to figure out what the connection is, and why it's happening? Would I be intruding if I asked what your situation was like?
Hard to say why this happened to you and what the connection is. I'd like to believe this sort of intense experience is past-life related ie the person you met is someone you knew from previous lives. But only you can judge as to where your feelings are coming from.

Pay attention to whatever reactions, feelings, mannerisms that may surface when you see this man - you may get clues to possible past-life situations. People have also gotten clues from meditating and from their dreams. If you feel free to talk to the man about this, he may come up with clues to.

As for my experience, I'll try to explain a little. Almost 2 years ago, my husband interviewed for a new job and I went along to check out the area. I'd already been having a lot of intution about moving but didn't know why. Was introduced to the head honcho of the department and wham-o, weird reaction! Seems to have been PL recognition, for I even heard a voice in my head telling me I knew this man from before. It was pretty shocking.

Well, within minutes I realized I'd already developed feelings that weren't, uh, interview-trip related. Not too cool when you're both married to others.

More I could get into, but at the end of the interview trip I got the distinct impression that this man needed my forgiveness for some old hurt. It was as if it was time to bury the hatchet. So I assume that was at least one reason why we met; there was some old stuff we had to clear up. What was involved, I have no idea.

Flash forward to the present. My husband did get the job so now I see this man around, but only occasionally. Still get weird vibes when I do. Not even always the same feelings - somehow I seem to remember bits and pieces of various past lives. It remains as bizarre as the day I met him.

I sense that even with our limited actual contact, we're on the same wavelength deep down inside, at the soul level. So in my case, I feel that I met this man not only to bury the hatchet, but in a broader sense to trigger my spiritual growth and to obtain a deeper understanding of human nature. The whole experience has made me realize how much there really is underneath the surface that we're not normally aware of.

Your situation sounds much different in that you're able to see this man and can talk to him more openly. Good luck and I hope I've helped you some!
my owm experience

This is a subject that has always fascinated me. I've had a lot of strong attractions to people that might or might not have been past life related,as well as a few revulsions. I'm not sure one way or the other frankly.
However I've had two or three interesting experiences that I feel are rather different and might be signifigant. One concerned a woman I met a few years back. She was married to an old business associate of mine I hadn't seen in years. We accidentally met at a flea market one day and he introduced me to his new wife. It was the weirdest thing as I have never been so attracted to a person in my life, seriously. I desired her like I've never desired anyone before and not just in a physical sense. I remember trying to squasg these feelings as I felt at the time they could go nowhere under the circumstances. She was an attractive woman but nothing special and less atractive physically to many woman I've seriously dated so it wasn't that but I was magnetically attracted to this person I'd never met before I even knew her name. Afterwards as I renewed my acquaintance with my old assiciate I got to know her and later has a brief affair with her that ended quickly but I did learn from her that she had had the exact same attraction for me that I had had for her and had never experienced anything quite the same either.
This probably doesn't sound like anything special through my writing but I'm an older man, and not a starry eyed teenager, and we were not kids when this happened either, both of us being in our 40s at the time.
Another situsation I found strange concerned a girl I was involved with in high school. We had a very intense but stormy relationship for two years and were briefly engaged. After it ended I had a very difficult time getting over her,much more so than would be considered usual. Eventually I moved on and had other relationships and was married etc but I continued to dream about this person coming back to me on a fairly regular basis until I was in my mid 30s with high school being far in the past. To this day I occasionally dream of that person,who BTW barely remembers me as I ran into her 15 years ago,
She was not my first love either, and there have been many others since. I rarely dream about past loves except her. It may not strike you as odd but it always has me that I dream about a girl I was involved with over 30 years ago.
The dreams became less frequent after I turned 40 but still occur. I've discussed this second case with someone and the theory is that this person must have meant a great deal to me in a past existance in which I died young and she lived on as happened in this life in a different way.
Reincarnating with the same ppl

I have been reading alot of everyone's posts on here. One thing I have noticed is that many of you reincarnate with the same ppl over and over again but in different scenarios. Like the same person might be your husband, your wife, your parent, sibling, etc. in different lives. Whats up with that? Isnt it kind of creepy knowing you had intimate relations with someone but now that person is your parent or your child. I'm sorry but Ew! For those of you who have reincarnated and have had relationships like this for example you are now related to your former lover, etc how does it feel? When you find out your family member was a spouse does it make you feel any differently towards them? Would u want to be reincarnated like this ever again? Personally I would be too sickened to find out that i was ever romantically involved with any of my current family members. I would never choose to be romantically linked with any of them. Why would a person choose to be (for example) reincarnated as the daughter of someone they were dating in a PL? I wouldnt want to be coming back as the son or daughter of someone I even found remotely attractive in the PL.
Feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.

They are not the exact same people as last time, and should not be treated as such. In this lifetime, I had a girlfriend who was my daughter in a previous life. Just because she was my daughter before does not mean I should have treated her as my daughter in this life.

People in this life are different than last time. For one thing, it is a different physical brain than last time, which makes a difference. Also, the specific karma that they has chosen to work on in this life is different than before. So, you have nothing to worry about.
Certainly to me the thought of copulating with past, present, or future family members is blah, ugh, ick, disturbing, but more than that, I don’t understand the dynamics of how familial love can mutate into sexual love simply because the person is in a different body. Sexual love is driven by intensities and elements unique to it. As well, almost all cultures have taboos against incest, and apart from genetics we also have the block whereby those with whom we’ve been raised simply aren’t sexually desirable to us, whether or not they’re related by blood. Strangers are a turn-on and family members an instinctual turn-off, in other words. Why does this change?

It’s difficult to imagine that something generally repugnant to our human minds has the approval of our ’higher selves’, or whatever’s in charge of the reincarnation mechanism, and I can’t think of another example where (whatever’s in charge) seems to be working against our human ideals.
If you had a regression session and found out that your spouse (or boy/girlfriend or love interest) whom you love very much and are strongly attracted to, was your parent, sibling or child in a former life, would you end the relationship based only on that? I would hope not.

If you found out that your parent or child was a previous spouse, would you throw out your current relationship with them? Of course not.

Relationships are too important to just throw away. Sometimes continuing, or advancing, an important relationship/association with another soul requires changing the relationship to explore other possiblilities, situations or solve past conflicts. It is important to remember that to the soul, all the kinds of love we experience in life are merely aspects of a larger whole love.
If you had a regression session and found out that your spouse (or boy/girlfriend or love interest) whom you love very much and are strongly attracted to, was your parent, sibling or child in a former life, would you end the relationship based only on that? I would hope not.

Absolutely, yes, of course I would end it. It’s hard to imagine a more compelling reason for ending it. Or, more specifically, the sexual aspect would have to end. If it didn’t, I’d just be gritting my teeth which would make the relationship very inhibited in any case.

If you found out that your parent or child was a previous spouse, would you throw out your current relationship with them? Of course not.

I would have a hard time trusting a parent to act in a parental role if I believed they’d once been in a sexual relationship with me. Not so much, perhaps, because I’d be wondering if they were sizing me up as a potential Saturday night date, but because sexual relationships have elements that have no place in parental relationships, and those elements would still be there. I don’t have children so I can only speculate, but again, I would think that my relationship with them would become inhibited, which seems very sad. I want to be able to love family members unabashedly.

It is important to remember that to the soul, all the kinds of love we experience in life are merely aspects of a larger whole love.

You’re speaking of spiritual, or the Christian ’love everybody’ love. I’ll admit I have a hard time with that for longer than a few moments at a time, but I do think that’s an impersonal love, and isn’t meant to be dependent on either kinship nor romance.
Forgetting is not so bad

I think almost the same way as Sister Grey about getting sexually involved with someone I knew was my close relative in a past life, such as a parent, a child or a sibling. I am not sure how I would react if someone I was already sexually involved with was later found to be a close relative in a past life. Getting to the original topic, I feel I have been reincarnating with my father over a few lifetimes with alternation in parent-child roles. This does not bother me at all. It helps me understand the role of karma in reincarnation. In any case, Sister Grey makes an excellent case for why it is not always in our best interest to know too much about our past lives. Perhaps this is one more reason why more people don't remember past lives.
Obie - Big deal. So our roles change with incarnations. My sister, who was once my controlling, possessive, manipulative husband is now my controlling, possessive, manipulative sister. Not a whole lot changed except the fact that I no longer have to sleep with that person, and that is a good thing. ;)

P.S. I also finally learned to stop such relationships in their tracks. I don't take the abuse anymore. Now that's big. What it took was being with him/her for at least two lifetimes.
I also find it a 'weird' thought that e.g. a relative now, was once a sexual partner. But I still think that even such relations interchange during reincarnations. I also think that it is part of our upbringing, or our culture that makes us feel 'weird' about certain interactions. A few days ago, I saw a documentary about people somewhere in the Himalayas, where it was the custom that a woman took 2 or more husbands. A lot of societies exist where the opposite is true, where a man takes several wifes. And not to mention the 'arranged marriages' that still take place in many countries. I would not be able to live now in a society where someone else (even if it were my parents) decided whom I was to marry !
And don't forget...in Ancient Egypt, the Pharaos married their sisters, to 'keep the royal blood into the family'.
All 'weird' relations and interactions in my present life opinion ! That is why I think that in the past we might have had any kind of relation with persons we know now, because people's view on what is appropriate and what is not, depends on the times and places we live in. There were (and maybe still are) even societies where it is not inappropriate to EAT your fellow humans ! LOL

reincarnating with the same people

In the beginning when I first began to believe in reincarnation I must admit I thought the same thing. But, after understanding reincarnation and its purpose through reading and studying I began to understand and that attitude quickly changed.

Although a lover in this life time could have been a father, brother, or sister, etc., in the past, their spirit is the same, but their body and who they are in this lifetime are not.

I think when we cross over, we have a better understanding of this. Therefore when we are mapping things out on the other side for our next life, we know what we need to experience with that person in the next life and the type of relationship that we need to have. Fatherly, motherly, sisterly or whatever.

I know I met a soulmate in this lifetime that I had a previous life with as a lover and a brother and the love that I felt for him immedately was incredible like nothing I have ever experienced. I feel by all the different types of love. (A love for a brother, father, mother, sister, etc.,) with the same spirit brings a strong love and bond that is unconditional and like no other.

I have also recently thought too, it must also even make the bond even closer after crossing over. To be with a soulmate on the otherside that you had several lifetimes with as a lover, brother, father, etc,.

Ultimately the spirit has to be in the flesh to experience things that cannot be experienced on the otherside.

We have a tendancy of always talking about how the flesh needs the spirit to truly understand ones self. And that is true. But we also need to remember the reason we reincarnate is because the spirit needs the flesh to learn lessons so that we can learn more about ourselves and who we need to become.

Our spirits can not reach its ultimate goal without the flesh. When we reach that ultimate, we no longer have to return because the spirt has achieved its full purpose. To me that is AWESOME! :)


To me the energy between ‘come with me and run wild and through our passion we’ll explore the dangerous places in our souls, for good or ill, where pain and pleasure collide, and from this we will learn and blossom’ is very different from ‘chew your veggies thoroughly, wear your boots, don’t take risks- you’ll hurt yourself, you dumb kid’. Having both impulses emanating from the same soul seems self-defeating.

Of course neither aspect is usually that idealistic or clear-cut - sex is often perfunctory at best or unconnected to love, families are distant or down-right odd, some relationships where sex never materializes are in fact very sexual while some good sexual relationships have no element of daring, and so on. But passionate lover and parental love have been two very powerful - and distinctly separate - archetypal images throughout most of what we know about human history and it’s through having ideals for which to strive that we grow.

Still, I take what Eevee said under consideration - which sort of boils down to ’there’s no telling what humans can get up to’. Anytime I think I understand How Things Work I realize there were entire cultures adamantly insistent that the opposite is the only way things can possibly work. I think I understand the ancient pharaohs for example - believing they were gods and not wanting to breed with the lower species limited their dating fields. But then there were cultures that believed bestiality was the best way to go. An earthly inclination or a Higher Self direction? I have no idea. I just have difficulty imagining that somewhere down the road - I’m ready to expand my knowledge and I’m waiting to meet my passion of that life...the door opens...and it’s Mom. Even if it’s only on a soul level that we recognize each other, isn’t she mostly going to be trying to protect me?
I’m ready to expand my knowledge and I’m waiting to meet my passion of that life...the door opens...and it’s Mom. Even if it’s only on a soul level that we recognize each other, isn’t she mostly going to be trying to protect me?

I think to a certain degree there will be a feeling of wanting to protect you, but also, because that spirit is in a different body and she would not be your mother in this life time there would be other feelings of attraction that would be combined. It is the same spirit but in a different body feeling different type of love feelings. But there is no love like a mothers love, so the combined feelings of the that kind of love along with a passionate love would probably be pretty awesome.

I know when I first met my soulmate, I had passionate feelings for him immediately (because we were married in a past life and was the love of my life in ALL lifetimes) and I did have a protectiveness for him as well. (he was a brother in a past life and we had been through a lot together) And he had those same feelings for me. The two combined created something we've NEVER felt before and it is incredible, strong and everlasting. The feeling and bond cannot even be described.


Close emotion with stranger?


I don't know how to talk about this. its seems bizarre to me, or probably its very common.

I've met this guy at my workplace and i felt as if we have known each other for a long time after the first glance when he came for a job interview. But i simply can't recall when and where i've seen him.

Afterwhich i got to know that he himself actually has this feeling but both of us just cant recall where we have met each other.

Anyone with such encountered?
Hi enviana,

Welcome to the forum.:D I think many of us here have felt the familiarity, or recognition of another, that you speak of. ;)

You may enjoy this thread [thread=1265]Soul recognition and its importance in forming friendships[/thread]

I had a similar experience not so long ago. I met with this girl who you can see on TV and magazines etc. I remember the first time I saw her on TV years ago I thought I must know her from somewhere, but couldn't figure out where.

Now that we were introduced she asked immediately "don't I know you from somewhere?". I told her I'm not sure, but I don't think there's really a possibility we've really known each other. We didn't live close by as children/young girls and I would remember if it happened later.

I don't feel very, very close or drawn to her, so I'm not sure we're kindred spirits or anything like that - and I haven't got a clue why we both think we know each other from somewhere.

It happens to me a lot of times though the strongest cases I had were those;

A friend of mine...I talked about him a lot in my posts concidering he is the only one I have a memory of in past lives. In a past life he was named Larry. ...The first time I saw him it "connected" .....you all experienced that. It's like the person flashes in the lot without having any reasons to and I thought "If I don't talk to this guy I will regret it my entire life." ...ends up he came to talk to me. And I felt relieved at that moment...I didn't know of what at the time. Now I know. We have a connection, he can feel when I'm not feeling well even when I hide it and nobody sees it, even through internet. He can calm me down and make me feel better when no one can, he knows what I need and when. I should talk to him about it soon. He was my fiance

This other friend, Maxime. There was also this "flash" in the croud, like I knew him but I didn't. ...He came to talk to me and the first words he told me were "I know you." ........... he searched the whole night where he had seen me and it never came. I knew, though didn't say a word. .... We're not close friends, we don't hang out much and we don't talk much...but somehow everything comes easy and it feels good when we see each other.........like a long lost friend that you no longer have a link to, but still care for a lot. I somehow think he used to be my sibling. He told me once in a small talk that he believed a lot in buddhism.......Though I still didn't tell him that I thought we knew each other in our past lives.

The other one we have never shared words other than "hey!". I don't even know his name. I should try to have a conversation with him. I know he feels it too. The first time he passed by me he screamed a "HEY!" like if he recognized me...and he does so every time I pass by him. ....Even when we're not on the same side of the street, he'll wave or give a sign that he saw me.

and a lot of others like that...
I had to answer this thread...

I have been thinking about this very same issue lately and just wasn't sure how to post it. I absolutely agree that we usually can't tell these "familiar" people how we feel--either because it's completely inappropriate (as in my case right now) or because they don't believe in the idea of reincarnation. So I guess we often have to settle for a "don't I know you?" sort of thing, or just a nagging feeling of wonder why we "ran into" the person to begin with.

This is actually a common occurence for me. I dreamed about my husband before I met him (twice. Once as a teenager and once a week before I met him when I was in my early twenties) and we have always had an instant "I already know you" connection. With him, it was a very emotional experience from the very beginning and although he used to scoff at the idea that we have had past lives together (he teased me when I first told him I dreamed about him before I met him), he now occasionally says half-joking things like, "I must have done something really bad in my last life to have to be the one to go to work and YOU get to play with the kids all summer." There was just no denying our instant connection. From the very beginning, we have almost known what the other one was thinking, we make the same comments at the same time, etc. Just the other day, we were talking and I knew what he was going to say before he even said it (and it wasn't a common statement, either). I said, "Hey, don't say what you're going to say" and then he said it, word for word. This type of thing happens all the time with us.

Ironically, however, we have often had a very rocky, conflicted relationship, despite all of this connection. That used to bother me because it wasn't my classical idea of a "soulmate" to fight like dogs at times and nearly end up divorced. It used to cause me a great deal of concern because I never had any doubt that we were "meant" to be married in this life, but just as he made me very, very happy, he also broke my heart (and vice versa, I suppose). I finally decided that we might have had things to work out in this life and being connected did not guaranty peace and harmony. Now, several years later, we are more connected than ever and have worked out a great deal of our issues.

But onto other friendships. Most of my good friends, I have felt a type of connection from the first moment I met them. And occasionally, I have met a complete stranger, shared a brief connection, and then never saw them again. Once I was in the grocery store and looked up to see this man looking at me. He was an older, African American man and for a couple of seconds, I just felt very, very happy and light. I smiled at him and he smiled back and then he left. Why? Who knows. But it makes sense that it was a spiritual connection of some sort.

Most recently, I have moved and left behind some people that I really thought were in my life to "stay" at least for awhile. I'm purposely being vague because this is one of those situations where I felt the connection and can't believe these people didn't feel it as well, but it would not be appropriate to say anything (or even let them know how I felt). I know these people meant something important to me in some spiritual capacity and now that I've left, I feel an intense sadness at leaving them behind like I never have before. The only thing that makes me feel a little bit better is knowing that this just wasn't the time to share anything more than the little tiny, passing bit we had. Now is the time for me to be with the people I am currently with and that's just how it goes. But I believe we run into souls again and again, so I guess it will be fine.

Anyway, just had to post on this.
People you are destined to meet(from your past?)

I will ask this question, before I make a post about it, because I recognize that this forum does have a certain focus (PL memories/reincarnation) . I just wonder if, stories relating to surrendipitous meetings with people that you know somehow you were meant to meet, because they had been special to you in the past, whether you both remembered this or not, and also that they were here, however briefly, to fuylfill some task in your present? (terrible explanation, I know). I just thing it is relevant to certain aspects of the whole reincarnation thing.
Happens to me all the time. I have often remet people I have known across various lifetimes. Sometimes in the context of a romantic relationship, sometimes a friend, relative or comrade, mentor or teacher of some form or another.

Sometimes I can specifically identify them and remember the whole story of what happened and relate it to our present life relationship whatever that may be. Other times it is just maybe a single scene without much detail of what happened before or after. Sometimes just a feeling I can't put my finger on, but can occasionally place if I put some thought into it.

I have told a couple of those stories elsewhere, but it puts a real punch into the 'eyes meeting across a crowded room' thing. :)
I believe "absolutely." I've met many people that felt very familiar and they've said the same thing, but we knew we'd never met in this life before. I've also met people that I've felt as though we've picked-up where we left off, but without really knowing where we left off before. I know that probably didn't make any sense whatsoever! I've also encountered people where I have had "flashes" that I perceived as being from past lives that we've shared.
I really believe that most of the significant relationships we have (whether romantic, friendships, or relatives) are with souls we are connected to through past lives. While I don't have any past life memories, I have had so many instances where I meet someone and we just click, and I feel like I've known them forever. Also, I am friends with a woman who is truly psychic and she has confirmed all the "feelings" that I've had. So I definitely believe that we meet certain people for a reason.
Some interesting thoughts. Aurorabelle22, it must be so cool to be friends with a psychic! Also, that what I consider sometimes, about meeting people for a reason, kind of brings the whole PL thing in a circle for me, I mean, even if u can't remember meeting them before, they seem familiar and are back again for some purpose eh MoonDansyr?, and (@ michaldembinski:eek: ) you may meet them in the next life too, because they are part of your 'circle of spirits'. I wish I was more like you tanguerra, and could actually remember.. I have always wondered if I would ever meet Joey again- much less have met him before. I take some comfort in thinking that, maybe we were not really meant to have a long relationship this time around (when we met, I thought I was a little nuts, I couldn't shake the feeling that we had been simple country folk, happily married and crazy about each other for like 60 years!) After my fiance was killed 12 years ago, I asked 'Why, oh why, Lord, did I even get to meet, and fall in love with such a wonderful man (after years of much unhappiness with others) only to lose him after less than two years? After getting to mull over experience other people are nice enough to share, it finally occurs to me that, hey it is not about me, but about HER, my daughter. Getting quite tired- an insomniac because of my health- so being a little abrupt here, but basically we met by a series of weird coincidences when I really was trying NOT to meet anyone, ('hiding' out in the country, 4 months pregnant and finally 'finished' with her dad because of his chronic alchohol abuse, but still commuting to University). He instantly 'fell in love' with my daughter, couldn't wait for her to be born, had an instant bond etc. etc. and saved her life when she was two and a half months old!. He was killed over a year later, and the last thing he said to me (before he returned to his home town for a job was 'Don't wait for me...I'll wait for you, I always will, but don't wait for me.." I never really understood why he said that, I figured we would follow him when she was a little older but... probably more for another post:rolleyes:
I am one of a group of people that found each other after death and reincarnation. Some of the meetings were serendipitous, but most of us were intentionally looking for each other. I looked for a couple of the people in the group and found them through CPL, other people who were looking for me, found me here as well.

It's a good place to come when you are looking for someone you knew in a past life :) You might just find them.

I've been involved in a number of all-night discussions with one of the other members of the Group, who also has a mystical bent this time around. We've been trying to figure out why we all looked for each other and got back together again. And why in one particular location.

Thus far all our reunion has done is give us a chance to rid ourselves of some unwanted past life baggage, in the person of someone we realized that we don't need in our lives anymore. Good riddance, and don't come back.

All we've gotten out of it is a lot of exercise. But, it gives us something to talk about, I guess.

I do believe we all have those special souls we are with many lifetimes, and I am sure there are ones for future lives as well. Whether or not we are supposed to be with them is pretty subjective it seems. Free will is simply choice to live our lives as we choose and knowing that anything we might plan is simply a plan and nothing else-- nothing in life is set in stone. There are some things that are left to chance, and also to the free will of others, I believe- it is not about what or who comes into our lives, it is about what we do with who or what comes into our lives. So, when those special people from our past lives comes into our lives, it is probably to learn something important about ourselves.
Hi missuJoe,

I have met quite a few people I've known in past lives, some were simply passing through -- and others have remained a part of my present life.

I believe those beings with whom we resonate have been with us before -- perhaps many times. The soul bond forged over those repeated interactions is what makes certain people very special to us -- on an entirely different level.

Although there is a definite "knowing" and/or "recognition" with some people, I've found it has been rare to find a profound soul connection. Those, to me, are the most amazing gifts. ;)
